Estrogenic potential (E-Screen)
Prof. Dr. J.W. Metzger
Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Siedlungswasserbau, Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft
Bandtäle 2
70569 Stuttgart
Dr. Bertram Kuch
Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Siedlungswasserbau, Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft
Bandtäle 2
70569 Stuttgart
As a proliferation assay on the basis of human breast cancer cells, the E-screen assay takes an intermediate position in the hierarchy of effect-related test systems used in the overall project.
Aim of this project is to determine the integrating parameter "total estrogenic activity" in samples of selected surface waters (Schussen, Argen), in wastewater and sediments with the requirement to supplement and to expand the central dataset of the project. Due to the low detection limit of < 0.1 ng/L 17β-estradiol concentration equivalents (EEQ) environmentally relevant concentration ranges can be determined via the E-screen assay.
The investigations are focusing on the Acquisition of the surface water pollution and the characterization of entry sources and the determination of water-dissolved and particle-bound fractions of the activity. That allows conclusions about the entry pathes of active substances and the efficiency of elimination strategies based on both simple particle-separating measures and advanced wastewater treatment technologies. Correlations of estrogenic activity and possible toxic effects to specific substance groups will be performed by fractionation of sample extracts.