im Tierheim seit 15.02.2018. letzte Aktualisierung 17.05.2020. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. En cuanto al perro de agua español, podriamos decir que tienen un temperamento cariñoso y muy devoto con su familia y gente con los que el perro esta acostumbrado a vivir, pero son desconfiados y timidos con aquellas personas que no conocen o con los que no estan acostumbrados a convivir. He was highly valued for his keen sense of smell, sight and sound and outstanding learning ability. They presented an Introduction Seminar at a UKC venue in South Carolina in 2001 and showed the first SWD at a UKC Mult-Breed show in the Summer of 2004. Alles, was Sie über die Hunderasse Perro de Agua Español wissen sollten: Geschichte, Pflege, Fotos, Charakter, Namen und mehr Menü klicken Hunderassen - Alle Hunderassen ( … Der Spanische Wasserhund hat einen langgestreckten, athletischen Körperbau. Welche Krankheiten Training The intelligence of the Perro de Agua Espanol makes training fairly easy. Always eager to learn new things. Kinderlieb nein Geeignet für Erfahrene Größe mittel Vi str var efter att f sunda, arbetsvilliga hundar med utm rkt temperament och extri r! Bona Espero. Här på Perro Rizados kennel bedriver vi en liten uppfödning i hemmiljö av rasen Perro de Agua Español. Diese Pause ist ein Muss. Den har samma ursprung som franska barbet. En cuanto al peso, se encuentra entre los 18 y los 22 kilos en los machos y entre los 14 y 18 kilos para las hembras. It is believed to have been introduced by the Turks who traded in sheep and used them as sheepdogs, but the exact origin of the breed is purely speculation. The approximate measurements are: The SWD is diligent, loyal, affectionate, and intelligent. Explorar. Training The intelligence of the Perro de Agua Espanol makes training fairly easy. standard, n. 336 /03. Der nichthaarende, intelligente, sehr arbeitsfreudige und gelehrige spanischer Wasserhund stellt sich vor.Einst gezüchtet in Spanien als Helfer der Fischer,Hirten,Bauern und Jägern. This website was made with a … As with all dogs nails should be trimmed. Erwähnt wurde diese Rasse erstmals im 17. Temas De Fotografía. They spearheaded the first International SWD discussion list and were the first owners to use their SWD for herding in the United States. Registering your dog is important if you are a breeder or if you intend to participate in purebred canine shows and events. Good socialization at an early age greatly helps them cohabit with small children.[1]. Spanish Water Dogs should never be clipped like Poodles, as he is a natural-looking breed. It is believed to have been introduced by the Turks who traded in sheep and used them as sheepdogs , but the exact origin of the breed is purely speculation. Some of the color names are self-explanatory, others are less so. Big Dogs. FCI-Gruppe 8: Apportierhunde - Stöberhunde - Wasserhunde. The SWD can be seen in a variety of colours. [citation needed], Historically, the SWDs were primarily used as herding dogs to move the flocks of sheep and goats from one pasture to another. El perro de agua español tiene fuertes vínculos genéticos con otras razas de agua como el perro de agua portugués, el poodle, el perro de agua francés, y el perro de agua irlandés Historia. [citation needed], Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, American Kennel Club Foundation Stock Service, "TECPR2 Associated Neuroaxonal Dystrophy in Spanish Water Dogs",, Articles needing additional references from May 2007, All articles needing additional references, Articles with a promotional tone from December 2014, Articles needing expert attention with no reason or talk parameter, Articles needing unspecified expert attention, Articles needing expert attention from December 2014, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2014, Articles with minor POV problems from December 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Height (at the withers): 40–45 cm (16–18 in). Spanish Water Dogs have a lot of energy and need daily exercise. While these dogs can still be found working in the mountains of southern Andalucia herding goat and sheep as they have been for the last 1000 years, the breed has taken on new jobs in today’s society: search and rescue, drug and bomb detection. When matting does occur they should be gently pulled apart without tearing the cords. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. Geschlecht/Kastriert Männlich, Kastriert. Explorar. Saved by Josefine Ögaard Josefine Ögaard Perros de Agua Clederagua, Villa del rio (Córdoba). [citation needed], In about 1975, two enthusiasts, Antonio García Pérez and Santiago Montesinos, travelled around the countryside of Southern Spain, through the remote villages and farms of the mountainous region of Andalusia and bought or borrowed a number of dogs from the shepherds that they felt most fit the type they were looking for to establish a breeding program. In unserem Verein "Perro de Agua Español Initiative Deutschland e. V." dreht sich alles um die Hunderasse Perro de Agua Español - Spanischer Wasserhund. Tamaño del perro de agua español. El Perro de Agua Español es una raza que siempre se ha caracterizado por su gran versatilidad y puede ayudarnos en casi cualquier tipo de tarea, ya sea de caza, pastoreo o pesca, y lo mejor de todo es que es un perro muy obediente que, por regla general, se adapta fácilmente al medio y a la familia que lo acoge. The dogs should be bathed in a shampoo that doesn’t lather. Although the Spanish Water Dog, or Perro de Agua Español, is an ancient breed that traces back many centuries, it was first officially recognized in Spain in the early 1980s. El Perro de Agua Español es un perro leal, obediente, de buen temperamento y alegre al que le encantará disfrutar de toda la familia, si bien tiende a establecer un vínculo especial con un solo miembro de la misma. This website was made with a Trial Version of Site Studio. Care This breed needs very little grooming. [citation needed], Originally there were three separated populations of SWD in Spain with somewhat different phenotypes and sizes. He was highly valued for his keen sense of smell, sight and sound and outstanding learning ability. Today, the breed is well mixed and most SWD are well rounded and have a balanced of traits. The Spanish Water Dog (perro de agua español) breed is used in Spain as a general purpose sheepdog and guard.It is also used sometimes as a gundog, and is skilled at retrieval from water.. Mit seinen langen Rasterlocken und seinem aufgeweckten und freundlichen Temperament ein Hund, den man einfach so hätte mitnehmen können. However, they are sophisticated and highly adaptable. 09. Spanischer Wasserhund Perro de Agua Espanol Perro Schweiz Zora im Tierheim seit 28.10.2018. letzte Aktualisierung 24.05.2020. [citation needed], The Canadian Kennel Clubs Listed and Miscellaneous Breeds was amended to include the Spanish Water Dog as a listed breed effective as of 1 September 2008. 22-nov-2018 - Explora el tablero de Alicia Lopez Argudo "Perro de agua" en Pinterest. "Health Issues." Perro de Agua Español Breed Type: Working / Water Dog Country of Origin: Spain Popular Names: Spanish Water Dog, SWD, Barbeta, Perro Patero, Laneto, Churro, Perro Rizado, Andalucian Turk, Turco Andaluz Size: Medium Height: (At the withers) Males 44 – 50 cm, Females 40 – 45 cm Weight: Males 18 – 22 kg, Females 14 – 18 kg Best suited as: Pet or working dog with an active owner or family. The eyes are expressive and set fairly wide apart. Utseendet och arbetsuppgifterna varierade beroende på var i Spanien den levde. The SWD is a medium size, athletic, robust dog that is slightly longer than tall. Gets along with other dogs, but may chase cats. Cords are never combed, but left in their natural state. Spanish Water Dog can be registered with the Foundation Stock Service (FSS) of the American Kennel Club (AKC). Instead, it should look entirely natural, as though it is not groomed at all. spaansewaterhond, perro de agua espanol, spanish waterdog, spanishwaterdog, perro de aqua espanol The Spanish Water Dog (SWD) has strong genetic links to other water breeds such as the Portuguese Water Dog, The Poodle, the French Barbet and the Irish Water Spaniel Ulliga vattenhundar har funnits i tusentals år, och rasens ursprung är oklar. Their athleticism and extremely hard working nature leads them to excel at any number of tasks. im Tierheim seit 15.02.2018. letzte Aktualisierung 17.05.2020. im Tierheim seit 28.10.2018. letzte Aktualisierung 24.05.2020. For example, they were taught to work with fishermen as well as being taught to retrieve when hunting with the farmers. Spanska vattenhundar är anpassningsbara och glada hundar. Der Cao de Agua portugués gewährleistet zudem schwimmend die Verbindung hin und her zwischen dem Schiff und dem Festland, auch wenn die Entfernung recht groß ist. The cords that form on the coat form naturally. Det är trolig att de härstammar från Turkiet och togs till Spanien därifrån. Ha vista, olfatto e udito molto sviluppati. Cao de agua Português. Man talar om tre olika typer eller blodslinjer. [citation needed], In 1985, after a lot of hard work[opinion] and displaying the breed at various venues and dog shows the Spanish Kennel Club accepted it and gave it official status. Fotografía. Nummer: 263. Gli occhi hanno uno sguardo vivo e sono di un colore che si armonizza con il mantello. Wählen Sie beim Einzug eines Welpen einen Züchter, der seinen Schützlingen bereits in der Prägephase Kontakt zu Kindern ermöglicht. Er ist mittelgroß mit ausgewogenen Proportionen. 30-oct-2013 - Bark Bistro Company descrubrió este Pin. Här på Perro Rizados kennel föder vi upp rasen Perro de Agua Espanol. Der Perro de Agua Español ist ein mittelgroßer Wasserhund und wird bis 50 cm groß und 22 kg schwer, dabei wohlproportioniert: der Hund soll länger als hoch sein. Schon mit 4 Monaten hat er mit großer Begeisterung Tricks erlernt! Der Perro de Agua Español ist eine von der FCI anerkannte spanische Hunderasse (FCI-Gruppe 8, Sektion 3, Standard Nr. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Alter 11 Jahre , 10 Monate Farbe weiß-braun. 336). Cada Perro de Agua Español cachorro debe ser rapado (cortarle el pelo), entre los 3 y 4 meses de edad, dondequiera que se encuentre, en el norte o en el sur. Mit 10 Monaten hatte er schon eine stattliche Größe von 48 cm Schulterhöhe … Als typischer Wasserhund hat der Perro de Agua Español gelocktes Haar. Der Cao de agua Português gehört zu den eigenartigsten international anerkannten Vorstehhunderassen der Welt. Explorar. Home; Our males; Our females; Meet the breed; Puppies; Litters; Videos; Gallery; Standard; Contact; SPANISH WATER DOG Spanish Water Dog / Perro de Agua Espańol F.C.I. Tussbergets Kennel bedriver uppfödning av Perro de Agua Español, spansk vattenhund, i hemmiljö. Recent health testing has uncovered the following issues: Portuguese and Spanish water dogs are clearly related and probably have a common ancestor. Poco se sabe de los orígenes del Perro de agua español. It was provisionally recognized by Fédération Cynologique Internationale until 1999, when it was permanently recognized. En cuanto al perro de agua español, podriamos decir que tienen un temperamento cariñoso y muy devoto con su familia y gente con los que el perro esta acostumbrado a vivir, pero son desconfiados y timidos con aquellas personas que no conocen o con los que no estan acostumbrados a convivir. Más información... A los usuarios también les … This website was made with a … SWDs should never be brushed, instead, as the cords grow they should be checked for matting. They can be wary with strangers, and early and continuing socialization with a variety of people and other animals is essential for a well-adjusted, social dog. You can choose among several options: register your purebred dog with one of the three most reputable all-breed registries in North America - AKC, CKC and... History & Overview The Sarplaninac (pronounced as shar-pla-NEE-natz) is an ancient dog still widely used in the mountains... Overview One of the rarest of the terriers, the Border Terrier goes back to the 17th century, when... History & Overview The Cornish Rex appeared in the county of Cornwall, England. Temperament This Perro de Agua Espanol gets along well with children, other dogs, and any household pets. The AKC approved the breed to begin competition in AKC herding, in dog agility trials, obedience, and tracking beginning January 1, 2008. Tiene una tendencia natural a la protección y ladrará a modo de advertencia si lo cree necesario. Dazu gehört ein Wassernapf, aus dem sich der Hund bei jeder Pause gut versorgen kann. Use a neutral shampoo, never use human shampoo. Spanish Water Dog’s coat is curly when short, and can form cords when long (almost like Puli’s coat), although it does not grow long enough to touch the ground. El perro de agua español : conozcamos este amigable peludo. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. Historia de la raza. Es gibt sie in allen Farben, von einfarbig schwarz oder braun oder beige über schwarz-weiß, braun-weiß, beige-weiß bis hin zu fast ganz weiß mit wenigen schwarzen, braunen oder beigen Flecken, sogar ganz weiße Perros gibt es. They had been known for centuries as “perros de agua,” “perro de aguas,” “turco,” “laneto,” and “churro”; a smaller number could also be found on the Cantabrian Cornice. The head should be strong and carried with elegance. Traditionally, the SWD’s tail is docked or naturally bobbed. Spaanse Waterhond – “Perro de Agua Español”.. Kenmerken en Temperament Spaanse Waterhonden zijn levendig, sportief en veelzijdig. Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Die meisten Perros haben wenig Jagdtrieb. They should be hazel, chestnut or dark brown in colour, depending on the coat colour. H r p Perro Rizados kennel f der vi upp rasen Perro de Agua Espanol. Le or… The Spanish Water Dog (perro de agua español) breed is used in Spain as a general purpose sheepdog and guard. Pads should be checked for clogged hair regularly. Seine Widerristhöhe beträgt SWDs should be bathed only when dirty in lukewarm water. SWDs should be allowed to air dry. Ein Lagotto ist ein wunderbarer Familienhund, den man zum Rettungs-, Begleit- oder Spürhund ausbilden kann . Lagotto Romagnolo und Perro de Agua Zucht in Ludwigsfelde. Alter 11 Jahre , 10 Monate Farbe weiß-braun. Fotografía. The SWD has been known by many other names such as "Perro Turco", "Laneto", "Perro Patero", "Perro Rizado", "Churro", "Barbeta", and, most recently, "Perro de Agua Español" (literally Spanish Dog of Water, i.e., Spanish Water Dog). Spanish Water Dogs that exhibit basic herding instincts can be trained to compete in herding trials. Alter 8 Jahre , 10 Monate Farbe schwarz. Shepherd dog, hunting dog and assistant to the fisherman, FCI Classification: Group 8 – Retrievers, Flushing Dogs and Water Dogs. The Spanish Water Dog or Perro de Agua Español was a shepherd, hunter and fisherman companion for many centuries. Aufenthaltsort Tierheim. And finally the largest group came from the southern Andalusian sierras, this type of dogs were the largest and strongest since were mainly used for herding. The following are some of the more common rabbit colors and markings or patterns that you may come across, many of which... Veterinary practitioners and pathologists are sometimes asked to examine animals that have been found dead but were considered healthy by their owners when last seen. Dogs are usually clipped once a year (never scissored). Perro de agua Español. The ears are set at medium height on the skull, and are triangular. Most of the many breeds of rabbits come in a huge variety of colors.