ESPN melaporkan bahwa FC Sion memutus kontrak 9 pemain karena menolak untuk dipotong gaji. Presiden Sion, Christian Constantin berupaya untuk memotong pengeluaran dengan salah satu cara mengurangi gaji pemain. Former Arsenal duo Johan Djourou and Alexandre Song are among nine players sacked by Swiss club FC Sion for refusing to take an unemployment settlement in light of the coronavirus. - Keputusan FC Sion memecat 9 pemainnya yang menolak dipotong gaji sebagai dampak krisis global pandemi virus Corona atau COVID-19 menuai kecaman. In this review of a crazy year, we look back at all the highs and lows in a year where Linfield fans were boosted by their Club becoming the world’s joint most successful football club, equalling Rangers Football Club’s 54 league titles. Dilansir dari Daily Mail, Alex Song dan Johan Djourou yang pernah memperkuat Arsenal, termasuk di antara sembilan pemain FC Sion yang dipecat.. Tujuh pemain lainnya yakni kapten Xavier Kouassi, … Super League lifesaver after Thun’s victory on Wednesday evening, President Christian Constantin’s FC Sion, seated next to his son Barthélémy in the stands behind the substitutes, carried a lot of pressure on his shoulders when receiving Lucerne from Fabio Celestini, in the freshness of Tourbillon. Former Arsenal players Alex Song and Johan Djourou are among nine players sacked by FC Sion after the Swiss league was halted indefinitely by the coronavirus pandemic. Sion cancel Song, Djourou contracts due to coronavirus AFP March 19, 2020 AFP No Comments Lausanne (AFP) – Swiss top-flight outfit FC Sion have terminated the contracts of former Arsenal pair Alex Song and Johan Djourou, as well as of seven of their team-mates, due to the coronavirus pandemic, local media reported on Thursday. Dua mantan pemain Arsenal itu termasuk dari sembilan pemain yang diputus kontraknya oleh FC Sion. Hal itu menjadi cara untuk menstabilkan keungan. Kondisi keuangan FC Sion terkena imbas dari mewabahnya Virus Corona.Tim Swiss ini memecat 9 pemain yang menolak di potong gaji. TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Klub Swiss FC Sion memecat sembilan pemain intinya setelah mereka menolak ambil bagian dalam pemotongan gaji di tengah wabah virus corona. Football clubs across Europe are faci… Kebijakan pemotongan gaji ini sendiri merupakan trik tim asal Swiss tersebut untuk mengakali kerugian finansial akibat virus corona. Die gesamte Mannschaft des FC Sion ist bis 31. The SAFP, the Swiss Association of Football Players, has already filed a protest note with CC stating that force majeure in connection with the Corona crisis is not acceptable. Swiss Super League diskors pada 1 Maret setelah pemerintah memutuskan melarang acara yang dihadiri lebih dari 1.000 orang terkait pandemi virus corona.. Dengan terhentinya kompetisi untuk batas waktu yang belum ditentukan, Presiden FC Sion Christian Constantin meminta para pemainnya untuk … CC kündigt allen Stars fristlos! Kondisi keuangan sebuah klub Eropa amat terimbas mewabahnya Virus Corona. FC Sion dismiss eight players without notice - three of the seven most valuable released . Liga-liga Eropa kini harus ditangguhkan akibat merebaknya Virus Corona, tak terkecuali Liga Swiss. FC Sion 1 Fayulu - 5 Bamert - 8 Baltazar - 9 Uldrikis - 10 Itaitinga - 13 Kabashi - 14 Grgic - 17 Karlen - 18 Fick'er - 20 Araz - 21 Iapichino - 23 Tosetti - 26 S Dié - 27 Martic - 29 Khasa - 30 Abde'ui - 31 Patrick - 34 Birama - 64 André - 68 Ruiz - 77 Theler - 99 Hoarau - Coach: Grosso Former Arsenal stars Alex Song and Johan Djourou are among NINE players who have left FC Sion after refusing to take a pay cut during the coronavirus outbreak. Grund hierfür ist ein positiver Corona-Fall bei den Tessinern, die sich in der Folge in Isolation begeben mussten. Ia juga mengisahkan info potong gaji itu disampaikan klub secara mendadak lewat WhatsApp. Corona, Klub Swiss FC Sion Pecat 9 Pemain yang Tolak Potong Gaji. Top tier Swiss side Sion at the moment fighting against relegation have sacked 9 players after they refused cuts in wages because of the coronavirus impact on the playing season.-----''The corona crisis has major consequences at FC Sion. Der Tabellenachte FC Sion ist nun mit einer Maßnahme vorgeprescht, die so bislang noch ihresgleichen sucht. Pemangkasan tersebut karena efek virus corona yang mewabah ke Eropa. Corona-Knall beim FC Sion . Der FC Sion, Achter der zehn Klubs umfassenden ersten Liga, hat alle Spieler seines Teams entlassen. Die Situation im Corona-Hotspot Wallis ist dramatisch! [FC Sion] FC Sion announces 22 corona infections. Tindakan itu ditentang keras ketua serikat pemain Swiss (SAFP) yang menyebut keputusan klub itu "memalukan." Klub Swiss, Sion FC memecat sembilan pemainnya karena tak terima gajinya dipangkas. Präsident Christian Constantin hat all seinen Stars fristlos gekündigt! Das für Sonntag angesetzte Spiel zwischen dem FC Sion und dem FC Lugano wurde abgesagt. Former Arsenal duo Johan Djourou and Alexandre Song are among nine players sacked by Swiss club FC Sion for refusing to take an unemployment settlement in light of the coronavirus. Swiss top-flight outfit FC Sion has terminated the contracts of former Arsenal pair Alex Song and Johan Djourou, as well as of seven of their team-mates, due to the coronavirus pandemic, local media reported on … Salah satunya Alex Song. Seperti halnya sepak bola di seluruh dunia, Liga Swiss harus menangguhkan kompetisi yang membuat klub-klub kehilangan … Dismissals also include club captain Xavier Kouassi, former Fulham midfielder Pajtim Kasami, Ermir Lenjani, Seydou Doumbia, Mickael Facchinetti, Christian Zock and Birama Ndoye. 27 Maret 2020 20:02 WIB INDOSPORT.COM – Dua mantan pemain Arsenal, Johan Djourou dan Alex Song telah dipecat oleh klubnya asal Swiss, FC Sion, lantaran enggan menerima pemotongan gaji selama wabah virus corona. Der FC Sion und der FC Lugano sind an diesem Wochenende spielfrei. Chairman Christian Constantin has sacked several players from the Swiss club on a standing basis. Das sind nach zwei weiteren positiven Fällen nun 48 Personen. Klub Swiss FC Sion memecat sembilan pemain intinya setelah mereka menolak ambil bagian dalam pemotongan gaji di tengah wabah virus corona. This is the match sheet of the Super League game between FC Sion and FC Zürich on Nov 22, 2020. 13 first team players and 9 technical and medical staff members Oktober in Quarantäne. Alex Song membawa kasus pemecatannya oleh FC Sion ke FIFA. Sion-Präsident begründet drastische Maßnahme. FC Sion have dismissed eight players without notice, according to a report by Swiss newspaper Blick, among them former Arsenal and Barcelona midfielder Alex Song, as well as the most valuable player in the squad, Pajtim Kasami, and captain Xavier Kouassi. “We expect that these abusive dismissals will be revoked immediately and that a discussion about possible alternatives will open up,” says SAFP President Lucien Valloni’s letter to FC Sion. 2020 was a year that will go down in history due to the corona virus pandemic and that has brought challenges for us all. Wie die Zeitung Blick berichtet, hat der Klub alle Profis fristlos entlassen, die nicht bereit waren auf Kurzarbeit umzustellen. D ie Corona-Krise hat im Schweizer Fußball schon ein prominentes Opfer gekostet. Swiss side FC Sion have sacked nine first-team players after they refused to take a pay cut due to the coronavirus outbreak, with the head of the Swiss players' union … Sion - . Salah satu pihak yang paling keras bereaksi adalah Swiss Association of Football Players (SAFP) yang … Swiss Super League side FC Sion have sacked nine players who reportedly refused to sign an agreement for a wage cut during the coronavirus crisis. Der FC Sion befindet sich im Zustand der Auflösung. Former Arsenal players Alex Song and Johan Djourou are among nine players sacked by FC Sion after the Swiss league was halted indefinitely by the coronavirus pandemic. Sepakbola Jumat, 20 Mar 2020 09:57 WIB Keuangan Morat-marit akibat Virus Corona, Klub Ini Pecat 9 Pemain.