Each side needs to accept the truth and virtues of the other side and not be so convinced that their way is the only way. disgraceful. The Baal Shem Tov cleaned up their mess. Is bizayon BH Inside, they hung photos of the recently released Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin and a sign Thank You Prez Trump who pardoned him. Toward the end of the school year, many eighth-graders and high school seniors on their graduation trips to Washington make Ner Yisroel a significant part of their itinerary. Anonymous letters dont cut it for me even ones that are apparently decent. How can u even ask someone those questions ? What do you expect when the whole Lubavitch constantly makes fun of misnagdim? and shame the name of their yeshiva. The three week sessions take place twice a year on Ner Yisroels campus: for South Americans on their summer break during the Northern Hemispheres winter, while Mexican and Central American teens attend the summer session. Be careful what you say here, its a public forum. how could a jewish school do such a thing! 250 Bathurst Glen Drive A Freilichen Purim. when the students didnt now any better than shame themselves CV! Its not like the school advocated this as part of a policy of lets make fun of Chabad. There is nothing new here and u can have whatever perspective of it you would like positive or negative or neutral but publicly inciting hatred against another yid is most probably an issur even on Purim. 1. Its clear that lots of time was invested into tgese props, wasnt just a disrespectful joke. And has no logical implications. Good for the bochurim who went to apologize but it isnt that courageous like some other commentator thinks. Boys. How true! it is no secret where they go for fun. This shameful exposure that you hoped to keep for the inside sonei chabad is nowRead more . always look at the bright side, its purim!!! Our boys were busy before Purim packing thousands of mishloach manos for mivtzoyim, practicing to Lein the Megillah, learning about Purim, planning their routes I barely saw my boys on Purim they were so busy with mivtzoyim Boruch Hashem! in my work environment, a litvish colleague remarked about Tanya as not valid. Perhaps this will be the start of something good in a revealed way. Should the Shliach end off the Bracha in a whisper or out loud? The Rebbe is the Nasi Hador and to make a mockery is playing with Fire. Guess who got into trouble? The apology letter seems inauthentic to me but knowing the age of the boys, Im actually okay with it. Apparently they still dont get it, including the hanhalah. Sign up here to receive the alumni newsletter, Toward the end of the school year, many eighth-graders and high school seniors on their graduation trips to Washington make Ner Yisroel a significant part of their itinerary. Assuming that halacha is important to the hanhala then they know that even being nevaze a Yid who is not physically alive to ask mechila then they must go to their kever kal vechomer the Rebbe. Home > 2022 > Junho > 22 > Uncategorized > ner yisroel news. Take responsibility and reprimand your students and reinforce discipline throughout your faculty! I am sure they felt true remorse but now the hanhola had to show that they can behave like mentchen. It is true that they are not the same, YU now has a mashpia Rabbi Moshe Weinberger from Long Island, who is a big Chosid of the Rebbe, but maybe there is still hope for Ner Yisroel. The school should be ashamed of themselves! In 1972, he was appointed as the 9th grade maggid shiur, teaching for over 35 years. when the yidden showed such spontanious simcha /achddus and ahavas chinom at the sudden and miraculous release of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin we all felt the footsteps of Moshiach SO the satan got busy and with the help of RUACH SCHTUS a bunch of kids in a good yeshivah fell And besides, how many times have Lubavitchers dressed up as not Lubavitchers onRead more . This has been up for a while and the hanholo pretend they had nothing to do with this. Rabbi Simcha Cook, Menahel of Mechinas Ner Yisroel, admitted that the photos circulating on social media showing various displays about Chabad were authentic. Sheliach shel Odom KeMoso Some of them apologized. Many Lubavitchers dont love every yid as they say they do. I thank these bochurim. Then, as now, Toronto was blessed with lay leaders with Torah vision. Thanks for saying whats on all of our minds. This shtick was done by not all, but some of the 54 members of the N.I. My Rebbe told me a story tonight. If yes, he would use this as an educational opportunity, and take all the students to the Ohel to ask Mechila in public (as this is the true Halocho.) The younger bachurim and kids who dont know too much about the history between chabad chassidim and other Jews see these things and question. Doesnt feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot. I know. Meanwhile, all Lubavitcher holidays should be observed at Ner Yisroel with farbrengens and toasts to the Rebbe, . We were so sorry to see the of mischanneled in a into disgusting . but who here would like their private thoughts and speech about the non-lubavitch world made public? This was childish and offensive. Theres Sefardim, Ashkenazim, Belz, Satmar, etc etc. On the contrary, on numerous occasions I was thanked sincerely and politely by various bochurim for the work that I was doing. Camp Or Haner was founded in 1986 by Moshe Fuller zl, a Ner Yisroel talmid and native of Mexico. TheRead more . Talmidim are trained that Torah must remain at the center of one's life, regardless of his occupation. This didnt happen in 30 minutes. It is not on stationery from the school. Thornhill, Ontario Gegent is a business and community directory created by COLLive to promote community businesses and help consumers find helpful and up-to-date information and reviews on shopping, products, vendors and services. The class rooms the front door the yard outside. Use it for kelipa or kedusha. DONT MESS WITH THE REBBE, I live in baltimore ner yisroel has been making fun of lubavitch Delay. The next time they are asking for kosher food in some far location for their vacation they can forget about chabad.These are sick people, Again they missed out the h. What terrible spelling. The families and Yeshivah is guilty. He is the author of many books dealing with commentary of the Bible and Commentaries. Chief Rabbi on Aharon Barak: 'He doesn't know the 'Shema Yisrael' prayer, that's a Jew'? Sadly knowing that the aebischer is watching everything just isnt enough these days. They can start saying the Rebbes kapitel every day after davening for a start. If this is an example of what their torah study inspires them to do, n. They went personally to the Sheliach A group of bochurim who identified as students of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore visited the home of Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, Director of Chabad-Lubavitch . if they had a Mezuzah checking station ,They should check their Mezozos ( personally I think they need to be fixed). No one else knew or helped. 12 Adar, 5783, Manchester Community Asks to Help a Respected Chabad Family, Ari Halberstam Would Call the Rebbetzin "Dodah", Chabad on Campus Introduces New Two-Year Shlichus Program, 2 Bochurims Podcast Dives Deep Into Lifes Challenges and Triumphs, Expand 770 Activists Recite Entire Tehillim at the Ohel, Achei Tmimim Students Tested on Basar Bcholov. They knew exactly what they were doing! I felt so sad that something so disrespectful can happen in a Frum school. Litvish is false consciousnesses. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. Just because you dont show it to them doesnt mean you dont feel or say how much fun you make of them and of their gedolim too. Period. These are people who have their Judaism confused. about time NER YIDROEL had a pic of the Rebbe on the wall , a mikva , some mivzoyim going on there , Hiskashrus with the rebbe , a yechi sign etc! I grew up in that kind of community. And the rosh yeshiva???? Just accept it and move on. This is like eating kashe in tomchei temimim. An integral part of the Ner Yisroel experience is the interaction between its three divisions: the Mechina, Bais Medrash and Kollel. The chabad shluchim have been advocating for a moment of silence in public schools so that the children can be afraid of the eye that sees and the ear that hears. They formally apologized. Not descend to Litvak bashing? the REBBE and his Chassidim whose whole purpose is to Is it justified? We are SO LUCKY that our chabad boys are busy with productive and beautiful things!!! Even if not all of our teenagers are doing what they are taught, at least they know what they should be doing. (Then, lets make sureRead more . The hanhalah If Chas Veshalom it happened there would be Lubavitch wide condemnation. vycnievajuca hrudna kost support@missionbadlaav.com; closest city to glacier national park Menu. The most interesting of these, Throughout the year, various groups of alumni and Kollelim schedule Yarchei Kallah, Friedman Family/Hurwitz Education Building. And you even agreed that one thing was too obviouslyRead more , litvish bochrim have nothing to do on purim and are nebach very boredso they do childish things to keep themselves busy. 40-having experience in both camps the sina isnt 2 way! Just keep on spreading light and takingRead more . He was one of the most well-known and beloved figures in Baltimore's frum community. When we were given the Torah we wereRead more , A real rachmanus on these boys that they are so misguided and are involved in such stupidity. With In-depth Coverage of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem News and All the Latest News From the Israel-Palestinian Conflict and the Jewish World. I encourage others to call the school and voice your disapproval. ROTFL! If you cannot beat em join em! And then they hate. Please let me know which of our moisdos would allow a blatant anti snag carnival. may we have the coming of moshiach!!!!!!!! Really your going to say Take it easy because its purim?! This shtick was done by not all, but some of the 54 members of the N.I. Thats so lame!! The 2 boys that delivered it are so sweet I hope the Shlucha invited them in for a cup of coffee and some chocolate Babka. Either Tanya or sichos of the Rebbes. the only thing is weve been taught to hide our mockery. Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger, president of the Ner Yisrael Rabbinical College in Baltimore, passed away this week after being ill for the past year, according to Jewish news sources. This is a double standard, calling out others, then cursing them out, claiming all sorts of falacies just because u can comment anonymously. However, the laws of ahavas yisroel and loshon hara are always in effect. Every dollar quadrupled for 36 hours. See in the comments here, they say Kotler, Schach, etc. its a pathetic place!! Chas vshalom this could lead to teachers sticking up for students when they do things that hurt others. Everyone should look in the mirror and ask what he or she can learn for his or her own avodah. exuse me how would you react if we made an exibit about your rebbe you wouldnt like it you respect you rebbe hopefully and we respect ours tremendosly.next time you have time on your hands do something usefull or at least respectfull! Why are you posting these despicable pictures? In short, they monitor the number of evenings per week (usually two) one can register for classes. BYU art show questions news literacy, finding fact vs. fiction. Its about time you have respect for Gedoli Yisroel. This is a good beginning. Plz take the letter down - its not an apology, Refuse to accept this apology until they go go ohel, Where is the BSD on the Top of the letter. In the meantime, at least send them letters of the Rebbe and weekly sichos to start learning chasidus. Get on with it. you cant have such a theology without making enemies. Althoug it would be proper for them to apologize in general for the leitzanus of Chabad. I wish to think it s not the norm. He served for many years as Assistant Menahel to Harav Yosef Tendler ztl. It might not have been done Leshem Shomayim, but it accomplished getting pictures of the Rebbe in their Mesivta. I have to say its super original and creative. The exact location will vary between the main shul and the downstairs Beit Midrash. The Yeshiva must assume some responsibility. Making fun of litvishe roshei yeshiva etc does nothing for Chabad and is simply bad education. With great sadness, undoubtedly. Is this what our future gedolim are being taught? You should be ashamed of your self. It is available in Eretz Yisroel through Rabbi Klein (02-653-6578), and in Lakewood by the Sirota Family at 166 Daniel Drive (732-370-0663). The Rebbe is about ten thousand times greater then any otherRead more , shame on ner isreal.They are a choshesh onto am yisroel. Do we make fun of the Ltivishe in our homes/communities/schools? Appreciate it for what it is, learn from it, and move on with life. Spot on. Its all out in the open. 3) They wrote a note that included speaking our language including terminology from Chabad Chasidus. I dont know what to make of the letter but I definitely would not invite any of these people to my place, Begins writing a page with Bsd or Bh on top Where were they? Shame on him. Etc. How many people wore long peios, shtreimels There is just a lot more about us to make fun of. Until they Dont interfere between the Rebbe and the Shluchim If this is the hachana for Purim, imagine how empty Purim itself is. Over. Heres their full letter as sent to COLlive.com: As bochurim from Ner Yisroel, we want to express our desire for the achdus of klal yisroel. It caused widespread uproar over its mockery of Chabads customs and even the Rebbe himself. We dont like being mocked, we shouldnt mock other Jews. and in the gemara it says you should think of your leader as mashiach, Rabbi Simcha Cook ext. Reall all the signs. It was done by 16-year-old kids who are in 11th grade, he said. These boys and teachers, principals are no different than those wearing swastikas. But not anger. That detracts nothing from Tomchei Temmimmim to say this and acknowledge I totally agree with you. Rather, they should be placed on probation after this grave sin for a period of five years and a monitor appointed to institute PC sensitivity training. This isnt Purim! this seems to be chilul Chabad not chilul hashem, Wow i am chabad and i do find this pretty funny U have to admit All u people who are saying its disrespectful and making those boys sound like there criminals your over exaggerating That is what they know of chabad and we should look at ot differently now how can they do this to lubavitch? But look how much they know about lubavitch? Not a Gadol Byisroel. If will after these kids for life. There must be some inner turmoil these kids have and some admiration that, unable to express normally, comes out in this type of behavior. When I called the yeshiva to bring the to their attention the distinguished Rabbi Shftel dismissed it as just a Purim Shpiel. The apology has been made because a group of yidden are upset. We are emailing the school and suggest everyone does. March 2, 2023. Many Bochrim there engage in Intense Torah learning by day and college at night, which has identified NI as tilting more to the left in the Yeshivisher world. Disavow, A slight turn, HaRav Beryl Weisbord is the son-in-law of Moreinu VRabbeinu Harav Weinberg ztl. This involves our Rebbe! Go hate haman instead. Nusach. They evidently have no first-hand experience with Chabad and obviously have never seen the Rebbe. Iysh lrayayhu- Bring them closer with love -send the students and staff weekly sichos and letters of the Rebbe. Tomorrow, but it should be allowed to happen? Or Haner provides teenagers from Latin America with an environment of warmth, friendliness, fun, and connection to Yiddishkeit that is best suited to create a meaningful and happy connection with their families, their communities and their Jewish heritage. Im also pretty sure you can find professors in Harvard that are Talmidim Chachamim. No. What a disgrace. 2. Lubavitch is disrespectful to Misnagdishe gedaylim. Rabbi Greenberger, dean, joined our staff in 1991, after completing 10 years of graduate work in Talmudic Research and Jurisprudence. this would never be aloud in our moisdos, of course the hanhala knew. Its totally ridiculous that it was put on social media. It is truly a sad day for Judaism. They really want to be part of it. If they mark those occasions as is done in Crown Heights, then we will know for certain that they have changed. Sadness because, while their grandparents were in Litvisher Yeshivos working so hard with the self centered goal of becoming gedolim, our grandparents were in Russia risking their livesRead more . Its genuinely funny. now they finally got busted, As a lubavitcher bachur, a shliach in a yeshiva, this is hard to see. Its nice to see some boys had charata. THANK YOU REBBE!!!!! Did they make a mockery of him specifically? the rebbe said that there are no real misnagdim today. Chasidus was started at YU; now bring it to Ner Israel. Either way, its rare for Lubavitchers to have a visceral hatred to a fellow Jew of any other community sect within yiddishkeit. Ner Yisroel is dedicated to producing Bnei Torah that reflect their unique strength and personality.