Roland Freisler (lahir 30 Oktober 1893 – meninggal 3 Februari 1945 pada umur 51 tahun) adalah seorang yuris dan hakim Jerman Nazi. Cited by Wayne Geerling, see below in the Bibliography. Roland Freisler, president of the Nazi's People Court (Volksgerichtshof), was Hitler's blood judge. Roland Freisler rose from small-town lawyer to chief judge, prosecutor and jury at the Nazi Ministry of Justice, where he oversaw thousands of trials of opponents--both real and imagined--of the Nazi regime. Colonel Robert Rosenthal. Freisler was attending law school upon the outbreak of World War I in 1914 which interrupted his studies. Headed the Reich Ministry of Justice. On this day.. 1938: Vladimir Beneshevich, Byzantinist - 2020 [13], He strongly advocated the creation of laws to punish Rassenschande ("race defilement", the Nazi term for sexual relations between "Aryans" and "inferior races"), to be classed as "racial treason". Five minutes later, air raid sirens sounded. The most common consensus for the judge’s death was that it was the middle of a trial for Fabian von Schlabrendorff , and once the sirens went off announcing a bomb raid, Judge Freisler adjourned court to run for cover. By the time of the attack on Poland, in September 1939, he was an Oberleutnant in a Motorized Infantry Company, and went on to serve in the Balkans campaign, as well as in Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union. No! He was an officer cadet in 1914, and by 1915 he was a Lieutenant and won the Iron Cross of both classes. Als einer der 15 Teilnehmer an der Wannseekonferenz gehörte er zu den maßgeblichen Verantwortlichen für die Organisation des Holocaust. Roland Freisler has been listed as a level-5 vital article in People, Jurists. "Freisler" redirects here. The Bolshevik provisional authority which took over responsibility for Freisler's prisoner of war camp made use of him as a "Commissar" (as he was described by them in his repatriated prisoner of war paperwork in 1918) administratively organizing the camp's food supplies from 1917 to 1918. "[28] His body was buried in the grave of his wife's family at the Waldfriedhof Dahlem Cemetery in Berlin. He was a prominent ideologist of Nazism who influenced the Nazification of Germany's legal system as a jurist, and attended the Wannsee Conference which set in motion the Holocaust. In February 1933, after Adolf Hitler had seized power over the German state, Freisler was appointed Director of the Prussian Ministry of Justice. "[7][8], Freisler was a committed Nazi ideologist, and used his legal skills to adapt its theories into practical law-making and judicature. This website makes use of cookies to ensure that the website works properly. [7] It is possible that, after the Russian prisoner of war camps were emptying in 1918, with their internees being repatriated to Germany after the Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers had been signed, Freisler for a brief period became attached in some way to the Red Guards, though this is not supported by any known documentary evidence. He chaired the First Senate of the People's Court wearing a blood scarlet judicial robe, in a hearing chamber bedecked with scarlet swastika-draped banners and a large black sculpted bust of Adolf Hitler's head upon a high pedestal behind his chair, opening each hearing session with the Nazi salute from the bench. Freisler's mastery of legal texts, mental agility, dramatic courtroom verbal dexterity and verbal force, in combination with his zealous conversion to Nazi ideology, made him the most feared judge in Germany during the Third Reich, and the personification of Nazism in domestic law. 20-Aug-1862) Mother: Charlotte Auguste Florentine Schwerdtfeger ("Florentine", b. In 1943 he tried and handed down death penalties to Otto and Elise Hampel, whose true story inspired Fallada's novel. Judge President of the People’s Court Roland Freisler in 1944. He was known to be interested in Andrei Vyshinsky, the Chief Prosecutor of the Soviet purge trials, and had attended those show-trials to watch Vyshinsky's courtroom performances in a similar capacity in Moscow in 1938. Roland Freisler was born on 30 October 1893 in Celle, Lower Saxony, the son of Julius Freisler (born 20 August 1862[1] in Klantendorf, Moravia), an engineer and teacher, and Charlotte Auguste Florentine Schwerdtfeger (born 30 April 1863 in Celle – died 20 March 1932 in Kassel). He was appointed President of the People's Court in 1942, overseeing the prosecution of notable political crimes as a judge, for which he became infamous for his aggressive personality, humiliation of defendants, and frequent sentencing with the death penalty. This article has been rated as Start-Class Comments. The trial began on August 7, 1944. [26] Freisler's body was found beneath the rubble still clutching the files he had stopped to retrieve. In October 1939, he introduced the concept of 'precocious juvenile criminal' in the "Juvenile Felons Decree". The number of death sentences rose sharply under Freisler's rule. Roland Freisler blev født i Celle, moderen Charlotte Schwertfegers hjemby.Faren, Julius Freisler, var diplomingeniør og var født i Mähren.Sønnen studerede jura i Jena, til han i begyndelsen af 1. verdenskrig meldte sig frivilligt til 1. Seventy-four years ago on February 22, Sophie Scholl was sentenced to death by the notoriously delusional President of the Peoples' Court, Judge Roland Freisler. It's entirely unclear what the last entry in 'Fictional Portrayals' means - apparently something in Dutch? He published a paper entitled "Die rassebiologische Aufgabe bei der Neugestaltung des Jugendstrafrechts ("The racial-biological task involved in the reform of juvenile criminal law"). (roughly, "You really are a lousy piece of trash!"). However, despite his talents and loyalty, Adolf Hitler never appointed him to any post beyond the legal system. This "provided the legal basis for imposing the death penalty and penitentiary terms on juveniles for the first time in German legal history. [3] He had a younger brother, Oswald. [27] A foreign correspondent reported, "Apparently nobody regretted his death. "[25] Luise Jodl, then the wife of General Alfred Jodl, recounted more than 25 years later that she had been working at the Lützow Hospital when Freisler's body was brought in, and that a worker commented, "It is God's verdict." "[17] Between 1933 and 1945 the Reich's Courts sentenced at least 72 German juveniles to death, among them 17-year-old Helmuth Hübener, found guilty of high treason for distributing anti-war leaflets in 1942. He was an officer cadet in 1914, and by 1915 he was a Lieutenant and won the Iron Cross of both classes. 20 July 1944 plot—Trials before the People's Court (Volksgerichtshof) -- YouTube video in German—Shows Roland Freisler in action: This page was last edited on 21 January 2021, at 17:25. Roland Freisler (Celle, 30. listopada 1893. [19], Freisler became notorious during this period for berating each member of the steady stream of defendants passing before him, in a personalized injudicial manner from the bench on their way to their deaths, often shouting and occasionally yelling at them – particularly in cases of resistance to the authority of the Nazi state – in an enraged, glaringly clarion but dramatically controlled harsh voice, using a mastery of the craft of artificially professional legal courtroom "performance". For other people with the surname Freisler or Freissler, see, Contribution to the Nazification of the law, Freisler's death saved Schlabrendorff, who after the war became a judge of the. [25] Among the files was that of Fabian von Schlabrendorff, a 20 July Plot member who was on trial that day and was facing execution. 1925-ben lépett be az NSDAP-ba. ), bio je prominentni i zloglasni nacistički sudac, a ranije odvjetnik za vrijeme Weimarske Republike.Freisler je postao Hitlerov Državni tajnik Ministarstva pravosuđa i predsjednik zloglasnog Volksgerichtshofa (Narodni sud), koji je bio izvan ustavnih ograničenja. Freisler, Roland, born 30-10-1893 in Celle, Niedersachsen, the son of an engineer, saw active service during World War I. When a Jewish baby cried and made too much noise,a Nazi soldier, would grab it by its feet, swing the body until its head hit the steel side of a truck or tank. Its separate administrative existence beyond the ordinary judicial system increased its notoriety, and despite its judicial trappings it rapidly turned into an executive execution arm and psychological domestic terror weapon of Nazi Germany's totalitarian regime, in the tradition of a revolutionary tribunal rather than a court of law. [4], On the morning of 3 February 1945, Freisler was conducting a Saturday session of the People's Court when United States Army Air Forces bombers attacked Berlin, led by the B-17 of USAAF Lt. [4][20], In 1943, Freisler punished several members of the White Rose resistance group the Gestapo had brought before him by ordering their executions by beheading by the guillotine (Fallbeil). The shift from cold, clinical interrogation to fits of screaming rage was designed to psychologically disarm, torment and humiliate those on trial, while discouraging any attempt on their part to defend or justify their actions. These actions were viewed by Freisler as Wehrkraftzersetzung (undermining defensive capability) and were punished severely, with many death sentences. Roland Freisler (30 October 1893 – 3 February 1945) was a German Nazi jurist, judge, and politician who served as the State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of Justice from 1934 to 1942 and President of the People's Court from 1942 to 1945. Harcolt az első világháborúban, és orosz hadifogságba esett. "Protecting the National Community From Juvenile Delinquency: Nazification of Juvenile Criminal Law in the Third Reich", a chapter from the author's dissertation. Ein Hoch auf Roland Freisler, diesen dem Gesetz dienenden Richter. Hitler bediende zich van een aantal getrouwen. [6], While a prisoner, Freisler learned to speak Russian and developed an interest in Marxism after the Russian Revolution had commenced. Roland Freisler (Celle, 1893. október 30. "[17], On 20 January 1942 Freisler, representing the Reich Minister Franz Schlegelberger, attended the Wannsee Conference of senior governmental officials in a villa on the southwestern outskirts of Berlin to provide expert legal advice for the planning of the destruction of European Jewry. But he first stopped to grab the file on Schlabrendorff. [8] Another possibility is that after the Russian Revolution the description "Commissar" was merely an administrative title given by the Bolshevik authority for anyone employed in an administrative post in the prison camps without the political connotations that the title later acquired. Military service: German Army (1914-20) Father: Julius Freisler (engineer, b. Took part in the 1942 “Wannsee Conference”. ", One of Freisler's most notorious public appearances came during the trial of defendant Ulrich-Wilhelm Graf Schwerin von Schwanenfeld. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Roland Freisler at the Discogs Marketplace. [12] In this document he argued that "racially foreign, racially degenerate, racially incurable or seriously defective juveniles" should be sent to juvenile centres or correctional education centres and segregated from those who are "German and racially valuable". Karl Roland Freisler (30. oktoober 1893 Celle – 3. veebruar 1945 Berliin) oli Saksa jurist ja kohtunik.. Roland Freisler oli pärit inseneri perekonnast. [7] A differing account stated that Freisler "was killed by a bomb fragment while trying to escape from his law court to the air-raid shelter," and "bled to death on the pavement outside the People's Court at Bellevuestrasse 15 in Berlin". náci jogász és bíró volt. He justified the new concept with: "in times of war, breaches of loyalty and baseness cannot find any leniency and must be met with the full force of the law. After studying at university he became a lawyer. Baggrund. "Drei Todesurteile pro Tag" (Three death sentences per day), 'Freisler, Political Soldier,' 'Der Spiegel' 23.9.1968, review of 'Judge in a Red Robe - Freisler, President of the People's Court' by Gert Buchheit (Pub. Karl Roland Freisler war ein deutscher Jurist, dessen berufliche Karriere in der Weimarer Republik begann und im Verlauf der Diktatur des Nationalsozialismus zu ihrem Höhepunkt gelangte. "Sophie Scholl and the White Rose" - Annette Dumbach & Jud Newborn - 2018 -, Granberg, Jerje. Party Comrade Freisler is usable as only a speaker though and is unsuitable for any position of authority because of his unreliablity and moodiness." He was State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of Justice and President of the People's Court (Volksgerichtshof), which was set up outside constitutional authority.This court handled political actions against Hitler's dictatorial regime by conducting a series of show trials. Paul List, 1968). Roland bol pohotový právnik s úžastným intelektom a rétorickým umom, no však on sám cítil, že nechce byť naveky len právnikom, ťahalo ho to do politiky. That might have been because he was a lone figure, lacking support within the senior echelons of the Nazi hierarchy, but he had also been politically compromised by his brother, Oswald Freisler, also a lawyer. AP dispatch from Stockholm, reprinted as "Berlin, Nerves Racked By Air Raids, Fears Russian Army Most,", Will, George F. , "Plot failed, but the spirit lived," reprinted in, Buchanan, William, "Nazi War Criminal's Widow Recalls Nuremberg,", Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers, Ulrich-Wilhelm Graf Schwerin von Schwanenfeld, Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany, "Digital Archives of the Regional Archives in Opava", Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law,, "100th Bomb Group Foundation - Personnel - LT COL Robert ROSENTHAL", Europe at War 1939–1945: No Simple Victory, Ulrich Wilhelm Graf Schwerin von Schwanenfeld,, "The Top Secret Trial of the Third Reich, documentary", Newspaper clippings about Roland Freisler,, World War I prisoners of war held by Russia, Recipients of the Iron Cross (1914), 1st class, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox officeholder with unknown parameters, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing additional references from May 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2016, Articles with dead external links from April 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Geerling, Wayne. The adoption of racial biological terminology into law portrayed juvenile criminality as 'parasitical', implying the need for harsher sentences to remedy it. Freisler looked to racist laws in the United States as a model for Nazi legislation targeting Jewish people in Germany. Roland Freisler (* 30. október 1893, Celle, Nemecká ríša - † 3. február 1945, Berlín, Nemecko) bol nemecký sudca, jeden z predstaviteľov nacistického Nemecka a …