With 497K instagram followers, Jill posts daily workouts, meal ideas, client success stories, informational videos, and light-hearted memes to promote a healthy lifestyle for women. No, Thanks. Eine Agentur, viele Gesichter. Dies vermitteln sie uns tag täglich auf Social Media Kanälen wie Instagram. Fill out the form below to benefit from our fully-managed services. Australian web sensation, Emily Skye is a ‘no nonsense’ go-getter. Wir vermitteln in den folgenden Bereichen: Shootings, Printmedien, Messen usw. Choosing a specialty as a fitness influencer is the easiest way to become an expert at what you do. She captured her rehabilitation and return to the sport she loved, via social media. Missed the first two? Rachel teaches classes all over the world, but is most known on social media for her beautiful ocean-side photos of her yoga practice. Add your Name + Email and the ebook is yours! And now she inspires her 112K Instagram followers to get more fit. We help influencers & businesses connect, learn, and work with their peers. 29,135 Instagram jobs available on Indeed.com. The Real Value of Facebook Live And Instagram Stories? Dies zeigt deutlich, welch Einfluss die Influencer besonders in unserer Branche ausüben (können). By continuing to use this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Which Popular Fitness Influencers Can You Partner With? 8. Before her career as a social media fitness entrepreneur, she earned a B.S. Für bessere Übersichtlichkeit zeigen wir euch die Fitness-Gurus mit den meisten Followern ausführlich, und stellen diesen die Top 5 Influencer bei Interaktionen und Engagement kurz gegenüber. Submit Resume US-Market Leader. If so, please feel free to mention them in the comments below. In addition to being an Instagram fitness influencer, she’s also a global ambassador for Reebok. He inspires his 2.2 million Instagram followers to practice various unique exercises. Women are more eager to add muscle and build that dream booty than ever before (once again, thanks to social media). The facilities have been recently renovated and represent a model for sustainable development. @spoonforkbacon 4. Able to influence others and have a personal impact by using excellent communication and negotiation ... such as a corporate restaurant, sports fields, a fitness and a nursery. Once it is gone, it will be gone! August frequently shares glimpses of her workout regimen and pictures where she flaunts her perfectly toned body. Women are more eager to add muscle and build that dream booty than ever before (once again, thanks to social media). Keranen works closely with former First Lady, Michelle Obama, as the top trainer for the 2015 “Let’s Move” digital campaign. Interested in testing adidas products of the future? Jill’s training philosophy proves it is never too late to take control of your health. modelmanagement.com is an exciting model platform for new faces, aspiring models and professional models. Yes… FREE! Ariana Grande3. Influencer werden: Hier erfährst du, wie du in wenigen Schritten einen attraktiven Instagram-Account kreierst - jetzt klicken! Originalinserat anzeigen. Was verbindet neben einen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad, sowie einer unzählig hohen Abonnentenzahl, Influencer wie Pamela Reif, Kayla Itsines oder Sophia Thiel?Ganz genau: Das Thema Fitness. As a 2008 Washington graduate, she holds a M.S. Steve Cook is a gym freak committed to educating people about workouts and nutrition. During this time, she battled an autoimmune disease and gained a large amount of weight in a short amount of time. 30-year-old fitness icon, Paige Hathaway credits her online success to the bumpy road that got her there. When it comes to ROI, it’s difficult to beat the power of the peer influencer! We show how influencers work as quality measurers and give a look behind the scenes: influencer agency. user-generated content campaigns. Aside from building muscle until there’s no tomorrow, she spends the majority of her off time with Micho and her husband, Jimmy. We all could use an extra nudge when it comes to hitting the gym. Ms. Blogilates has and will forever stand up for society’s unrealistic expectations for women’s bodies. We all could use an extra nudge when it comes to hitting the gym. You can choose aerobics, yoga, body building, or simply provide information on your personal journey to becoming fit. (Talk about women’s empowerment!) Melissa Alcantara, aka FitGurlMel, has more than 750,000 followers. He often endorses lifestyle, perfume, and sportswear brands, and he offers exclusive discount codes too. His 344K Instagram followers look up to him for everyday workout advice. Paige credits her success to becoming a “yes man,” when everyone else was telling her “no ma’am.”. Fitness and wellness enthusiasts with large social media followings are cashing in on a trillion-dollar market. Browse 31 open jobs and land a remote GetResponse job today. What better way to find that nudge than from our phones? Denn bis sie auf deine Frage geantwortet haben, geschweige denn sie gesehen haben, kann es eine ganze Weile dauern. Then she may be the go-to fitness influencer for you. I usually charge clients BIG MONEY for all of these resources and education, but you are getting it for FREE! No thanks, I’m satisfied with my business’ growth. Jill’s training philosophy proves it is never too late to take control of your health. influence.vision verbindet Brands und Agenturen mit Influencern. “Better late than never!” applies to 46-year-old, California fitness influencer, sports nutritionist, USA Today Best Selling Author, and mother: Natalie Jill. If your brand caters to a health-conscious audience, you can partner with these influencers to engage with your audience. Bei den Influencern selbst gibt es … From time to time, her videos include partner exercises and her daughter too. How Can You Find the Right Fitness Influencers for Your Brand? Michelle Obama5. Sara also offers a 12-week workout guide. @thrivingonplants 7. Selter’s social media is composed of glam photos that show off her hard work in the gym, paired with encouragement and realistic experiences for women. Once it's gone, it will be gone for good! At the age of 16, she left high school to follow her dreams as a fitness inspiration. 2. Once you’ve chosen a niche, keep posting regularly so … What started as a hobby turned into a passion. Whether it’s beauty tips, perfume, fitness and sports or cars. Fitness Model gesucht? Kaitlyn Bristowe 11. Even when you’re not present, you maintain a constant influence in every location — articulating the Apple vision to inspire and make an impact daily on your management teams and employees. She put a halt to her life as the typical “cardio girl” in the gym, and decided to pick up some weights. Get started with us today to find out how! Du hast bei uns keine Aufnahme-, Shooting-, oder Sonstige Gebühren. Inspired by her mother, Keranen lives by these two words: Get moving! However, finding authentic and relevant influencers can be time-consuming. You can see him post pictures and videos with his dog and his little princess. Kylie Jenner7. Well, the tides have turned. This is a limited time offer, so get it while you can. @skinnytaste 2. enuis engine, enuis backend sunrise, jtl shop plugin 4.6 5.0.0 With 737K instagram followers, “Kaisafit” posts daily bodyweight workouts, geared towards an individual with little to no equipment. Michelle models for Calvin Klein and has been featured on dozens of magazines, including Playboy and Muscle & Fitness. Dabei sei es generell egal, wie viele Follower ein Influencer hat. Upon entering the fitness world, she realized that being “too skinny” was just as bad as being overweight. Please fill your details to get back to you with full report (24-72hrs). She not only turned her life around, but she single-handedly created a career and lifestyle for her new and improved self. Eric Janicki is a fitness coach with 200K followers on Instagram. Intern/Working Student Marketing (12 months fixed-term contract) Full-/part-time As one of the world’s leading asset managers, we are solely dedicated to delivering an investment experience that helps people get more out of life. She teaches her 2.4 million Instagram followers to not be fooled by the bodies they see on social media, as they have lighting, posing, and photoshop on their side. The Business of Being a Fitness Influencer. Well, the tides have turned. So, to simplify the process, we’ve compiled a list of popular influencers in the fitness domain. US-Business Expert Apple Retail Jan 21, 2021: Vonn suffered from numerous injuries through her career. Sign up here. #Smart Fitness Tracker Watch# Motivate a healthy lifestyle SoundPEATS Watch 1 is an IP68 waterproof fitness tracker with heart rate monitor, suitable for various sports. The surge in interest in maintaining good health has led to a rise in the popularity of fitness influencers. With 497K instagram followers, Jill posts daily workouts, meal ideas, client success stories, informational videos, and light-hearted memes to promote a healthy lifestyle for women. He is the Co-Founder of Attrock, a digital marketing agency. Switching gears from fashion to fitness, Lewin transformed her 90 lb body to a 130 lb athletic body of lean muscle. Camille Leblanc-Bazinet earned the title of the Fittest Woman on Earth in 2014 CrossFit Games. Girls have been taught from a young age that having a size 00 waist is equivalent to beauty, and it’s a woman’s duty to shop in the petite section (thanks to the social media). These influencers can help you get more people to trust your brand, products, and services. Four-time olympian for Team USA’s alpine ski team and the only American woman to ever capture downhill gold at the Olympics, Lindsey Vonn turns heads. Bringe Influencer Marketing auf eine höhere Ebene und setze Influencer Kampagnen visionär um. Mit gesunder Ernährung und dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit übt sie großen Einfluss auf ihre Follower aus.. styleranking trifft Pamela im Rahmen des Launch-Events zu ihrer neuen nachhaltigen Kollektion “Reborn” mit dem Online-Retailer NA-KD. Catch up here: Part 1 – Influencer Marketing Best Practices That All Fitness Brands Need to Know Part 2 – 3 Fitness Brands Winning Influencer Marketing As we learned in the previous sections, there are many different types of fitness influencers. Add these social media handles to your gym bag, and benefit from endless fitness and lifestyle inspo. He frequently posts inspiring workout Stories for his 207K Instagram followers. Chrissy King. Chris Ruden is a disabled, type 1 diabetic powerlifter, weight loss coach, and a motivational speaker. Die sogenannten „Fitness-Influencer“ interessieren sich nicht nur für den Sport selbst, sondern leben den Fitness Lifestyle. Wir bieten dir Vielfalt an Fitness Jobs, Ausbildungen und Studiengänge in unseren Fitnessstudios. At the age of 40, Jill’s house, retirement, and marriage was swept from under her feet. As a 27-year-old, South Australian fitness professional, Kayla Itsines is known for her multimillion-dollar social media campaign and her fitness app, Sweat with Kayla. Read More. Passionate about health and fitness, Sara Brust frequently posts engaging workout-related content on Instagram. Vonn’s efforts include her book published in 2016, “Strong Is the New Beautiful,” captures her message for women to stop thinking about “losing weight fast,” and instead focus on loving their bodies for what they are and can do. your business, and we’ll be in touch shortly. This tool will help you identify the most popular hashtags that are relevant to your brand and niche. . Are you one of these women? Joshua Taubes is a personal trainer and coach, who inspires his followers to stay fit. Dann sind Sie bei uns genau richtig! Dezember 2020. Best Body Nutrition (Fitness Supplements) suchen Influencer (10-15% pro Verkauf) >> hier mehr Infos Die RobinLook GmbH (BRILLEN) suchen für Sonnenbrillen-Helden Influencer, die Ihre Brillen bewerben möchten (5-12% pro Verkauf) >> hier anmelden Technisat (Technik Produkte) suchen Influencer ab 10.000 Follower >> hier mehr Infos; Bella.vy BEAUTYPRODUKTE suchen Influencer … Sure, celebrities may have larger followings, but peer-level fitness Influencers on Intellifluence feature engaged audiences that turn to these thought leaders for advice when it comes time to buy a fitness product or service. Wenn Du diese Seite nutzt, erklärst Du Dich mit der Verwendung von Cookies einverstanden. Top 10 Women’s Fitness Influencers on Instagram Natalie Jill “ Better late than never!” applies to 46-year-old, California fitness influencer, sports nutritionist, USA Today Best Selling Author, and mother: Natalie Jill. influence.vision verbindet Brands und Agenturen mit Influencern. Melissa Alcantara. Pamela Reif ist Deutschlands erfolgreichste Fitness-Influencerin.Sie agiert als Vorbild für eine ganze Generation junger Frauen. However, the results . Bella Thorne8. Are you one of these women? Scroll through @emilyskyefit, and you will see her chiseled body up for display. Blogilates is composed of motivational monthly workout calendars, reflections of personal experiences, reminders of women’s self love and even recommendations for best exercise practices based on your zodiac sign. ... Lange habe ich nach einem handlichen Gerät gesucht, mit dem ich zu Hause Arme und Oberschenkel trainieren kann. Alternatively, you can also use tools like HashtagsForLikes to make the task easier. Gemeinsam besprechen wir Ihre individuellen Wünsche, erstellen Ihre Influencer Strategie und wählen geeignete Kanäle wie YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Blogger oder Pinterest aus. Hathaway spent 13 years of her life bouncing between foster homes and two families. @girleatworld 8. Starte deine Fitness Karriere bei EASYFITNESS. aber auch in Allen Großen TV-Produktionen und TV Shows. The Canadian fitness influencer has 1.3 million followers and is a member of the Canadian Olympic weightlifting team. Brathen endured some self-destructive teen years, which led her to the beautiful bohemian lifestyle she lives today. Her career flourished once she reached Instagram, gaining over 12 million Instagram followers. | Page 3 If we are not searching on the city beach of Hamburg, we find our supermodels in a café in Berlin, when going out in Munich or as a fair hostess in Dusseldorf. Paige entertains her 4.1 million Instagram followers with daily workouts, fitness tips, beauty hacks and fitness challenges that allow her followers to even win cash prizes. August 2018 09:00 Sixpack und Muskelberge das neue Schönheitsideal. She has created an amazing account sharing motivational phrases as well as her work out routines. His impressive physique is a result of many years of rigorous training. @whole30recipes 6. It’s almost a rite of passage as a teenage girl to see Kayla Itsines come across your Instagram feed at one point in your life. The top accounts are virtual carbon copies of one another — no single instagram account of the bunch had anything novel, discerning or anything that differentiates one from the other. Wir haben ein motivierendes Vorbild gesucht, das es schafft, andere zu begeistern und zu inspirieren. degree in Exercise Science, Sports Performance, and Injury Prevention. She has participated in partnerships with Nike, New Balance, and Lululemon. We use cookies to help improve our website. Der BEST FITNESS INFLUENCER lebt Fitness. What better way to find that nudge than from our phones? I already get too much traffic. August Robinson is a certified personal trainer at Crunch Fitness, which is a chain of over 265 franchised fitness clubs in the United States. The Data You Can Unlock Through Influencer Marketing! She started focusing on the lower body and is soon to release a bikini body full workout plan. He also posts about the gyms he visits, fun activities, family time, and other personal stories. She not only turned her life around, but she single-handedly created a career and lifestyle for her new and improved self. Corrected Type and grammar Mistakes. It is also a multi-functional smartwatch, compatible with Android 4.4 & ios 8.0 and above phones. What kind of content can you expect from him? He inspires his 541K Instagram followers to adopt a training routine that their body responds well to. She runs one of the largest fitness channels on YouTube, with over 4.1 million subscribers. This article was written by Jessica Paolucci. ... Amazon Influencer . With 737K instagram followers, “Kaisafit” posts daily bodyweight workouts, geared towards an individual with little to no equipment. Do you follow any other popular fitness influencers? Rachel Brathen, aka Yoga Girl, is a Swedish yoga teacher and a New York Times’ best-selling author. Nutzen Sie Unsere Expertise im Bereich Influencer Marketing über Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Blogger und Social Media Marketing. @deliciouslyella 5. Fabian Kitzweger is a fitness and travel enthusiast. Scroll through yoga girl’s social media, and you might just convince yourself you are in the middle of the Caribbean Sea in a headstand on a paddleboard, too. Update Alert — 26 Nov 2020 — Added new 33 question in Practice Test -5. She engages amazingly with her audience, people love her. Persönliche einführung. Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in influencer marketing, content marketing, and SEO. Vonn entertains her 1.5 million Instagram followers with daily training videos, snippets of her personal life, and adorable pictures of her training partner puppy, Lucy. Get moving with Kaisa! In her spare time, Keranen poses for numerous fitness magazines, and was featured on the cover of the February 2018 issue of the “Strong Fitness Magazine,” as the first woman ever. Seamlessly search, manage, and track
You'll even get free downloadable templates to help make your influencer outreach successful. Now based in LA, Panda has created a name for himself with close to 5 million Instagram followers. Jamar often endorses nutrition, gym wear, and other apparel brands. Best Selling Author, and mother: Natalie Jill. YouTube, Instagram und Blogs sind die wichtigsten Kanäle für Influencer. Add these social media handles to your gym bag, and benefit from endless fitness and lifestyle inspo. According to Business Insider, the rise of the Instagram fitness influencer has caused “the biggest shift the fitness world has seen in decades.” Driving this change are 30 influential people who impact the choices made by millions of consumers all over the world. Part fitness model, part bodybuilder, part bikini babe – Michelle is visible all over the globe. In der Datenbank unserer Modelagentur Zürich finden wir das passende Frauen- oder Männermodel für Sie! She claims she stumbled upon social influence by accident and … Many people are interested in wellness, exercise, and overall fitness. Fitness Influencer die in direktem Kontakt mit den Zuschauern sind, beantworten dir gerne deine Fragen. Studien zeigen, wie ungesund Fitness-Influencer auf Instagram sein können. Tim Gabel ist ein Influencer, der rein auf Fitness und Bodybuilding setzt. You can also enjoy glimpses of his travel excursions to various cities around the world. 278.9k Followers, 396 Following, 1,763 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from A N J A Z E I D L E R (@anjazeidler) „Wobei sich auch hier am ehesten Micro-Influencer anbieten, da diese sich oftmals auf ganz bestimmte Themen fokussieren wie Fitness, Food, Travel, Lifestyle und Fashion und ihre Follower ihnen genau aus denselben Interessensgründen folgen. On top of her olympic success, Vonn is an advocate for women’s mental and emotional wellness. Just fill in your details below to get immediate access to the ebook. satisfaction and perceived exercise fitness, but . Be the first to test adidas’ innovative creations by signing up for our adidas Testing Program! Steve lets his followers watch him as he works out to strengthen his muscles, chest, hands, upper body, and more. This male fitness influencer has used his platform to create a brand for himself that includes the “Zoo Culture” gym, personal training, BMFIT, supplements, and a podcast! Her fitness plans focus on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) programs, that are perfect for the typical on-the-go person. With origins in the modeling industry, Skye’s initial foundations for fitness were unhealthy and dangerous. Become a model, influencer or a fair hostess - Application Topmodels are not that common, that's why we search for them everywhere. Fill out the form below to start our conversation. The 25-year-old Australian is the Internet’s undisputed workout queen. As a photogenic, island girl, Rachel was featured on the March 2018 edition of Yoga Journal. 1. Spencer Panchik is an athlete, CF-L1 trainer, and coach. Wir setzten Cookies ein, um Dein Nutzererlebnis zu verbessern und Dir relevante Anzeigen zu präsentieren. Discover 35 proven ways to grow your website traffic with the use of rich pins, optimizing your meta content, and many more strategies! Jen Selter has been bright-eyed and bushy-tailed about fitness ever since her first job as the front desk keeper at her local gym. The use of fitness rings in low-impact Pilates workouts can serve as a posture corrector and abdominal muscle toner for pregnant women and the elderly. I used these practices to launch my clients products which boosted the average revenue by 350%. #Fitness Model Agentur. Basically, they are the people who inspire others to stay fit, get in shape, improve stamina, and enhance the overall quality of life. This is a limited time offer, so get it while you can. Former track and field student-athlete for the University of Washington, Kaisa Keranen did not let her graduation cap force her to hang up her cleats for good. For more information, please read my affiliate disclosure in my privacy policy. Every day we come into contact with energy that can influence our mo... od and well-being. Negative energy is a toxin to your system. Bing helps you turn information into action, making it faster and easier to go from searching to doing. Mehr Reichweite und Brand-Awareness sind ein echter Wettbewerbsvorteil für Ihre Brand. You can catch up with Bradley by watching his vlogs on his YouTube channel. Many successful brands in the fitness industry are leveraging people's trust in these influencers. Look no further than these 10 powerfully-muscly women’s fitness influencers, whose lifestyles scream, “forget diamonds, the weight room is a girl’s best friend.”, Top 10 Women’s Fitness Influencers on Instagram. Upon perusing the top Instagram accounts a few things became clear. Her love of dance helped her develop a passion for fitness and health. Jen is authentic and natural. Well, anyone from pro athletes to gym freaks, yoga instructors, and beyond can be counted as fitness influencers. Plus Size, Senioren, klassische Frauen und Männermodels oder Social Media Influencer – wir vermitteln Ihnen das passende Personal für Model Jobs in der Schweiz und weltweit! Her "Sweat With Kayla” app generated $17 million in revenue in 2016, according to analytics firm App Annie. Kira Hamilton is a professional dancer and personal trainer based in NYC. PO Box 1001 Lausanne. She might be best known for being Kim Kardashian’s personal trainer. Hannes never shies away from sharing what is important to him. in biology from Whittier College in 2009. I already know everything about influencer marketing. With 26.1K followers on Instagram, Spencer leverages the platform to inspire people with his workout videos and glimpses of challenging CrossFit Games. Gigi Hadid 9. Kim Kardashian 4. Fill in the details below to kickstart our conversation. Fitness Influencer #4: Jamar Pusch Jamar Pusch is an athlete and a competitive bodybuilder based in Germany. Get moving with Kaisa! Es gibt gute Best Cases. One of the simplest tricks to find fitness influencers is to perform hashtag searches on Instagram. @ldncheapeats 9. She shared her story of past destructive habits, the importance of self-support and self-trust, all while preaching the healing power of yoga. Better late than never!” applies to 46-year-old, California fitness influencer, sports nutritionist. Mario Schafzahl is a personal trainer and coach, who inspires his followers to get shredded and stay shredded. She says that fitness helped her become more confident physically. Hallo Liebes Model, Models and Friends ist seit 8 Jahren erfolgreich auf dem Markt und wir suchen immer wieder neue Gesichter, um die Agentur zu erweitern. Yes... FREE! (Talk about women’s empowerment!) If you’re into a business related to health and fitness products or services, you can partner with fitness influencers to market your brand effectively. His impressive physique is a result of many years of rigorous training. Are you an Influencer? You don’t have to be a hardcore sports or fitness brand to benefit from fitness influencer collaborations. Along with his usual workout and running posts, he also shares pictures of the impressive views around him. 16. What is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)? This step-by-step guide will help you find the right influencers, develop a compelling pitch, and reach out to them effectively. Girls have been taught from a young age that having a size 00 waist is equivalent to beauty, and it’s a woman’s duty to shop in the petite section (thanks to the social media). Katy Hearn (@katyhearnfit) Katy Hearn is a health and fitness expert, but also a devoted mother. Martyn has created his own fitness empire. Chrissy Teigan6. Die Sport Models unserer Agentur heben sich durch eine extrem gute Physis und einen definierten Körper von anderen ab, denn in der Fitness-Branche ist schlank sein allein lange nicht genug. After immigrating to America in 2012, she has become the latin queen of the fitness scene and her svelte figure has graced over 30 magazine covers, from Sports & Fitness to Her Muscle & Fitness …