And when talk turns to dark shadows, the robe in which you’re wrapped, negative things are never far from the surface. Deadline for applications: 4th of January 2021 . Page created - August 20, 2010. 6,545 people like this. This includes the cancellation of all performances. Audience Award residency in Bern for a movement research in season 2020.2021. Schedule. Tanz - Vermittlungs und Performance Projekt. Nov. 2020. This includes the cancellation of all performances. What’s Next in Restructuring the Dance Ecosystem. 031 631 39 11 Entrance_qualifications.docx Appendix Admission Requirements Academic Year 2020/2021 applies to all admissions as of the autumn term 2020 . Tanzsport ist für jedes Alter geeignet. Other school classes pay CHF Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Thu 5. This includes the cancellation of all performances. 30 minutes cast: max. 3,739 Followers, 499 Following, 775 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Konzert Theater Bern (@konzerttheaterbern) // tanz // Bartók Power! Where: Bern, Switzerland. residency in Bern for a movement research in season 2020.2021. More information: Featuring: Peeping Tom, Jefta van Dinther, Doris Uhlich, Alleyne Dance, Miet Warlop, Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft, Joachim Schloemer, Blasphemic Reading Soirées. We were looking forward to our yearly ray of light and to getting together with you, our audience. The box office opens one hour before the performance starts. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. العربية; ESP; РУС; DE; FR; Where to watch. Winterliche– Tanz - Glücks - Gefühl im Chillout Restaurant Löwen Boswil erleben. Page Transparency See More. For season 2020/21 artistic director and chief-choreographer Georg Reischl is seeking a FEMALE DANCER and a DANCER APPRENTICE. "The Tuning Research Group" (2020) - a two hours long event at the Festival Instant Composition in Zürich. 238 Followers, 232 Following, 159 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Corinna Hirt (@tanzszene_bern) Find event details and tickets information for Tanz in Bern: Jefta van Dinther - Dark Field Analysis Hosted By Dampfzentrale Bern. März 2020 angeordnet, dass an allen Schulen, Hochschulen, privaten Schulen, Tanz- und Bewegungsstudios bis zum 4. 660 likes. Gaga online classes is live-streaming classes from Tel Aviv and New York City. April 2020 kein Präsenzunterricht mehr stattfinden darf. The exhibition Time Present with works from the Deutsche Bank Collection at the PalaisPopulaire, is devoted to international photography from the 1970s to the present.The show examines how artists deal with time and the basic questions of photography: What different levels of reality and time does a photograph capture? Kurator: Félix Duméril. Vom 18. FRAU TROFFEA – Frequence Moteur / Festival Südpol Luzern / sept 21 & 22. Event Planner. Veranstalter BETA Verein Berner Tanzschaffende E-Mail: Website: « SWAN@LAKE A TALE OF OBSESSION – ABGESAGT! Sat 24. Ein Projekt im Rahmen des Tanzfests in Bern 2012. Darkness is, therefore, expressed in the form of discrimination: Racism, sexism, populism and ableism – discrimination or prejudice against disabled people – divide society into us and them, belonging and not-belonging. Its members have, therefore, invited the composer and electronic musician Sam Pluta to write a composition for saxophone… Oct. 2020. Dance Studio . Where: Regensburg, Germany When: Sunday, 8th of March 2020, 11 o’clock Deadline for applications: 23th of February 2020 For season 2020… Advance sales for Tanz in Bern have started. See more of Fraktion Tanz on Facebook. 20:00 Uhr (with Keynote Speech by Nina Edwards) 75 minutes. European Dancehouse Network together with Fondazione Fitzcarraldo present the report with results of "EDN in Times of Covid-19" survey with responses of 38 dance houses from 23 different countries. - 20.09.2020 bespielen wir im Rahmen des BETA Stage Festivals die Gewächshäuser des Stadtgrüns Bern. Are there sides to your character that are admirable? Unser Angebot. People. Bern, Bern, Switzerland venues. information contained therein. Our «Nachtgeschichten» still shorten the longer nights: You’re the scene of many a horror show, your kingdom is full of horrifying tales of death and misery. Tanzcompagnie Konzert Theater Bern and its director Estefania Miranda are looking for male and female dancers with strong classical and contemporary techniques as well as improvisation skills for guest contracts in season 2021.2022. Dampfzentrale is, therefore, dedicating the 12th edition of Tanz in Bern to you. Further Information here. Weitere Informationen zum Stück unter: ***** Bartók Power! Event Planner . Latest information if you are invited: 17.01.2020 We kindly ask you not to call or email concerning the status of your application. live. Log In. Guided night-time tour in Tierpark Dählhölzli / Perfomance Alleyne Dance / Sport in the Dark / Night-time stories feat. Please register at: Performance: 120 minutes. 16th–20st of June 2020. For two and a half weeks, dance performances will help bring darkness to the stage. Mittwochs abends in Bern: Neuer Tanz mit/ avec Adrian Russi & Manou dt/ fr/en / flyer non specified WORKSHOPS maintained with "easy going" COVID RULES:31. Dance. For two and a half weeks, dance performances will help bring darkness to the stage. Tanz in Bern Dear Darkness, 24 Oct - 8 Nov 2020. Dance. ; 21. Contact Fraktion Tanz on Messenger. commission for Tanzcompagnie Konzert Theater Bern in season 2020.2021. Over the course of the summer, EDN member Lokomotiva (North Macedonia) conducted the first edition of its International Summer School. In 2020, the Konus Quartet is searching for new musical inspiration. For this performance we offer an audio description for people with visual impairments. Feel free to look around and … If you want to watch these dances or emotes in action, you can click on each image to watch a video about them or learn more. Antonia Baehr (D)LachenSo, 7. It’s about time that we took a closer at you. The festival Tanz in Bern is cancelled! When: 3rd or 4th of February 2021. Für den perfekten Salsamix sorgt wieder DJ Volcano. "Rare Window 2" (2020)., a performance in a small window, at Progr Bern. Perform Europe supports experiments with more sustainable ways in cross-border physical and digital distribution of the performing arts in the 41 Creative Europe countries with a view to designing future support schemes for the sector. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at Geniesse am Samstag 12. You now have the opportunity to eliminate prejudices. Professional experience of at least 3 years after graduation is mandatory. September 2020 Salsa Tanzen auf 2000m – Auch diese Jahr tanzen wir wieder zu heissen Rhythmen auf dem Stockhorn. DAS interkantonale Tanzstudio mit dem gewissen Flirtfaktor für Jung und Alt, Singles und Paare Premiere 06/11/2020 Habitat / Bern (pandemic version) Dampfzentrale Bern (postponed due to Covid-19 to 2021) Coproduction Tanzquartier Wien , Münchner Kammerspiele , Tanzfestival Rhein-Main ( Künstlerhaus Mousonturm / Frankfurt a. M. and Hessisches Staatsballett in the frame of Tanzplattform Rhein-Main), Dampfzentrale Bern and insert Tanz und Performance GmbH See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Dampfzentrale (EDN member) is looking forward to see you in Bern, Switzerland for the 12th edition of its festival. We will treat your information with respect. Supported … BETA Stage vereint die Berner Tanzszene vom 29.8. bis 20.9.2020 zum dritten Mal zu einem attraktiven Pop-Up Tanz Festival mit fulminantem Abschluss in Richtung Tanzhaus Die Berner Tanzszene wird stärker und grösser. Contact TanzArt on Messenger. Bei der Dampfzentrale Bern entscheiden Sie, wie viel Sie für ein Ticket bezahlen. Dampfzentrale is closing its doors until the 30th of April. Aprillen, Marzilistrasse 47, 3005 Bern, +41 (0)31 310 05 40, Advance sales for Tanz in Bern have started,,,,,, Aughterlony / Emch / Fistarol / Kapusta / Smith (CH/DE), Hanna Hedman, Bruno Pocheron, Isabelle Schad / Good Work Productions (D), Cie Random Scream / Davis Freeman (USA/BEL), Chris Leuenberger, Igor Dobricic, Roger Sala Reyner (CH/SRB/ESP), Cecilia Bengolea & François Chaignaud (FR), Liquid Loft/ Chris Haring & Jin Xing Dance Theatre (CHN/AUT), les ballets C de la B/ Lisi Estaras (BEL), Yan Jun, Wu Na, Lao Gu, Xiao He, Li Daiguo (CHN), Laurence Yadi, Nicolas Cantillon / CIE 7273, Harrell / Bengolea / Chaignaud / Monteiro Freitas (USA/ARG/FR/PRT), Cecilia Bengolea & François Chaignaud (ARG/F), Christian Rizzo / L’association fragile (FR), Arco Renz, Daniel Kok & Eisa Jocson (BEL/SGP/PHL), Jefta van Dinther & Cullbergbaletten (DE/SWE), Lisi Estaras (ARG) & Ido Batash (ISR) / MonkeyMind Company (BEL). Twenty Swiss police were injured and over 60 were arrested when a politically-tinged techno parade in Bern turned ugly. Grab a beer, relax, and listen to two inspiring scientists sharing their research. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Dezember 10, 2020 Dezember 10, 2020; Where: Bern, Switzerland. 6 … TICKETS Tanz in Bern 2020 . TICKETS Tanz in Bern 2020 . Tanzcompagnie Konzert Theater Bern and its director Estefania Miranda are looking for male and female dancers with strong classical and contemporary techniques as well as improvisation skills for guest contracts in season 2021.2022. During Tanz in Bern, Dampfzentrale offers an audio description for people with visual impairment for Jefta van Dinther. Community See All. November, 21:00 UhrDampfzentrale Bern«Wie würde ich mich selbst beschreiben? A Function to uplift us in difficult times. Beweggrund Bern offers online movement workshops with Jürg Koch for children, young people and adults on 6.6. and 20.6.2020 at 5 pm. For some, you managed to help slow down their daily routines, allowed them to reflect on their lives and eliminated the permanent stress of choice. Acknowledging the challenges the European dance sector is facing, EDN’s online conference provides insights into adaptive measures across Europe, emerging practices and current needs, envisioning a renewed dance ecosystem after a period of crisis. Ob Paartanz, Linedance oder Everdance alle haben Platz bei uns. 112 visits. 1 talking about this. Many people are still weighed down by the coronavirus pandemic. The 12th edition of the international dance festival of Dampfzentrale Bern explores the ambivalences of darkness. 4 Admission with a degree from a University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule) 61 were here. Masks compulsory. Unser bestbekannter Tanzmusiker erwin live wird die Tänzer an diesem Nachmittag musikalisch begleiten. 95 likes. The dance couples from the federal capital are starting their new tournaments and championships under the 30 minutes cast: max. When: 3rd or 4th of February 2021. künstlerische leitung & kuratierung Estefania MirandaZum 6. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. TTKB is defined as Turnier Tanz Klub Bern (German: Dance Club Tournament Bern; Switzerland) rarely. or. People will return to Dampfzentrale Bern. RT News App RT Question more. Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2020 Art Basel 50 Years Figure Residentielle Fondazione Prada Cinema Novembre Magazine & The Community Manuel Moreno The Last Souvenir Kino Xenix All XS - Soft as Ice Armani Beauty Counterpoint Association Jana Zornik Fiona Kruger Zurich Culture Tanz in Bern Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2020 Figure Residentielle Armani The Last Souvenir All XS - Soft as Ice Tanz … Abbreviation Database Surfer « Previous; Next » Tennis Teknology (Italian tennis clothing company) The … In Absprache mit BAG, Kanton Bern und unserem Berufsverband wollen wir diese Weisungen konsequent umsetzen und unsere Verantwortung zum Schutz für uns alle wahrnehmen. Swiss premiere / DZ Co-production. Forgot account? Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. CANCELLED // Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft (DE) Sitzen ist eine gute Idee. Die Choreografie von Edoardo Deodati, Tänzer der Tanzcompagnie von Konzert Theater Bern, für Piano Chapters. I mean, your shade provides us with pleasant coolness on hot days, you accompany us every night, enable us to focus our concentration and bring us peace and calmness. Dampfzentrale (EDN member) is looking forward to see you in Bern, Switzerland for the 12th edition of its festival. Mal findet mit der Tanzplattform Bern das etablierte Festival für Nachwuchschoreografen statt. Vier Tanzpremieren und eine Wiederaufnahme in den Gewächshäuser der Stadtgärtnerei Bern. Oktober... Choreographie: Marion Zurbach, Jürg Koch Leitung: Jürg Koch Anmeldung: 1. Bin ich die Person mit dem braunen Haar? … 6,681 people follow this. 1 page, PDF, in English with photo and complete contact details 1 video link to the dance piece to be submitted duration: min. Deadline for applications: 4th of January 2021. Lokomotiva - Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture (Republic of North Macedonia) in partnership with Oracle Cultural Network organise the 22nd “Oracle - International Congress of Cultural Managers and Cultural Operators”, a three-day online event. The costs will November in Bern (CH): "Blue Tantra" - Water Explorations & Dances, flyer; 27.-29. Dance. In 2020 I was a teacher for Contemporary Dance at ASBallet Professional Dance Program in Bern. September 2020 EMail: This definition appears rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. For more information about our privacy practices please visit our website. KULTURERBE, TANZ! Supported by participatory offerings and thematically driven events from the fields of art, science and education, they ensure the festival is an aesthetically beautiful, emotionally enriching and intellectual experience. September 2020 den Abend auf 2190 m.ü.M. Hanadi in Kooperation with Kampnagel Hamburg, The only feminist-anti-racist tattoo meeting in Switzerland, Diptych: The missing door and The lost room, with Milena Patagonia (musician and journalist). 1 page, PDF, in English with photo and complete contact details 1 video link to the dance piece to be submitted duration: min. The festival Tanz in Bern is cancelled! Do these frightening attributions they assign to you actually do you justice? Veranstalter BETA Verein Berner Tanzschaffende E-Mail: Website: « SWAN@LAKE A TALE OF OBSESSION – ABGESAGT! PSEUDOLOGIA – Les Mémoires d’Helène / Fabriktheater / Premiere dec 30. 1268: Solstice Party: 20.06.2020, 21:00 - 03:00 (Saturday) Einmaliger Anlass: Dance Passion: Hameau: 1205: Swing ONO: 15.11.2020, 20:00 - 23:00 (Sunday) Swing Ono mit einer unvergesslicher Aussicht auf 200 Alpengipfel. Edoardo Deodatis piece on the road for Piano Chapters! Tanz in Bern. Dance. 305 likes. Choreografie / Tanz: Karin Hermes mit Cynthia Gonzalez, Laura Imperiali, Marjoline Minotte, Marco Volta Kollektiv Bern Retour mit Gianna Grünig, Franziska Roelli, Laura Stierli, Vera Stierli, Vivianne Balsiger. Dampfzentrale Bern Marzilistrasse 47, 3005 Bern, +41 (0)31 310 05 40, Open one hour before and after each performance, Tanz in Bern feat. Tanzcompagnie Konzert Theater Bern and its director Estefania Miranda are looking for male and female dancers with strong classical and contemporary techniques as well as improvisation skills for guest contracts in season 2021.2022. Link/Page Citation. Due to Covid-19 containment measures, the Tanzmesse did not take place physically in 2020. Sign in to get statistics for your attended concerts! Some visitors will write you a letter like this one, accuse you of things you may or may not have done or simply thank you. Oktober - Sa 10. Preise pro Vorstellung / Preiskategorie frei wählbar: Kleiner Preis / Normaler Preis / Liebhaber*innen-Preis . The project Europe Beyond Access supports disabled artists to break the glass ceilings of the contemporary theatre & dance sectors. Dear darkness, you are an ambivalent phenomenon. The second edition of 500WS in the Pub is almost here! Meet them and greet them. 10 minutes, max. Title: BERN Guide Mai 2019 - April 2020, Author: Bern Welcome, Name: BERN Guide Mai 2019 - April 2020, Length: 100 pages, Page: 34, … Anfragen bitte per Mail an Das TanzArt Bern wurde 2003 von Babuche Gruber gegründet. Switzerland's oldest dance club, founded 67 years ago, the Tanz Klub Bern (TTKB), decided on the occasion of its general meeting on July 17 to give itself a new club name. be covered by Schulamt Stadt Bern. Tanzcompagnie Konzert Theater Bern and its director Estefania Miranda are looking for male and female dancers with strong classical and contemporary techniques as well as improvisation skills for guest contracts in season …