Na sever severozápadnou linkou 88% 21:45 - 00:10 Dvojka. They call themselves TKKG, after the initials of their names: Tarzan (later renamed in Tim due to the name "Tarzan" being trademarked), Karl, Dumpling (in German Klößchen, in Austria called "Klumpling") and Gab(b)y; an unofficial fifth member is Gaby's Cocker Spaniel, called Oskar. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows Most Popular Shows Browse TV Shows by Genre TV … Since 1979 they continually solve all sorts of crimes, from thefts and robberies to kidnappings and terrorism. (Watch out, Ufo-Cult! Dumpling secretly wishes to be as athletic and sprightly as his friend Tim. TKKG in … She is the daughter of police commissioner Emil Glockner and his wife Margot, who runs a small grocery store. Folglich offenbare ich Ihnen so manche Dinge, die demonstrieren wie effektiv das Produkt in Wahrheit ist: Auf unserer Webseite recherchierst du jene wichtigen Fakten und die Redaktion hat die Tkkg kika getestet. "Monsters" are coming), 070 ... Wer hat Tims Mutter entführt? Monday, July 22, 2019 at 6:00 PM UTC+02. More than a year ago. TKKG gilt im … The smartest of the quartet, Karl Vierstein is sometimes nicknamed Computer because he has an eidetic memory; whatever he's read he never forgets - perhaps because his father is a professor for Maths at the local university. The 2006 movie about the mysterious mind machine was produced by Constantin Film and was directed by Tomy Wigand. [1] Seit dem Tod Kalmuczaks 2007 wird die Serie auf ausdrücklichen Wunsch des Schöpfers mit verschiedenen Autoren weitergeführt. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. In the main roles, Fabian Harloff started from episode 7 as Tim, Christian Pfaff as Karl, Kai Maahs as Doughnut and Jessica Gast as Gaby. In June 2004 TKKG changed their publisher from Pelican to CBJ - They published volumes 07, 14, 54, 77 and 84 in January 2005 as a new edition with the CBJ brand name. The series is known as "STOP", which represents the acronym of the altered names of the main characters: The first 9 computer games were translated into English (the first 3 were sold in English-speaking countries; the last 6 were not and were translated for educational reasons). The Comics was produced by the studio Comicon, a draughtsman was Josep Marti, who also among other things for YPS drew. Tim's mother, a book-keeper, works hard to earn enough money for the expensive school money for their son. Gangster auf der Gartenparty (Gangsters at the garden party), 052 ... Überfall im Hafen (Assault at the port), 053 ... Schüsse aus der Rosenhecke (Shots from the rose hedge), 054 ... Alarm! With her golden blonde hair and blue eyes with long eyelashes, she is quite pretty. Mit 14 Millionen verkauften Büchern gehört die Serie zu den erfolgreichsten Jugendbuchreihen, die Zahl der verkauften Hörspielkassetten und CDs beträgt 33 Millionen. TV Shows. He is nearsighted and is virtually helpless without his glasses, which he polishes whenever he's nervous. The Comics was produced by the studio Comicon, a draughtsman was Josep Marti, who also among other things for YPS drew. 100), 101 ... Opfer fliegen 1. Tim loves adventure and hates injustice, and has a big crush on Gabby, of whom he is very protective. Tkkg kika hegen, sind Sie möglicherweise bislang nicht motiviert genug, um ernsthaft etwas zu berichtigen. Das alte Intro der TKKG Hörspiele, das nur mit den ersten 33 Folgen erschienen ist Dobrý Will Hunting 87% 22:10 - 00:15 Jednotka. Výjimeční přátelé 87% 17:40 - 19:30 HBO2. TKKG (2019) Comics. Psia duša 85% 10:50 - 12:50 Prima Family. By 2017 202 audiobooks have appeared, as well as three special episodes (The secret of TKKG (1995, re-issue 2010), Treasure island with seven secrets): Between 1985 and 1987 TKKG was developed for ZDF a twelve episode TV cartoon serial. Klasse (Victims fly 1st. Your input will affect cover photo selection, along with input from other users. (Who robbed the million-horse? ), 207 ... Doppelte Entführung (Double kidnapping), 208 ... Geheimnis im Tresor (Secret in the vault), 209 ... Drohbriefe von Unbekannt (Threat letters from unknown), 210 ... Raubzug im Casino (Raid in the casino), 211 ... Geiselnahme im Villenviertel (Hostage taking in the residential area), 212 ... Tyrannei Kommando Eins (Tyranny Squad One), 213 ... Das unheimliche Dorf (The unsettling village), 214 ... Diamantenrausch auf der A9 (Diamond Rush on the A9), 215 ... Verbrechen im Moorsteiner Wald (Crimes in the Moorstein Forest), 216 ... Das Geheimnis im Jagdschloss (The Secret of the Hunting Castle), TKKG- The Mysterious Mind-Machine (German title: TKKG und das Geheimnis um die rätselhafte Mind Machine) (2006), This page was last edited on 22 November 2020, at 03:46. Nevertheless, he is a reliable comrade, and having a rich father as an asset has proven useful time and again. His actual name is Willi Sauerlich. Die Haie vom Lotus-Garten (The sharks from the Lotus-Garden), 099 ... Hilflos in eisiger Nacht (Helpless in the freezing night), 100 ... Fieser Trick mit Nr. He accompanies the group practically anywhere. Episodes 7 - 12 had also been broadcast on ZDF two years later between 22 October 1987 and 26 November 1987 for the first time. Like Karl, she lives with her parents in town and attends Tim's boarding school only for lessons. A tanned athlete, he particularly enjoys judo (he has a brown belt) and volleyball. The books were written by Rolf Kalmuczak, under his nom de plume Stefan Wolf. Tim is 14, but mentally and physically far ahead. Die Hörspiele von TKKG gibt es im Shop. Gabriele Glockner (in Australian audio book editions she is called "Gabby" with a double "b") is affectionately nicknamed "Pfote" ("Paw") by her friends because she loves animals and makes every animal - particularly dogs - shake paws with her. (There. The names of the main characters have been slightly changed : Tarzan, Karl, Klaus, Gaby. Show Map. 1987–1989 appeared in Ehapa publishing house of 17 booklets with TKKG Comics (expenditure 1-2/1987, 1-12/1988 and 1-3/1989). In all German-speaking countries they are the most commercially successful series of novels of their type, apart from The Three Investigators. Would you like to suggest this photo as the cover photo for this article? His nickname is derived from his passion for chocolate; he never can keep his fingers off anything sweet. He lives together with Tim at the boarding school, where they share a room. Pekárov cisár 89% 14:25 - 15:55 Nova. (Oskar in danger! His parents are rich - his father owns a chocolate ware company - but Willi likes to spend more time with his friends. TKKG steht für die Namen Tim, Karl, Klößchen und Gabi. In France, thirteen TKKG books have been published in French from 1981 to 1985. Actually, she is also quite close to Tim, although she rarely shows it as much as he does. 1987–1989 appeared in Ehapa publishing house of 17 booklets with TKKG Comics (expenditure 1-2/1987, 1-12/1988 and 1-3/1989). 100 (Nasty trick with No. Die Falle am Fuchsbach (The trap at fox creek), 064 ... Schwarze Pest aus Indien (Black plague from India), 065 ... Sklaven für Wutawia (Slaves for Wutawia), 066 ... Gauner mit der "Goldenen Hand" (The crook with the "Golden Hands"), 067 ... Hinterhalt im Eulenforst (Ambush at the owl forest), 068 ... Rauschgiftrazzia im Internat (Drug raid at the boarding school), 069 ... Achtung! Die Buchreihe wurde jedoch 2011 eingestellt. Afterwards all episodes in irregular order were broadcast on ZDF and on KI.KA. Tim, however, comes from a city which is a four-hour drive away. Give good old Wikipedia a great new look: Cover photo is available under {{ || 'Unknown'}} license. Previously, Tim was originally called Tarzan by his friends because of his athletic prowess, but he did not want to be compared with this 'half-finished bodybuilder' after he had seen a very bad movie about him (the change actually came about because the name Tarzan is trademarked). He goes into the same class as Tim, but he does not live at the boarding school. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for, Note: preferences and languages are saved separately in https mode. Whiplash 83% 15:40 - 17:25 HBO. For two years (at the beginning of the series) he's been living in a famous boarding school, and is pupil of class 9b. So the two keep a secret stash of the good things in the cellar, where they help themselves whenever they have the chance. In Indonesia, TKKG books are translated to Indonesian. Mostly this is because the K is needed to form the TKKG brand.). TKKG (2019) Menu. among other things. Die blauen Schafe von Artelsbach (The blue sheep from Artelsbach), 189 ... Iwan, der Schreckliche (Iwan, the terrible), 190 ... Der eiskalte Clown (The ice-cold clown), 191 ... Nord-Nordwest zum Hexenplatz (North-Northwest on the Witches place), 192 ... Feuer auf Gut Ribbeck (Fire at the Ribbeck Manor), 193 ... Das Weihnachts-Phantom (The Christmas-Phantom), 194 ... Der Friedhof der Namenlosen (The graveyard of the nameless), 195 ... Dem Sonnenkönig auf der Spur (On the trace of the Sun King), 196 ... Tatort Wagenburg (Crime Scene Wagenburg), 197 ... Bei Anpfiff Übergabe (Handover at kick-off), 198 ... Der Golem vom Dunkelsee (The Golem of the Dark lake), 199 ... Verfolgungsjagd vor Mitternacht (Chase before midnight), 201 ... Vom Goldschatz besessen (Obsessed by the goldtreasure), 202 ... Ein Paradies für Diebe (A paradise for thieves), 203 ... Der Räuber mit der Weihnachtsmaske (The robber with the christmasmask), 204 ... Verschwörung auf Hoher See (Conspiracy on high sea), 205 ... Teuflische Kaffeefahrt (Devilish cross-border excursion), 206 ... Achtung,Ufo-Kult! in the context of the broadcast "TKKG - Der Club der Detektive"). Willi is actually also quite close with his father, mainly because of their common desire to eat well; Mrs. Sauerlich is a very strict vegetarian who makes them eat anything vegetable - and only vegetable. Klößchen ist verschwunden (Help! Klößchen is called Klumpling in Austrian audio book editions and in the official English translation of the movies. Ein Fall für TKKG ist eine deutsche Jugendbuchreihe sowie die darauf beruhende gleichnamige Hörspielserie von Stefan Wolf. Die Entführung in der Mondscheingasse (Kidnapping at Moonlight Lane), 032 ... Wilddiebe im Teufelsmoor (Poacher in "Devils Swamp"), 033 ... Wer raubte das Millionenpferd? Hansastraße 48, 24118 Kiel, Germany. Vysielací čas, stručný popis a ďalšie zaujímavé informácie o programe Ein Fall für TKKG (8. júl), ktorý vysiela televízia Kika. Na východ od raja 84% 22:10 - 00:00 Dvojka. The names of all the main characters have been changed to facilitate the locals to pronounce the names. (German nickname: "Klößchen", which means "dumpling". hansa48. Hide Map. Sophiina volba 81% 20:00 - 22:55 Prima MAX. Die Hörspielserie wird seit 1981 von Europa unter der Regie von Heikedine Körting produziert. He is tall and lanky, but not athletic. Nonstop in die Raketenfalle (Non-stop into the rocket-trap), 147 ... Hölle ohne Hintertür (Hell without a back door), 148 ... Fieser Trick beim Finale (Nasty trick at the Endgame), 149 ... Tims gefährlichster Gegner (Tim's most dangerous opponent), 150 ... Heiße Nächte im Dezember (Torrid nights in December), 152 ... Max und Anna, ein diebisches Paar (Max & Anna, a larcenous couple), 153 ... Es geschah in einer Regennacht (It happened on a rainy night), 154 ... Das Geheimnis der Burgruine (The secret of the castle ruins), 155 ... Gefangen im Spukhaus (Imprisoned in the haunted house), 156 ... Erpresser fahren Achterbahn (Blackmailers ride rollercoasters), 157 ... Oskar und die sieben Zwerge (Oskar and the seven dwarves), 158 ... Trainer unter Verdacht (Coach under suspicion), 159 ... Böses Spiel im Sommercamp (Bad game at the summercamp), 160 ... Das Grauen naht um Zwölf (Dread approaches at twelve), 161 ... Ein Yeti in der Millionenstadt (A Yeti in the town of millions), 162 ... Gefahr für Oskar! The homeland of the TKKG gang is a fictitious town with millions of inhabitants somewhere in Germany. Das Geheimnis um TKKG (Neuaufnahme) (Teil 19) - TKKG | Nghe nhạc hay online mới nhất chất lượng cao Vysielací čas, stručný popis a ďalšie zaujímavé informácie o programe Ein Fall für TKKG (18. máj), ktorý vysiela televízia Kika. Die "Monsters" kommen (Danger! The mascot of the group is Gaby's black and white cocker spaniel. Die Goldgräberbande (The Gold- Diggers Gang), 077 ... Der erpresste Erpresser (The extorted Blackmailer), 078 ... Heißer Draht nach Paradiso (Hotline to Paradiso), 079 ... Ein Toter braucht Hilfe (A dead one needs assistance), 080 ... Weißes Gift im Nachtexpress (White poison on the Night Train), 081 ... Horror-Trip im Luxusauto (The horror journey in the limousine), 082 ... Spuk aus dem Jenseits (Spook from the afterlife), 083 ... Hilfe! (Who snatched Tim's mother? Peter Timotheus Carsten, which is his full name (just called Tim, which is short for Timotheus, after Tarzan had to be replaced) is the leader of the TKKG gang, who are named after the initial letters of their names or nicknames. ), 055 ... Der Mörder aus dem Schauerwald (The murderer from awe-forest), 056 ... Todesgruß vom Gelben Drachen (Death greetings from the yellow dragon), 057 ... Jagt das rote Geisterauto (Chase that red phantom car! Die vier Hobbydetektive sind ein starkes Team und sind dem Verbrechen auf der Spur. Hosted by TKKG Turboklimakampfgruppe Kiel. pin. {{ || 'Unknown'}}, Hörspiel-Rechtsstreit und Entlassung von Niki Nowotny, {{ || || || 'Unknown'}}, Uploaded by: {{}} on {{ | date:'mediumDate'}}. Na samotě u lesa 87% 13:45 - 15:20 ČT1. Gaby's in danger! The series has appeared since 1981 with the radio play label Europa Spy Kids: Špióni v akcii 93% 10:40 - 12:05 Film+. Therefore, he grows steadily bigger around the hips. Klumpling's missing! 179 audio books were recorded and released (since 1981). Gaby in Gefahr (Help! Willkommen im Klub der Detektive! She is very good at English and backstroking. Nach dessen Tod im Jahr 2007 wird die Serie auf ausdrücklichen Wunsch des Schöpfers mit verschiedenen Autoren weitergeführt. There the TKKG gang live and go to school. (Who'll stop the Christmas- Gangsters? clock. His father, an engineer, had a fatal accident when Tim was only 6 years old. The Junior detective series TKKG is a German series of audio dramas and novels created by "Stefan Wolf", a pseudonym used by Rolf Kalmuczak. You can help our automatic cover photo selection by reporting an unsuitable photo. Die gefährliche Zeugin verschwindet (The disappearance of the dangerous witness), 131 ... Stundenlohn für flotte Gangster (Hourly wages for quick gangsters), 132 ... Homejacker machen Überstunden (Homejackers do overtime), 133 ... Auf vier Pfoten zur Millionenbeute (On four paws to the million-bounty), 134 ... Wer stoppt die Weihnachts-Gangster? Movies. Das Geheimnis um TKKG (Neuaufnahme) (Teil 34) - TKKG | Nghe nhạc hay online mới nhất chất lượng cao The first six episodes were shown between 7 November 1985 and 12 December 1985 on ZDF. Ein Fall für TKKG (kurz: TKKG) bezeichnet eine von Rolf Kalmuczak unter dem Pseudonym Stefan Wolf erschaffene deutsche Jugendbuchreihe sowie die darauf beruhende gleichnamige Hörspielserie.