aim of the project
The project aims at providing a scientifically sound concept for extended sewage and rainwater treatment in densely populated river catchment areas in view to reduce micropollutants and sanitarily relevant pathogens (incl. antibiotic-resistant bacteria) in surface waters.
By a combination of chemical and microbiological analyses (including studies on antibiotic-resistant bacteria) and effect-oriented biological studies which reflect consequences of the applied technologies for biota in the rivers from the molecular to the community level, the effectiveness of the applied technologies will be recorded. In addition, the optimization of the test assays characterizing exposure and effects is envisaged.
key activities
- Prior and after application of different sewage and rainwater treatment technologies (including e.g. combinations of ozonization and charcoal filters) the release of micropollutants and bacteria (including antibiotic resistant bacteria) will be characterized.
- In parallel, the resulting reduction of toxic and endocrine potentials in effluents, stream water, and sediments, and the possible decrease of harmful effects in freshwater species will be recorded by various biological in vitro and in vivo tests.
- Concomitantly, real effects of the innovative cleaning technologies will be traced in the ecosystem by effect analyses in indigenous species including different fish species and benthic invertebrates being relevant as food sources for fish.
- Finally, scientific studies will be accompanied by public relation, dissemination and communication of the results to relevant authorities.