Valentine himself cared very little for Clary and was willing to kill her to reach his goals, proving that she meant nothing to him. Sie hat aber auch eine trotzige Seite. Eye color: To take her away from Jonathan, Clary threatened to kill herself, knowing that it would disrupt the ritual, and lured Lilith away. Shortly after, Raphael appeared to them outside the Institute with an almost dead Simon, informing them that Simon would rise from the dead as a vampire unless they decided to interfere and killed him. Gradually though, their relationship improved as they set aside their differences and chose to form a sort of amity and camaraderie. On AO3 it is … Maryse agreed. Upon their arrival at Edom, they were separated by a demon that showed them their dreams. Fairchild familyMorgenstern family The Clave burned Sebastian's body at Clary's request, and she and Jace scattered his ashes, which were kept in his silver box (the one that Jocelyn had), at Lake Lyn. Clary wanted to stay with Jace, but the Silent Brothers said that she would be a distraction. Valentine refused to say anything unless it was to Clary, further delaying her execution. Clarissa "Clary" Adèle Morgensten Fairchild (Fray) est la fille des Chasseurs d'Ombres Jocelyne Fairchild ( Fray) et Valentin Morgenstern. Sie erfährt kaum etwas, außer das sie Valentines Tochter ist. Jocelyn tried to explain it to her, but Dot arrived to tell her that the Circle had finally caught up to her. Affiliation, Fate Tra il 2010 e il 2013 l'autrice ha pubblicato una trilogia prequel, Shadowhunters - Le origini (in inglese The Infernal Devices), incentrata sulla figura di Tessa Gray, mentre nel 2016 è … When Julian and Emma rose up as giants, Clary and her friends joined the Blackthorns' stance in talking them down. Both witnessed for the first time the effect of their new bond, born from the rune Lilith had Marked them both with, as she bled with him from the injury she'd dealt and healed only when Jonathan activated his healing rune. Clary also found herself losing her memories and the Sight. The Shadowhunters' Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Jocelyn and Luke, now engaged, attended an engagement party organized by Luke's werewolf pack, in which Simon disappeared. Jace brought Clary to Lilith and Lilith ordered him to kill her if Simon did not resurrect Sebastian. Mother: Along with this, she was closely monitored by the Institute's new head, Victor Aldertree. Initially, they appeared to find each other's presence a nuisance, albeit drawn to one another. [33] Clary later deduced that the demon that arrived was the Owl's master mentioned by Ithuriel. Clary marked Jace with an iratze, she created using her skills to the fullest. Pendant de nombreuses année, Clary vit une vie parfaitement normale avec sa mère, jusqu'à ce que son père Valentin vienne tout chambouler. Shadowhunters Title card for the second season Genre Teen drama Supernatural drama Horror Fantasy Romance Based onThe Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare Developed byEd Decter Starring Katherine McNamara Dominic Sherwood Alberto Rosende Matthew Daddario Emeraude Toubia Isaiah Mustafa Harry Shum Jr. Alisha Wainwright Opening theme"This Is the Hunt" by Ruelle Composers Ben Decter Trevor Morris Jack Wall Country of originUnited States Original la… In the cover of the explosion, Lilith's magical apartment, along with Clary and Jonathan, was moved to Siberia. This, of course, led Clary to worry what was going on between them. She talked him down and hugged him. Once she got close, she stabbed him with Heospheros, and thus he was struck with the heavenly fire she'd trapped in it. Clary Fray is a 25-year-old shadowhunter. Born: in Latin. [28], The pair reached the Lake just before Valentine could summon the angel, only to be caught by surprise to find Valentine lying in wait, killing Jace instantly with a stab to his heart. Jace, Clary, and Alec left to break Simon out of jail where Simon was kept and broke both him and Samuel, Simon's roommate, out, only to discover that Samuel was actually Hodge Starkweather. They discovered the remains of an experiment Valentine had been running on a half-dead angel, called Ithuriel. She saw the name of Magnus Bane, as a form of a signature on the spell on her mind left by the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Ash Morgenstern (nephew) Sie ließ sich mit … Later, Alec gave his stele to Jace to help heal Clary's wounds. Status: Clary secretly decided to steal the rings without telling the others, aside from Simon. He calmed her down, and then they used a portal to get to the Wayland manor, to find the Book of White, which Jace, having lived there for ten years, knew just where to find it. Hodge was then killed by Sebastian, who claimed that he did it to keep them out of danger. He began to draw a rune, but Clary realized too late that this was not the rune he told her about as she began to lose consciousness with Jace catching her and carrying her away. He even blamed her as the reason Jocelyn left him during the Uprising. For over a decade, Jocelyn kept Clary away from the Shadow World for years, hoping to protect her. Before they got a chance to go after him, Sammael came to them. Clary, Alec e Isabelle não irão parar até trazer seu amigo de volta, contando juntamente com a ajuda de Luke, Magnus, Simon e uma Jocelyn agora acordada. Clary Fray, is aShadowhunterwho was raised amongnormal people (a.k.a. Fray has also had noted history as a surname, most associated with English roots. Clarissa Adele Fairchild-Morgenstern Jonathan and Clary bleeding out from his injury, moments before he heals them. An encounter with the Owl, however, contradicted his theory.[31]. They then plotted to trap Jace in a Malachi Configuration, which they stole from Alicante's Armory with Imogen's help. Sie wird von Constantin Film produziert und erzählt die Geschichte von Clary Fray, die erfährt, dass sie eine Schattenjägerin ist. Luke took leadership of the local lycanthrope pack to help look after Clary and search for her mother. Hodge told her bits about her mother's past. Jace informed her of the basics: that they, including her, were Shadowhunters, humans who were part-angel,[5] whose mission was to protect the human race from demons, and that other beings from stories exist. Green Magnus deduced that the demon who came at her was the woman who came to him, disguised as a human, and they sought to look for Jace. Clary voegt zich bij een groep shadowhunters om haar moeder te redden en ontdekt krachten waarvan ze nooit wist dat ze daarover beschikt. Clary began seeing Simon, who finally managed to tell her how he felt. When Simon arrived, she told him to go directly to Jonathan's sarcophagus so that Lilith would attack him to protect Jonathan, knowing that the Mark of Cain would react and kill Lilith. Portrayed by Katherine McNamara The Shadowhunters' Wiki is a free encyclopedia-like source of information for The Shadowhunter Chronicles written by Cassandra Clare.There are currently 1,199 articles on the wiki. At the Institute, Clary was introduced to its inhabitants: the other Shadowhunters that were with Jace at the Pandemonium Club, Isabelle and Alec Lightwood, and their tutor, Hodge Starkweather. Clary managed to convince the Clave to fight with the Downworlders and taught them a binding rune that the dying angel showed her. Nach dem Training bewegt sie sich, laut Simon, auch eleganter und anmutiger, was darauf schließen lässt, dass sie vermutlich genau wie ihr Bruder Jocelyns Körperbeherschung geerbt hat. Against her mother's wishes, Clary frantically rushed over to their brownstone, nervous about the panic in her mother's voice and the strange noises she heard while on the phone with Jocelyn, to find their home trashed and her mom gone. This article contains content that was recently expanded and has not yet been reviewed by site staff. While inside, they saw Luke arrive and be interrogated by two men, which Jace later told her were the men who killed his father. [15] Clary mourned her mother; her judgment clouded during the early stage of her grieving, Clary went to the warlock Iris Rouse in hopes of bringing her mother back from the dead. Remembering the Ace of Cups card in the tarot deck Jocelyn made for Madame Dorothea, the group paid the charlatan a visit. Led on a journey of self-discovery in the dangerous and magical Shadow World, the secrets of her past were revealed as she begins to embrace her newfound powers. While possessing Alec, the demon killed Jocelyn, devastating Clary. Meanwhile, Clary confided in Emma and told her about the reason she did not accept Jace's proposal. Jace has even stated that her stubbornness matches his, which he figures was the reason they could not stand each other when they had first met. Clary was able to get through to Dot, who then later helped her and Jace escape the ship by taking down the wards with her magic. Clary Fairchild Magnus stayed the night to heal Luke and Maia, and Jace did not have any other choice as he had to be where Magnus was. His features had become demonic, a huge fiery cross burned on his chest, and he had been in chains. Spooked by the battle she witnessed at the club, she rushed home and told Jocelyn, who finally began to tell her that she was a Shadowhunter. The Shadowhunters, along with Simon, proceeded to Magnus's home to ask him about the block on Clary's mind. It was only two days after when he was finally able to track her down to an abandoned church with the "Find My Friends" app. 1 Canon 2 Fanon 3 Fandom 4 Gallery Fans had become conflicted after the end of the first book. After Simon's transformation, Clary came to the hospital, where Jocelyn was, in a search of comfort. Katherine Grace McNamara (born November 22, 1995) is an American actress.She is known for her lead role as Clary Fray on the 2016–2019 Freeform fantasy series Shadowhunters. With their temporarily bonded angel and demon blood, they saved Isabelle and dispersed the remainders of the flame.[48]. She was able to convince the others to put a computer in the strategy room, which became the group's meeting place. Kind: Clary ist eine Nephilim, was bedeutet, dass sie eine natürliche Veranlagung dafür hat zu kämpfen und mit Waffen umzugehen. [7], When she was around five years old,[5][6] Jocelyn's best friend Luke eventually found them in New York, and Jocelyn allowed him to be a staple part of their lives. When her mother was kidnapped, Clary's simple life was turned upside down as she was forced into a journey of self-discovery in a dark world of demons and other creatures. However, when she was unexpectedly taken by Valentine, Clary was unwittingly introduced into the world of the Shadowhunters, a necessary danger in Clary's desperate efforts to find and rescue her. Full name: She was once mistakenly called Mary Morgenstern by, If Valentine had known about her and had a choice, she would have been named Seraphina, after his. Clary, Jace, Isabelle, and Simon were invited to the Seelie Court by the Queen where the woman played a trick on them. Two weeks after, the Clave de-prioritized the search for the two, and she was cleared from any wrongdoing. Her anger about it was put on a backburner, however, as she continued to search for a cure—until Jocelyn was awakened and they reunited in Alicante. They then made plans to leave for Shanghai to retrieve the book, rescue Ragnor, and save Magnus from his mysterious wound. Isabelle Lightwood initially disliked Clary because she felt that Clary messed up the dynamics between the original trio, Alec, Jace and Izzy. Clary and her mother also discovered that someone was trying to make more children like Jonathan, which again Jocelyn had trouble coming to terms with. She realized too late—after already committing to a blood oath—that resurrection through dark magic comes with a dark price, particularly for her mother's sanity. After Max's funeral, Jace sneaked into Clary's bedroom and told her he loved her and always will. 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Helping Clary 1.3 Arrangement 1.4 Hunt for Jace 1.5 … Clary picked out the Ace of Cups card. Au Canada et dans tous les pays francophones, la série est diffusée depuis le 13 janvier 2016 en version originale et en version française sur Netflix. Through Isabelle's influence, she slowly shed her usually boyish fashion and began to put an effort into fixing herself up more often. He walked her to Amatis' house. Her roleplayer is Miramc22. Clary never held any sympathy or love towards her biological father. Since meeting and becoming one of the Shadowhunters, Clary now has a number of runes burned into various parts of her body, including the iratze rune on the right side of her neck,[2] Protected on the left side of her chest,[8] just below the Vision rune on her left collar bone,[15] and the Nyx rune on her right scapula. In 2016, Clary started her 18th birthday with an interview at the Brooklyn Academy of Art. Outside, before Valentine could wield it to destroy all Downworlders, Clary received another vision of a rune and drew it on the surface of the sword, unwittingly deactivating it, but the Sword went missing shortly afterward. With the help of newcomer Sebastian, Clary embraced her pain and anger and regained access to the runes. She loves and cares deeply about her mother and her friends and is loyal to them above all others. [19], At one point, Clary set up a studio space in an unused bedroom near the music room in the Institute. To her surprise, Magnus also told her that Dot, whom she had grown to see as a sister,[6] was tortured and killed by Valentine in her efforts to protect her. They then lost the Cup when Hodge betrayed them and gave the Cup to Valentine. [18], Not long after, at the tender age of nineteen, she and Jace took over as head of the New York Institute, making them one of the youngest Shadowhunters to ever hold the position. Sebastian then kissed Clary, who decided that it felt wrong and broke away. Jace Herondale (boyfriend/Soul-mate)Simon Lewis (ex-boyfriend; best friend) Clary and her mother, Jocelyn, decided to stay over at Magnus' apartment and soon, Alec, Simon and Isabelle were staying at the apartment too. Secretly, Clary, Jace, Alec, Isabelle and Simon traveled to the other dimension, Edom. Their kissing escalated so quickly that Jace lost control over the heavenly fire, which caused him to burn his hand prints into the brick wall he was leaning against. For her friends and family, Clary is willing to go extreme lengths, often recklessly, for what she believes is worth dying for, thus putting not only herself in danger but risking other people's lives without even asking their consent to carry forth with her plan seeing as it directly affects them. With Jocelyn worried about Clary's Sight and potentially running into elements of the Shadow World, she informed Clary the following morning that they were going to spend the summer at Luke's farmhouse, infuriating Clary who had her own plans, including her ongoing Tisch classes. In the audience of the King, Clary got a glimpse of another dimension called Thule and saw herself dead in that world; recognizing the scene, Clary realized that her visions had been of her death in Thule. She then grabbed Jace's knife and cut the rune that Lilith was using to possess him on his chest, causing Jace to be freed from Lilith's control. Occupation: [5], Jocelyn was also convinced by Magnus into letting Clary undergo the ritual performed on Shadowhunter children to protect them from demonic forces or influence. [22], Clary attested that discovering that they weren't siblings would not have changed her relationship with Simon. Their leader is Jocelyn's husband, Valentine Morgenstern (Alan van Sprang).With her mother missing, Clary turns to Luke (Isaiah Mustafa), a … In an effort to get her bearings, she went to the Brooklyn Academy of Art to paint. However, Clary and Jace evidently still harbored feelings for each other, despite the recent revelation. After getting out, Simon stormed off. Clary gave the spellbook to Magnus so he could wake up her mother. A new type of demon infiltrated their ranks at the Institute and began possessing Shadowhunters to kill others. Sebastian got mad at her all of a sudden, before calming down and telling her that he was sorry. Clary fought alongside her parabatai and friends but opted to try knocking people out with runes rather than killing them. Jocelyn had hidden it in 'Simple Recipes for Housewives', a book she knew that her husband would never open. Born: The angered Jonathan, now almost purely demonic due to the loss of his connection to Clary, used the Morning Star sword to open a rift to Edom in Alicante, releasing an endless number of wraiths into the Shadowhunter city, and into the world. After Clary went missing on the night of her 18th birthday, Simon frantically looked for her. [22] They returned to the LA Institute, so Jace could meet Kit Herondale and so they could ask Mark Blackthorn about the layout of Faerie. Clary grew up with Luke as a father figure to her, led to believe that her real father was a deceased soldier named Jonathan Clark, and that the box in her mother's room with the initials J.C. were his.[5]. Shadowhunters is an American fantasy-drama series developed by Ed Decter based on The Mortal Instruments series of novels by Cassandra Claire.. However by morning, they had received a letter from the Cohort that stalled their departure: Jace and Clary were pronounced dead and the Shadowhunters were officially at war with the fey. Similarities, aside from physical appearance and character relationships. Status Fearing that he might harm her in real life, Jace closed himself off again. Even after this was revealed to be false, Clary and Alec were already amicable as Alec had moved on from Jace. It was powerful enough to somehow heal him. The two ultimately ended up in an alley, where, despite Jace's hesitation, Clary kissed him. For years, Clary lived a mundane life with Jocelyn, until the return of her father and her brother, Jonathan, exposed her to a new world, throwing their lives out of balance as Clary found herself on a journey with her fellow Shadowhunters to stop them. Als Clary noch klein war und im Park spielte, wurde sie fast von einem Dämon angegriffen aber ihre Mutter rettete sie. She is also intelligent and creative. Jace and Clary had an intimate moment in one of the spare rooms in the Institute. Welcome to the Shadowhunters wiki! They were also able to rescue Jocelyn from Valentine,[9] though she was still asleep under the potion she took, so she began hunting for the Book of the White for the spell that could wake her. It may contain some errors and may not yet conform with the wiki's quality standards. Jace, one of the Shadowhunters from the club, arrived just in time to save her. She eavesdropped as Jocelyn explained to Luke that she found something in the cupboard, something she hadn't seen since Valentine stole all of their belongings. Jace (as seen in bonus material from his view) is also shown to find her beautiful as well as fierce and says that Clary, unlike other girls, just doesn't know it. Simon tried to get Clary away from him, but she refused, much to his dismay. Then when a friend of hers was also writing a book with a heroine named Valerie, she changed it to Clary, another personal friend. [4] Er ist der Bruder von Isabelle und Max Lightwood und Jace Waylands Parabatai. The Queen's bell that Clary temporarily possessed in 2007. Clary was revisited by a dream and a vision of the first rune she'd ever received a vision of. [25], They later discovered that the man they came to know as Sebastian and had welcomed into the Institute was in fact her brother, Jonathan. La prima stagione, composta da 13 episodi, … They came to a decision and Jace announced to Maryse that he would, provided that Clary could run it alongside him. Clary was told that she and one of her parents were likely Shadowhunters like them.