Bolt Speed - in default, the projectiles are too slow to reach targets that are far away. These are my thoughts on the single player part of the game, and I’ll be following up with a review of the multiplayer after the game properly comes out this Friday. A sidearm. Get a little bit of health and recharge your abilities after killing an enemy with a melee attack. Kashyyk, spawn as the rebels, and on the base that is closest to the beach. 57 kills in 10 minutes with the 1 shot sniper rifle and BOSSK In Star Wars Battlefront 2 ! 2. Breathe slowly when taking your shot and don't worry if you miss. Get Dual Zoom as fast as you can. Defeat 40 enemies by using Infiltration ability. The key is to have good positions, from which you can keep firing at your enemies. Go up to the platform above you and hide behind either turret(short one is better). You are invisible while shooting and deal more damage with melee attacks. All abilities have a shortened recharge time. Revolving around using sniper rifles to take down enemies, the Specialist class is ideal for taking down high-value targets or protecting objectives. Killed enemies extend the ability's time. Here, you can find the list of all Star Cards for Specialist. Vanguard:Equip a short-range weapon, that can't overheat, for a brief moment (a repeater shotgun). The best spots are not necessarily on a high point, but you need to be able to see a decent portion of the battlefield. Not recommended due to ineffectiveness of its special effect that can be ignored a little bit by many characters. Can be placed on ground or on walls. How to Succeed in a "Star Wars Battlefront 2" Galactic Conquest, How to Confuse and Conquer in Halo 3 Sandtrap, How to Stop Being Scared After Watching Scary Movies, How to Search the Internet for a Long Lost Friend, How to Encourage Older Children and Teenagers to Wear Diapers for Bedwetting, How to Use Aluminum Foil for Cleaning/Household Use. A shockwave with small blast radius, knocks enemies down. Can kill almost everyone with one headshot or two shots in torso. Specialty: Distance attacks, stealth Mobility: Moderate Team Roles: Sniping, traps Durability: Low (100 health points) Abilities: 1. After shooting a couple times, make sure to go out of zoom and look around you to make sure there's no one after you. You go up faster if you roll. Without modifications, the projectiles are too slow to hit moving targets that are far away from you. Explodes when someone touches its laser. Find a good sniping spot. There are 2 shots available. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Guide by Star Wars: Battlefront 2 boasts an impressive roster of unique and familiar characters from all three film eras. Scan Dart Default launcher fires a … This way you won't get shot by a soldier below. Enemies hit with it can't regenerate, the pistol also deals a little bit of damage over time (additional damage to heroes). Reduces damage from explosions and toxins. This guide teaches you how to be an effective sniper in the game Star Wars: Battlefront II and gives you good places to snipe. Copyright © 2000 - 2021 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Health regeneration starts sooner than usual. You can also use it to spot enemies: they will be marked on your allies' radars. here is a link to an early build of this map, I know its not much but if you are interested in early builds and visually seeing how a BF2 mod is made, check it out here: Reply Good karma +1 … Walk behind the turret and snipe at the center platform. Works great even on support classes. Make sure you are at a high location. If you answered “Yes,” then the Specialist class if for you in Star Wars: Battlefront 2. (Just be careful they don't snipe you out too!). Whether it be increasing your health, giving you more battle points or giving you better and stronger secondary weapons. Spawn as a sniper. Bad snipers are a nuisance to their team. Probably the most powerful weapon in the game. There is a large trail following the shot that easily gives away your position. 2. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Best Specialist Class Guide! Death Star, the two long narrow tunnels are nice sniper locations. After a hugely successful reboot, Star Wars Battlefront 2 opens up DICE's online sci-fi shooter to fresh theatres of intergalactic war. Dual Zoom - additional zoom (press melee button while aiming). The most useful gadget for snipers. Star Wars Battlefront II is a 2017 action shooter video game based on the Star Wars franchise. This concludes my in-depth overview and guide to all weapons available in Star Wars Battlefront 2 Multiplayer. ION Shot - increased damage to vehicles and shields, infantry damage reduced. The Coaxium Mines of Kessel in Star Wars Battlefront II. Disruptor Shot - an ION Shot: weaker against infantry, works great on vehicles and shields. The developed just dropped all new work or content for Battlefront 2 so that they could put their efforts into Battlefield 6 instead. Remember this when playing alone. Not recommended for new players. An electric field stays on ground for few seconds and deals a small amount of damage to players who step on it. Rate of fire is low but the weapon has great accuracy. Shield's durability isn't high even on its highest card level. ... For instance, a sniper that lands six head shots in one sitting will be awarded with a Marksman medal. Star Wars Battlefront II finally releases this November, ... Equip a powerful short range weapon that builds no heat. Kamino, be the droids and spawn at base 4. Duration of the ability and recharg… The default weapon requires two shots in a head to kill an enemy; the scope's zoom isn't great too. More Related Posts. ). Very low damage and accuracy. Geonosis, spawn as the Droidoka and go to the base on the cliff. Use it a lot, mainly in rooms or after overheating your main weapon. If you have different preferences, I would love it if you share with me and the rest of my visitors, why you like another weapon the most for your favorite class. 1 VOTO Rakinrra 105 Hace 2 años 2 @Wildfree1234Es cierto que el 4 Sniper está bien ... del foro de Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Some of the coolest are tied to the Enforcer, Infiltrator, and Aerial reinforcement classes. Infiltration Replenish: Reveals all enemies on your scanner. Keep low for a while, make sure you do not expose yourself too quickly as this can attract the attention of a soldier and you might get shot. Spotted enemies are marked on allies' scanners. In Star Wars: Battlefront 2, star cards make all abilities in the game stronger. Improved Cooling - this modification gives you 2 additional shots (7 rounds in total) before your weapon overheats. You may not be any match for an AT-RT, but you can easily snipe the driver out and take it for yourself. Really hard. You should switch between your sniper rifle and binoculars while you are holding aim button to find your targets faster. This default rifle is weak. Enemy scanners are jammed, your allies can see revealed enemies in your scanner's range. Also (only in galactic conquest) a good spot for sniping is here is when you go towards the platform suspended in air climb up the stairs and go forwards. LOS ARTÍCULOS DEL MOMENTO. Broadband & a good computer or any other console (If you're online of course. Blast is powerful but it gets smaller really fast with distance from an explosion. For more help on Star Wars: Battlefront 2, ... switch to the other weapon and all that build up will be lost immediately. Whether it be increasing your health, giving you more battle points or giving you better and stronger secondary weapons. You can run around the whole circle and fire from up high. Move under cover when reloading; you don't want to get fired upon when you can't defend yourself. The recoil in this weapon is smaller which has a positive impact on how the rifle operates. In Star Wars: Battlefront 2, star cards make all abilities in the game stronger. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. A208-CFE). - Battlefront II Disc Case Star Wars Battlefront II is the sequel to the best-selling Star Wars game in history. This effectively reduces your sniping capabilities (at least in Single Player). Strafe left and you will see a turret platform. Headshots are recommended because the weapon doesn't deal a lot of damage. Improved Cooling - gives you one additional round in the clip. Scramble enemy scanners in close proximity which al… Maximilian. As you might expect, there are lots of things to take into account when creating new art for Star Wars, a universe filled with such a rich visual and narrative history. Star Wars Battlefront 2 has had quite the journey ... and Specialist hangs back with a Sniper Rifle. This weapon works better as an assault rifle. Cards can be created out of crafting parts or found in crates. Holding the aim button and switching between binoculars and weapon is a good idea. This class is exceptionally difficult in leveling up in the beginning. Move after firing. This weapon is useful when you know what to do with an enemy lying on the ground... (quick shot / melee / escape). Enemies who saw its laser won't get in your trap that easily. This pistol is unlocked by purchasing Stinger Pistol card which replaces the default grenade. If your location is being overrun by enemy units, fall back to a safer location and snipe from there, or quickly change unit class to deal with the threat. The enemy faces you and you can kill easily head shot or not! Blaster shots reach their targets faster - this modification is necessary for eliminating moving targets. Último comentario hace 2 años. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) ... the engineer soldier class to access the fusion cutter then just move close to a constructable item and hold attack to build it #1. To know exactly where you're aiming without the scope, you can fire once, and draw a dot with a dry-erase marker on the screen, where the shot ended (must be glass). These challenges can only be completed in multiplayer. Creates a shield that blocks shots from all directions. Works great in rooms. If this happens to you, you can either keep your rifle out until you die because the gun only changes when you switch from pistol to rifle, or you can use your pistol, change to any other class, then change back. You can be damaged if someone enters your shield. Reduced damage while the ability is in use, shorter recharge. ... it will turn it into a Sniper Rifle. The tunnels are too narrow for enemies to dodge your shots and you can crouch just inside the doorway to one of the prison cells for cover. Keep as much distance as possible - Officers and Assaults have an advantage over you at medium distance in both accuracy and rate of fire. This modification fixes that a little bit. In this guide, I will cover everything from map walkthroughs, to details on each individual weapon. There's a range all the way to three, maybe four CPs. A mine useful for traps. While you are sniping you may lose command posts. Navegación de entradas ← Star Wars Original Trilogy Characters: Good to Evil. You can't use weapons while it is active (but you can use melee attacks). You will reach an end and climb up the side of the hill. 2. O n the surface, Star Wars Battlefront 2 is one of the more accessible multiplayer shooters out there. A very useful ability for a sniper - this class has no sidearms which means that you will have to use melee attacks a lot. Just snipe the storm troopers as they try to reach your base. This ability isn't very good. If possible, aim for people in turrets and people in vehicles. Shooting without using a scope is comfortable. Each one of them has 4 upgrade levels that can improve abilities or reduce time of their recharge. This medal offers the sniper an upgraded sniper rifle. Specialists aren't good at close distance (in the beginning), their durability is also low. Whenever you and your army make planet fall, does it seem like you always lose and you get the "bantha fodder" trophy? It introduces many new features, such as massive battles in the emptiness of space. A powerful rifle with low rate of fire, not as popular among players as A280-CFE. This chapter contains descriptions of weapons and modifications available for a Specialist. You will see a downward path, take that and use the teeth-like things on the floor as cover. Also, you need a great accuracy (if you don't kill your enemies fast they will start shooting back at you). The ability lasts 30 seconds (just like the basic version). Specialist starter rifle is more of a battle rifle than a true sniper, ... Rey, and/or Kylo Ren. Star Wars Battlefront 2’s campaign is a gorgeous shooting gallery that takes you to amazing planets, both old and new.But is it any more than that? Star Wars: Battlefront 2 System Requirements analysis for PC - Check any computer Can run Star Wars Battlefront 2 2017 recommended minimum requirements & system specs Naboo, on the balconies that are right in front of the river. The best spots are not necessarily on a high point, but you need to be able to see a decent portion of the battlefield. This guide teaches you how to be an effective sniper in the game Star Wars: Battlefront II and gives you good places to snipe. Doing it currently with one ship, sniper class with the rifle only, and no bonuses. Available in matches via spending between 1,000-2,000 Battle Points, these are the hardest hitting non-heroes in the game. Zoom and damage are both low. Sniper,1 sharpshooter,2 marksman,3 markswoman,4 or shooter, was a term to describe individuals who shotor5 specialized to shoota target from a long range.2 Often concealing themselves in a hidden location,5 snipers required patience and a steady, precise aim.6 sniper droid in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link) "Hostage Crisis" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars on … Learn how to use the sniper class with Tips and Tricks, the best star card combos and more in this in-depth Battlefront 2 Specialist guide. Limited time use. For Star Wars Battlefront II on the PlayStation 4, ... still be for all I know, I just haven't looked into it). There's always a next shot. Effective only on medium distances (e.g. Level up this class fast and unlock the second rifle. Good only for evacuations. When Star Wars: Battlefront came out, I could waltz around with the default laser rifle and take out enemies from across the map. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Electronic Arts Inc. or EA DICE / Digital Illusions CE. The table below represents Milestones and their requirements as well as rewards for completing them Specialist. Try to fire once and miss if you have a lot of ammo to attract attention. Reveal 100 enemies by using Thermal Binoculars. How to Succeed in a "Star Wars Battlefront 2" Galactic Conquest. Star Wars Battlefront 2 for whatever type of game console you have. A very good ability for team players. Faster sprint. Thermal Detonator:A basic grenade with large blast radius that deals a lot of damage, has a timed fuse (5 seconds). Shoots great without using a scope. Mos Eisley, As a Rebel or Droid spawn at the round sail barge hangar, and climb the scaffold to the top of the circular hangar. Take over the CP, then change to a sniper and go to the left of the area (looking off the edge). Find a good sniping spot. Binoculars' wide lens allows you to see multiple hidden enemies at once. Shock Grenade: This grenade slows down enemies who were hit with it. Apr 25, 2018 @ 2 ... turrets (sniper turrets, other turrets), walkers (such as the AT-AT and AT … When this ability is active you can see nearby enemies on your radar but they can't see you - get behind their backs and start eliminating them. Deals about 90% damage with a headshot so always shoot twice. Specialty: Attack Mobility: High Team roles: Direct attack, flanking Durability: Moderate (150 health points) Abilities: 1. Mobile versions of this guide will be available for download as soon as WWW version is ready. Effective snipers remove enemy threats such as Drodiokas and heroes. Duration: 20 seconds. A sniper. This is a good spot because it will let you hide in the bushes. These heroes have sorta medium-speed builds that Obi-Wan will likely have. Star Wars Battlefront IIwas released worldwide on November 17, 2017 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Origin on PC. ... and Perks for Cyberpunk 2077 character builds… Popular on many maps. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Steps 1. Headshot reduces weapon overheating and lowers amount of emitted heat until next overheating. December 2, 2020 December 2, 2020 Lisa Clark Star Wars: Battlefront We haven’t written about Star Wars Battlefront 2 in a bit, as the game seems to be dying out a bit. View Entire Discussion (2 Comments) More posts from the battlefront2 community Shoots a burst of 3 rounds just like in Assault's A280, Weaker against infantry, works great on vehicles and shields, Weaker against infantry, works great on shields and vehicles. Hoth, spawn as the rebels and on the base farthest from the hanger. 1v12 planets. Rockets and bombs need time in the air to build to their maximum speed and damage. IGN gave it a 65/100, calling the game "beautif… Applying the Star Wars Legacy to a Multiplayer Action Game . This guide teaches you how to be an effective sniper in the game Star Wars: Battlefront II and gives you good places to snipe.Steps Spawn as a sniper. Burst Mode - shoot in bursts of three rounds just like in A280C. you swap to the sniper rifle (or to pistol and then to rifle if already on rifle) and then any shot on any part of a non-wookiee or non-droideka will be an instant kill burner92 SWBF2 Addict If you "miss" and land too many head shots, you may get the award permanently. They are paralyzed for 5 seconds but they can still shoot. You can win or lose a battle with snipers. At launch, the game received mixed reviews, with most of the praised elements of the game being overshadowed by the loot box controversy.