Media in category "LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten" The following 124 files are in this category, out of 124 total. 1,479 were here. Mapa LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten (Zábavní park) – detailní mapa okolí (základní, turistická, satelitní, panoramatická, atd. August 2018. 0 meters Xanten ROCKT - Gitarren Schule. Archäologischer Park Xanten. By this time, the colonia had a population of around 10,000 people and was a great agricultural hub. 8 Nov 2020 - 9 Nov 2020. 46-50. However, it was utterly destroyed by the Germanic Franks in the third century and, despite final attempts to breathe life back into the settlement, including further fortification, it was abandoned by the fourth century. Der APC macht Winterpause. 0 meters Xanten Wing Tjun-Kung Fu -Kampfkunst & Selbstverteidigung. The LVR Archaeological Park in Xanten Xanten is a paradise for friends of Roman culture. Things to See at Xanten Archaeological Park . Dort gibt es unter anderem auch den Archäologischen Park Xanten. Archäologischer Park Xanten (Museum) Sources. Archaeological Park. 0 meters Suveren Grill. LVR-RömerMuseum. Wikipedia Limeskongresses in Xanten.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 4.67 MB. Am 20. Xanten Archaeological Park (Archaologischer Park Xanten) houses the remains of the former Roman settlement of Colonia Ulpia Traiana. Go to the top. Imposing reconstructions of Roman buildings are the heart of the Xanten Roman Park. Stoffphantasie. Mitarbeiter/Lehrende Studium. Archäologischer Park, Xanten Show Map On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Archäologischer Park: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more. Hotels near LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten: (0.69 km) Am Meerturm (0.63 km) Hotel Van Bebber (0.59 km) Altes Landhaus am Park (0.71 km) Nibelungen Hof (0.72 km) Hotel Hoevelmann; View all hotels near LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten on Tripadvisor more, Museum? 1989: 297-305. Sports & Recreation. Hotels near Archäologischer Park Xanten. in Ancient Roman Civilization. Herzlich willkommen im LVR-Archäologischen Park Xanten. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'historyhit_com-box-3','ezslot_7',178,'0','0']));Xanten Archaeological Park (Archaologischer Park Xanten) houses the remains of the former Roman settlement of Colonia Ulpia Traiana. Standorte: Archäologischer Park, Große Thermen, Regionalmuseum. LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten, Xanten: Pozrite si recenzie zariadenia LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten, umiestnenie a fotografie od cestovateľov v Xanten, Nemecko na Tripadvisore. ), plánování trasy, GPS a mnoho dalšího na more, Seitenanfang | You can even dress up like a Roman. Gefördert von / Supported by: Wikimedia Deutschland. The Archaeological Park is at the same time a centre of high-calibre research and a fun place to relax and play games! It is a mixture of ruins and reconstructed sites including temples, homes, an amphitheatre, a city wall, a baths complex and an inn, to name but a few. 46509 Xanten, Germany - panoramio (15).jpg 2,048 × 1,148; 294 KB. Xanten. Motivation & Expirience . Have a look at the unique building and its fascinating interior. If you know of any information on this page that needs updating you can add a comment above or e-mail us. Xanten - Archäologischer Park Archäologischer Park. Posted by: cache-catcher. At 73 hectares, Xanten Archaeological Park is now Germany’s largest outdoor museum and offers so much to see. LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten (Xanten, Németország). 2 adults - 1 room. Zurück Weiter. more, A whole variety of events and activities let the APX pulsate with life. The park, located just outside the modern town of Xanten, is filled with monuments that originated in the 2 nd and 3 rd century AD. Larger/Smaller Archäologischer Park / Regionalmuseum Xanten – Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und Zukunftsperspektiven. Exhibition Traces. Contacts . There isn't information yet! The area of the park was first garrisoned by Roman legions in around 13 BC and soon flourished. Organisation Type Hosting companies. Font Size: Nach Abschluss der Grabungsarbeiten wurde ein bemerkenswerter Schutzbau aus Stahl und Glas errichtet, der nun die Reste der mehr als 11.500 m² großen Anlage überdeckt. Der Archäologische Park Xanten ist ein Freilichtmuseum bei Xanten am Niederrhein . GLAM-on-Tour: Archäologischer Park Xanten 2018 Diese Datei entstand bei der GLAM-on-Tour-Veranstaltung im Archäologischen Park Xanten am 24.–26. Juli 2009 Von Maic Schulte In Artikel & Bilder, Chronologisch. Designed after years of excavation and research, they were built true to scale at the original location. They afford an interesting impression of everyday life in the Roman city â and lots more. Local Business. View waymark gallery. Adress: Telephone: Zip: Email: Now there is a large archaeological park (60 hectares) with ongoing excavations, a museum and (partly) reconstructed buildings. Dieser beherbergt das neue Römermuseum, den eigentlichen Park und schier endlose Sehenswürdigkeiten. Exciting and informative: Roman history comes to life in the APX. The area of the park was first garrisoned by Roman legions in around 13 BC and soon flourished. verso, cop. Archäologischer Park Xanten. more, Not all roads lead to Rome. Der Park liegt über der früheren Colonia Ulpia Traiana (CUT), einer der bedeutendsten römischen Siedlungen in Deutschland. Archäologischer Park Xanten. Archäologischer Park. Search. You are her: Archäologischer Park Xanten > Archaeological Park > Reconstructed buildings . Archäologischer Park Xanten. You are her: Archäologischer Park Xanten > Archaeological Park . Xanten, the only German town whose name begins with X[citation needed], is made up of three boroughs (Ortsteile): Hochbruch, Niederbruch, and the town centre. The new LVR-RömerMuseum is now open. Roads and a harbour were built as was a vast military camp and, except for an interruption due to a Germanic Bataver revolt in 69-70 AD, it continued to thrive. Ξενοδοχεία σε κοντινή απόσταση (LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten): (0.69 χλμ) Am Meerturm (0.63 χλμ) Hotel Van Bebber (0.59 χλμ) Altes Landhaus am Park … Check out Archäologischer Park Xanten, an MTB attraction recommended by 14 other mountain bikers! Xanten Archaeology Park was opened in 1977 and over a million people visit it every year. Dazu wurde eine sogenannte Sommerakademie eingerichtet, die Studierenden die Gelegenheit bietet, die Praxis archäologischer Arbeit kennen zu lernen. Alte Römerstadt, gelegen an der Via Romana. Beiträge zur Geschichte des Xantener Raumes. The Archaeological Park is at the same time a centre of high-calibre research and a fun place to relax and play games! Due to the corona pandemic, the APX is closed until at least January 31. See all 69 photos taken at Archäologischer Park Xanten by 899 visitors. more, The APX owes its special appeal to the interaction between archaeological research and adventure-oriented communication of the results. In 88-89 AD this settlement was finally honoured with the status of being a “colonia” and thus Colonia Ulpia Traiana was born. One of the themed pavilions documents the Romans' pronounced mobility, while another provides a view of the foundations under the Roman houses. LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten. QUICK SEARCH: ADVANCE SEARCH. Summary: Just 60 kilometres North of Düsseldorf (DE) and a bit to the east of Nijmegen (NL), the city Xanten is situated. Bahnhofstr. ARCHÄOLOGISCHER PARK XANTEN. Im Archäologischen Park Xanten (APX) können Besucher einen Ausflug in die 400-jährige römische Geschichte Xantens machen: Deutschlands größtes archäologisches Freilichtmuseum liegt auf dem Gelände der römischen Stadt Colonia Ulpia Traiana. You are her: Archäologischer Park Xanten > LVR-RömerMuseum. Startseite | Contents, You are her: Archäologischer Park Xanten > Archaeological Park. Restaurants in der Nähe von LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten: (0.18 km) Römische Herberge (0.53 km) Petersilchen (0.53 km) Karthaus X² (0.54 km) BB’s Rhein Street Food (0.44 km) Restaurant Plaza del Mar; Sehen Sie sich alle Restaurants in der Nähe von LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten auf Tripadvisor an. 32U E 323518 N 5727297. Where do you want to … The major buildings in the APX are more than just backdrops. This photo was taken during a project supported by WMDE. For more information. 3. All buildings have been rebuilt on a scale of 1:1 in their original location and using original techniques. Nutzen Sie solange unseren neuen APC-Rundweg im Freigelände! Just as empires rise and fall so do entry fees and opening hours! While we work as hard as we can to ensure the information provided here about Xanten Archaeological Park is as accurate as possible, the changing nature of certain elements mean we can't absolutely guarantee that these details won't become a thing of the past. Most of the buildings in Xanten Archaeological Park date back to the second century AD, when great building projects were undertaken. more, Explore the buildings in the APX â the colossal amphitheatre, the city wall, the harbour temple. Impressum | Datenschutz | Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit |. Der Archäologische Park Xanten (APX) erweitert die römische Stadtmauer, die einen Teil des Geländes umgibt. Archäologischer Park Xanten - Ancient Roman Civilization on Shopping/Retail. #Xanten #Canon Hey Leute, hier ist euer Samuringer, letzte Woche war ich in Archäologischer Park Xanten, ich dachte mir ich versuche mal ein … Archäologischer Park Xanten. Heimberg, U. Besuchen Sie den LVR-Archäologischen Park Xanten und erleben Sie römische Geschichte zum Anfassen. LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten Im Zuge der Errichtung des Freilichtmuseums wollte man auch die Badeanlage wieder sichtbar und erlebbar machen. Träger ist der Landschaftsverband Rheinland , der 1973 die Gründung des Parks beschlossen hat. LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten, Xanten: Se 522 anmeldelser, artikler og 784 billeder fra LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten, nr.2 på Tripadvisor af 20 seværdigheder i Xanten. Die römische Stadt, 1986: t.p. Make a donation. Deutschlands größtes archäologisches Freilicht-museum lädt zu einem anregenden Ausflug in die Zeit der Römer ein. Begeben Sie sich auf eine Entdeckungsreise in die älteste schriftlich erwähnte Stadt Deutschlands: Cambodunum! Archäologischer Park Xanten About Us There isn't information yet! This city used to be known as Colonia Ulpia Traiana and existed as Roman Town since 98/99 AD. Lehrangebot Studienberatung Hinweise/Hilfen zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten Praktikumsbörse des Instituts für Geschichtswissenschaft Aktuelle Praktika ... LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten / LVR-RömerMuseum. 1.3K likes. found: Führer und Schriften des Archäologischen Parks Xanten ; Nr. 46509 Xanten. Archäologischer Park Xanten. Van der Valk Hotel Moers Best price guarantee. Olvasson utazói értékeléseket, tekintse meg a hiteles fényképeket, és foglalja le szállását a Tripadvisoron. Welcome to ancient times! Parts of a nature reserve called Bislicher Inselare located in the municipality as well. Places near Archäologischer Park Xanten. Im Park wird dauerhaft gegraben, um die Bodendenkmäler zu erfassen und zu erforschen. the entrance fee is 9 euros each it makes out that it is an archelogical park and roman museum when in fact it has verry little roman remains in it, the majority of the buildings are replicas, the museum is even filled with mostly replicated products ie re produced coins. Spurenlese. Roads and a harbour were built as was a vast military camp and, except for an interruption due to a Germanic Bataver revolt in 69-70 AD, it continued to thrive. Adults and children can experience the streets and houses in this ancient city as the people did during the first one hundred years DC. Imposing replicas such as the amphitheatre and the harbour temple give you a living impression of everyday life in Roman Germania. With 14 photos & 2 insider tips, here’s everything you need to know! LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten, Xanten: Zobrazte recenze, články a fotografi z LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten na webu Tripadvisor. Discover the best attractions in Xanten, Germany including Archäologischer Park, RömerMuseum, Dom St Viktor. Dauerausstellung im Regionalmuseum: Tatort CUT, Geschichte aus dem Kies, Vor und nach den Römern Ein erstes archäologisches Museum wurde 1908 vom Niederrheinischen Altertums-verein Xanten gegründet. Hotels near LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten: (0.43 mi) Am Meerturm (0.39 mi) Hotel Van Bebber (0.37 mi) Altes Landhaus am Park (0.44 mi) Nibelungen Hof (0.45 mi) Hotel Hoevelmann; View all hotels near LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten on Tripadvisor 8. Other localities (Bezirke) belonging to the town of Xanten include Birten, Lüttingen, Marienbaum, Vynen, Obermörmter, Wardt, Mörmter, Willich, Beek and Ursel. Eröffnet wurde er im Jahr 1977 und seitdem wiederholt erweitert. Archäologischer Park Cambodunum (APC)! Xanten, Germany. Action is the name of the game here: old and young are in their element in the Roman Games and on the playgrounds. Treasures and Museums. Der Archäologische Park Xanten wurde 1977 eröffnet, das Regionalmuseum 1974. The Roman Colonia Ulpia Traiana has been reborn as an archaeological park, an open-air museum that features faithfully reconstructed buildings to help visitors visualise what the Roman town looked like. On the site of the ancient provincial town of Colonia Ulpia Traiana, Roman history comes to life - in the LVR Archaeological Park Xanten - abbreviated APX. The town borders the Lower Rhine and the town of Rees to the north, the town of Wesel to the east, the municipali… School. Druckversion | Reconstructed buildings . Find out more about the archaeologists' projects. Exciting and informative: Roman history comes to life in the APX. N 51° 40.134 E 006° 26.872. 0 meters Orca-Diver. $ statement (Archäologischer Park Xanten) p. 1 of cover (Landschaftsverband Rheinland, Archäologischer Park Xanten) Take a stroll around the Archaeological Park with our photographer to get a first impression of the sights waiting to be discovered here. While this may be Germany’s largest open-air archeological museum, the Xanten Archaeological Park may also be the only park of its kind in the world.. Gundolf Precht, Hans-Joachim Schalles. Wir sind ab März 2021 wieder für Sie da. Discover the remains of the Roman city of Colonia Ulpia Traiana in the vast green of the archaeological park. Unser Besuch im Archäologischen Park Xanten anlässlich des Geocaching-Gigaevents 2015 "Project GeoXantike" - GC56APX. History Hit brings you the stories that shaped the world through our award winning podcast network and an online history channel. 1989 ( tDAR id: 425409) 1.3K likes. A word associated with sitting still and keeping quiet â but not in the APX. Tag des 2. Herzlich willkommen im LVR-Archäologischen Park Xanten. LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten, Xanten, Saksa - Tripadvisor: Tutustu paikasta LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten kirjoitettuihin arvosteluihin ja ammattilaisten ottamiin sekä matkailijoiden aitoihin kuviin Herzlich willkommen im LVR-Archäologischen Park Xanten. There is also a museum housing finds from excavations.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'historyhit_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_12',179,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'historyhit_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_13',179,'0','1'])); Overall, Xanten Archaeological Park offers a fascinating insight into life in this Roman settlement and really lets you immerse yourself in its history. Eingang des RömerMuseums.