Dieser Pinnwand folgen 135 Nutzer auf Pinterest. 3. Some of these are necessary to make the website work, others give you a tailor-made experience and relevant marketing. 50 Degrees North – unvergessliche, maßgeschneiderte Norwegen-Reisen für kleine Gruppen. The Journey to Nordkap. Conquer the northernmost of Europe by snow mobile, spend the night at the North Cape and enjoy the stunning scenery and lights of the Arctic. The cabins have limited or no view. In addition, the Expedition Team will introduce you to the uniquely Norwegian notion of `friluftsliv´, and encourage you take part in `friluftsliv´ hikes and activities during the journey. Situated on the upper deck of the ship, the cabins feature seating areas with TV, bathrooms with shower/WC, and most with double beds. Vi er 8 km utenfor Honningsvåg i retning mot Nordkapp. 19.02.2018 - Erkunde Island Ringstraßes Pinnwand „Nordlichter in Island“ auf Pinterest. Sign up for our newsletter to receive special offers and new itineraries first. Most of the cabins have separated single beds, one of which converts. Reisetag meiner Nordkap-Reise mit Hund im Jeep Wranglerfür meine Familie und meine Freunde. These comfortable, refurbished suites for up to four people on the upper deck have a double bed, sofa in the sitting area that can be made into a double bed, free Wi-Fi, TV, hair dryer, bathrobes, blanket, and coffee and tea facilities. All cabins have individual specifications. 31.05.2018 - Erkunde agnes schusters Pinnwand „norwegen“ auf Pinterest. It was created by sculptor Fritz Røed in 1983. Barent's Cabin & Cruise. Since 2007, the vessel has been part of Hurtigruten´s fleet of ships dedicated to sailing the Norwegian coastline. Bei uns wohnen Sie inmitten des Erlebnisses Natur auf 71° Nord. Jul 22, 2013 - Auf dem Nordkap (Nordcap) beginnt ein 4900 km langer Fernwanderweg, der die Wanderer in die unberührte Natur Norwegens führt. Uns nach langem Hin-und Her gegen das Nordkap entschieden, und uns auf Süd- und Mittelnorwegen konzentriert. The dedicated Expedition Team has one mission: to enhance your experience by engaging you and interpreting the nature, wildlife, and culture you encounter during the voyage. MS Nordkapp is named after the northernmost point on mainland Europe: North Cape (71ºN) - one of the geographical highpoints you can visit on a Hurtigruten voyage. Geschlafen haben wir im Auto (einem VW Passat Alltrack) bei bis zu -18° Celsius. Out on deck you can enjoy the view from one of our two hot tubs. These comfortable, refurbished outside cabins for up to two people on the upper deck have a double bed, TV, one chair and a small desk, and coffee and tea facilities. Discover Norway – skifahren, Radfahren und Wandertouren in Norwegen Mehr Lesen. The ship started sailing the Norwegian coast in April 1996. MS Nordkapp has her own onboard Expedition Team and serves as a university at sea. Forgot your password? Vår GPS posisjon: 71 01 629 N / 25 53 335 E. Langs veien. Reisen til Nordkapp Camping. Nordkap-Reise Teil 2 Mit der MSC Lyrica vom Nordkap in den Geiranger-Fjord und über Holland nach Hamburg This is a once in a lifetime adventure! Up Norway – maßgeschneiderte Reisen. Click herehere Our Polar outside cabins are situated mostly on the middle or lower decks and all have bathrooms with shower/WC. Juni 2016 Aufbruch zu unserer Norwegenrundreise 3 1/2 Wochen, wir haben Hotels, Appartments und Hütten alle im Vorfeld gebucht, einen groben Plan gemacht, was wir uns ansehen wollen. Welcome to the top of the world. Weitere Ideen zu norwegen, reisen, norwegen reisen. einige der schönsten Eindrücke bei unserer Reise zum Nordkap 2011Created with MAGIX Fotos auf CD DVD Deluxe All the cabins have individual specifications. In Hamn, about 3 hours’ drive from Tromsø through a spectacular landscape, you will find an idyllic resort with high standard accommodation, with perfect views to both the midnight sun and the Northern Lights coloring the Northern Norwegian landscape. They feature a separate bedroom, double bed, sofa in the sitting area that can be made into a double bed, free Wi-Fi, TV, hair dryer, bathrobes, blanket, and coffee and tea facilities. Topics depend on the season and the waters we sail in. MS Nordkapp was refurbished in 2016 and now features a modern, Arctic-inspired interior. Hier können Sie angeln und umgeben von schöner Natur wohnen. 18.07.2018 - Von Bergen, Hellesylt bis nach Geiranger waren es unbeschreiblich schöne Eindrücke; nun geht es weiter nach Bodø und über die Lofoten bis zum Nordkap. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Weitere Ideen zu nordlichter, island, polarlichter. Find out where to visit, what to see and the best places to stay. Fra oss er det 24 km til Nordkapp. Nordkap med midnatssolen er enhver turists inderste drøm. Om sommeren går solen ikke ned i to og en halv måned, fra midten af maj til slutningen af juli. All the cabins have individual specifications. 05.02.2017 - Nordkap Reisen & Kreuzfahrten » Extra Tipps Norwegen Vi kører videre langs sydspidsen ad den 40 km brede Inarisø til Inari med det spændende samemuseum Siida. These comfortable, refurbished outside cabins for up to three people on the upper decks have separate beds, one of which converts into a sofa, bunk beds and a TV. All the cabins have individual specifications. A few of the cabins have double beds. Norwegen mit Kindern oder ohne - Skifahren, Langlaufen, Hütten- oder Hotelurlaub in Norden. Hurtigruten Reisen Skulptur Alt Stavanger Dänemark Insel Orte Landschaft Swords in Mountain is a monument at Hafrsfjord fjord, Stavanger. Advertising cookies are set to manage how our advertising collect information about your activities on this site, in order to provide you relevant targeted advertising. Wir bei Barent´s Cabin & Cruise heissen Sie willkommen in Gjesvær. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Photo: Ørjan Bertelsen / Hurtigruten and Backpack Foto. Skarsvåg is the northernmost fishing village in the world, situated as the closest village to the North Cape, surrounded by the mountains, nature and beautiful seaviews. In Skarsvåg gibt es gute Angelmöglichkeiten an Kai oder Mole oder mit dem... Willkommen zu erlebnisreichen Tagen bei Nordkapp Camping am Skipsfjord. These comfortable, outside cabins for up to two people on the middle/lower decks have bathroom with shower/WC, and single beds, one of which converts into a sofa. Weitere Ideen zu norwegen oslo, norwegen, oslo. Out on deck you may participate in live points of interest to learn more about the nature, culture and other phenomena we encounter along the coast. Some cookies are necessary in order to ensure our website runs optimally, and are therefore required for the continued use of our website. Willkommen auf Kirkeporten Camping Mit nur 500 m Abstand zum Fischerdorf Skarsvåg und 12 km zum Nordkap-Plateau hat Kirkeporten Camping eine einzigartige Lage. Norrøna Hvitserk – expeditionen und Abenteuerurlaube. Dette sted er Nordkap, i Vest-Finnmark i det nordligste Norge – her er Svalbard det eneste, der adskiller dig fra Nordpolen. MS Nordkapp was christened by Norway´s Queen Sonja in 1996 and her maiden voyage was to the Shetland Islands. Interesting lectures, presentations and activities inside as well as out on the sun deck of the ship make this an exciting and educational journey. Die berühmten Vogelfelsen von Gjesværstappan liegen gleich ausserhalb des Fischerdorfes. 17.10.2020 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „Norwegen“ von Ralf 1966. Fjord Tours – erleben Sie Norway in a nutshell® mit einem Ticket. 21.10.2018 - Erkunde Gisela Friesens Pinnwand „Norwegen (Oslo)“ auf Pinterest. Willkommen auf Kirkeporten Camping Mit nur 500 m Abstand zum Fischerdorf Skarsvåg und 12 km zum Nordkap … These comfortable, refurbished cabins for up to three people on the upper decks have single beds, bunk beds, and a TV. Weitere Ideen zu norwegen, reisen, skandinavien. Nordkapp Camping ligger i Skipsfjorden på Magerøya i Nordkapp kommune. Our Polar outside cabins are situated mostly on the middle or lower decks and all have bathrooms with shower/WC. These comfortable, refurbished suites for up to two people on the upper deck have a double bed, two chairs in a sitting area, free Wi-Fi, TV, hair dryer, bathrobes, blanket, and coffee and tea facilities. Finnland Reisen. Weitere Ideen zu norwegen reisen, norwegen urlaub, norwegen. Most of the cabins have separated single beds, one of which converts into a sofa, or upper and lower berths. Relaxation and comfort are the hallmarks of our Arctic superior cabins. Norrøna Hvitserk – expeditionen und Abenteuerurlaube. Roadtrip über Dänemark, Schweden, Finnland und Norwegen zum Nordkap. Uns nach langem Hin-und Her gegen das Nordkap entschieden, und uns auf Süd- und Mittelnorwegen konzentriert. Fjord Tours – erleben Sie Norway in a nutshell® mit einem Ticket. Norwegen. Die berühmten Vogelfelsen von Gjesværstappan liegen gleich ausserhalb des Fischerdorfes. KIRKEPORTEN CAMPING. The cabins have limited or no view. Please note the following dimensions for vehicles: Our Expedition suites are the most luxurious cabins on board. On board are three different restaurants, a Multe bakery and ice cream bar, a sauna and fitness room. Midnatssol, Nordkap, Ålandsøerne, Lofoten & Samernes land Undervejs oplever vi mageløse naturscenerier, sommerstemning og lyse nætter. Interesting lectures, presentations and activities inside as well as out on the sun deck of the ship make this an exciting and educational journey. These standard outside cabins for up to two people on the middle decks have separated single beds, one chair and a desk, and a hairdryer. They have separate beds, where one of the beds can be turned into a sofa. Meine Polarnacht in Tromsö . Analytics cookies collect information about your use of the site, and enable us to improve the way it works. Schottland Skandinavien Norwegen Schweden Finnland Reiseführer Scandinavien Orkneys Skandinavienreiseführer Schottlandreiseführer Reisetips Reisebericht Reiseinformationen Tourismus Orkney Reisen Wikinger Tiere Hütten Vikings Norway Sweden Suomi Insiderinformationen Scotland Webcam Nordeuropa Lofoten Ferienwohnung Camping Campingplatz Jugendherberge Sandra Pflug … Some suites have more facilities than others. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. These comfortable, refurbished standard inside cabins for three people on the upper deck have separate single beds, one of which converts into a sofa, bunk beds, and a TV. An exciting welcome gift awaits all suite guests in their cabin. Hier können Sie angeln und umgeben von schöner Natur wohnen. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Du kan reise hit både kjørende langs veien, med fly og med Hurtigruten. Reisastua is an exclusive lodge with suites in various sizes, and has its own restaurant/bar and a large selection of activities and excursions. She has also sailed in Antarctica. These are cabins with portholes, some with limited or no view. Hamn in Senja - a fjord idyll along the National Scenic Route on the Senja island. Wir bei Barent´s Cabin & Cruise heissen Sie willkommen in Gjesvær. 50 Degrees North – unvergessliche, maßgeschneiderte Norwegen-Reisen für kleine Gruppen. Read more about our Expedition Teams here. 5. dag: Nordkap. Juni 2016 Aufbruch zu unserer Norwegenrundreise 3 1/2 Wochen, wir haben Hotels, Appartments und Hütten alle im Vorfeld gebucht, einen groben Plan gemacht, was wir uns ansehen wollen. On board are three different restaurants, a Multe bakery and ice cream bar, a sauna and fitness room. We also have a cosy bar at the front of the ship where you can enjoy a nice traditional drink. Nordkap-Reise Teil 1 Mit dem Schiff von Hamburg zum Nordkap Læg dertil de smukkeste natur-oplevelser blandt Finlands søer og i Norges skønne fjelde. into a sofa, or upper and lower berths. The ship additionally has a large compass area with reception, a tour guide, conference room and shop. MS Nordkapp has her own on-board Expedition Team and serves as a university at sea. To give you a better experience while using our website, Hurtigruten uses cookies. Städte Reise Weltreise Norwegen Rundreise Ausflug Nrw Skandinavien Reisen London Urlaub Norwegen Urlaub Polarlichter Tromso. Hütten. These comfortable, refurbished outside cabins for up to two people on the upper deck have double beds, a TV, a chair and small desk. These elegant, refurbished suites are situated on the upper deck. Up Norway – maßgeschneiderte Reisen. 11.04.2019 - Erkunde Sa Brinas Pinnwand „Norway Roadtrip“ auf Pinterest. Our cosy Polar Inside cabins can be found on all decks. The historic … Come and see all that awaits you at North Cape. Mange besøgende tager til Nordkap for at beundre midnatssolen eller solnedgangen over Ishavet fra Nordkapklippen. Discover Norway – skifahren, Radfahren und Wandertouren in Norwegen Reisastua Lodge is quietly situated by the Reisariver, close to Reisa national park. Vi krydser polarcirklen, hører samernes fortælling og oplever midnatssolen nord for polarcirklen. These comfortable, standard inside cabins for up to two people on the lower deck have separate single beds, one of which converts into a sofa, plus one chair and desk. All cabins include bathrooms with shower/WC. Finnland Urlaub. Turen går videre over Lakselv, og der fortsættes langs Porsanger Fjord, indtil vi når Kåfjord. Skandinavien Rundreise. 27.04.2013 - Saßnitz - Jämsä, Lake Lehmijärvi And Big Lake Päijänne Das Nordkap Situated on both the upper and middle decks, these suites have double beds, a TV, bathrooms with shower and WC, and tea and coffee-making facilities. Ved Tanafloden passerer vi den finsk/norske grænse, holder pause i Karasjok, samernes hovedstad i det norske Lapland. The North Cape Lodge is a traditional norwegian home built in 1964, located in the picturesque fishing village of Skarsvåg. Most of the cabins have separate beds where one doubles as a sofa, while some are equipped with upper and lower berths. MS Nordkapp was refurbished in 2016 and now features a modern, Arctic-inspired interior. In the past Nordkapp was difficult to reach - a destination for adventurers, royalty and … Read More 24.04.2013 - Alfred Henz hat diesen Pin entdeckt. These are comfortable outside cabins, situated on lower decks. The Expedition Team hosts a lecture and presentation programme and evening gatherings daily. These comfortable, refurbished outside cabins for up to two people on the top/upper decks have a double bed, TV, one chair and small desk, and coffee and tea facilities. Lappland Finnland. Vår adresse: Skipsfjord 20, 9750 Honningsvåg. Click here ... Forgot your password? A few of the cabins have double beds.