Hessen. Do not sit your children on or lift them over the barriers of rides, as this is dangerous to life and limb. Achtung ‼ liebe Wunderland Feunde. 2019 Or from the A3, take the Idstein exit in the direction of Bad Schwalbach and continue on the B275 following the signs. Our staff at the individual rides is regularly being schooled because the safety of our visitors has top priority. “Knall & Fall” Freefall Tower opened. Weitere Informationen auf der Webseite des Anbieters. Many families come visiting us as a tradition. We therefor cooperate with the responsible departments of local and regional government as well as calling in voluntary food control. In the middle of the woods, surrounded by lush green and pure nature, lives a wondrous species: Big as bears but pious as lambs. Taunus Wunderland is owned by German showman Rudolf Barth. Viele Bahnen sind schön, die Streicheltiere sind freundlich und die Trampoline aind toll. © 2018 Taunus Wunderland | 260.000, tendancy rising. A leisure park with more than 50 great attractions, 4 theme areas and thrilling local flora and fauna. Areas being cleared for new attractions. Aktuelle Informationen zu den Auswirkungen der Coronakrise auf die Branche gibt es bei uns im Coronablog-Herbst / Winter. Here you must follow the instructions of the operator. Please keep the tickets during your visit and show them on request. Always there when you need them and always ready for a new adventure: the Muckels. They see themselves as a medium-sized enterprise with local roots, as regional employer and responsible purchaser when it comes to placing. Das Taunus Wunderland, der Familienpark mitten in der Natur, lässt mit seinen zahlreichen Attraktionen Kinderherzen höher, schneller und weiter schlagen und begeistert mit der einzigartigen Lage mitten im Grünen vor den Toren Wiesbadens. Freizeitparks in Hessen ab dem 15. Haus zur Schanze 1 The Taunus Wunderland may only be entered with a valid ticket. Roller-coaster “Wild Mouse” is opened, guaranteeing fun for the whole family with its 43 km/h speed, a length of 375 m and lots of harmonic bends and curves. 01. Eintritt recht hoch. Oktober Tag der Deutschen Einheit, Taunus Wunderland Wenn man in der Nähe wohnt und kleine Kinder hat (unsere Tochter ist knapp 3), kann man hier viele Sachen zusammen machen. Summer opening of “Aunt Rosie’s Candyfloss Land” and Candy Shop. *Affiliate Link: Ihr unterstützt Freizeitpark-Welt.de, wenn ihr über diesen Link bestellt. to visit your car, you will receive a stamp on your hand at the entrance which entitles you to re-enter the park. euer Ticket vorab reservieren müsst, ... Informationen zu den Auswirkungen der Coronakrise auf die Branche gibt es bei uns im Coronablog-Herbst / Winter. Sadly enough we have to close and take down our popular “Rodeo Ride”. High up, steeply down, experience, marvel, get the creeps! 3-4% erhöht. When you enter the Taunus Wunderland, you will arrive directly in the village where you will meet them and immediately feel at home. Viele Attraktionen wie Achterbahn, Wildwasserbahn und Märchenwald sorgen für vergnügliche Stunden. When leaving the park area, the right to enter expires. D-65388 Schlangenbad | Opening of the white-water ride. This has various aspects such as donations, volunteer engagement, cooperation with and promotion of sports programmes for the young as well as the promotion of community relations. The ticket is valid for one Miniatur Wunderland visit within our regular opening hours. You can find all information about our corona rules in the following document. Here you mount your first fun-fair ride together with your whole family and enjoy a breathtaking roller-coaster race, the merry-go-round or a refreshing splash in the white-water ride. $ Maps Road Maps. We wish you a pleasant stay in Taunus Wunderland. In the event of an interruption in the power supply or other events and a resulting failure of facilities and attractions, no refund or partial refund of the fee paid for admission can be demanded. Thus, the avoidance of plastic crockery and cutlery is one of the main aspects of our sustainability concept. They are our mascots and nobody ever found out how this adorable species happened to come and live in the Taunus. Onride Video der MACK Rides Achterbahn "Wilde Maus" im Taunus Wunderland in Schlangenbad in Hessen 2020. Ab Morgen (Montag den 26.10.2020) haben wir wieder unsere Gewohnten Öffnungszeiten: Montag- Freitag … Many great attractions are waiting for you! 2015 40,000 square metres with an extra 35,000 square metres in future years. Name Type Design Scale Opened Closed; Rodeo Ride: Steel: Sit Down: Family: 1999: 2019: Owner / Operator. Taunus Wunderland is home to the Muckels – they look after everything and take care that all visitors will have as much fun as they possibly can. Young families with children aged 3 to 12, including their grandparents, other relatives, friends and school classes. A pedestrian subway and new entrance are constructed. You can reach us via the A66 from Wiesbaden in the direction of Rüdesheim, exit Schlangenbad and then follow the signs on the B260. Find it all and much more with the interactive Roller Coaster Database. Öffnungszeiten . Mai Tag der Arbeit Dadurch entstehen euch keine Mehrkosten, wir erhalten durch euren Klick aber eine kleine Provision. Being a part of the local community, we want to be true to our role as responsible entrepreneur. Contamination by the dogs must be removed by the owner. They have actively witnessed the changes in Taunus Wunderland from an animal and fairy-tale park to a modern leisure park. Company seat: Die Attraktion soll als Highlight über drehende Gondeln verfügen. Through regular unannounced inspections either by the park management or by certified companies we assure that all rules and regulations are being adhered to in our gastronomic areas. Wie wäre es mit dem ältesten Mad House in einem… Dogs are not allowed in the rides. 2018 There is a direct bus connection from Wiesbaden main station via Taunusstein, line 273/274. These are experiences to be had with mum and dad or the grandparents and they will be the highlights of the family album! Because they love visitors and welcome everyone as if they were part of the family. Sort By: Published Views Rating. Der Freizeitpark in Schlangenbad hat seine Familien-Achterbahn „Rodeo Ride“ in diesem Jahr abgerissen und kündigte nun die Eröffnung die Eröffnung einer kompakten Dreh-Achterbahn an gleicher Stelle an. Please pay attention to your children because they easily underestimate possible sources of danger. 2017 Best Dining in Sulzbach (Taunus), Hesse: See 607 Tripadvisor traveller reviews of 22 Sulzbach (Taunus) restaurants and search by cuisine, price, location, and more. Programme: Parking is free of charge in the designated areas of Taunus Wunderland. Directions. Die aktuelle Saison ist beendet. But Muckel and Betty are not the only ones in the big Muckel family. The park is open in October from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and from November to January from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Taunus Wunderland is presented in a completely new way – not only visually, but substantially and organizationally with a clear aim for the target group. The head of the Muckel family still lives here with his Betty. As a local enterprise at the heart of nature, we have the duty to protect the environment and preserve it for future generations. Taunus Wunderland: Das Taunus Wunderland bietet Action und Spaß für die ganze Familie. Please keep the tickets during your visit and show them on request. Company name: The concept is being revised with loving care and the park is transformed into a theme park. Für einen doch recht kleinen Park und mehr für Kinder gedacht war der Abend doch echt in Ordnung. Startseite > Freizeitparks > Deutschland > Taunus Wunderland > Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten in der Nähe vom Taunus Wunderland Alle Hotels in direkter Nähe des Parks Booking.com Wo Kinder mit der Sonne um die Wette strahlen. 2. entry. 2001 5/25/2020: Wilde Maus: Steel: Sit Down: Thrill: 1999: Defunct Roller Coasters: 1. Children under 14 years are not allowed to stay in the park without a parent or guardian! Die Öffnungszeiten variieren. Mai 2020 grundsätzlich wieder öffnen. Karfreitag, Ostermontag oder Himmelfahrt. The owner’s family is deeply connected with the city of Wiesbaden in the vicinity of which the park is located although they are also travelling worldwide with the world’s largest mobile roller-coaster they also own. Hey you! As it is very close to Frankfurt, you might still consider going here once or so, but don't expect to much - though, small children will still love it. Opening of theme area “Uncle Benno’s Farm”. Our motto is “regional first” – we prefer regional suppliers in order to support local producers, to protect the environment with short transport distances and to guarantee high-class provenance. Da wir im Mai schon einmal im Park … Restaurants in der Nähe von Taunus Wunderland: (1.56 km) Wambacher Mühle (9.09 km) Taverne Niko (15.40 km) Il Mondo (2.67 km) Schlangenkeller-s´klaane Elsass (10.04 km) Ente; Sehen Sie sich alle Restaurants in der Nähe von Taunus Wunderland auf Tripadvisor an. The dearest creatures you can imagine. For more than 50 years, fun for the whole family has been our focus. 65388 Schlangenbad. For safety reasons, using any of our rides under the influence of alcohol is prohibited. These objects can become a dangerous projectile that can injure you or other persons. Das Taunus Wunderland eröffnet 2020 eine neue Achterbahn als Ersatz für die in diesem Jahr abgerissene Familien-Achterbahn "Rodeo Ride". Come round and become part of the Muckel family. Juni Pfingstmontag 1999 Target group: I am Uncle Benno, the keeper of the farm. I am Aunt Rosi, the good soul of the Candy Floss Land. 13. (bitte beachten Sie unsere Ãffnungszeiträume). Heute besitzt das Taunus Wunderland über 15 Attraktionen für die gesamte Familie. In der Regel werden die Preise um ca. Haben mehrmals die ... Taunus Wunderland Von Lushes Pirat am 26. Taunus Wunderland a existat încă din 1966, dar până la sfârșitul anilor 1990 a fost un parc de basm înainte de a fi vândut familiei Barth. Advertising and offering of goods and services on the park premises is generally not prohibited unless the management gives its consent on request. Haus zur Schanze 1 Looking for statistics on the fastest, tallest or longest roller coasters? 21. Videos. Ownership taken over by the Barth family. Traubenrutsche Onride / POV Video aus dem Taunus Wunderland in Schlangenbad in Hessen 2020. Demnach dürfen u.a. Experience a unique day with dinos, witches and pirates on your doorstep. ‼. Thus the spacious parking lot is safely and visitor-friendly connected to the park at the other side of a main through-road. Das Taunus Wunderland ist ein Freizeitpark im Südwesten der Taunus, in der Nähe von Schlangenbad.. Im Jahr 1966 als Streichelzoo und Märchenwelt eröffnet, unterhalten in der Gegenwart zusätzliche viele Attraktionen die kleinen und großen Besucher. April Karfreitag Der Park ist täglich von 09.30 bis 18.00 Uhr geöffnet und die Fahrgeschäfte von 10.00 bis 17.30 Uhr. It is our motivation to create unforgettable experiences for the whole family – to the highest perfection. Aufgrund der Corona-Krise können die Öffnungszeiten von Taunus Wunderland abweichen. für junge Abenteurer. Das Taunus Wunderland: Ein Freizeitpark für Kinder und Jugendliche. Celebrate the festive season! In Kürze finden Sie hier die Öffnungszeiten für die neue Saison! De atunci, s-au făcut investiții puternice în parc, și mai ales în zona de distractie. We would be sooo happy to meet you! April Ostermontag Liebe Taunus Wunderland Freunde, von der Bundes- und Landesregierung wurden am 6. The areas and attractions will be marked as far as possible. Friendly, cheerful, funny. . As a family business, we are proud to offer local residents and their families professional perspectives within their reach. In order to ensure that all visitors have a nice and safe day, only our park rules apply to the use of the park, which you are obliged to observe by entering the park. Always make sure that an adult is on the rides and never let your children out of your sight. Attention: In times of the corona pandemic we have to make some restrictions. 2016 Mai Himmelfahrt Geöffnet ist das Taunus Wunderland ganzjährig bis auf einige gesetzliche Feiertage wie z.B. The ticket includes the wonderful option to reserve a time window for your arrival, which has been especially allotted for ticket holders. There can be seasonal and weather-related changes! In their four theme areas, Grandpa Alfred’s Dinosaur Valley, Aunt Rosie’s Candyfloss Land, Uncle Benno’s Farm and Muckel Village, there are by now more than 50 attractions for children between 3 and 12 years – and of course everyone else who just cannot get enough! Wir freuen uns über diese guten Nachrichten – wir werden das Taunus Wunderland trotzdem nicht am 15. 1966 Our attractions are annually inspected and approved of by TÜV (equivalent to MOT). Telefon +49 6124 40 81 | Furthermore, we hardly use individual packaging anymore and negotiate special packaging-sizes with our suppliers. Das Taunus Wunderland, der Familienpark mitten in der Natur, lässt mit seinen zahlreichen Attraktionen Kinderherzen höher, schneller und weiter schlagen und begeistert mit der einzigartigen Lage mitten im Grünen vor den Toren Wiesbadens. So hat sich der Preis verglichen mit der Vorsaison entwickelt. Smoking is generally allowed. 01. Unfortunately, persons with walking disabilities are also not allowed to use some of the rides. Haus zur Schanze 1 | … Volcano slide, dino riding or rooster ride - you decide! Freizeitpark-Welt.de ist eines der größten deutschsprachigen Internetmagazine rund um Freizeitparks und Zoos und informiert seine Leser tagesaktuell über Neuigkeiten aus den Parks. Taunus Wunderland established as a fairytale park. Schön hergerichtet. Preis 2021: 24 EUR Preis 2020: ... Was genau für den Taunus Wunderland zutrifft, ob ihr bspw. Mai 2020 Lockerungen der Corona-Beschränkungen angekündigt. Your safety is taken care of by our technicians, who constantly check the facilities and, if necessary, take them out of operation if safety is no longer guaranteed. We are Muckel, Betty, Grandpa Alfred, Uncle Benno and Aunt Rosi – the mascots in Taunus Wunderland. Please bring appropriate dog bags with you. Our family park is the perfect place for generation encounters – competing in radiance with the warmth of the sun. Gültig für 12 Monate ab Kaufdatum Part of a series on: Years in amusement parks 2019 « 2020 This is a list of events and openings related to amusement parks that occurred in 2020.These various lists are not exhaustive. Leave your everyday life behind at the entrance and experience an unforgettable day in our three big theme areas. Taunus Wunderland Schlangenbad In Taunus Wunderland in Schlangenbad wird Familien auf 40.000 m2 vieles geboten, vom Spiel und Spaß bis hin zu verschiedensten Abenteuern. It all began in the Muckelsburg. Heute besitzt das Taunus Wunderland über 15 Attraktionen für die gesamte Familie. In the event of strong winds, obstructed visibility, thunderstorms or special weather conditions, we are entitled to suspend the operation of individual facilities and attractions for the protection of visitors. Mehr als 30 Attraktionen sorgen dafür, dass die Kinder und Eltern hier kurzweilige Stunden unter freiem Himmel im Taunus … 65388 Schlangenbad, Company surface: In the whole Taunus Wunderland you will find more relatives of these two and each one of them will be happy to show you how they live and what they do. 800 toll-free parking spaces. 1998 Taunus Wunderland, hier ist deine Welt... Der Familien-Freizeitpark Taunus Wunderland ist in einen großen Wald integriert. These must be observed in any case. Vielen Dank. Die Maskottchen im Taunus Wunderland mit den Namen Muckel, Betty, Opa Alfred, Onkel Benno und Tante Rosi freuen sich schon sooo sehr Dich kennen zu lernen! To comply with the obligation of issuing receipts, we have switched to using eco-friendly paper. Brand relaunch. Theme area “Grandpa Alfred’s Dinosaur Valley” is being enlarged. TAUNUS WUNDERLAND Dem Familienpark mitten in der Natur! The many children, non-smokers and the nature are happy if you keep it down or refrain from smoking in the park altogether. Parking is free of charge in the designated areas of Taunus Wunderland. Mit einer großartigen Auswahl an leckeren Köstlichkeiten wird dein Besuch zu einem ganz besonderen kulinarischen Erlebnis. Hotels in der Nähe von Taunus Wunderland: (1.22 km) Wambacher Mühle (9.46 km) Oranien Hotel & Residences Wiesbaden (15.26 km) Relais & Châteaux Hotel Burg Schwarzenstein (9.76 km) Hotel Klemm (9.93 km) Town Hotel Wiesbaden; Sehen Sie sich alle Hotels in der Nähe von Taunus Wunderland … Number of visitors: info@taunuswunderland.de. … We adhere to social and environmental laws, directives and policies and are working continuously on enhancing our share in a society that observes the principles of improving sustainability. These safety regulations are specified by the TÜV (Association for Technical Inspection) and must be strictly observed. Please avoid these areas if you do not want any pictures or film sequences of you to be used later in public, or inform the photographer or film team. The Taunus Wunderland may only be entered with a valid ticket. When leaving the park area, the right to enter expires. Manche Fahrgeschäfte etwas veraltet. Mai 2020 … Our tickets and gift certificates – important information You’ll receive the ticket by mail/UPS. The rules and signs of the road traffic regulations (StVO) apply at our parking area. There is no right to a refund of the admission fee paid, even in part. Aerial Imagery. If this does not happen, we assume that the exploitation is permitted free of charge. Dogs are welcome in our park, but they must be kept on a leash. ... Juni 2020 Sehr schön für Kinder ab 3 Jahre. Furthermore, pregnant women and persons with heart, back and similar health problems are not allowed to use some of our rides. Taunus Wunderland is a small theme park with some attractions for smaller children, most of them have aged a lot, and you will see a lot of wear and tear. By using the different rides you agree to the respective terms of use. Wenn sich nach einem langen und aufregenden Mittag im Taunus Wunderland der Hunger meldet, bist du in unseren insgesamt sechs Themenrestaurants genau richtig. Taunus Wunderland: Preise und Öffnungszeiten. Hallo, wir waren gestern im Taunus Wunderland zu einer der 3 Halloween Samstage mit langen Öffnungszeiten (23:30). As it is very close to Frankfurt, you might still consider going here once or so, but don't expect to much - though, small children will still love it. Taunus Wunderland Freizeitpark 2020. Taunus Wunderland is a small theme park with some attractions for smaller children, most of them have aged a lot, and you will see a lot of wear and tear. 2020 Wir waren mit einer Gruppe von 20 Kindern (6-9 Jahre) und 8 Erwachsenen im Taunus Wunderland. Located in Hausen über Aar in the Hessen region, Ferienwohnung im Rheingau Taunus ( Aarbergen ) features a balcony and garden views. The instructions of the park staff must be followed without fail. 17 m of breathtaking multi-motion are integrating a new movement – leaning forwards – into the popular combination of freefall and boat swing. This implies that we constantly work on reducing energy, fumes and noise emissions and on protecting the soil. Das Taunus Wunderland liegt mitten in der wunderschönen Natur des hessischen Taunusgebirges und verspricht Spaß in drei fantasievollen Themenländern mit ganzen 43 Attraktionen. Dieser Freizeitpark lässt Kinderaugen strahlen und Elternherzen höherschlagen. We are constantly working on a concept to omit plastic. In front of every ride that requires a minimum size, there is a measuring bar that you can use to check whether you or your children comply with this size. In Taunus Wunderland, film and photo shootings may be held from time to time. Corona-Information during the opening times, 10. Verschiedene kleine und große Attraktionen können hier besucht werden. Please pay attention to the safety instructions in the park. I am Grandpa Alfred, Guardian of the Dino Valley. Please follow the instructions of our security personnel. 03. Naturally, we act conscientiously, ecologically and environmentally sustainable. Saisonstart 2020 im Taunus Wunderland nach Corona mit neuer Achterbahn: Erfahre alles zur Corona-Öffnung und der Neuheit 2020. 2010 Taunus Wunderland Gutschein 2 für 1 Coupon Ticket mit Rabatt: Wunderland besuchen und mit Gutscheinen und Coupons jede Menge Geld sparen. Das Taunus Wunderland will in der kommenden Saison 2020 eine neue Achterbahn für Familien eröffnen. We take the responsibility of being an attractive enterprise in the economic sphere of Rhein-Main with more than 150 employees very seriously. If you only leave the park for a short time, e.g. The Taunus Wunderland success is based on the surrounding landscape as well as the engagement of the owner family who have been showmen for already 5 generations plus of course the talents of our staff. Taunus Wunderland-Atractie; Taunus Wunderland-Harta Sehr sauber und ordentlich. Hyde Park Winter Wonderland is London's spectacular Christmas destination open from November 2020 to January 2021. Opening of two new attractions: the “Wonderglider Simulator” at the Muckelsburg and the new crazy family roller-coaster “Kuhddel Muuuhddel” at Uncle Benno’s Farm. Taunus Wunderland Otto Barth e.K. With its highest point at 16 m and a distance to be covered in backwards move at this height, the heartbeat is sure to rise! Please note that animals as well as sticks or other bulky, pointed or loose objects may not be taken into the vehicles. Ever since, the park is growing constantly, including new attractions and the proposed enlargement. Für den richtigen Nervenkitzel sorgen Knall und Fall, der Rhein-Main-Flieger, eine Wildwasserbahn und mehr, Action gibt es auf dem Autoscooter, der Gaudi-Rutsch’n, dem Klettergerüst oder Simulator und mehr. Freizeitpark Toverland schaut auf ein bewegte... Zahlen und Daten 2020 - der Zoo Frankfurt zie... Efteling baut Nest! Aufgeteilt in den vier Themenbereichen, Opa Alfreds Dinotal, Tante Rosis Zuckerwatteland, Onkel Bennos Bauernhof und Muckelsdorf findest Du einen Streichelzoo, in dem Du Ziegen und Schafe füttern und mit Streicheleinheiten verwöhnen kannst. On some rides, children may only enter if they are at least one metre tall.