The film was well-received. Franka Potente. Kontakt os for spørgsmål vedr. Bientôt au Cinéma. Genres: Crime, Thriller, Action. Run Lola Run burst onto the education programme at the IFI after its cinema run. En 80 minutes, il nous propose trois déroulements possibles de l’action avec trois […] Lola rennt. After a botched money delivery, Lola has 20 minutes to come up with 100,000 Deutschmarks. The star of the film, playing Lola, is Franka Potente, in only her second film role. Lola rennt . After some time she decides to get out of this hell (that's how she feels about it) and soon she'll meet a new friend. Présentation. Together they try to reach the peak of a mountain where, according to an old custom, she can be healed. Rated the #57 best film of 1998, and #4687 in the … Darsteller : Franka Potente (Lola), Moritz Bleibtreu (Manni), Herbert Knaup (Lolas Vater), Nina Petri (Jutta Hansen), Armin Rohde (Herr Schuster), Joachim Krol (Norbert von Au), Ludger Pistor (Herr Meier), Suzanne von Borsody (Frau Jäger), Sebastian Schipper (Mike), Julia Lindig (Doris), Lars Rudolph (Kassierer Kruse), Andreas Petri (Sanitäter), Klaus Müller (Croupier), Utz Krause (Casino-Manager), Beate Finckh (Casino-Kassiererin) Regie : Tom Tykwer Drehbuch : Tom Tykwer, dossier complet, dossier péda, dossier péda, dossier complet, dossier péda, dossier complet, dossier péda, autre dossier,,,,,,,,,5EAA6761762F44D6BBC15718C87B9795,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.html présentation, présentation générale, présentation, résumé, photos…, résumé, photos, trailer, © 2003-2021 Site des professeurs d’allemand,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5EAA6761762F44D6BBC15718C87B9795,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.html,,, So, the story! Book Tickets. LOLA RENNT Tom Tykwer (1997) INHALT : Berlin. Lolas far: Herbert Knaup. For the rest of the film, we see Lola trying to save him, in a ‘Groundhog Day’-esque ‘if this doesn’t work, try that’ set of alternate timelines. Filmen kan derfor ikke ses på Filmcentralen. Lola rennt. Three different alternatives may happen depending on some minor event along Lola… 01. O.S.T. Genre : Action, Drama. Lola et ses frères - Bande-annonce #1 [VF|HD1080p] mator-fr. Manni, le copain de Lola, doit remettre une grosse somme d’argent à un trafiquant de voitures. undervisningsmaterialer, FilmUndervisningsmaterialerNyhederFilmleksikon, Film til indskolingFilm til mellemtrinFilm til udskolingFilm til gymnasiet, Hvis du ikke har UNI-Login, kan du se og finde kort- og dokumentarfilm på Filmcentralen For Alle. Land : Deutschland. This marvelous soundtrack score is a big part of what made the Groundhog Day-esque narrative of the lovely Lola's race against time such a hit. With Franka Potente, Moritz Bleibtreu, Herbert Knaup, Nina Petri. Livraison gratuite dès 25 € d'achats et des milliers de CD. 5:42. Aber heute läuft alles schief. Lolas kæreste Manni glemmer de 100.000 mark i toget, som han skulle aflevere til nogle gangstere. Lola receives a phone call from her boyfriend Manni. Manni has completely botched up the handover of money when smuggling some cars. Fans of Tom Tykwer's iconic 1998 film of the same title (aka Run Lola Run) will delight in this CD. Foto: Frank Griebe Martin Brandt-Pedersen, Lisbeth Juhl Sibbesen. Lola rennt. L’intrigue du film Lola Rennt est d’une simplicité telle qu’elle se résume en une seule phrase : Lola (Franka Potente) a vingt minutes pour trouver 100 000 marks pour son copain Manni (Moritz Bleibtreu), qui doit cette somme à un escroc local, Ronnie. Jagten går gennem Berlins gader og med en tragisk udgang. 1:38. Accueil > Allemand > Activités pédagogiques > Le Collège > "Lola rennt" - didactisations du film "Lola rennt" - didactisations du film samedi 1er octobre 2011 , par Andréas ARNOLD Head of IFI Education Alicia McGivern introduce this screening and will be joined by Aoife McGrane from the Gate Theatre. Versus Bande-annonce VF (2019) Jules Pelissier, Lola Le Lann. Believe . Lola rennt. Basically, the Lola Rennt soundtrack consists of high-paced techno music; the pounding score effectively underscored the desperate running of Lola attempting to save her boyfriend Manni. Running One . RUN LOLA RUN TOM TYKWER LOLA RENNT. Tyskland, 1998 Länge : 81 min. Directed by Tobias Wiemann. Berlin i 1990\'erne. Dette materiale er skrevet af Hanne Probst. Et undervisningsmateriale til spillefilmen "Lola Rennt" (Tyskland, 1998) Filmens credits. So, the story! Manni: Moritz Bleitreu Bientôt au Cinéma. It was nominated for a number of awards including a BAFTA, and was the German OSCAR submission, but was not selected for the final shortlist. Otherwise, he will rob a store to get the money. Run Lola Run (Lola Rennt) This week's films. Jetzt. Les Films sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ein Sommertag, an dem 20 Minuten über Liebe, Leben und Tod entscheiden. The star of the film, playing Lola, is Franka Potente, in only her second film role. The situation seems hopeless. It made her a star, and she went on to appear in 2 of the 3 Bourne films, ‘Blow and ‘Che’ amongst others. He is in despair and calls Lola. O.S.T. 1:52 . As suggested by the title, the plot plays out at a frenetic gallop, both in terms of action and in terms of jump-cuts, split screens, freeze-frames, 360° spins and cartoon renditions of the real-life action. 05:44 Compositeurs : Tom Tykwer - Johnny Klimek - Reinhold Heil. 1:41. Starring: Franka Potente, Moritz Bleibtreu. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. It was nominated for a number of awards including a BAFTA, and was the German OSCAR submission, but was not selected for the final shortlist. With Mia Kasalo, Samuel Girardi, Susanne Bormann, Denis Moschitto. Bemærk: Dette undervisningsmateriale er til en film, som Det Danske Filminstitut ikke har distributionsrettigheder til. Lola et ses frères Bande-annonce VF (2018) Comédie dramatique. Bande annonce bénir en ligne des cours et siège. Premiere : 20. Han ringer til Lola for at få hjælp til at skaffe pengene inden de tyve minutter han har fået som frist. Lola rennt Original Soundtrack | 05-08-1998 Durée totale : 1 h 13 min. Directed by: Tom Tykwer. The film was well-received. As one of IFI Education’s most popular titles ever, this highly energetic film was toured to some 20 venues around the country. Après un prometteur WINTERSLEEPERS, Tom Tykwer persiste et signe avec LOLA RENNT: une oeuvre puissante, dynamique, consistante et à bout de souffle. It made her a star, and she went on to appear in 2 of the 3 Bourne films, ‘Blow and ‘Che’ amongst others. Det Danske Filminstitut, Gothersgade 55, 1123 København K. Copyright ©2017. Cours, Lola, cours est un film réalisé par Tom Tykwer avec Franka Potente, Moritz Bleibtreu. Lola, qui devait aller le chercher, s’est fait voler son scooter et n’a pu arriver à l’heure. Sur le thème de la vie et de la mort, Tykwer bâtit un film peu conventionnel, extrêmement rapide et inventif. The clock starts ticking and Lola runs.... Franka Potente and Moritz Bleibtreu: a Bonnie & Clyde in the Berlin of the 90s. Manni jobbt als Geldkurier für einen Autoschieber. 02. Manuskript: Tom Tykwer Filmen kan derfor ikke ses på Filmcentralen. Directed by Tom Tykwer. 03. He lost 100,000 DM in a subway train that belongs to a very bad guy. Et undervisningsmateriale til spillefilmen "Lola Rennt" (Tyskland, 1998), Titel: Lola rennt Run Lola Run Lola and Manni are lovers. Instruktion: Tom Tykwer Without seeing the movie, the music at first seems to be rather bland, a bit generic and not as strong as in the film -- but this is a wrong, hasty assessment. Run Lola Run (German: Lola rennt, literally "Lola runs") is a 1998 German thriller film written and directed by Tom Tykwer, and starring Franka Potente as Lola and Moritz Bleibtreu as Manni. 04:53 Auteur : Tom Tykwer - Johnny Klimek - Reinhold Heil / Compositeurs : Tom Tykwer - Johnny Klimek - Reinhold Heil. Bemærk: Dette undervisningsmateriale er til en film, som Det Danske Filminstitut ikke har distributionsrettigheder til. She has 20 minutes to raise this amount and meet Manni. August 1998 (Deutschland) FSK : ab 12. A girl struggling with asthma is taken to a clinic in South Tyrol to be cured. But how can she get 100,000 Bucks together in only 20 minutes to save her lover′s life? 1:53. Reviews in chronological order (Total 14 reviews) Post a review. Introduction . Kayiyuxixi. film d’action de Tom Tykwer, Allemagne,1998, 81 mn., vostfr avec Franka Potente, Moritz Bleibtreu et Herbert Knaup. Musik: Tom Tykwer, Johnny Klimek, Reinhold Heil, Franka Potente (sang), Medvirkende: Dette vil Lola ikke finde sig i, så handlingen begynder forfra tre gange til udgangen er tilfredsstillende. Please wait while we load your search results. Run Lola Run (1998) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Lola: Franka Potente Lola Rennt | OFFICIAL TRAILER [HD] _____ Full Download [HD]: Lola und Manni sind Anfang Zwanzig und ein Liebespaar.