Ben, who was riding an electric scooter stopped in front of the van, touching the bonnet. Youve rejected additional cookies. Nathan Alan Stewart targeted three family homes in Cork Road in Lancaster last September and stole items while the occupiers and their young children were asleep. Marina Westlund, 26, admitted manslaughter on the basis that while she encouraged Butler to assault Nigel Scott but that she did not take part in any physical attack upon him. He was detained again in September last year on a European Arrest Warrant and brought before a special High Court session which granted his extradition. He very candidly says that one of the worst decisions he ever made was to abscond from prison, Miss Chestnut said. However, in court independent veterinary experts said the injuries could not have been caused by a fall but said Bonzo had been subjected to a series of abuse - and two attacks were most likely caused by blunt force trauma. Christopher Meade, 39, from Burnley was sentenced to three years imprisonment after police found thousands of images and videos involving children being sexually abused. See the criminal sentencing guidelines in action on this unique criminal sentence database - crime and criminal sentences with statute and common law - updated daily and linking through to the legal teams involved in the criminal court case. About Jury Service in Northampton County Jury Service FAQ Juror Questionnaire How Jurors are Selected The Trial & Trial Procedure Conduct of Jurors During a Trial What is Evidence? This gang have broken into peoples homes during the night, at a time when victims are asleep in bed and vulnerable, often with children in the house. The operation focussed on two OCGs known as the The General Line and The Flash Line. Ms Smith said "such was the level of concern" over the risk he posed that Webster was not allowed to use a prison phone to speak with him, despite stating that she had "married" him in 2018. A 'dangerous' knifeman who tried to rob a woman at a supermarket cash machine was caught after she lashed out and scratched his face, leaving his DNA under her fingernails. A pervert has been jailed after pleading guilty to voyeurism and making indecent images of children. He detailed a number of incidents in which Shaw had displayed erratic or concerning behaviour in the preceding months, two of which led to him being detained for his own wellbeing. The victim said she could feel her abuser was sexually aroused, the court was told. The 46-year-old, of Hollinshead Street, Chorley, was later charged with possessing cocaine and diamorphine with intent to supply. Philip Burgess said he was constantly worried, he has been diagnosed with depression and has received medication and counselling. A woman fears being disfigured for life after her thug boyfriend smashed a mug across her face slashing her cheek open. I will do everyone close to you., Another message read: If you dont answer Im coming through the door.. Fuller, who appeared via video link, began taking drugs and drinking heavily as a teenager, the court heard, and both of his parents had been drug addicts. The level of violence demonstrated by the offenders was significant, careless and totally unnecessary. Mr Justice Turner said Suleman was the self-described 'captain of the ship' that would eventually go down together, after he followed through the plan 'with obsessive determination'. The court heard that Fuller, 42, has a lengthy criminal career with more than 100 convictions including for offences of assault, possession of a knife, robbery and battery. Defence barrister Anna Chestnut submitted a number of references to the court including letters from Stewarts mum and sister-in-law. This flies in the face of the evidence," he said. A drug-dealer who threw a female police officer against a wall and into a bin as she tried to arrest him has been jailed for 42 months. He caused more than 15,000 of damage to private home and businesses in Blackburn and Darwen and damaged a police car during the incidents on March 5 and September 25 2020. His behaviour was appalling, Miss Thomas added, and said he is now trying to do everything he can to comply with the authorities. Prosecutor Isobel Thomas said: The BMWs owner, Mr Smith, had parked his car outside his house on the afternoon of August 4 in 2019 and left the keys on the table in the front room. The court heard it was thanks to the arrest of another man in Gloucester on July 10, 2019, for an unrelated matter that evidence showing Hassanjee's involvement in drug dealing was found. Prior to the accident, she had previously been known as a highly successful dental therapist and business woman. Craig Walker, 31, was seen acting suspiciously near the child as they slept on a chair at the Lancashire Manor Hotel in September. The cause of death was established at the post-mortem examination to be blunt head trauma. Dashcam footage from a nearby vehicle showed the Golf slows down once the victims are in sight and it then accelerates, mounting the kerb and hits both the man and woman side on and knocks them to the floor. The victims have all described the traumatic impact of what Ocheng, who also uses the name Max and Tyrese, and Ngaunde, who used the aliases DJ Dickson and Jimmy Rowen, did on their lives, including one of them attempting suicide and another being made homeless. The Honorary Recorder of Preston, Judge Robert Altham said: The fear caused was considerable over a lengthy period of time. "Her memory will live on and my thoughts will remain with her family long into the future. She found the sentencing judge was wrong to reduce the sentence as much as he did. The victim suffered life-threatening head injuries including multiple skull fractures. Despite this history, Recorder Michael Blakey decided against considering Bennett to be a dangerous offender and said he would not issue an extended licence with the sentence. In the summer of 2019, police carried out a warrant at the family's 'beauty booth' off Oram Street. A spokesperson for police said: "Again this is a prime example that drug dealing will not be tolerated within our communities, we endeavour and we will continue to disrupt and convict people who are involved in this type of crime which has a real detrimental effect on our communities. You were responsible for putting onto the streets drugs for people who were vulnerable, who would be committing criminal offences to pay for these drugs, involving themselves in violence to pay for these drugs. Dowbekin was jailed for five years. But on September 25 climbed onto the roof of a solicitors firm in Blackburn and began ripping tiles off. In a victim impact statement made two months after the attack, the youngster said she had been unable to return to school since the attack and was having flashbacks and nightmares. Daily Court Status Northampton Thursday 02 March 2023 20:00 The Daily Court Status can be seen here everyday from 10:00 am. The radiographs produced on October 10, 2019 indicate at least two separate episodes of trauma had occurred as some fractures had begun to heal which was the same on December 23. Between January 8 and February 10 in the same year Coulthwaite also spoke with what he thought was a 12-year-old girl called Rebecca. Any deep-seated traits could be rectified by a lengthy period in custody where she has access to help and access to medication and is able to hopefully, once and for all, get rid of these difficulties, Miss Thomas added. I hope today's sentencing provides a sense of justice to his victims and also sends a stark message that GMP will ensure anyone found to be engaging with a child in a sexual manner will face the serious consequences of their actions.". He will serve 12 months concurrently for sexual communication charge and three years concurrently for the sexual assault charge. The victim, whose throat Davidson had threatened to slit while in possession of a large zombie knife, was taken to hospital with injuries to her face, shoulder and back. Officers said victim and the men made off in a red Ford Focus car which was later involved in a crash on Euston Road. In court. He said: "She says the incident when she was struck with the mug was the most terrifying experience of her life. During the sentencing process, further thefts, which pre-dated this investigation, were taken into consideration. He was sentenced at Preston Crown Court earlier this month. Mr Hopkins said: "He went on to tell her she was nice and they carried on chatting. He appeared at Preston Crown Court and was jailed for 12 years. This court has wireless Internet access available within the building. The judge, Beverley Lunt, told Juned he was starting to look like a serious criminal. He was arrested on March 3 and released on bail with the condition he must not contact his victim or go within 100m of her home or place of work. Michael Ellison broke into the victim's home on Turkey Street in the early hours of April 19 this year. The judge, Recorder Peter Atherton, said Swann, of no fixed abode, had cruelly abused the trust of his victims. Judge Menary added: "It also must be that she had in some way met this Mr Langaigne at the time when she was awaiting sentence before me, if she married him in 2018.". The victim suffered a significant cut to his elbow, cuts to his ears and was left struggling to walk due to a knee injury. Cranfield was later arrested and charged with attempted murder. Jennings, 33, punched David Wilding 21 times to the head in the savage attack at his home in Chorley. A thug who walked into a Lancashire house and attacked one of the occupants with a vodka bottle was sent to prison for 32 months. Private interview rooms are available on the first floor. The schoolgirl was forced into a cupboard and ordered into a dog cage as McCrudden, Angel Moore and Harriet Hallam set upon her in a drug-fuelled frenzy. Lancashire Constabulary said Mr Dean had been driving a white Renault Master van westbound on the A583 when he was involved in an altercation with Rowbottom, who was driving a metallic blue Nissan Micra car. Jakes mother, Donna Horrocks, provided a victim impact statement to the court in which she described being taken to see her son at the Royal Preston Hospital after the collision. Mr Holden said: It was an unhappy time for him in Lancashire and he began to engage in the activities outlined in the pre-sentencing report.. Liam Hughes, 24, of Robson Street, Everton, who used an encrypted device with the handle Bleakmoth pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply Class A Drugs cocaine and heroin, conspiracy to supply Class B drugs cannabis and conspiracy to possess/covert/acquire criminal property. A 'callous' thief who talked her way into the flat of a vulnerable pensioner before punched him on the ground and trying to steal from him has been banned from all sheltered housing properties in Lancashire. Rebecca Smith, prosecuting, said prison officers at HMP Styal searched Webster and another woman's cell on July 29 last year. Crime Scene Investigators attended the break in at the vets, with some blood spots found inside. A man was left with life-changing injuries after being punched where part of his skull is missing. The day after the Wigan burglary the Nissan was found crashed on the M6 near Lancaster. An eight-week suspended sentence for refusing to provide a specimen after drunkenly driving his dads car was also activated to be served at the same time. The damage to Matthews skull and brain had already been done by that stage, and despite receiving medical attention and specialist care at Royal Preston, doctors were, sadly, unable to save him. Neil OBrien, 19, of Prestwood Crescent, Knotty Ash, was jailed for six years for conspiracy to commit burglary and conspiracy to steal motor vehicles. On one occasion last November Mayers told Miss Langtree she had better get round (to her daughters) straightaway as he was going to finish it once and for all. They have lived in constant fear of your threats of violence. She was rushed to hospital by paramedics after feeling her skin peel away. Simon Jackson, 51, befriended a vulnerable family, buying sweets, playing games and babysitting the children. They followed him back into his home and promised to phone 999 while the husband went upstairs to sit with his wife, who died later that day. On that basis he asked for the case to be adjourned. Walker, 33, was charged with his fathers murder and earlier this year he pleaded guilty to diminished responsibility manslaughter. More than a dozen members of two organised crime groups (OCGs) who exploited vulnerable children into hiding and selling Class A drugs in Accrington have been jailed for a combined total of more than 60 years. Mr Glasgow told the court Jones made the searches between 1.30am and 6am, before attempting to wipe them from her phone and iPad at around 7am. Rossendale Police successfully applied for a CBO following his conviction. In a powerful victim impact statement from Alison's family read out at court, they said the impact of her death has had 'far-reaching consequences, the effects of which will never leave us' and that their 'lives have changed forever'. "It has affected her friendships. A woman's ear was bitten off during a booze and cocaine fuelled frenzy at a house in Burnley. Both men admitted to importing class A drugs. The good news is that carrying out a UK court record search is now easier than it was before. He was roused from his sleep in the middle of the night and pitilessly attacked and stamped on in his own home, wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. Paula Heathers, 50, of The Green, Stoneycroft, was sentenced to 14 months, suspended for two years and 115 hours of unpaid work for possessing criminal property. Derren Stewart, 29, of Derby Road, Northampton. He was confronted by a mother who had taken two children swimming, who called him a paedophile and raised the alarm. On July 27 the defendant had used Instagram and was making enquiries with Jet2 about the location of Mr Burgess, believing him to be in Greece, and asking how best to contact him, Miss Pilling said. This was after me stabbed to death unarmed PC Keith Palmer, who was 48 years old. Paul Barker, 37, suffered life threatening injuries when he was stabbed almost all the way through his body by Joshua Kenny on August 31 2020. At least four witnesses described Fielding offering people up to 20,000 to attack or kill her ex, with one woman saying: From the moment I met Tracey I have known her asking people to kill Ray.. His references speak of another side to this man who contributes to local football, who is a loved brother, uncle and son.. Prosecutor Stephen Parker said: He enquired if they might take up lodgings at her B&B. This included Fusilier Lee Rigby's murderer Michael Adebolajo, radical preacher Anjem Choudary, fellow 'Muslim Patrol' yobs Jordan Horner and Royal Barnes, and bomb-making manual hoarder Afsor Ali. Ellison then proceeded to use the victims bank card three times in the space of an hour. In the early hours of November 20, police were contacted by a member of the public who had seen a man attempting to break into the Illuminati Bar on Hammerton Street using an angle grinder. When Skinner was challenged about the transactions he admitted photocopying the victims card and using it to pay for some food orders, train tickets to Newcastle and Ed Sheeran concert tickets. He was sent down for 20 years at Preston Crown Court. He was taken to hospital but died the following day. The burglaries took place after Stewart had absconded from Kirkham Prison. She said he would buy her credit for her phone and then arrange to meet her. Hindle, whose son and sister attended the sentencing, was given a life sentence and will serve a minimum of 27 years. Liverpool Crown Court heard the couple were drinking together in the early hours of Monday, October 26 last year. Monaghan was also charged with an additional charge of perjury but it was decided it was no longer in the public interest to pursue a prosecution. PC Bevan tried to place him in handcuffs and the defendant threw his right fist back and connected with PC Bevans mouth. David Green, formerly of Leyland Road, Southport, admitted possession of the drugs with intent to supply after police uncovered the illicit goods at his home. Connolly then contacted 'boss' Chatwood to report the incident and later the same evening "a number of people were saying they were aware of the taxing". On searching the car, police discovered the huge amounts of cocaine, as well as three mobile phones. He said that the Lowestoft RNLI Lifeboat and the HM Coastguard helicopter from Hull helped rescue the men, who were airlifted to hospital in Gorleston in Norfolk. Suhail Mogra, of Whitehall Place, has been jailed for almost three years after being caught by police who were posing as the girl online. John Smith, of Norman Road, was stopped by police in a black Audi in Victoria Street in the town on the evening of August 28 last year. Two East Lancashire thugs who broke into a home and threatened a mum and her kids with a hammer in an attempt to steal a litter of puppies have been jailed. Hunt, of Whitburn, Skelmersdale, told police that his earnings from selling the Class B drug was 200 a week. Det Sgt Mark Nelson, of Lancaster CID, said: This must have been an absolutely terrifying and traumatic experience for the victim and I can only dread to think what may have happened had her screams not been heard. At 4.04pm on October 5, 2020, officers were called to a property in Rolleston Road following a report a woman in her 20s had been stabbed. Sam Oakey, 32, was at the wheel of a stolen Landrover Discovery, which he had borrowed from a friend, when he sparked a police chase through Bispham. She genuinely believed he was a successful businessman.. ", Find BBC News: East of England on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The gun and shotgun shells were later found in the car. He was sentenced to eight years in prison. Appearing at Preston Crown Court, Suliman was found guilty of the rape which occurred in the early hours of February 1, 2020 and also sentenced yesterday. Preston Crown Court heard Reid, of The Sands, Whalley, was using the poolside changing village when he exposed his penis and performed a lewd act in the presence of a 10-year-old child. They refused and as a result, the driver advised that he would not drop them off, opening a rear door to allow them to exit. Hawkins, 29, was arrested by NCA officers eight days later. Preston Crown Court heard how she had been walking to the cash machine when Davis approached her from behind holding a knife. But Judge Andrew Jeffries refused to consider that apology when sentencing, saying the only mitigation he would consider is the impact of Covid-19 on prison conditions. Mr Hopkins explained that a search of Tidys home found remnants of cocaine in a bag as well as names and numbers written on an envelope which indicated an involvement in drug dealing. Henwood had told Hindle that Mr Fisher had been violent to a puppy and a child and also made a false allegation that he was a child sex offender. "It was a horrible experience, but like a lot of elements of the job I have put it to the back of my mind. The second complainant shouted at him to ask what he was doing, how hed got in.. Calin paid for adverts offering the woman for sex on classified advert website Vivastreet. Judge Simon Newelll, sentencing, told him: You were caught red handed by the police.. Two doctors, returning home from a shift at the hospital, also heard her screams and took a detailed description of the attacker and noted the direction he had run in. But the 55-year-old didn't get to give the girl the mint Aero chocolate and WKD he bought her because instead of a schoolgirl he was greeted on Longsands in Preston by police who arrested him for his sickening offences. Defence barrister David Traynor, representing Fuller, said the fight was short-lived. Both Reader and Welch showed no emotion as they listened to how their actions had impacted on Marion's family. He hoped the defendant, of Eskbank, Skelmersdale, West Lancashire, could avoid reoffending. The incident occurred in the early hours of December 25 2019, after Seery had attended a Christmas Eve gathering. During a trial at Preston Crown Court, he was also found guilty of 19 other offences against four other women he had been in relationships with, spanning twenty years. Police attended Formby Beach to disperse a group of 200 people who had gathered, Mr White said. Officers this time found cannabis worth 120 in the car and Hunt gave the same explanation and stated that he was already on bail for similar offences. "Mandy was a caring and compassionate lady who had often helped out her neighbour Alan Fare. A former hospital worker has been jailed for 30 months after being convicted of sexually assaulting a number of women. A judge said Yankey, who used to run martial arts classes at schools in Blackburn and Darwen, had shown "absolutely no remorse" as she jailed him for 13 years. Clarke, of Bacup Road, Rossendale, then drove the Golf up and down Bacup Road a number of times and only stopped when a member of the public threw a metal gate at the cars windscreen. Roberts stated he agreed as he was threatened with violence if he didn't comply. Witness appeal after A590 crash at Askam-in-Furness roundabout, A Volkswagen Polo left the road and police believe several people were walking nearby, Lancashire estate residents fume at their '1990s kitchens' while rents keep going up, Residents of Clayton Brook's Places for People homes have expressed their fury over rent prices increasing as they feel they are not getting the service they pay for, Army veteran terrorised neighbours with a 12-inch knife after downing 70 cans of Stella a week, Anthony Bell had been drinking at least 10 cans of Stella a day during numerous incidents with neighbours, Lancashire's 'Little Lake District' offering 'breathtaking' views and pub with open fire and real ales, The area is popular among workers and well worth the effort, Burnley predicted starting team vs Blackpool as Anass Zaroury and Ian Maatsen decisions awaited, A look at the team Vincent Kompany could select for the clash against the Seasiders, Tell us your favourite scenic place in Lancashire, London has been voted the most scenic city in the world - but we think there's much prettier places right on our doorstep, Blackpool FC Bloomfield Road development gets go-ahead for multi-million pound investment, Investment includes 6.5m from Blackpools Town Deal, with Blackpool FC owner Simon Sadler also expected to plough money into a new 4,600 seat stand, Football lout thought it was 'hilarious' to grab teenage girl's crotch after England match, Jordan Wilkinson also allowed drug dealers to stash 37k of class A in his house, Waterfoot Easter holiday bonanza with movies, shows and arts and craft activities for kids, Friends of missing Dan Hives say 'our world has stopped' as they desperately search river, Dan was last seen at around 9.30pm on Saturday December 10 - and his friends and family say 'more should be done' to find him, Rossendale fruit and veg legends celebrate first birthday of new stall, We have had a fantastic response from customers", Sleeping man woke as thug was in middle of sick dumbbell attack, During the attack, the male victim lost a tooth, suffered a displaced nasal bone, multiple lacerations to his face and jaw fracture, 'Surreal, such a beautiful train' - huge turnout as Flying Scotsman rolls into Hyndburn, It was an amazing sight and to see it on its centenary was even better", 'Fool' put fake plates on stolen minibus but didn't bother covering logos, The van was found nearby to where it was stolen from a school, Pub blasts customer who was bemused they wouldn't take chicken out the freezer, Feroz Suleman, 40, of Shear Brow, Blackburn, Lancashire - 34 years in prison for murder, with 28 years for attempted murder, Ayaz Hussain, 36, of Calgary Avenue, Blackburn, Lancashire - 32 years in prison for murder, with 26 years for attempted murder, Antony Ennis, 31, of Grasmere Court, Partington, Trafford - 33 years in prison for murder, with 27 years for attempted murder, Abubakhar Satia, 32, of Oxford Close, Blackburn, Lancashire - 28 years in prison for murder, with 23 years for attempted murder, Uthman Satia, 29, St Huberts Road, Great Harwood, Lancashire - 28 years in prison for murder, with 23 years for attempted murder. Mr Ashman was run over by Levi Young while out in Blackpool town centre before the cowardly driver got out of his car and ran away from the scene. Michael Fearnley, from Skelmersdale, blamed his shocking violence on the effect of drinking up to 10 pints while on a high dose of medication. A search by the border force uncovered 243kg of cocaine hidden in a specially constructed wastewater tank onboard the vehicle. Gratas Mitkus, Mantas Vitkus and Liudvitkas Luksys then detained the victim and took him back to his Skoda, before driving off. Radhika Saujani leaves Northampton Crown Court following a pre trial review over an alleged offence under the Computer Misuse Act. Thats how serious it is. "The order made by the court means that even once he is released from prison he will continued to be monitored. "How could I live with myself for the guilt I feel, not knowing that day I would never see her beautiful smile or hear her warm laughter ever again.". On one occasion an unknown male answered his phone and she was told he was probably inside which she took to mean he was in prison. He said: "These OCGs, led by Amar Hussain and Sohail Khan deliberately targeted and shamelessly exploited some of the most vulnerable members of society for their own financial gain. At Preston Crown Court prosecutor Bob Sastry said: Mr Parkinson noticed damage to the rear French doors. The victim, aged 36, has now returned to Romania. He grabbed her hair and started punching her in the head repeatedly, Miss Patel said. Connor Hegarty, 27, touched the school girl inappropriately and repeatedly asked her about having sex both in person and in text messages. Deens, who is thought to have made off from the taxi, was arrested in Merseyside following a country wide appeal for his arrest. Hegarty, of Fairburn, Skelmersdale, finally faced justice at Preston Crown Court after belatedly admitting three counts of sexual activity with a child - but only after first denying it and forcing her to give evidence in court. The phone, which was also seized, was found to have drug dealing messages dating two months back. But Preston Crown Court heard Hernandez had remained in the UK to make a murder plan against his wife. On August 7 last year Snape called Miss Cobham up to 60 times demanding that she speak to him and sent a number of threatening messages. Flatley was arrested on August 1, 2019 at his home address as a result of forensic evidence, uncovered by a National Crime Agency-led project, linking him to the weapons seized. A pre-sentence report revealed Watson had been taking drugs at the time of the offences and he had reacted in a way which was frantic and impulsive. Daniel Janner QC, defending, told the court a lengthy sentence for his client would effectively be a 'death sentence'. Richard Howarth, prosecuting, explained that the hearing would cover offences dating between March 2019 and July 2020 and had been delayed by Bennett leaving the country. A child rapist who handed himself in to the police eight years after he "denied it and got away with it" has been sentenced to 12 and a half years. Mr Burgess had worked for Jet2 for 41 years and in a victim personal statement said he feared the false allegations could lead to him losing his job and damaging the companys reputation. A jealous thug who armed himself with a hammer and knife before hunting down and stabbing a father in an alleyway has been jailed for life. Holly Nelson, defending, said Granite did not instigate the assault but was unable to distance himself from what happened.