In ihren ursprünglichen Heimatländern werden Hunde dieser Rassen noch immer ausschließlich als Arbeitshunde gehalten. The Alentejo Mastiff was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2006. Nein, der Rafeiro do Alentejo ist kein Listenhund, muss aber in manchen Bundesländern, wie zum Beispiel in Hamburg, trotzdem einen Wesenstest ablegen. Cão Fila de São Miguel, Cão da Serra de Estrela Portugal Hunderassen Infografik 4 ... Ist der Cão Fila de São Miguel ein Listenhund? Learn about which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. Another name for the Rafeiro do Alentejo is the Alentejo Mastiff. Hailing from Portugal, the Rafeiro do Alentejo is a large-sized dog, powerful, rustic, sober, and calm. Impressum. © The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2020. Beyond regular weekly grooming, the occasional bath will keep your Rafeiro do Alentejo clean and looking his best. [2] It is recognised by the Clube Português de Canicultura,[3] and was definitively accepted by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale in 1954. Date of publication of the standard: English RAFEIRO OF ALENTEJO: 5/4/2009: Français RAFEIRO DE L'ALENTEJO: 5/5/2010: Deutsch RAFEIRO VON ALENTEJO: 5/27/2014: Español RAFEIRO DEL ALENTEJO: The strong, fast-growing nails should be trimmed regularly with a nail clipper or grinder to avoid overgrowth, splitting, and cracking. He can be sensitive to overly harsh reprimands and will not work well for that trainer. 12.03.2014 - Erkunde Dagny Westphals Pinnwand „Herdenschutzhunde“ auf Pinterest. Als Herdengebrauchshund beschützt und behütet er seine Herde selbständig und zuverlässig. Dem Rafeiro do Alentejo ist eine hohe Schärfe zu eigen, was aus seinem Einsatz als Herdenschutzhunde resultiert. The Rafeiro do Alentejo has been assigned the Working Group designation. Herkunftsland: Portugal FCI-Nummer: 2.2/ 96 Schulterhöhe: Rüden: 66 bis 74 cm Hündinne: 64 bis 70 cm Gewicht: Rüden: 40 bis 50 kg Hündinnen: 35 bis 45 kg Verwendung: Herdenschutzhund, Wachhund Farben: Schwarz, wolfgrau, falbfarben oder gelb; diese Farben mit weißen Flecken oder Weiß als Grundfarbe mit Flecken dieser Farben, entweder gescheckt, gestreift oder auch … The Rafeiro do Alentejo is believed to descend from molosser dogs from the Middle East. [4] The head is massive; the eyes are small and dark, the ears small, triangular and hanging. Der Rafeiro do Alentejo ist eine Kreuzung aus Cao da Serra da Estrela, Mastin Espanol und Lokalschlägen Verwendung ~... Diese portugiesische Hunderasse stammt ursprünglich von den Azoren. Clique AQUI para ler o artigo completo Rafeiro do Alentejo information including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, and the AKC breed standard. De Rafeiro do Alentejo stamt af van de Molosser en komt oorspronkelijk uit het zuiden van Portugal, uit de 19e eeuw.De Rafeiro do alentejo werd gebruikt voor het beschermen van de kudde`s en het vee. Canil de Paio Pires. Möglicherweise entstand er durch die Kreuzung des Cao da Serra da Estrela mit den Hunden der Tiefebene. The official standard of the Rafeiro do Alentejo was first established in 1953 in Portugal. Bred with the purpose of guarding livestock, these dogs are characterized by a round bear-like head, medium-sized muzzle, black, oval-shaped nose, , medium or highly set triangular ears, short, strong, neck and a long tail, slightly curved at the base. BD2412 T 02:41, 23 March 2020 (UTC) Rafeiro do Alentejo → ? Working with a responsible breeder, prospective owners can gain the education they need to learn about specific health concerns within the breed. Mit Ratgebern, Produkttesten und mehr. Tierschutzvertrag. [5] The breed is considered "vulnerable". Wird ein Rafeiro do Alentejo ausgesetzt, hält er sich an diesem Platz weiterhin auf, tagelang darauf wartend, dass Herrchen oder Frauchen zurückkommt. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is believed to have originated in the Middle East. O rafeiro do Alentejo é uma raça antiga da região do Alentejo. Em vez de pesquisar por Distrito, escreva na pesquisa o nome da Freguesia, ex: "Nevogilde" e selecione o raio de distância pretendido, ex: + 50 Km, para ver anúncios mais próximos deste local. Ladyfashes is a online store to find affordable & fashionable Shoes, bags and alot of accessoires for ladies. Er bewacht hervorragend Herden und ist als solcher ein mächtiger Verteidiger, der bei Nacht Tier und Mensch ohne Warnung stellt. Rattler Disk. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is the biggest Portuguese canine breed. Der Rafeiro do Alentejo ist ein sehr großer, kräftiger Hund, der bis zu 76 cm groß und 50 kg schwer werden kann. Hij is snel, vastberaden, zelfverzekerd, dapper en betrouwbaar en vertrouwt op zijn instincten. Also known as the Portuguese Mastiff or Alentejo Mastiff, the Rafeiro do Alentejo is a large-sized dog, having its roots in Portugal. RAFEIRO DO ALENTEJO (96) Group : n°2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs. Jul 30, 2018 - Rafeiro do Alentejo, Alentejo Mastiff, Portuguese Mastiff, Mutt of Alentejo Dog. [7], "Rafeiro of Alentejo (Rafeiro do Alentejo)", Affiliated Clubs page of the Clube Português De Canicultura, Associação dos Criadores do Rafeiro do Alentejo, official breed club for the Rafeiro do Alentejo in Portugal, Mitochondrial Diversity of Strains of Four Dog Breeds,, Articles with Portuguese-language sources (pt), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Portuguese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, short to medium-length; straight, thick, dense, yellow, fawn, brindle, wolf grey or black - always with white markings, This page was last edited on 9 January 2021, at 01:44. Teeth should be brushed regularly. Nutzungsbasierte Online-Werbung. Am Anfang des 20.Jh. On account of their size and courage, they were used by tribes whose livelihood depended on livestock husbandry, thus performing a crucial role for this type of community. Nom: Rafeiro do Alentejo, Bouvier d'Alentejo, Mâtin de l'Alentejo, , Chien de Garde Portugais. AKC Marketplace is the only site to exclusively list 100% AKC puppies from AKC-Registered litters and the breeders who have cared for and raised these puppies are required to follow rules and regulations established by the AKC. They also often work alone in prairies and will defend the herd against any intruders. The coat is dense and straight, of short or medium length. Rafeiro do Alentejo. A convite do Clube Português de Canicultura a Associação de Criadores de Rafeiro do Alentejo esteve presente, nos dias 01 e 02.02.2020, no PETFestival, na FIL, com um stand na promoção e divulgação do RAFEIRO DO ALENTEJO.Pelo stand passaram muitos visitantes onde colocaram questões, pediram informações e interagiram com os exemplares presentes. Essential info about dog health, training, sports and more. Ratonero Mallorquín Disk. Die Ohren des Hundes sind mittelgroß und gefaltet, das Fell ist dicht und kurz bis mittellang. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is a very large dog, weighting around 105 lbs and with the size of 29 inches. Groß, schwer und massig: Der aus Portugal stammende Rafeiro do Alentejo ist zweifellos eine imposante Erscheinung. Weitere Ideen zu welche hunderasse, hunderassen, hunde rassen. Rafeiro do Alentejo – er stammt aus der Region Alentejo, die sich südlich des Tejo bis an die Algarve erstreckt. They are thought to have crossed the Balkans, following the Roman legions from the Black Sea to the shores of the Atlantic. [4], The Portuguese breed club is the Associação dos Criadores do Rafeiro do Alentejo. Healthy You, Healthy Dog, Healthy New Year! Groupe : Groupe n° 2 : Chiens de type Pinscher et Schnauzer – Molossoïdes – Chiens de montagne et de bouvier suisses. All Rafeiro do Alentejo found here are from AKC-Registered parents. The Alentejo Mastiff (Rafeiro do Alentejo) originated in Portugal and was used as a herd guardian, moving with large herds of cattle as they were driven from pasture to pasture. Rafeiro do Alentejo is a shepherd dog or Portuguese Mastiff is a large breed that comes from Portugal. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid. Ein Herdenhund hat mit einem Hütehund in etwa so viele Ähnlichkeiten wie ein Bernhardiner mit einem Chihuahua. Der erste Rassestandart wurde 1940 festgelegt. Rafeiro do Alentejo Disk. Haustiermagazin – 2,25Tsd. Since the beginning of the breed’s history, Rafeiros Alentejanos were used in packs as hunting dogs for big game, though this function has gradually disappeared over time. Der Rafeiro do Alentejo ist eine alte Hunderasse aus Portugal. Und wird dann ein solcher Hund "second hand" aufgenommen, dauert es lange, bis er wieder Vertrauen gefasst hat zu seinem neuen Besitzer und seinem neuen Lebensstandort. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. Banhos E Tosquias . If you live in an apartment, even short walks in the hallways can give your dog some exercise, especially during inclement weather. The breed is likely to be descended from the huge dogs of the Tibetan highlands. O Rafeiro do Alentejo é uma das maiores raças portuguesas e das mais bonitas. Du findest ihn unter 2.2 „Berghunde“. Poids : entre 45 et 60 kg pour les mâles et entre 35 et 5… Als reiner Begleit- und Familienhund eignet er sich hingegen weniger. Jul 7, 2016 - Explore Anger East's board "Rafeiro Do Alentejo", followed by 282 people on Pinterest. More recently, the breed is a guard dog for property and livestock, watching sheep and cattle. Certain outdoor activities such as hiking or retrieving balls can provide a good outlet for expending energy. He can be very stubborn and does not respond well to most common training techniques; it takes an experienced handler to train him. Der Rafeiro do Alentejo ist wohl eine alt eingesessene portugiesische Hunderasse. Breeds are grouped together because they share traits of form and function or a common heritage. [6], The Rafeiro is a large dog, slightly longer than it is tall, with a broad chest. Der Rafeiro do Alentejo zeigt sich als hervorragender Wachhund. 2019/06/16 - Pinterest で 金島 さんのボード「マスチフ」を見てみましょう。。「マスチフ, ブルマスティフ, 巨大な犬」のアイデアをもっと見てみましょう。 The colors are fawn, yellow or black with white markings. [4] In 1954 the breed was accepted by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale in Group 2, Section 2.2: Mastiffs, Mountain Type, Portugal. Criação, seleção e promoção da raça desde 1999. Nachteile des Rafeiro do Alentejo Der Rafeiro do Alentejo besitzt gegenüber anderen Hunderassen eine ganze Reihe von Nachteilen. Please do not modify it. Die Einstufung erfolgte mit Standard-Nr. Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz Disk. HISTORY. Cão Fila de São Miguel, Rafeiro do Alentejo, Cão de Castro Laboreiro Portugal Hunderassen Infografik 3. He is also a very useful livestock protector, being more vigilant at night and very serious when guarding territory or any other property entrusted to him. Als Herdengebrauchshund beschützt und behütet er seine Herde selbständig und zuverlässig. Hier findest Du unsere HTM Hunderassen von ganz kleinen Pfoten, bis zu riesengroßen feuchten Nasen. As fêmeas têm entre 64 a 70 cm e os machos vão desde os 66 até aos 74 cm., So on their route to the mountains in the summer and back to the plains in the winter, flocks were always accompanied by large dogs, which lead to the dogs being spread along the route from region to region. Account-Login. Der Rafeiro do Alentejo ist alles andere als unproblematisch. Venda de animais. Auf seinem Gebiet, der Bewachung von Herden, ist er exzellent. These powerful mastiffs are commonly said to have migrated slowly westwards into Asia Minor. He has a calm and confident expression. It has a bear-like head, dark eyes and its eyes are set medium high and are folded downwards. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is often claimed to be descended from huge dogs on the vast Tibetan highlands, thousands of years ago. )-Mix Alter: geb. Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen. The Rafeiro do Alentejo should do well on a high-quality dog food, whether commercially manufactured or home-prepared with your veterinarian’s supervision and approval. Weitere Ideen zu herdenschutzhunde, hunde, große hunderassen. The Rafeiro do Alentejo has been recorded in the Foundation Stock Service since 2005. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. Grupo: 2 - Pinschers, Schnauzers, Molossóides, Cães de Montanha e Boieiros Suíços Secção do grupo: 2.2 – Cães de Montanha País de origem: Portugal Data de origem: Antiguidade/ Séc. 96 in Gruppe 2, Sektion 2. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is a Portuguese breed of livestock guardian dog. XIX; Primeira utilidade: Guarda de rebanhos Peso aproximado: 40 – 55 Kg Altura aproximada: 64-75 cm Cores: Preto e branco | Lobeiro (ou sable, que se … As the population settled down, the dogs eventually remained in the southern prairies, the Alentejo plains, where they adapted and began to be used to guard, not only the herds, but the big rural estates as well. The AKC has grouped all of the breeds that it registers into seven categories, or groups, roughly based on function and heritage. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. Rauhaar-Foxterrier Disk. It may be black, fawn, wolf grey or yellow, either brindled or not, but always with white markings; or may be white marked with these colours. In der Nacht ist die Rasse besonders aktiv, wenn es um die Hüterqualitäten geht, welche er tagsüber jedoch weniger ernst nimmt. Somos a Helena e o João Costa temos 3 filhos, a Joana, o João e a Madalena. 29.11.2014 Geschlecht: weiblich / kastriert: Besonderheiten: menschenbezogen, ruhig Beschreibung und Fotos O Rafeiro do Alentejo é uma raça antiga, originária da região alentejana, do tipo de cão de guarda de gado. The Rafeiro Do Alentejo is an impressive looking, large, self-confident dog that makes an excellent guard dog, especially at night. Shop a great collection with the lowest price. The Rafeiro do Alentejo has been approved to compete in AKC Companion Events since January 1, 2010. - Section n°2.2: Molossoïdes, type montagne. Rafeiro do Alentejo-Mix. Rat Terrier Disk. 73) rafeiro do alentejo 74) pyrenaeen-berghund 75) leonberger 76) cao de castro laboreiro 77) cao da serra de estrela 7 hovawart 79) landseer 80) tibet-dogge 81) berger de l'atlas (= aidi) 82) karstschaeferhund 83) kaukasischer owtscharka 84) anatolischer hirtenhund 85) zentralasiatischer schaeferhund 86) berner sennenhund [4] Since the late nineteenth century they have been known as Rafeiro do Alentejo. Auch heute gibt es noch nicht viele Hunde dieser Rasse. Durch seine Größe und sein starkes Auftreten ist der Vierbeiner in der Lage, wilde Tiere und Eindringlinge zurechtzuweisen. Hunde, deren äußeres Erscheinungsbild und Charakter in einem von Verbänden vorgegebenen Standard festgelegt wird. Es gibt rund 300 von großen Hundezucht-Organisationen anerkannte Rassen. Rafeiro do Alentejo FICHA TÉCNICA. Rampur Hound Disk. gab es kaum noch Hunde dieser Rasse. Nein. Treats can be an important aid in training, but giving too many can cause obesity.