The Outer Rim, dissatisfied with their lack of representation in the Senate, and the disproportionate amount of economic or military attention they received, even during crises, made up a large portion of those who supported the Separatists. In Star Wars bounty hunters you can change your clothing, by going to a clothing store and the game had that (I think). ]operated with impunity in the region, with slavery being common despite a Republic ban on its practice. Star Wars Battlefront: Outer Rim is an expansion pack for Star Wars: Battlefront.It released on March 22, 2016 for Season Pass holders and on April 5, 2016 for all other Battlefront players who wish to purchase it as an individual content pack.. After his exile, rogue Imperial Commander Rezi Soresh spent twenty-seven days on the run before settling in the Sixela system. The Hydian helped open up much of the galaxy beyond the region known as the Slice, fundamentally altering the scale of galactic civilization. Trade routes [3] Spanning the width of the galaxy, the Hydian Way ran from the Outer Rim world of Bonadan and continued through the Core Worlds to Eriadu on the other side. [70] In 2 BBY, Han Solo and Chewbacca accidentally started the Cult of Varn amongst the insectoid Kamarians of the desert world of Kamar who revered water. Has anyone played this yet? This colony became the birthplace of the Jeedai heresy which drew a substantial following among the lowly Worker caste and Shamed Ones. Additional content is on the way, just give me some time to float in a bacta tank. [66], As a means of increasing the Empire's presence in this region, three Stormtrooper batches were grown in the Outer Rim. Admiral Gaen Drommel established a dictatorship in the Oplovis sector while Grand Moff Ardus Kaine created the Pentastar Alignment which dominated a large area of the Outer Rim. [21] By 19 BBY, the Republic had driven much of the Confederacy from the Core Worlds and Colonies into the Mid and Outer Rims. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. In 18 BBY, Palpatine dispatched the Eye of Palpatine dreadnaught on a mission to destroy Belsavis's Plawal Rift which sheltered Ho'Din Jedi Master Plett and the Children of the Jedi. [38] However, after Yoda saved the life of a young witch named Rell, the two parties were able to come to a peaceful settlement. FFG Star Wars - Outer Rim. During the ensuing fighting, Admiral Ackbar launched a feint attack in the Vallusk Cluster to draw away Imperial forces. r/StarWarsOuterRim: Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Outer Rim boardgame subreddit. #proud. [82], Following Daala's defeat at Yavin IV, Daala retired and was succeeded as Supreme Commander by Admiral Pellaeon —Thrawn's second-in-command. The Outer Rim Oreworks corporation used its exploratory branch to search useful planets that the corporation could settle and exploit. As a result, the Rebel Alliance was reorganized into the Alliance of Free Planets with Endor as its capital. As a consequence, communications and law enforcement in the region were limited and the various institutions of galactic civilization were little more than concepts. You’ll travel the Outer Rim in your personal ship, hire legendary Star Wars characters to join your crew, and try to become the most … Year Published: 2019. 1 Playing against multiples AIs. However, their efforts were thwarted by the combined efforts of the Skywalkers, Solo, Calrissian and Daala. Star Wars: Outer Rim is a one to four player adventure game where players are trying to be the first to obtain 10 fame. Share this. In Outer Rim, you take on the role of an underworld denizen, setting out to make your mark on the galaxy. Highlights of the Saga: Attack of the Wampa, Highlights of the Saga: The Unlikely Heroes. [21] On remote Wayland in the Ojoster sector, Thrawn's forces acquired an operational cloaking device, several Clone Wars-era Spaarti cloning cylinders and the services of the Dark Jedi clone Joruus C'baoth. [32], The explosion of the Cron Cluster and the ensuing supernova, During the Great Sith War in 3996 BBY, the Krath under Aleema Keto destroyed the Republic jump station of Kemplex IX in the Auril sector. With Raith Sienar's designers working on new fighters for the Republic Navy, it was invaded by Separatist forces. [21], Despite his death, the New Republic had lost a third of its territory to Thrawn's Imperial forces especially in the Rimward territories. New chevron_right. Many crime groups took advantage of this chaos to rise. [24] In 1 ABY, Bakura was annexed by Imperial forces under Governor Wilek Nereus. Star Wars: Outer Rim haut Spielern die volle Dröhnung Star Wars um die Ohren, setzt ikonische Figuren und Anekdoten aus dem beliebten Sci-Fantasy-Universum geschickt ein, um bei Spielern eine Art Sogwirkung zu erzielen. [24], In 14 ABY, Chief of State Organa Solo embarked on a diplomatic tour of several Rimward worlds with her three children Jaina, Jacen and Anakin Solo. As a result, the Empire quickly regained key territories in the Outer Rim. In 3963 BBY, the Mandalorians invaded the Galactic Republic proper, forcing the Republic to enter the war. Many of the Human settlements had also been destroyed, and the surviving settlers fled. See also: Galactic Gazetteer The Outer Rim, also known as the Outer Rim Territories or … During an escape attempt, the companions made off with an experimental Imperial superweapon the Sun Crusher, capable of destroying entire stars with a projectile. Explore the galaxy for yourself with Star Wars™: Outer Rim, a game of bounty hunters, mercenaries, and smugglers for one… Read More. Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Star Wars™: Outer Rim, a game of bounty hunters, mercenaries, and smugglers for one to four players! Aeos system[31]Agamar system[3]Anthan system[32]Atterra system[33]Belderone system[25]Bith system[3]Crait system[34]Five Points system[35]Galidraan system[3]Horox system[36]Iakar system[30]Kaddak system[37]Kaller system[38]Kowak system[26]Lasan system[39]Llanic system[3]Mokivj system[40]Moraysi system[41]Omereth system[26]Otomok system[23]Penagosis system[41]Quell system[42]Refnu system[33]Rogue Antar system[43]Rugosa system[6]Ryndellia system[44]Serenno system[3]Tamsye Prime system[35]Thabeska system[45]Truwel system[46]Ubdur system[47]Uvena system[48]Vanqor system[49]Vassek system[50]Virgillia system[51]Zeffo system[52] [21], In 13 ABY, conflict broke out on Nam Chorios between the "Oldtimers" and the more recent group "Newcomers." Features: Lightsabers, blasters, helmets and more! There he established an outpost on a barren moon. Outer Rim is the company’s latest licensed offering, and as the name suggests, it’s set on the fringes of the Star Wars galaxy. [8], During this time, Mandalorian armor and weaponry was mysteriously seen in the hands of Outer Rim pirates. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! Under the orders of Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, the Empire nationalized the Imperial weapons and vehicular factories there for the war effort. As a result, numerous crime families such as the Hutt Clan and Pyke Syndicate[source?] [3], The Clone Wars provided the opportunity for the Republic and its successor state the Galactic Empire to re-establish central albeit militarized control over the region. Felucia is a humid jungle planet where various factions will often via for control in order to maintain authority over the Perlemian Trade Route. [24] Soon after the battlestation was completed in 0 BBY, Despayre itself was destroyed to test the Death Star's effectiveness. [69], In 13 BBY, the descendants of the Republic-era Grizmallt colonists in the Renatasia system were rediscovered. Soon after, the company was taken over by Kerred Santhe, who moved his company's headquarters to Lianna. [62] That same year, the Rebel Alliance scored an important victory at Toprawa by capturing a large portion of the Death Star plans. [8] Following the Sacking of Coruscant, the Republic was forced to give up many outlying systems to the Sith in the punitive Treaty of Coruscant. [106] While the Sith eventually collapsed from continuous infighting, Darth Bane secretly survived and enacted the Rule of Two, while he and other Sith Lords were buried in the Valley of the Dark Lords on Moraband. As a result Almania remained impoverished and was never able to join the New Republic. While the Republic continued to expand in the Core Worlds and the Colonies, Ossus became a fortress world blocking Tionese and Hutt expansion into the Perlemian. Following events in the Expansion Region, the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster Shedao Shai authorized the use of the Yo'gand's Core tactic on Sernpidal, destroying the world and killing millions. [25], Several years before the Clone Wars, those in the Outer Rim eventually came to believe themselves victims of economic and social injustices, as Judicials were often withheld in intervening in Outer Rim affairs after many far-flung worlds refused to provide the Core with profitable deals. Despite destroying a Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought, the Resistance lost several bombers and starfighters. [136], Before the Resistance could complete their evacuation of D'Qar, they were attacked by the First Order Navy. Mods. Under the leadership of former Jedi Count Dooku, various worlds, corporations and factions across the galaxy seceded from the Republic. Obwohl auch jeder Sektor des Äußeren Randes im Galaktischen Senat vertreten wurde, erfuhren auf einigen Welten des Äußeren Randes die Gesetze der Galaktischen Republik keine Beachtung. [24] Later, Skywalker was able to negotiate and establish contact with the native crystalline Tsils who agreed to help eliminate the drochs within the sector. Take to the stars and become a living legend in Star Wars: outer rim, a game of bounty hunters, mercenaries, and Smugglers for one to four players! Vos and Beckett also met their ends at the hands of Qi'ra and Solo respectively. Kumauri's legacy would live on in the tradition of warship design that culminated in the Cal-class battleship. The Outer Rim Territories, simply known as the Outer Rim and alternatively called the Outer Rim Systems, are located outside the Mid Rim.The Outer Rim is the least widely settled and explored expanse of the galaxy - before Wild Space and the Unknown Regions.The largest region of space in the galaxy, it was home to a vast array of diverse worlds. Weakened by the Sith War, the Republic and the Jedi Council refused to intervene at first. Players: 1-4. [33], During the Mandalorian Wars (3976-3960 BBY), the Mandalorians chose the Outer Rim to begin their campaign against the Galactic Republic. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [39] Around 15 BBY, Ylesia was first settled by Aruk Besadii Aora who established the Cult of The One and The All as a cover for their spice mining operations. In truth, Rinnrivin's cartel was a criminal front organization set up by several Centrist senators including Lady Carise Sindian to bankroll the Amaxine warriors and the First Order's fleet. It represents a vibrant ecosystem of characters, spaceships, and worlds playing out against a backdrop of intergalactic conflict, and the player is given the option to experience it as they think best. D&D Beyond Meanwhile, the New Republic dispatched two full fleets and invaded the Antemeridian sector. Sectors However, the Resistance escaped offworld due to Luke Skywalker's final stand with Ren. [73], With the defeat of the Empire Reborn, the Republic freed and repatriated many of Hethrir's former slaves including the kidnapped children on the Worldcraft Rebirth and the imprisoned passengers aboard Hethrir's passenger freighters. Highlights of the Saga: The Empire Strikes Back! 0 Lost Fame Counter Peg . Top 10 Games of 2019 (And Goodbye to Sam) Dice Tower 624 - H is for Hype. [116], During the Imperial Era, several rebel cells emerged throughout the Outer Rim, including Hera Syndulla's Spectres,[115] the Phoenix Cell,[117] and General Jan Dodonna's Massassi Group. During the Firrerreo Genocide that same year, the Firrerreo Procurator of Justice Hethrir destroyed all life on his homeworld of Firrerre by unleashing a lethal strain of the hive virus. It was the center of resistance to the Empire. [37], In 600 BBY, a fallen Jedi Knight named Allya was exiled to the rugged frontier world of Dathomir. As a result, the Kaleesh Bentilais san Sk'ar joined the Imperial military.[72]. Later, Solo, Qi'ra, and Chewbacca joined forces with Enfys Nest's Cloud-Riders to defeat Vos' Pyke Syndicate forces on Savareen. Games Movies TV Video. [138], Following the death of General Organa, Ajan Kloss served as a staging point for a Resistance assault on the Emperor's forces on Exegol. [21] Between 30,000 to 25,200 BBY, the far-reaching Rakatan Infinite Empire ruled a number of Outer Rim worlds including Tatooine, Dantooine and Honoghr. Availability: 2 in Stock. [21], Another important Outer Rim planet was Tatooine since Jabba the Hutt controlled major routes. [21] Around 4000 BBY, the Mon Calamari and Quarren species of watery Dac were discovered though its inhabitants had already been exploring nearby star systems for several years. Discussion in 'Star Wars: Video/Tabletop Games' started by Lazarus Dei, Dec 28, 2020. In 5 BBY, the Erhynradd Mutiny occurred. So when I spotted the board game Outer Rim at our local game shop, we were more than excited. About a decade after the calamity of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Outer Rim was the site of battlegrounds for the Second Galactic Civil War, on planets such as Ossus; however, it did not play a very important role in that conflict. [11] Its destruction in the Battle of Endor, as well as the deaths of the Emperor and Darth Vader,[132] saw the fragmentation of Imperial authority, resulting in the gradual retreat of Imperial dominion from the Outer Rim. In the wake of Endor, the Corporate Sector's capitalistic regime attempted to remain neutral and sold products to both the New Republic and the Imperial warlords. [65], The planet Daxam IV was the site of an Amaxine base which housed a thousand Amaxine warriors. [80] In a second skirmish over Pinnacle Moon, Palpatine's flagship Eclipse was destroyed. Features: Lightsabers, blasters, helmets and more! [109] Believing control of the galaxy's outer systems would stabilize and secure the galactic center, Galactic Emperor Palpatine oversaw the buildup of the Imperial Military and ruthless quashing of dissent and remaining Separatist holdouts across the Outer Rim. Republic Judicial Forces and the Jedi Order enforced order throughout the galaxy, preventing a major galactic war for centuries. Various Rim worlds like Socorro, Daluuj, Borosk, Iego, Munto Codru and Wayland were the sites of skirmishes between the One Sith and their Jedi, Fel-loyalist and Alliance opponents. Star Wars Outer Rim Planets. [3], The planet Dac and its shipyards during the Second Imperial Civil War. However, the Neimoidians seized exclusive distribution rights to the spice and sold them to the newly discovered Porporite species. [38] [21][24], In 3681 BBY, the resurgent Sith Empire struck back against the Republic in the Great Galactic War. Travel the Outer Rim in your personal ship, hire famous MODStar Wars characters to join your crew, and work for or against the Rebels, Empire, Hutts, and crime syndicates. [62] Much of the Outer Rim was consolidated under Oversector Outer,[65] patrolled by the Outer Rim Imperial Fleet. [24], As of 22 ABY, trade languages were common in the Outer Rim.[73]. But to the scoundrels of the galaxy, the Outer Rim represents the opportunity to become a legend. [78] Meanwhile, Imperial Admiral Harkov ended the Sepan Civil War. [71] In 1 BBY, the Mon Calamari Resistance succeeded in wresting Dac from Imperial control. Abrion Sector Secedes; Separatists Get Agri-Worlds, The Essential Atlas Extra: Outer Rim Sectors, Barely Tolerable: Alien Henchmen of the Empire, Part 2, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Golden Age of the Sith, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Fall of the Sith Empire, Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 4: Jedi Holocaust, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections, Star Wars: Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War, Dark Times 1: The Path to Nowhere, Part 1, Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka, Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu, The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest, The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant, [123] Due to its distance from the Core, unauthorized holofeeds operated in abundance in the Outer Rim, owing in part to the Empire's tentative control of the region. This mod introduces a variety of lightsabers and blasters from the Star Wars universe. In 300 BBY, the Republic took over Lianna in the Tion Cluster from Barseg. [78] Shortly before the attack on Tuanul, the First Order operated a mining operation in Pressy's Tumble, an artificial asteroid field in the Pressylla system. [122], After the Emperor dissolved of the Imperial Senate, regional governors were given direct control over their territories. Due to its distance from the Core Worlds, the Outer Rim lacked a stable, central authority to maintain order across the vast expanses of space in the region throughout its history. [127] A lot of crime events took place in the Anthan system which led to fighting between criminals and the Empire. Unfortunately, midway they were intercepted by Mid Rim warlord Treuten Teradoc who inflicted heavy casualties on the New Republic fleet, forcing a retreat to the Hast Shipyards. [59][60] Under Order 66, all Jedi operating in the Rim were targeted for execution, forcing the survivors into hiding. Fame represents stories of your deeds that have 1 of 24 Go to page. [30] The Sith Empire was believed to have been destroyed by Republic forces during the Second battle of Korriban, but in fact survived due to a single Sith Lord who escaped to the Unknown Regions. Videos Featuring This Game. [21] In large part because of the Imperialization efforts shortly after the formation of the Empire, the Outer Rim Territories were occasionally referred to as the Imperial Outlands. During the Battle of Sluis Van, an Imperial victory was narrowly prevented by the last-ditch efforts of Calrissian. videogame_asset My games. In 3960 BBY, during the Jedi Civil War, Telos IV was devastated by a Sith fleet under the command of the renegade Jedi-turned-Sith Lord Malak and former Republic Admiral Saul Karath. [73] At an unknown period prior to 17 ABY, former Jedi cadet Dolph overthrew the tyrannical Je'har regime on his homeworld of Almania. [24] Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker—son of Anakin Skywalker—was raised on the desert world of Tatooine. Star Wars: War For The Outer Rim, a Star Wars/Final Fantasy fusion fic Thread starter IgnusDei; Start date Jul 29, 2018; Tags star wars; 1; 2; 3 … Go to page. [39], In 124 BBY, the Jedi Master Omo Bouri helped pass the Treaty of Trammis. The next year, in 12 BBY, Imperial and Centrality forces under Osuno Whett conquered the Renatasia system. [89] With the end of the war, the Outer Rim returned to the control of the Galactic Alliance while the Hutts reasserted control over their region of space. With the defeat of warlord Isard in the Bacta War which embroiled the Inner Rim, Republic forces were able to turn their attentions to warlord Zsinj's territorial ambitions in the Outer Rim. The planet was quarantined while thousands of adult Firrerreo were abducted and imprisoned in suspended animation aboard passenger freighters. When the opposing fleets arrived, Soresh sprung his trap, launching prototype resonance torpedoes at the system's Blue giant star. [Source]. Rinnrivin's smuggling activities took a toll on Ryloth's economy and precipitated a New Republic senatorial investigation led by Organa and Ransolm Casterfo. [3] Meanwhile, the Rebel Alliance launched an attack on Ylesia, disrupting the Besadii clan's spice mining operations and freeing the slaves. [119] Despite inflicting heavy casualties on rebel forces during the Battle of Atollon,[118] the Spectres and Lothal resistance group succeeded in liberating the planet Lothal from Imperial rule. In 28 ABY, the Galactic Alliance recaptured Ylesia from the Peace Brigade but their successes were dampened by Yuuzhan Vong victories in Barab I, Rutan and Belderone. Matt Dracula Owns a six foot “C-3PO’s Cereal” standee. But it won’t be easy. [21] Over the centuries, the Republic continuously fought various Sith factions across the galaxy including the Rim. They succeed in evacuating 20% of the planet's population including billions of Mon Calamari, Quarren, Whaladons and Moappa but Dac was rendered uninhabitable. [78] The Republic then began arriving in the remaining Imperial sectors to announce the signing of the treaty. Daala's surviving Imperial forces fled to the Deep Core and succeeded in unifying the Imperial forces there. and established bases on the worlds of Dantooine and Yavin 4. After several setbacks, Darth Wyyrlok initiated the Final Protocol which authorized the poisoning of Dac's oceans with toxins crafted by Sith scientist Vul Isen. Meanwhile, Rebel General Jan Dodonna was captured and later imprisoned aboard Ysanne Isard's Executor-class Star Dreadnought Lusankya. Political representation of many Outer Rim worlds in the Galactic Senate was bought up by the latter while many disillusioned worlds joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. We are huge Star Wars fans. It looks like it’s off the main product page for the game and doesn’t appear in the upcoming products list. By the end of the standard year, the Republic controlled three-quarters of the known galaxy including large areas of the Outer Rim. Outer Rim Haiku. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Purge survivor Cade Skywalker, a member of the legendary Skywalker family, traveled through the Outer Rim in order to redeem himself. The first news about Star Wars Bounty Hunters, I was with Boztek talking with her and she says “I’m making a Mandalorian game” That’s all I heard. [3], The Republic never regained full control over the region which was further affected by the disestablishment of the Republic Military under the Ruusan Reformations. You’ll travel the Outer Rim in your personal ship, hire legendary Star Wars characters to join your crew, and try to become the most famous (or infamous) outlaw in the galaxy! Still, the region was considered remote and undeveloped by the Core-based government. In Star Wars Outer Rim beschränkt sich dieses gigantische Gebiet allerdings eher auf die besagte Handvoll Planeten. Terrified, the Neimoidians hired several Gank mercenaries to protect them. [26] In 4 BBY Moff Sarn Shild considered seceding from the Empire and carving out his own empire in the Outer Rim territories once he tapped into the wealth of the Hutt clans. [55][56][57][58] In retaliation for the signing of the Petition of 2000 by both Mon Calamari and Quarren senators, their homeworld of Dac was invaded by Imperial forces under Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Defeated, the Mandalorians capitulated and destroyed their weapons and armor. [35] Taking advantage of regional tensions, the Sith enticed many Rim inhabitants into their military forces and the Sith order. [88] The southern quadrant was not attacked while the Yuuzhan Vong limited their campaign in the Tion Cluster to seizing several fringe worlds including Caluula. Star Wars: Outer Rim is currently at $51.96. The Imperial Remnant also annexed Kaine's Pentastar Alignment. However, Republic forces under the Jedi General Cei Vookto repelled them. [74] A "five-year plan" was implemented for numerous Imperial-occupied worlds under the supervision of the Imperial Outer Rim High Command. Reader mode. [79], In 4 ABY, the Hutt Desilijic crime family suffered a severe setback with the death of Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine at the hands of Princess Leia. [27] Though Pius Dea rule came to an end in 11,000 BBY, the repercussions of these crusades would sour relations between the Core and the Outer Rim over the millennia. Custom maps; Custom NPCs The planet had served as an outlying penal colony since it was colonized around 3000 BBY by the Paecian Empire. [74] The Empire was pushed back to a handful of sectors in the fringe of the Outer Rim, and although they only contained a small fraction of the galaxy's population and industrial base, they were nevertheless a heavily fortified final redoubt. With the acquisition of captured Star Destroyers supplied by the Hapes Consortium, New Republic forces under Admiral Ackbar were dispatched to the Outer Rim to finish off the scattered remnants of Zsinj's forces. [118] Following the suppression of the Batonn insurgency, Grand Admiral Thrawn was tasked with eliminating rebel forces in the Lothal sector. Fleeing into hyperspace, the former Rebels stumbled upon an isolated Imperial research base known as the Maw Installation. In the first and second drafts of the Star Wars script, the Outer Rim was called the Outlands, and stretched from "the celestial equator to the farthest reaches of the Great Rift." During the cataclysmic battle of Malachor V, much of the Mandalorian fleet was destroyed and the planet was fractured to the core. [25], In 10 BBY,[source?] Soon, the Grissmath Dynasty collapsed. The Summit ended prematurely, with nothing resolved. Throughout the Galactic Civil War, central government faltered at alternating intervals due to the fighting between Imperial forces and the New Republic. Ore from its mineral rich moons would be used in the construction of the second Death Star above the Forest Moon of Endor in the Moddell sector. [62], Later that year, the Outer Rim was the site of a battle between the Alliance and Imperials. [24] However, that same year, Sriluur and Sulon were conquered by the Imperials. In 3670 BBY, the "Kanz Disorders" came to an end when Jedi/Republic forces under the Lorrdian Jedi Master Mari-Elan Nora toppled the regime and restored Republic rule to the sector.[21][24]. In defiance of the Jedi Council, the Jedi Knights Revan and Malak led the Republic Navy in a fierce counter-offensive against the Neo-Crusaders, winning key battles at Taris, Jaga's Cluster and Althir. [108], The Outer Rim was home to bounty hunters and smugglers, The budding Galactic Empire increasingly attempted to take control of the Outer Rim,[25] although many worlds never fully fell under the Empire's sway, and were instead controlled by unsavory criminal organizations like the Hutt Cartel, the Pyke Syndicate, the Black Sun, or Zygerrian slavers. The Rebellion won its first victory against the Galactic Empire[121] at the Battle of Scarif, which resulted in the theft of the Death Star plans. [40] Bakura subsequently joined the Alliance of Free Planets. Benetage[13]Morseerian homeworld[14]Portug[15]Temako[16] This article covers an essential topic and is in need of major additions and/or work. Der Äußere Rand wurde mehrfach in Richtung des Wilden Raums erweitert. Take to the stars and become a living legend in Star Wars: Outer Rim, a game of bounty hunters, mercenaries, and smugglers for 1-4 players!In Outer Rim, you take on the role of an underworld denizen, setting out to make your mark on the galaxy. In coordination with Imperial fleets hidden in the Vulpinus Nebula, the Almagest, the Recluse's Nebula, the Queluhan Nebula, the Ro-Loo Triangle, and the Inamorata, Rax planned to use the three Outer Rim holdouts as a cord to strangle the New Republic. [74] The Republic was forced to raise the Grand Army of the Republic to combat the Separatist threat, with the war finally ending following the Outer Rim Sieges and the death of the Separatist Council on Mustafar. Eventually, the Republic began colonizing hundreds of other worlds within the area of Ossus. [25], With the monolithic Trade Federation slowly encroaching on the Outer Rim and the perceived weakness of Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, who was already embroiled in numerous scandals and unable to bring the growing corruption in the Galactic Senate under control, Governor Tarkin of Eriadu turned Valorum from investigating a trade summit in an effort to weaken his authority.