Die Tests am Flughafen werden täglich angeboten, solange der Flugbetrieb läuft. Stuttgart (Flughafen) Um den RT-PCR Corona Test am Stuttgarter Flughafen (STR) durchführen zu können, musst du vorab online einen Termin vereinbaren. The test can be performed within 48 hours prior to arrival or within 48 hours after entry. Jetzt in Deiner Stadt testen lassen. It is expected that Ryanair will consider further flight cancellations. 69,00 Euro (Standard-PCR-Test). New contact number for the Citizens' Telephone in Nuremberg. A corresponding test station went into operation there late Saturday evening. In Nuremberg, as in the whole of the Free State of Bavaria, a temporary exit restriction will apply from tomorrow, Saturday, 21 March 2020, 0.00 hours, until Friday, 3 April, 24.00 hours. The Federal Foreign Office warns against unnecessary tourist trips abroad until at least the end of April 2020. Corona-Testzentrum Nürnberg erweitert Öffnungszeiten. Travel returnees can now be tested for the novel coronavirus free of charge at Nuremberg Airport. Depending on the further development, the offered program will be temporarily reduced to about ten percent of the current capacity. Starting with connections to China, demand in all market segments gradually collapsed. The German government's central institution for infectious diseases, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), continuously records the current situation, evaluates all information and assesses the risk in Germany. The test center cannot provide legally binding information on testing and quarantine obligations. Für die von der Politik vorgesehenen freiwilligen Corona-Tests für Reiserückkehrer an den bayerischen Flughäfen bräuchte der Airport Nürnberg ein bis maximal zwei Wochen Vorlauf. Das Corona Testzentrum Nürnberg befindet sich auf dem Gelände des Albrecht Dürer Airport Nürnberg. The Corona Test Center for passengers at Nuremberg Airport has moved and is now located between car park P3 and car park P5. Travel restrictions to the USA/ United States. Optionale Cookies speichern wir nur auf Ihrem Computer wenn Sie dem nicht widersprochen haben. Travels to Turkey: Lifting of the travel warning for four provinces. E-Mail … Bei einer angenommenen momentanen Impfbereitschaft von etwa 60 Prozent der Bevölkerung wird mit bis zu 300.000 Personen gerechnet, die sich in Nürnberg impfen lassen. Der kostenfreie Service richtige sich an all jene Rückkehrer, die aus Risikogebieten einreisen. The range of beverages consists of soft drinks, juices, various beers and wines as well as various types of coffee and is available in full. The branch of the Kalchreuth bakery will remain open. TUI fly has published the flight programme for summer 2021, which means that the airline is planning to continue flying from Nuremberg next year. The tour operator FTI is actively cancelling trips until 31 March 2020. The destinations planned are Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Tenerife, Corfu, Heraklion (Crete), Kos, Rhodes, Hurghada and Marsa Alam. Information sheet for persons entering Germany. The Amsterdam hub is also affected: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines will also cease service from Nuremberg until May. Today and tomorrow there will be six so-called return flights each from popular holiday destinations to Nuremberg. This enables us to present you with offers that are particularly relevant to you and your planned trip. Wer sich diesem Test entzieht, muss mit einer Strafe rechnen. The Federal Foreign Office currently advises against unnecessary tourist travel abroad, as severe and increasing restrictions on international air and travel are to be expected. The tests are subject to a fee and can be taken directly at the airport, at other test centers (for example, the test center in Frankfurt MyZeil or Wiesbaden RMCC) or at the place of residence. For travellers without an urgent reason for travelling, there are now restrictions on travel on these routes. Flughafen-Fernbusbahnhof, neben Terminal 2. Furthermore, all travellers may be tested in specialized places: List of places in Baden … The warning is issued against unnecessary travel abroad, as worldwide entry restrictions are expected to continue. The Bavarian Whitsun holidays are affected by this. Tourist traffic remained stable for a long time. The Turkish authorities have extended the entry ban for several countries affected by COVID-19 also to persons entering from Germany, valid from Saturday 14 March 2020 at 8:00 local time, initially until 17 April 2020. Airport Nuremberg must react to the consequences of the Corona pandemic. Many return flights, including flights to Nuremberg, will be operated on a regular basis. On behalf of the German Border Police we have to inform you that due to a directive of German Border Police the immigration of passengers who are not citizens or family members of citizens of the European Union, United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland is not permitted until 15th April 2020. In general: All passengers should observe the general hygiene regulations: Disinfectant dispensers are installed in all toilet facilities at the airport. These Corona tests are another option to the regular Test Center operation. Corona-Tests am Flughafen Wir informieren Sie über Corona-Tests für Reiserückkehrer, abfliegende Passagiere und Besucher. Turkish Airlines extends suspension of international flights. TUI fly publishes summer flight schedule 2021. The next possible flight for both destinations is currently planned for May 4, 2020. Testzentrum in Bad Nauheimbald verfügbar. Düsseldorfer Landstraße 34747259 Duisburg, Düsseldorf FlughafenDüsseldorfer Landstraße 34747259 Duisburg, Henschelstraße 18 Stornieren. For this reason, it had to be agreed with the Works Council that the instrument of short-time working could be used from April 1. Dabei kommt in der Regel ein PT-PCR-Test, teilweise aber auch weitere international anerkannte Tests zum direkten Nachweis des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 zur Anwendung (LAMP, TMA sowie auch WHO-konforme Antigen-Tests). An vielen internationalen Flughäfen besteht die Möglichkeit, sich auf Covid-19 testen zu lassen. What marketing strategies does Airport-nuernberg use? Der Weg dorthin ist ausgeschildert. Within 48 hours before returning to Germany, every traveller is obliged to be tested for the coronavirus in Turkey. It is essential that the commercial airport remains operational so that return flights as well as ambulance and cargo flights can be carried out. A decision on the summer holidays will be made later. Log In. It is now possible to register online in advance for the Corona Test at Nuremberg Airport. Corendon Airlines is holding on to the second aircraft stationed at Nuremberg Airport and will soon be able to book the first destinations for the winter flight schedule. Federal Government and Federal Foreign Office want to bring citizens back. Diese Cookies sind absolut essentiell für den Betrieb der Seite. Shaking hands is also not required. Germany: Frankfurt Airport coronavirus test center opens The scheme was launched in the hope of reopening air travel and "support a return to a new normal." Da zweimal geimpft wird, sind das rund 600.000 Impfungen. Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Airport-nuernberg. Here you can find additional information about Covid-19 and our testing. Travel advice for not necessary, touristic trips. Especially for travellers, the test results are issued in English. Der Ablauf bei den Corona-Tests Am Hamburg Airport gibt es zwei Corona-Testzentren: Das Testzentrum der Stadt Hamburg im Terminal Tango bietet kostenlose Tests für Reiserückkehrer aus RKI-Risikogebieten an, die mit dem Flugzeug am Hamburg Airport ankommen. The CENTOGENE Test Center offers an RT-PCR test (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test) and a rapid antigen test, which detects whether there is an acute infection with the virus, and thus the risk of infecting other people they come in contact with. Corona Einreisekontrolle am Flughafen Nürnberg am 10.01.2021#einreisekontrolle #flughafenNürnberg #Nürnberg #coronatest #coronaeinreisekontrolle Registration. An entry ban will come into force for, among others, non-US citizens. Register. Password. Unfortunately, this measure was not sufficient to safeguard the company's continued existence when air traffic came to a standstill. Your registration will be checked at the Corona Test Center. Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Care announces exit restriction. The Citizens' Telephone is manned from Monday to Sunday from 8.30 am to 4 pm. In response to the current outbreak of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19), the responsible Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs (HSM) ordered Frankfurt Airport to activate the MAC for maximum preparedness for receiving affected arriving passengers. Die Tests sind für alle Rückkehrer kostenlos. Diese Seite verwendet Cookies um das Nutzungserlebnis zu verbessern. An vielen internationalen Flughäfen besteht die Möglichkeit, sich auf Covid-19 testen zu lassen. Es befindet sich ebenfalls an der Parkfläche P7. Turkish Airlines extends the suspension of international flights due to the corona pandemic until May 20, 2020, which also affects the airline's connection from Nuremberg to Istanbul. Erreicht werden soll damit eine deutliche Verkürzung der Quarantäne, … For this reason, many tour operators are cancelling their holiday trips for the time being until the end of April. The Irish airline has informed us that it will discontinue flights to and from Nuremberg from 25 March to 28 March 2020. Antigen rapid tests and PCR tests in English language. For the Turkish provinces of Aydin, Izmir and Muğla in the Aegean region and the province of Antalya in the Mediterranean region, the previously valid travel warning has been lifted. Der Bus kann in der Zufahrt zum Parkhaus P3 halten. KLM plans to fly to Nuremberg again from June. According to Ryanair, all affected passengers were informed of these flight cancellations/changes by e-mail on 9 March. Arztsuche der Arzt-Auskunft. Positive news: Corendon Airlines presents winter destinations from Nuremberg. Dieses befindet sich im Testzelt der Firma Ecolog Deutschland GmbH auf dem Parkplatz P7. Frequently asked questions about the Corona Test Center, Answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Corona Test Center at the airport can be found here, Online registration for corona tests at the airport. A corresponding test station went into operation there late Saturday evening. REWE To Go (daily 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) and Kalchreuth Bakery (daily 6 a.m. to 5 p.m.) at Nuremberg Airport will remain open with adjusted opening hours. During the annual press conference, which was held online for the first time, Airport Managing Director Dr. Michael Hupe also addressed the effects of the corona crisis on airport operations today. Corona-Testzentrum Flughafen München Munich Airport Center (MAC) ... Um einen Termin zu stornieren nutzen Sie bitte unser Stornierungssystem. The Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Government have extended the worldwide travel warning for tourists due to the coronavirus pandemic until 14 June. As soon as the recall is completed - which will be the case in a few days - commercial air traffic in Germany, and thus also in Nuremberg, will largely come to a standstill. Neben dem Testzentrum Nürnberg können Reiserückkehrer auch bei ihrer Hausarztpraxis einen Termin für einen Corona-Test vereinbaren. Wir verwenden Cookies um unsere Seite zu verbessern. Nuremberg Airport takes the current health situation seriously and works closely with the responsible health authorities to protect employees, passengers and partners from infection and prevent the spread of the virus. In addition, all persons entering the country who have stayed in a risk area within ten days prior to their entry are obliged to go into quarantine for a period of ten days immediately after entry. FTI Group is also cancelling all trips until the end of March. The European network has now been set up so that as many flights as possible can continue to be used as feeder flights to long-haul destinations. Ryanair announced on 9 March that it would make further reductions in its schedules to/from Italy. Damit alle Reisenden, die aus Risikogebieten am Flughafen Bremen einreisen, auch vom Test erfahren, werden diese aktiv angesprochen. Germany requires coronavirus tests for arrivals. Der Weg dorthin ist ausgeschildert. Station am Flughafen steht auch an Weihnachten und Silvester bereit - 04.12.2020 12:41 Uhr Der Test ist natürlich freiwillig und keine Pflicht. Corona-Tests am Flughafen Frankfurt Trotz der Corona Pandemie lassen sich viele Menschen den verdienten Jahresurlaub nicht vermiesen. Passengers who did not receive an e-mail can expect their flights to be operated as originally planned. However, there is a significantly reduced staff requirement to maintain operations for these isolated flight events. A presidential decree will take effect from Friday 13 March 2020 at 23.59 EDT (Washington DC local time). This period also applies to the Easter holidays. Austrian Airlines will temporarily suspend regular flight operations from Wednesday night, 18 March 2020. At Nuremberg Airport, the wearing of a mouth and nose mask is already mandatory as of today in order to be able to pass through the personnel security checkpoint. Als Nachweis der Testpflicht bei der Einreise aus einem Risikogebiet ist allein der molekularbiologische Nachweis (PCR) gültig. Am Hamburg Airport gibt es ein Corona-Testzentrum: Das Testzentrum von Centogene im Terminal 1 bietet kostenpflichtige Tests für die breite Öffentlichkeit an. Das Widersprechen gegen diese Cookies kann ihr Nutzungserlebnis auf der Seite beeinträchtigen. Together with the Works Council, Nuremberg Airport has therefore initially reached an agreement to reduce overtime hours and remaining leave. Diese Cookies enthalten keine persönlichen Daten. nürnberg. Machen Sie einen Termin aus unter der Telefon-Nummer 09 11/ 62 99 83 333. wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Cookies die zum Betrieb der Seite nicht unbedingt notwendig sind und zum sammeln personenbezogener Nutzerdaten dienen, wie z.B. Further restrictions on international air and travel and entry restrictions are to be expected. For a safe and relaxed stay at Nuremberg Airport, please observe the rules of conduct at the airport due to the Corona Pandemic. E-Mail Address. These flights will be in addition to the scheduled connections to bring the passengers back home. Order your genetic test! Before flights from KLM to Amsterdam and Air France to Paris, passengers can now again use the Dürer Lounge at Nuremberg Airport - with an adapted service concept. If you lose the QR Code you can use the following information to access the test results: Name; Surname; Date of Birth Corona Test Portal. Auch Geschäftsreisen sind wieder beschränkt möglich und für die Unternehmen notwendig. Corona Test Centre At stuttgart airport The test centre offers PCR tests and rapid antigen tests by appointment at the airport for self-payers entering from a risk area or wanting to get tested for Covid-19 for personal reasons (to travel abroad and avoid accommodation bans, etc.).. Also a thank you to all those who are committed to our society. Mit dem klicken auf "Akzeptieren" stimmen Sie der Verwendung aller Cookies zu. Entweder direkt im Ankunftsbereich des Flughafens oder im Corona Test Center außerhalb der Terminals. Compulsory testing & quarantine in Bavaria. The call centre at Stuttgart Airport cannot provide further information on the test procedures and individual medical queries. Es ist auch möglich, mit einem selbst organisierten Omnibus (z.B. Brückenforum BonnFriedrich-Breuer-Straße 1753225 Bonn, HuckebeinHeidelberger Str. nürnberg airport covid. Dabei kommt in der Regel ein PT-PCR-Test, teilweise aber auch weitere international anerkannte Tests zum direkten Nachweis des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 zur Anwendung (LAMP, TMA sowie auch WHO-konforme Antigen-Tests). Tour operators cancel trips until end of April. Corendon Airlines' winter timetable (from 1 November 2020) currently provides for 19 weekly departures to numerous sunny destinations. Sie haben bereits einen Termin bei uns vereinbart? Corona Test Center Travel returnees can be tested for the coronavirus free of charge at Nuremberg Airport. These cookies are used to display personalized content according to your interests. According to the press release, KLM also wants to connect Nuremberg once a day with the hub at Amsterdam-Schiphol from June onwards. Schnelltest ab 34,90 €, online Terminbuchung, ⏰ keine Wartezeit, kontaktloser Check-In, ⏱ 5 Min Dauer, Ergebnis nach 15 Min. The Federal Ministry of Health has decreed regulations for travellers entering Germany in connection with the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 if they enter from a risk area. More information is available on the pages of the Bavarian Ministry of Health. Dauer bis zum Ergebnis: In der Regel innerhalb von 48h. The tests are subject to a fee and can be taken directly at the airport, at other test centers (for example, the test center in Frankfurt MyZeil or Wiesbaden RMCC) or at the place of residence. Restricted opening hours of Mövenpick gastronomy at Nuremberg Airport. Austrian Airlines will stop flight operations from 18 March. The Duty Free Shop, the Gateshop NEO and the Nuremberg Store in the security area as well as the Airport Shop in the public area will be temporarily closed from 28 March 2020. Air France and KLM cancel flights from Nuremberg. The branches of Rewe ToGo, McDonalds and Kalchreuther Bäcker are still open as usual. The Bayerische Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety) is available for questions at +49 9131 68 085 101. From Friday, 25 December 2020, rapid antigen tests and PCR tests will be offered to self-pay patients under the supervision of Ecolog's Chief Medical Officer Dr Thomas Liedtke. Kostenpflichtige Corona-Tests Die Kosten belaufen sich auf 49,00 Euro (Antigen-Schnelltest) bzw. Bei einer angenommenen momentanen Impfbereitschaft von etwa 60 Prozent der Bevölkerung wird mit bis zu 300.000 Personen gerechnet, die sich in Nürnberg impfen lassen. 12(gegenüber REWE)70174 Stuttgart, Waldhäuser Str. Test vor Abflug: Die Teststation steht sowohl Reisenden als auch Personen ohne Reisehintergrund zur Verfügung. Da zweimal geimpft wird, sind das rund 600.000 Impfungen. Due to the corona crisis, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has significantly reduced its 2020 summer schedule. Eurowings is planning a further significant reduction in the flight capacity on offer from 25 March 2020. It was stressed that Nuremberg Airport will not close. This was announced by Minister President Dr. Markus Söder in his government statement today. Nürnberg - Das Corona-Testzentrum am Flughafen stellt sich auch in den Weihnachtsferien auf regen Betrieb ein: Es wird zusätzliche Öffnungstage geben. ), DUS Flughafen / Duisburg Steinhof Please note: After you will submit form QR code will be generate and shown in next screen, using this QR you can see the result of test when ready. Tour operators and airlines bring their guests back from their destinations. In den Test Centern am Flughafen Nürnberg ist es aktuell nicht möglich, einen Corona-Antikörpertest machen zu lassen. CENTOGENE offers Coronavirus testing at Hamburg Airport (HAM). First the network airlines felt the impact because of the lack of business travellers, then the low-cost airlines in European direct traffic. 5.98%. Laut Betreiber Ecolog sind die Ergebnisse des Standard-PCR-Tests in der Regel innerhalb von 24–36 Stunden nach der Probenentnahme verfügbar. Top Keywords . According to the Federal Foreign Office, entry from Germany for non-Israeli citizens will no longer be possible in principle from 6 March 2020 (8:00 am). The flight cancellations will be gradually implemented in the booking systems and affected passengers will be informed immediately about changes and rebooking options. In any case, the result must be reported to the health authority responsible for them within 72 hours. The modified flight schedule is to remain in force until 8 April for the time being. 11-1555122 Mainz, BootshausHans-Reschke-Ufer 3(am Fernmeldeturm)68165 Mannheim, Direkt vor demAquamar Sport- und FreizeitbadSommerbadstraße 4135037 Marburg, Paderhalle PaderbornHeiersmauer 4533098 Paderborn, Breitscheidstr. Until then, the tests will remain free of charge, regardless of whether the trips are from high-risk or non-risk areas. In addition, the Federal Foreign Office would like to draw your attention to the fact that you have been entered on the crisis prevention list ELEFAND. The Federal Ministry of Health has published an information sheet for people entering Germany in connection with the coronavirus. Forgot your password? These cookies are absolutely necessary for the operation of the site and enable, for example, security-related functionalities. Für Wunschabstriche & Reiserückkehrer im Test-Center Nürnberg-Süd (Walk-In + Drive-In): Sie sind symptomfrei und möchten einen Abstrich vornehmen lassen. ... Corona Test Portal; ... CENTOGENE Walk-In-COVID-19-Testzentrum zieht auf größere Fläche am Flughafen Düsseldorf und erweitert Angebot um SARS-CoV-2-Antigen-Testlösung. Corona tests now possible at Nuremberg Airport. To further improve our offer and our website, we collect anonymous data for statistics and analysis. In times like these, we offer an important infrastructure in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region for return flights as well as ambulance and cargo flights. At present, catering operations at Nuremberg Airport are limited. Air France is cancelling all flights from Nuremberg to Paris with immediate effect up to and including 3 May 2020. Support & Contact. Tests exclusively for arriving passengers Tests are offered daily exclusively to arriving passengers. Ein großer Vorteil, denn so können ankommende Fluggäste und Passagiere sich einem sofortigen Test unterziehen. With the help of these cookies, we can, for example, determine the number of visitors and the effect of certain pages of our website and optimise content. The consequences of the Corona pandemic on aviation and tourism are enormous. Restricted catering operations at Nuremberg Airport. ### Mundschutz für Hygienemaßnahmen zur aktuellen Corona Verordnung ### The Corona Test Centre is an institution of the Airport Medical Center. Comprehensive information on the situation is published on the RKI information portal. Coronavirus Testing at the Airport The following rules apply to travelers returning from high-risk areas: they must quarantine themselves for 10 days. The detection is carried out by means of a throat swab. The connection from Nuremberg to Vienna will be completely suspended until 25 April 2020. Customers affected will be informed of their options by e-mail. 14872076 Tübingen(beim SSC Tübingen / Holderfeld), Platz der VölkerfreundschaftCrimmitschauer Straße 16a08058 Zwickau, © 2020 | 15minutentest.de | All Rights Reserved. Long term holiday bookings are still possible. CENTOGENE offers Coronavirus testing at Berlin-Brandenburg (BER) Airport. It may also be useful to register with Condor. Corona Test Portal. Similar Sites by Audience Overlap From Wednesday, 18 March, Mövenpick at Nuremberg Airport will only open the catering facilities Brezel Fritz (public area) and Sandwichmanufaktur (waiting room) daily from 6 am to 3 pm. If you have arrived from a high-risk area, you must go straight home or to other suitable accommodations immediately after landing in Frankfurt and remain there for 10 days without interruption. The CENTOGENE Test Center offers an RT-PCR test (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test) as well as a rapid antigen test, which detects whether there is an acute infection with the virus, and thus the risk of infecting other people they come in contact with. For further questions please contact the German Border Police. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., USA und ROSTOCK & … The 24-hour operation 7 days a week will continue, for example, to ensure the deployment of rescue helicopters, ambulance and return flights and cargo traffic. Changed opening hours in the gastronomy/ Temporary closure of the shops. Flugreisende können sich nun auch am Flughafen Nürnberg kostenlos auf das neuartige Coronavirus testen lassen. Für Wunschabstriche & Reiserückkehrer im Test-Center Nürnberg-Süd (Walk-In + Drive-In): Sie sind symptomfrei und möchten einen Abstrich vornehmen lassen. Session-Cookies). Corona tests at Airport Nuremberg remain free of charge until 1 October. Jetzt in Deiner Stadt testen lassen. Die Kassenärztlichen Vereinigungen haben in Zusammenarbeit mit der Landesregierung verfügt, dass am Flughafen Köln/Bonn seit dem 25.7.2020 Corona-Tests durchgeführt werden. Lufthansa Group will stop operating from Nuremberg (Frankfurt from 19 March) until 12 April 2020. LOT Polish Airlines will also stop flying to Warsaw for the next time. 4.51%. The lounge will be accessible exclusively to all authorized passengers three hours before the respective departure. TUI Deutschland has decided to suspend its worldwide travel programme until 27 March. - Passagiere, die in Nürnberg landen, haben zwei Möglichkeiten, sich einem PCR-Test zu unterziehen. Entry restrictions partly also for EU citizens. In the meantime, however, the charter airlines are only busy with return flights. Die Kapazität in Nürnberg liegt bei bis zu 2.000 Impfungen pro Tag, die Hälfte davon im Impfzentrum. Die Ergebnisse des Antigen-Schnelltests liegen in rund 20 Minuten vor. The airport will increase the short-time working allowance to ensure that all employees can be brought safely through this difficult period. Das städtische Testzentrum kann bequem mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln – per U-Bahn (U2, Haltestelle Flughafen) oder Bus (Buslinien 30 und 33) – erreicht werden. Even if there are currently no holiday flights departing from Nuremberg Airport, the airport remains open. Passengers who land at Nuremberg Airport from a risk area (list of the risk area of the RKI) will be taken directly to the test centre. Travelers who are still abroad should contact the booked airline or tour operator directly. Schnelltest ab 34,90 €, online Terminbuchung, ⏰ keine Wartezeit, kontaktloser Check-In, ⏱ 5 Min Dauer, Ergebnis nach 15 Min. In order to contain the coronavirus, some countries in the European Union have adapted their entry regulations. Bekomme ich ein separates Dokument, das ich meinem Arbeitgeber vorlegen kann? The associated increase in capacity is intended to shorten waiting times for answering calls. The CENTOGENE Test Center offers an RT-PCR test (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test), which detects whether there is an acute infection with the virus, and thus the risk of infecting other people they come in contact with. Bereits im Flugzeug, aber auch am Flughafen. Not registered yet? 89A64285 Darmstadt, Testzentrum in Dortmundbald verfügbar.FZW Parkplatz Ritterstraße, Deutsches Hygiene-MuseumLingnerplatz 101069 Dresden(Achtung: Zugang nur überZinzendorfstraße möglich! Nuremberg Airport is a system-relevant infrastructure facility in the metropolitan region. The Bavarian health authority is implementing the test requirements for travel returnees from risk areas as of today (August 8, 2020). 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Autobahn Rasthof KodersdorfAral-TankstelleSiedlerweg 1, 02923 Kodersdorf, Direkt am HauptbahnhofBahnhofplatz 1276137 Karlsruhe, Direkt am HauptbahnhofMombacher Str. Impact on the flight schedule in Nuremberg. 2.82%. Unter der Telefonnummer 116117 erfahren Einreisende, wo sie in der Nähe von Nürnberg einen Corona Test durchführen lassen können. Corona tests now possible at Nuremberg Airport Travel returnees can now be tested for the novel coronavirus free of charge at Nuremberg Airport. Starting next week (27 April), masks will be mandatory in Bavaria for all shops and public transport. ... corona test nürnberg. Eurowings further reduces flight offerings. Öffnungszeiten: Montags bis Donnerstags von 8:00 bis 12:00 Uhr sowie Freitags von 9:00 bis 12:00 Uhr (Nachmittagstermine nach telefonischer Vereinbarung: 0711 97469223) Thanks to all employees who make this possible. From tomorrow, Friday, 20 March 2020, the Citizens' Telephone of the City of Nuremberg can be reached at +49 911 64 375 888. For stays in France, the UK, Greece and Spain, travellers must register online using a form before entering the country. Due to the corona pandemic, the supermarket REWE To Go is temporarily closing at Nuremberg Airport. The test can be performed within 48 hours prior to arrival or within 48 hours after entry. Diese Art von Cookies sichert nur grundlegende Funktionen der Seite (wie z.B. Das Testzentrum von Centogene im Terminal 1 bietet kostenpflichtige Tests für die breite Öffentlichkeit an. Corona-Tests für Flugreisende jetzt auch am Airport Nürnberg möglich Bayerns Gesundheitsministerin Huml: Auch im Urlaub Gefahr nicht unterschätzen Die Tests werden täglich angeboten, solange der Flugbetrieb läuft. Regulations for persons entering Germany in connection with the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The distance rules can be observed thanks to a ticket solution. Notwendige Cookies speichern wir automatisch auf Ihrem Computer, da sie für den Betrieb der Seite notwendig sind.