Video 1 von 45 zur Serie: Independence Day 2: Wiederkehr - Trailer 2 (Deutsch) HD jetzt anschauen! Fox, Brent Spiner, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Jessie Usher, Maika Monroe, and Sela Ward: There's been no movement on Independence Day 3, and there's a pretty good reason why.Director Roland Emmerich and producer Dean Devlin took the world by storm with 1996's Independence Day, which premiered over the July 4th weekend and became a blockbuster.The bombastic alien invasion/disaster flick cemented Will Smith as a bonafide movie star and went on to gross $817 million worldwide. In addition, Empire Magazine has released the new covers for their upcoming issue along with some brand new photos from the film! Celebrate 75 Years of Independence with 20th Century Fox! The big-hearted exec pioneered footwear e-tailing and delivered happiness to countless people. INDEPENDENCE DAY 2 Trailer 3 (2016) NTL Movieclips Trailers. He helped the world fight off an alien invasion in 1996 blockbuster Independence Day. INDEPENDENCE DAY 2 United We Survive Clip (2016) NTL Viral. Video 24 von 45 zur Serie: Independence Day 2 - Featurette A Candid Conversation Larger than Life (Deutsch) HD jetzt anschauen! Independence Day: Resurgence - Trailer 2. Trailer for Independence Day: Resurgence.. We always knew they were coming back. It was written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, and Andy Signore.. 4:35. Independence Day - Trailer 13+ After a devastating alien attack, a group of people including President Whitmore, Air Force Captain Steven Hiller and satellite expert David Levinson devise a last chance counter attack plan to save the world they live in. Network Writers. 1:22. (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2: Wiederkehr - Clip Angst (Deutsch) HD, Independance Day 2: Wiederkehr - Clip Warum schreien sie so (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - Clip Bigger Than The Last One (English) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - Clip Brackish Okun Laser (English) HD, Independence Day 2 Resurgence - Clip Fast approach (English) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - Clip Dog Fight (English) HD, Independence Day 2: Resurgence - Clip Fear (English) HD, Independence Day 2: Resurgence - Clip Why are they screaming (English) HD, Independence Day 2 - Featurette The Speech Heard Around The World (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 - Featurette A Candid Conversation Larger than Life (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 - Featurette Krieg (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 Wiederkehr - Featurette Roland Emmerich (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 Wiederkehr - Featurette Salt Flats (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 Wiederkehr - Featurette The Space Tug (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 Wiederkehr - Featurette United We Survive (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 Wiederkehr - Featurette The War of 1996 (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 - Featurette A Candid Conversation: Larger than Life (English) HD, Independence Day: Resurgence - Featurette Heroes of 96 Dr. Okun (English) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - Featurette On Location (English) HD, Independence Day 2 Resurgence - Featurette War (English) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - Featurette About the Director Roland Emmerich (English) HD, Independence Day 2 Resurgence - Featurette Space Tug (English) HD, Independence Day 2 Interview Jeff Goldblum, Independence Day 2: Wiederkehr - Trailer 2 (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 : Resurgence - Trailer (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - Extended Trailer (English) HD, Independence Day 2: Resurgence - Trailer 2 (English) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - TV Spot Make Them Pay (English) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - TV Spot Hunt (English) HD, Independence Day 2 : Resurgence - Trailer (English) HD, Independence Day - TV Spot Resurgence (English) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - Super Bowl Trailer (English) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - Title Reveal Teaser Trailer (English) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - Viral Clip Manchester United (English) HD, Independence Day Resurgence - Viral Video Conspiracy Theories (English) HD, Independence Day 2: Resurgence - Hybrid Alien Technology (English) HD, Independence Day 2: Resurgence - Promo United We Survive (English) HD, Independence Day 2 - Viral Video The War of 1996 (English) HD, Independence Day 2 : Resurgence - Viral Clip (English) HD, Lost Girls and Love Hotels - Trailer (Deutsch) HD, Loki, Ant-Man 3 Wandavision & Hawkeye - Alle kommenden Marvel Projekte für Phase 4 und 5, Dark Justice Du entscheidest! Affiliate Disclosure: Evolve Media LLC, and its owned and operated websites may receive a small commission from the proceeds of any product(s) sold through affiliate and direct partner links. - Andra Day - Rise Up Marshall - Trailer - Update Song(s)/Music: It lasts about three seconds but sharp-eyed viewers spotted Singapore's skyline in a new trailer for disaster movie Independence Day: Resurgence that was launched at the SuperBowl on Sunday (Feb 7). is a property of Mandatory, monitoring_string = "d254514d58fda348db17b12227af3867", Tom Holland Thought He'd Be Fired as Spider-Man After Civil War, Babylon 5 Star and Lost Actress Mira Furlan Passes Away, Morbius, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Uncharted, and More Get Pushed Back. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. The second official trailer for "Independence Day: Resurgence" promises a movie experience that will bombard viewers with impressive and awe-inspiring images of the world at war. INDEPENDENCE DAY 2: Wiederkehr Trailer German Deutsch (2016) Diese Trailer und Filme könnten dir auch gefallen. © 2021 All Rights Reserved. But nothing can prepare us for the aliens' advanced and unprecedented force. We open up with a scene of the new "Area 51" base. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. Happy Independence Day! If you want this skin for a modded truck, please ask me. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. Schaue dir alle 45 Videos jetzt an! Footwear News. It was published on June 25, 2013, to coincide with the American holiday Independence Day, July 4th. The Marketplace: Sell your Script ! Independence Day | #TBT Trailer | 20th Century FOX About Last Night Official Theatrical Trailer (2014) - Kevin Hart Movie HD 3 Days to Kill Trailer 2014 Kevin Costner Movie - Official [HD] A lot happens in this trailer so lets break it down piece by piece. Independence Day: Resurgence - Trailer 2. Independence Day: Resurgence is the 174th episode of Screen Junkies comedy series Honest Trailers.. It parodies the 2016 sci-fi action sequel film Independence Day: Resurgence.It was narrated by Jon Bailey as Epic Voice Guy. But nothing can prepare us … Now Playing: Independence Day: Resurgence (Trailer 1) Summary: We always knew they were coming back. Who will be getting a big speech this time around? Independence Day - Trailer 12+ After a devastating alien attack, a group of people including President Whitmore, Air Force Captain Steven Hiller and satellite expert David Levinson devise a last chance counter attack plan to save the world they live in. What happened to Boomer the dog? In the follow-up film to the 1996 hit "Independence Day" which starred Will Smith, Earth faces another alien attack, and this time banks on the heroism of Liam Hemsworth to deliver them from total annihilation. LIAM Hemsworth suits up to help save the planet from alien nasties in the new trailer for Independence Day Resurgence. First thought to be meteors, they are later revealed to be gigantic spacecraft, piloted by a mysterious alien species who have set out to launch an attack throughout the globe. RELATED: Roland Emmerich Movies Spotlight. The trailer could use here the original track version (although most of the music used from it seems to be from the time where the two song versions sound the same anyway), since in one sequence there's perhaps a part of the song without the additional vocals if I'm not mistaken. But nothing can prepare us for the aliens’ advanced and unprecedented force. The five-minute video features a ton of new footage from the upcoming sequel and you can check it out in the player below! You may watch below the first full-length official trailer of Independence Day 2 Resurgence, the upcoming science-fiction movie sequel directed by Roland Emmerich and starring Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Judd Hirsch, Vivica A. On July 2nd, communications systems worldwide are sent into chaos by a strange atmospheric interference. 5 May 2016, 3:35 pm. News Corp Australia Network December 15, 2015 8:19am. Database of movie trailers, clips and other videos for Independence Day (1996). This Skinpack is compatible with all Stock (SCS) Trucks and all chassis and sleepers or daycabs! Roland Emmerich even answers the question, “Was Randy Quaid’s Russell Casse really abducted by aliens before the first film?” You can find out by watching our interviews with the cast. It parodies the 1996 sci-fi action film Independence Day.It was narrated by Jon Bailey as Epic Voice Guy. Look for it in theaters June 24, 2016. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. After Independence Day redefined the event movie genre, the next epic chapter delivers global spectacle on an unimaginable scale. Independence Day 2 Resurgence - Clip Links Abkippen (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 Resurgence - Clip Der Okun Laser (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day 2 Resurgence - Clip Größer als das Letzte (Deutsch) HD, Independence Day Wiederkehr - Clip Kontrollierter Sturzflug! Twenty-two years in the making, Independence Day: Resurgence features a script by Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin and James Vanderbilt, James A.Woods & Nicolas Wright. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. After Independence Day redefined the event movie genre, the next epic chapter delivers global spectacle on an unimaginable scale. Latest stories. Independence Day - Resurgence - Official Extended Trailer (2016) - Hollywood Movies Trailers. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events You can view those in the gallery underneath. Extended Trailer for Independence Day: Resurgence Brings Five Minutes of Footage. Now, with roughly six months before Independence Day: Resurgence hits theaters on June 24th (not July 4th), 20th Century Fox has unveiled the film's first full trailer (above). an Evolve Media, LLC company. Fox released a new trailer for Independence Day: Resurgence on Friday and the action packed video confirms the return of some familiar faces who must once again fight a familiar foe. Tom Ascheim Will Oversee the Harry Potter Franchise For Warner Bros. Independence Day is the 29th episode of Screen Junkies comedy series Honest Trailers.. Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women … INDEPENDENCE Day was surely one of the best big dumb blockbusters of the 90s — but 20 years later, its much-hyped sequel arrived with a dull thud earlier this year. 0:42. It was written by Spencer Gilbert, Ian Weinreich, Dan Murrell, Jason Pickar and Andy Signore.. The stark reminder of the mother ship destroyed at the end of Independence Day lays in the background of an alien hybrid military base. Falls du einen Independence Day 2: Wiederkehr Trailer vermissen solltest, schicke eine E-Mail an Directed by Dean Devlin, the film features a cast that includes Jeff Goldblum, Will … Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can bring our world back from the brink of extinction. Der Player berechnet automatisch die beste Trailer-Auflösung für deine Internetverbindung. Home video trailer for this sci fi thriller. We always knew they were coming back. This Skinpack is now also compatible with all Stock SCS Trailers and all bodies, chassis, etc.! Tony Hsieh, Zappos Luminary Who Revolutionized the Shoe Business, Dies at 46. Just in time for Earth Day, a new Independence Day: Resurgence trailer has arrived! - Trailer (Deutsch) HD, Pieces of a Woman - Trailer (Deutsche UT) HD, Zack Snyder’s Justice League - Trailer 2 in Farbe (English) HD, Cagefighter Worlds Collide - Trailer (Deutsch) HD, Walchensee Forever - Trailer (Deutsch) HD, Carmen Sandiego - S04 Trailer (English) HD, Unter den Sternen von Paris - Trailer (Deutsch) HD, Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo - S01 Trailer (Deutsch) HD, Auf Moviepilot findest du alle aktuellen Independence Day 2: Wiederkehr Trailer in HD Qualität! Independence Day Resurgence stars Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Judd Hirsch, Vivica A. Deutsch (German) العربية (Arabic) Français (French) Русский (Russian) ಕನ್ನಡ (Kannada) 한국어 (Korean) עברית (Hebrew) Gaeilge (Irish) Українська (Ukrainian) ... Watch the movie trailer Independence Day. Fox, Brent Spiner, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Jessie Usher, Maika Monroe and Sela Ward. Instead of new story details, the trailer spends most of its two-minute runtime reintroducing returning faces and explaining to audiences what has been happening on Earth since aliens first invaded twenty years back. THE WAVE Trailer German Deutsch (2020) INTERSTELLAR Trailer (2014) JUMPER Trailer German Deutsch (2008) GHOSTBUSTERS 3: Legacy Trailer German Deutsch (2020) had the privilege of visiting the Albuquerque set of Independence Day: Resurgence this summer. Independence Day 2: Wiederkehr Trailer & Teaser, Interviews, Clips und mehr Videos auf Deutsch und im Original. Songs HD. 20th Century Fox has released an extended trailer for the upcoming Independence Day: Resurgence, and we do mean extended. After Independence Day redefined the event movie genre, the next epic chapter delivers global spectacle on an unimaginable scale. Independence Day 2 Trailer There’s a brand new extended trailer for Independence Day 2 Resurgence, the upcoming science-fiction movie sequel directed by …