The Prussian coat of arms with the denomination below and the date to the right of the issuer name above. Juni 1864 in Cannstatt) war von 1816 bis 1864 als Wilhelm I. der zweite König von Württemberg.. Nachdem Wilhelms Jugend von Auseinandersetzungen mit seinem Vater König Friedrich geprägt war, übernahm er die Herrschaft in Württemberg im von Missernten und Hungersnot geprägten „Jahr ohne Sommer“ 1816. Oct 2 1921 - Bebenhausen (Babenhausen), Allemagne, Frédéric De Wurtemberg, Catherine De Wurtemberg, Pauline De Wurtemberg, Ulrich De Wurtemberg, Feb 25 1848 - Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Oct 3 1921 - Dundee, Angus-Shire, Scotland, United Kingdom, Frédéric 'cousin' De Wurtemberg, Catherine Frédérique Charlotte De Wurtemberg (née D'oldenbourg), Princess Catherine of Württemberg,Prince Frederick of Württemberg, Princess Marie of Waldeck and Pyrmont, Charlotte of Schaumburg-Lippe, Feb 25 1848 - Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Frederik Karel August Prins van Württemberg, Catharina Frederike Charlotte Prinses van Württemberg, Charlotte Maria Ida Louise Hermine Mathilde Prinses van Schaumburg-Lippe, Georgina Henriëtte Maria Prinses van Waldeck-Pyrmont, Pauline Olga Helene Emma Prinses van Württemberg, Ulrich Christoph Lodewijk Prins van Württemberg, N.n. King William became a Generalfeldmarschall during World War I. William II (German: Wilhelm II; 25 February 1848 - 2 October 1921) was the last King of Württemberg.He ruled from 6 October 1891 until the abolition of the kingdom on 30 November 1918. Apr 17, 2018 - "Home of North America's favourite gay lumberjack" Ers. von … ; 25 February 1848 – 2 October 1921) was the last King of Württemberg. Germany Württemberg - 3 Mark 1912 F - Wilhelm II - König von Württemberg Silver: 900/1000, weight: 27.7770 grams, quality: very fine. Leben Kronprinz. Postage cancelled at Meerane on 27.7.1915. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. 1 fave von Württemberg - 2 Gläser, Lotto No. He was also the last German ruler to abdicate in the wake of the November Revolution of 1918. 139-103684/0058 . August Halbauer II. von Württemberg in Feldgrau , King of Württemberg 1,920 views. Scegli tra immagini premium su König Wilhelm Ii. farbloses Glas, Gold gerändert, 1 Stück mit Monogramm "WR" mit Könnigskrone, 1 Stück mit Wappen … Kunstkirche Christ-König, Bochum 2015. William II (German: Wilhelm II. He studied at Bournemouth and Poole College of Art and Design in England from 1990 to 1992. The generations are numbered from the ascension of, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Grand Cross of the Order of Duke Peter Friedrich Ludwig, Duchess Augusta of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Hildburghausen, Duchess Charlotte Georgine of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Hof- und Staats-Handbuch für des Herzogtum Anhalt, Hof- und Staats-Handbuch des Königreichs Bayern, Staatshandbücher für das Herzogtum Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, Staatshandbuch für das Großherzogtum Sachsen / Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Newspaper clippings about William II of Württemberg,ürttemberg&oldid=1001267343, Members of the Württembergian Chamber of Lords, Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown (Württemberg), Recipients of the Military Merit Order (Württemberg), Grand Crosses of the Military Order of St. Henry, Recipients of the Pour le Mérite (military class), Recipients of the House Order of Fidelity, Recipients of the Order of Henry the Lion, Recipients of the Order of the White Falcon, Grand Crosses of the Saxe-Ernestine House Order, Grand Crosses of the House and Merit Order of Peter Frederick Louis, Grand Crosses of the Military Order of Max Joseph, Grand Crosses of the Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary, Grand Crosses of the House Order of the Wendish Crown, Recipients of the Order of the Netherlands Lion, Knights of the Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau, Recipients of the Order of St. Anna, 1st class, Recipients of the Order of the White Eagle (Russia), Recipients of the Order of Saint Stanislaus, 1st class, Recipients of the Order of St. George of the Fourth Degree, Grand Commanders of the House Order of Hohenzollern, Recipients of the House Order of Hohenzollern, Honor Cross, Knights of the Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg), Articles needing translation from German Wikipedia, Articles needing additional references from December 2009, All articles needing additional references, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Father of Ulrich Christioph Ludwig Wurttemberg; Unnamed daughter von Württemberg, Prinzessin and Pauline Olga Helene Emma von Württemberg, Fürstin zu Wied. William, already depressed by the death of his only son, is said never to have recovered from this blow. Weitere Ideen zu wilhelm ii, preußen, kaiser. Wilhelm II (1859-1941) was the last German kaiser (emperor) and king of Prussia from 1888 to 1918, and one of the most recognizable public figures of World War I (1914-18). König Wilhelm II. S. 6 Johannes Klinckerfuß Ein württembergischer Ebenist, 1770-1831 S. 8 Aufsatzschreibtisch für den König Werkstatt Johannes Klinckerfuß (Stuttgart, um 1804/05) S. 14 König von Württemberg, seine königlichen Ahnen, sein Volk und Land. Januar 1859 in Berlin; † 4. Battl. Friedrich Wilhelm Carl (* 27.September 1781 in Lüben in Schlesien; † 25. During these excursions, he would often be greeted by his subjects with a simple Herr König ("Mister King"). Download Württembergischer Nekrolog für das Jahr 1917/1918/1919/1920/1921, König Wilhelm II. König Wilhelm II. Közvetlensége miatt a „Herr König” néven is ismert. Stempelschneider war Karl Schwenzer in Stuttgart. König Wilhelm II. der zweite König der Niederlande und in Personalunion Großherzog von Luxemburg. NACH JOHANN TISCHBEIN, 1773. In 1891, William succeeded his childless maternal uncle, King Charles I (1823–1891) and became King of Württemberg. Figure I and Figure II are two young women who immediately confuse the viewer. Wilhelm König, Actor: Lockspitzel Asew. Wolfgang Tillmans (German, b. KÖNIG GALERIE was founded by Johann König in 2002, and currently represents 30 international, emerging and established artists, mostly belonging to a younger generation. Maria Wilhelmina Malapert gen. von Neufville (1763-1823), geb. William II (German: Wilhelm II; 25 February 1848 - 2 October 1921) was the last King of Württemberg. Specifically it celebrates the Kaiser's rousing Reichstag speech of 4 August 1914, in which he rallied his nation's support for the war by insisting upon the legitimacy of Germany's recent belligerent actions. 1891–1918 között Württemberg királya, 1918–1921 között Württemberg trónigénylője és címzetes királya. Figure I is photographed against a neutral background, striking various different poses and dressed in an assortment of clothes that make it impossible to ascribe her a fixed role. About Wilhelm II, König von Württemberg William II of Württemberg William II, King of Württemberg (born 25 February 1848 in Stuttgart; died 2 October 1921 in Bebenhausen) was the son of Prince Frederick of Württemberg (1808–1870) and his wife Princess Catherine of Württemberg (1821–1898), daughter of King William I of Württemberg (1781–1864). Delivery time: 10 - 14 days. König Wilhelm II. II. Le migliori offerte per MONETA COIN WILHELM II° DEUTSCHER KAISER KÖNIG V. PREUSSEN FÜNF 5 MARK 1913 (A) sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Ludwigsburg Google Scholar. von Württemberg - 2 Gläser, Lotto No. William was born the son of Prince Frederick of Württemberg (1808–1870) by his wife Princess Catherine Frederica of Württemberg (1821–1898), herself the daughter of King William I of Württemberg (1781–1864). Wilhelm II. (geboren als Wilhelm Karl Paul Heinrich Friedrich) (* 25.Februar 1848 in Stuttgart; † 2. ON KAWARA SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2008 On Kawara: Pure Consciousness, Yonghwa Temple, Tongyong, South Korea On Kawara: 10 Tableaux and 16,952 Pages, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX [catalogue] 2007 On Kawara - Pure Consciousness, Dar Al-Kalima College, Belthlehem, Israel. Silver: 900/1000, weight: 27.7770 g, KM# 523; Jaeger 104 - mintage: 2.9 Million ex. König Wilhelm II. We are a group of enthusiasts interested in the history of the First World War and the way and life of German soldiers during the war. SWR2 Wissen „Ade, Herr König!“ Wilhelm II. Nachweis: Bildnachweise: Wilhelm Trübner: Porträt König Wilhelm II. Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. He died on August 13, 1978 in Berlin, Germany. – Bebenhausen, 1921. október 2.) (Wilhelm Karl Paul Heinrich Friedrich) (* 25. für sozialistische Ideen begeisterte. Friedrich Wilhelm II., König von Preussen Ein Lebensbild. Werke: Gottlieb Carl Günther, in: Eberhard E. von Georgii-Georgenau, Genealogische Blätter aus und über Schwaben, 1879, 292-293. See more … Auf der Fehlschärfe innen eingeschlagen der Hersteller “WEYERSBERG KIRSCHBAUM & CIE SOLINGEN”. Germany Preussen - 5 Mark 1907 A - Wilhelm II - Kaiser von Deutschland und König von Preussen. The program’s focus is on interdisciplinary, concept-oriented and space-based approaches in a variety of media including sculpture, video, sound, painting, printmaking, photography and performance. 1918 zwangen ihn Revolutionäre zur Abdankung. Letter magnanimously translated by Immanuel; penned in Meerane on 27.7.1915 by Soldat Kurt Halbauer and sent to Offiz. (1859-1941), 1888-1918 Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preußen, Biographie, Lebenslauf in alten Postkarten und Bildern. Der heutige WYC wurde ursprünglich als Königlich Württembergischer Yacht-Club im Januar 1911 in das Vereinsregister des damaligen Bezirksamtes Tettnang eingetragen. KM#635, Jaeger#175. Mai 1917 in Stuttgart war ein württembergischer Offizier, Flügeladjutant von König Wilhelm II. Württembergischer Infanterie-Offizier-Degen n/A (IOD 1889), Kriegsfertigung datiert 1915. von Württemberg (1891-1918) aEF / SF: 545.94 US$ + 24.26 US$ shipping. 250. Viele Souveränitätsrechte waren an den Deutschen Kaiser gefallen. Have a look at the photos for more details and your own assessment. November 1918 dankte der württembergische Monarch, König Wilhelm II., als einer der letzten Bundesfürsten mit einem sogenannten „Scheidegruß“ ab. 1968) rose to fame as a documentary-style photographer, with a focal point on London’s gay community. William II (German Wilhelm II) (25 February 1848 in Stuttgart – 2 October 1921 in Bebenhausen) was the fourth King of Württemberg, from 6 October 1891 until the abolition of the kingdom on 30 November 1918. Oktober 1840 bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 1849. 139-103684/0058 . This commentary takes full advantage of recent advances in the textual history of Samuel and Kings, demonstrating in many cases that the differences often ascribed to the Chronicler came in fact from the divergent copy of the canonical books he was rewriting. Komp. He was an actor, known for Lockspitzel Asew (1935), Schatten über St. Pauli (1938) and The W Plan (1930). Monete: WILHELM II DEUTSCHER KAISER KÖNIG V. PREUSSEN. This was not, as it may seem, a departure from the Salic law which governed succession in the German states; his claim to the throne came because he was the nearest agnatic heir of his maternal uncle, as the senior male-line descendant of Frederick I of Württemberg through his younger son Prince Paul. Birth of Ulrich Christioph Ludwig Wurttemberg, Birth of Unnamed daughter von Württemberg, Prinzessin, Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Deutschland(DWR). Württemberg wurde in eine parlamentarische Demokratie umgewandelt und blieb als freier Staat Teil des Deutschen Reiches in der Weimarer Republik. Prince Ulrich of Württemberg (28 July 1880 – 28 December 1880), died in infancy, Cross of Honour of the House Order of Lippe, 1st Class, This page was last edited on 18 January 2021, at 23:29. von Württemberg und Rechtsritter des Johanniterordens wurde er am 4. He died in 1921 at Bebenhausen. Please see photos for more details and your own Role Play – Kunstkirche Christ-König, Bochum. Markus Dreßen, Anne König, Jan Wenzel Harkortstraße 10 D-04107 Leipzig Tel +49.341.264 510 12 Fax +49.341.212 24 11 Wilhelm al II-lea (25 februarie 1848 – 2 octombrie 1921) a fost al patrulea rege de Württemberg, din 6 octombrie 1891 până la abolirea regatului la 30 noiembrie 1918.A fost fiul Prințului Frederic de Württemberg (1808-1870) și a soției lui,Prințesa Catherine de Württemberg (1821–1898), fiica regelui Wilhelm I de Württemberg (1781–1864). He spent the next several years moving between London and New York with Jochen Klein (German, 1968-1997), a painter. He was also the last German ruler to abdicate in the wake of the November Revolution of 1918. Martin Brand, Fight for Your Right Vol. Ohne Bewachung oder Begleitung ging er bis in die letzten Tage seiner Regierung in Stuttgart spazieren. 2014 - พินนี้ค้นพบโดย Pincipealberto ค้นพบ (และบันทึก!) von Württemberg (1848 - 1921) - Interimsstab als württembergischer Hermann Historica König Wilhelm II. Free for commercial use, no attribution required. Wilhelm II. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. One of two photographs depicting cobblers and tailors from Infanterie-Regiment „König Wilhelm II. Genealogy for Wilhelm II Friederich Victor Albert von Preußen (Hohenzollern), König in Preußen, Deutscher Kaiser (1859 - 1941) family tree on Geni, with over … Stadion della migliore qualità. v. Württemberg, 1891 - 1918) und überkrönte Abnahmemarke. Geni requires JavaScript! Wilhelm al II-lea (25 februarie 1848 – 2 octombrie 1921) a fost al patrulea rege de Württemberg, din 6 octombrie 1891 până la abolirea regatului la 30 noiembrie 1918.A fost fiul Prințului Frederic de Württemberg (1808-1870) și a soției lui, Prințesa Catherine de Württemberg (1821–1898), fiica regelui Wilhelm I de Württemberg (1781–1864). Considered to be a popular monarch, William had the habit of walking his two dogs in public parks in Stuttgart without being attended by bodyguards or the like. Oktober 1921 auf Schloss Bebenhausen) war von 1891 bis 1918 der vierte und letzte König … On William II's death in 1921 without male issue, the royal branch of the House of Württemberg became extinct, and the headship of the house devolved to Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg, head of the Roman Catholic cadet branch of the dynasty, based at Altshausen. verliehen. Nevertheless, he was King and it was his duty to secure the succession. Von Pia Fruth (Produktion 2009) This page was last edited on 5 January 2019, at 09:49. William's father died in 1870, but his mother lived to see him seated on the throne of Württemberg. Despite living in a landlocked kingdom, William II was a yachting enthusiast. They had no children. Ein Jahrhundert Württembergischer Verfassung. è un catalogo internazionale di Monete Mondiali. He ruled from 6 October 1891 until the dissolution of the kingdom on 30 November 1918. Wilhelm wollte „niemals ein Hindernis sein für die freie Entwicklung der Verhältnisse des Landes und dessen Wohlergehen.“Fortan nahm er den Titel eines Herzogs zu Württemberg an. Wilhelm Friedrich Georg Ludwig von Oranien-Nassau war als Wilhelm II. Regensburg Google Scholar. Comes in a coin holder. Karl war der einzige Sohn von König Wilhelm I. von Württemberg und seiner dritten Frau Prinzessin Pauline von Württemberg.Er studierte in Tübingen und Berlin.. Am 18. The ship was laid down in 1865 at the Thames Ironworks shipyard in London, originally under the name Fatih for the Ottoman Empire. Kaiser Wilhelm II. Die Militärverdienstmedaille wurde ab 1892 mit dem Bild von Wilhelm II. William II (German: Wilhelm II. um 1110–1143 [Wilhelm Moritz von Bissing] - 1891 bis 1918 In Folge der deutschen Niederlage im Ersten Weltkrieg und der Novemberrevolution von 1918 verzichtete König Wilhelm II. View item: Württemberg: 5 Mark 1895 F Wilhlelm II. die Regierung an. 179 Wurzen, 4. Am 30. He ruled from 6 October 1891 until the dissolution of the kingdom on 30 November 1918. Ein König auf der Suche nach seinem Volk. Aug 31, 2015 - History of the various Guard and Line Artillery Regiments of the Imperial German Army from the Napoleonic Period through World War I. ; 25 February 1848 – 2 October 1921) was the last King of Württemberg. Juni1941 in Doorn, Niederlande) aus dem Haus Hohenzollern, war von 1888 bis 1918 letzter Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preußen. Wilhelm König was born on August 3, 1906 in Essen, Germany. Spector Books OHG. The mount is marked with the royal cypher of King William II of Württemberg. Wilhelm II. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Wilhelm II Emperor of Germany, , Deutscher Kaiser 1888-1918, König von Preussen, Wilhelm II. Get this from a library! Depending on which photograph you are looking at, the figure may look more female or more male — there is no way to zu König Friedrich ernannt wurde, Wirtemberg hieß. SMS König Wilhelm (King William) was an armored frigate of the Prussian and later the German Imperial Navy. พินของคุณเองใน Pinterest William II, King of Württemberg (born 25 February 1848 in Stuttgart; died 2 October 1921 in Bebenhausen) was the son of Prince Frederick of Württemberg (1808–1870) and his wife Princess Catherine of Württemberg (1821–1898), daughter of King William I of Württemberg (1781–1864). von Württemberg – Deutschlands letzter Monarch Von Pia Fruth Sendung: Dienstag, 26. von Württemberg auf seinem Thron und dankte ab. mit Zar Ferdinand I., Kaiser, Franz Joseph I. und Sultan Mehmed V., - Abbildung auf einer, Postkarte mit... Scarica foto di attualità Premium ad elevata risoluzione da Getty Images 2001. ... (König Wilhelm II. German First World War large format portrait medal (in cast iron) by F Görling commemorating Kaiser Wilhelm II as German Emperor and King of Prussia (1859-1941). Guglielmo II di Germania e Prussia (in tedesco: Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albrecht von Hohenzollern; Berlino, 27 gennaio 1859 – Doorn, 4 giugno 1941) è stato il terzo e ultimo imperatore tedesco (in tedesco: Deutscher Kaiser) e il nono e ultimo re di Prussia (in tedesco: König von Preußen).Guglielmo II rimase sul trono con entrambi i titoli dal 1888 al 1918. In 1871, Württemberg became a state of the German Reich, a significant limitation on its sovereignty. Ludwig III. Wilhelm al II-lea (25 februarie 1848 – 2 octombrie 1921) a fost al patrulea rege de Württemberg, din 6 octombrie 1891 până la abolirea regatului la 30 noiembrie 1918.A fost fiul Prințului Frederic de Württemberg (1808-1870) și a soției lui, Prințesa Catherine de Württemberg (1821–1898), fiica regelui Wilhelm I de Württemberg (1781–1864). Stadion su Getty Images. The last German Emperor Wilhelm II inspects his troops during various military parades.Der letzte deutsche Kaiser Wilhelm II. König Wilhelm II. Hier sind die Herrscher von Württemberg aufgelistet. His parents were first cousins, being the children of two brothers, and William was their only child. 149 likes. He ruled from 6 October 1891 until the abolition of the kingdom on 30 November 1918. Reverse. von Württemberg als Chef eines Dragoner-Regiments, Öl auf … The king was instrumental in the establishment of the Württembergischer Yacht Club (formerly "Königlich Württembergischer Yacht-Club" or Royal Yacht Club of Württemberg) in 1911 on Lake Constance. 2014 - พินนี้ค้นพบโดย Herold ค้นพบ (และบันทึก!) König Wilhelm pflegte einen eher großbürgerlichen Lebensstil. Verliehen wurden diese ab 1864 bis 1892 mit dem Bildnis König Karls. von Württemberg - 2 Gläser, Visualizzazione a schermo intero. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. A. Dietrich, Glauchau u. Waldenburg i. Sa. 10 Mark 1912 F König Wilhelm II. von Bayern 1845–1921. The territory of Ilsfeld has been settled almost without interruption since the Mesolithic and Neolithic.After the Franks expanded into the area, five ancient Alemannic settlements were subsumed in a royal court location that is the basis of the present-day town. Organized by ArtSchool Palestine and Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, England On Kawara, Michéle Didier at Christophe … The 350th anniversary of the Peace of Westphalia in 1998 was largely ignored by the discipline of international relations (IR), despite the fact that it regards that event as the beginning of the international system with which it has traditionally dealt. Comes in a coin holder. Verliehen wurden diese in 2 Versionen von 1818 bis 1864. On 15 February 1877 at Arolsen he married Princess Marie of Waldeck and Pyrmont (1857–1882). On 8 April 1886, at Bückeburg, he married Princess Charlotte of Schaumburg-Lippe (1864–1946). Early years. Early years. Son of Friedrich Karl August von Württemberg, prinz and Katherine Friederike Charlotte von Württemberg, Prinzessin von Württemberg König. Prince Wilhelm of Prussia as a Scotsman, 1884, by Reichard & Lindner von Württemberg, teljes nevén Wilhelm Karl Paul Heinrich Friedrich; Stuttgart, 1848. február 25. Scopri le migliori foto stock e immagini editoriali di attualità di König Wilhelm Ii. In 1870, Württemberg took the side of Prussia in the Franco-German War. Registered shipping. Bis 1495 war Wirtemberg eine Grafschaft.Von Napoleon wurde es 1806 zum Königreich erhoben.. Name Herrschaft Bemerkungen Konrad I. um 1081–1110 Konrad II. van Württemberg, Friedrich Karl August van Wurtemberg, Catherine Wurttemberg, Marie of Waldeck And Pyrmont, Charlotte of Schaumburg- Lippe, Feb 25 1848 - Stuttgart, Neckarkreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Friedrich Karl August von Wã¼Rttemberg, Katharina Friederike Charlotte von Wã¼Rttemberg, Friedrich Karl August von Württemberg, Catharina Friederike Charlotte Württemberg, Georgine Henriette Marie von Waldeck Pyrmont, Pauline Olga Helene Emma Prinses von Württemberg, Georgine Henriette Maria von Waldeck-Pyrmont, Charlotte Maria Ida von Schaumburg Lippe, Feb 25 1848 - Stuttgart, Neckarkreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Friedrich Karl August von Württemberg, Katharina Friederike Charlotte von Württemberg, Prince Frederick of Württemberg, Princess Catherine of Württemberg, 1848 - Stuttgart, Neue Schloss, Residenzstadt, Landeshauptstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Oct 2 1921 - Tübingen-Bebenhausen, Schloss Bebenhausen, Landkreis Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Friedrich Karl August Prinz von Württemberg, Katharina Friederike Charlotte Prinzessin von Württemberg, Marie Georgina Henrietta Prinzessin von Württemberg Prinzessin von Waldeck-Pyrmont, Kind von Württemburg, Ulrich Prinz von Württemberg, Pauline Olga Helene Emma Prinzessin von Württemberg, Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Deutschland(DB), Ludwigsburg, Württemberg, Deutschland(DKR], Friedrich Karl August von Württemberg, prinz, Katherine Friederike Charlotte von Württemberg, Prinzessin von Württemberg, Georgine Henriette Marie von Waldeck-Pyrmont, Prinzessin von Württemberg, Unnamed daughter von Württemberg, Prinzessin, Pauline Olga Helene Emma von Württemberg, Fürstin zu Wied, Guillaume Charles Paul - Roi De Wurtemberg De Wurtemberg, Willem Karel Paul Hendrik Frederik Koning van Württemberg, Birth of Wilhelm II, König von Württemberg, His Royal Highness Prince William of Württemberg, Baptism of Wilhelm II, König von Württemberg, His Royal Highness Crown Prince William of Württemberg. William II was King of Württemberg, from 6 October 1891 until the abolition of the kingdom on 30 November 1918. 9 มี.ค. von Württemberg Audio CD Le migliori offerte per Wilhelm II, 25 Anni Kaiser Und König sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! November 1886 Flügeladjutant von Kaiser Wilhelm I. Nach dessen Tod wurde er am 22. von Württemberg - 2 Gläser, Visualizzazione a schermo intero. Februar 1848 in Stuttgart; 2. ... Wilhelm II. Second of two German silents about the life of Bavarian king Ludwig II, a character who would much later also be the center of a film by Luchino Visconti. William's growing years coincided with a progressive dimininution of Württemberg's sovereignty and international presence, concomitant with the process of German unification. König Wilhelm II. Oktober 1921 auf Schloss Bebenhausen) war von 1891 bis 1918 der vierte und letzte König von Württemberg. 20.12.2019 - Wilhelm II., mit vollem Namen Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Preußen (* 27. Download Image of Wilhelm II., König von England. Zur Regierungszeit König Karls wurden die Vorderseiten nochmals geändert. Nach dem Tod von König Karl I. trat der Prinz 1891 als König Wilhelm II. Württembergischer Geschichts- und Altertumsverein“, 25 (April 2018), S. 21 (Archiv des Hauses Württemberg, Altshausen) Author: