Perros de Agua Clederagua, Villa del rio (Córdoba). They presented the first SWD to be shown in an AKC Rare Breed Conformation venue in Inverness, Florida in January 2000. The Perro de Agua Espanol is sheared as needed. Cords are never combed, but left in their natural state. Training The intelligence of the Perro de Agua Espanol makes training fairly easy. CRIADERO DE PERROS DE AGUA ESPAÑOL Tri-coloured dogs are strictly prohibited by the currently held (worldwide) standards for the breed as are black and tan or brown and tan colour combinations. While these dogs can still be found working in the mountains of southern Andalucia herding goat and sheep as they have been for the last 1000 years, the breed has taken on new jobs in today’s society: search and rescue, drug and bomb detection. 07.08.2016 - Fa San hat diesen Pin entdeckt. Spanish Water Dogs should never be clipped like Poodles, as he is a natural-looking breed. Mit 10 Monaten hatte er schon eine stattliche Größe von 48 cm Schulterhöhe … Perro de agua español fäller inte, så det är bäst att ta med dem till någon professionell då och då för att se över pälsen. Good socialization at an early age greatly helps them cohabit with small children.[1]. Widerristhöhe: Rüden: 58-66 cm, Hündinnen: 53-61 cm. Geschlecht/Kastriert Männlich, Kastriert. Er ist mittelgroß mit ausgewogenen Proportionen. Temperament This Perro de Agua Espanol gets along well with children, other dogs, and any household pets. [5] Additionally, the breed was recognized by the American Herding Breed Association in 2007. And finally the largest group came from the southern Andalusian sierras, this type of dogs were the largest and strongest since were mainly used for herding. El Perro de Aguas Español es una raza de perro de mediano tamaño que se caracteriza por su pelo rizado y su textura similar a la lana de oveja. I denti sono di buona forma e i canini ben sviluppati. It is also used sometimes as a gundog, and is skilled at retrieval from water. Här på Perro Rizados kennel föder vi upp rasen Perro de Agua Espanol. Der nichthaarende, intelligente, sehr arbeitsfreudige und gelehrige spanischer Wasserhund stellt sich vor.Einst gezüchtet in Spanien als Helfer der Fischer,Hirten,Bauern und Jägern. The cords that form on the coat form naturally. Shepherd dog, hunting dog and assistant to the fisherman, FCI Classification: Group 8 – Retrievers, Flushing Dogs and Water Dogs. 817 likes. Nuestros cachorros proceden de las mejores lineas de sangre y criados por grandes amantes de esta raza en Andalucia (Spain). El Perro de Agua Español es un perro leal, obediente, de buen temperamento y alegre al que le encantará disfrutar de toda la familia, si bien tiende a establecer un vínculo especial con un solo miembro de la misma. Tussbergets Kennel bedriver uppfödning av Perro de Agua Español, spansk vattenhund, i hemmiljö. The Spanish Water Dog (SWD) has strong genetic links to other water breeds such as the Portuguese Water Dog, The Poodle, the French Barbet and the Irish Water Spaniel. Man bezeichnete sie als „Vallaroli“ - Lagunenjäger. The Spanish Water Dog or Perro de Agua Español was a shepherd, hunter and fisherman companion for many centuries. Gets along with other dogs, but may chase cats. "Health Issues." im Tierheim seit 15.02.2018. letzte Aktualisierung 17.05.2020. AREA OF DISSEMINATION: ... adaptable to situations and of good temperament. Eine ... Obwohl sein Temperament ihn manchmal wie ein kleiner Clown erscheinen lässt, kann er auch hoch konzentriert Übungen ausführen. Perro de agua español, eller den spanska vattenhundens, historia är oklar. Rasse Perro de Agua Español. His incredible adaptability, relative ease of maintenance and overall good health makes the Spanish Water Dog an ideal family companion. Nummer: 263. Der Perro de Agua Español gehört einer spanischen Rasse an, deren Ursprünge im südlichen Andalusien liegen. Mit seinen langen Rasterlocken und seinem aufgeweckten und freundlichen Temperament ein Hund, den man einfach so hätte mitnehmen können. The puppies always are born with curly hair. Share this: CONTACTO The breed's life expectancy is thought to be about 14 years. H r p Perro Rizados kennel f der vi upp rasen Perro de Agua Espanol. Some of the color names are self-explanatory, others are less so. As of January 1, 2015, the Spanish Water Dog will join the Herding Group. This website was made with a … They had been known for centuries as “perros de agua,” “perro de aguas,” “turco,” “laneto,” and “churro”; a smaller number could also be found on the Cantabrian Cornice. Activity This dog enjoys and needs exercise. El siguiente corte de pelo debe hacerse después de un año, es decir, cuando el perro tendrá entre 15 o 16 meses. [citation needed], The American Kennel Club Foundation Stock Service recognized the breed in 2005 through the efforts of the Spanish Water Dog Club, Inc. im Tierheim seit 28.10.2018. letzte Aktualisierung 24.05.2020. They presented an Introduction Seminar at a UKC venue in South Carolina in 2001 and showed the first SWD at a UKC Mult-Breed show in the Summer of 2004. Perro De Agua Español. spaansewaterhond, perro de agua espanol, spanish waterdog, spanishwaterdog, perro de aqua espanol Their athleticism and extremely hard working nature leads them to excel at any number of tasks. The cords must be sheared one or more times a year. Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Er ist direkt auf die alten portugiesischen Jagdhundrassen zurückzuführen und wird heute noch an der gesamten Küste Portugals von Fischern zur Arbeit eingesetzt. 22-nov-2018 - Explora el tablero de Alicia Lopez Argudo "Perro de agua" en Pinterest. This loyal, obedient, cheerful and very dependable family companion was also an excellent watch and guard dog. Perro de agua español / Spanish water dog. The AKC approved the breed to begin competition in AKC herding, in dog agility trials, obedience, and tracking beginning January 1, 2008. In Spain, the Water Dog was primarily used for herding sheep and goats. Std. The Spanish Water Dog (perro de agua español) breed is used in Spain as a general purpose sheepdog and guard. Today, the breed is well mixed and most SWD are well rounded and have a balanced of traits. im Tierheim seit 28.10.2018. letzte Aktualisierung 24.05.2020. Den har samma ursprung som franska barbet. Er ist immer in Erwartung einen Auftrag zu bekommen! Temperament This Perro de Agua Espanol gets along well with children, other dogs, and any household pets. Pads should be checked for clogged hair regularly. Ver más ideas sobre perros de agua, perro de agua español, perros. [citation needed], Originally there were three separated populations of SWD in Spain with somewhat different phenotypes and sizes. SWDs should be allowed to air dry. Fotografía. Ange även ditt medlemsnummer! Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that lack a nuclear membrane, are metabolically active, and divide by binary fission. 1975 började man välja ut hundar med de mest specifika utseendena och karaktärerna och sammanställde en rasstandard. Gli occhi hanno uno sguardo vivo e sono di un colore che si armonizza con il mantello. 29-oct-2017 - Explora el tablero "Perro de Aguas Español" de Sina Gallego, que 259 personas siguen en Pinterest. Perro de agua español är en gammal ras som funnits länge i Spanien. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. Tussbergets Kennel bedriver uppfödning av Perro de Agua Español, spansk vattenhund, i hemmiljö. The Spanish Water Dog or Perro de Agua Español was a shepherd, hunter and fisherman companion for many centuries. The Spanish Water Dog (perro de agua español) breed is used in Spain as a general purpose sheepdog and guard. Als ich über die Hannoversche Hundeausstellung schlenderte stand er plötzlich vor mir der Perro De Agua Espanol, in Deutschland auch als Spanischer Wasserhund bekannt. Care This breed needs very little grooming. The ears are set at medium height on the skull, and are triangular. Mamíferos. SWD puppies should be trimmed for the first time at around the age of 4 months, Congenital hypothyroidism with goitre (CHG). El Perro de Agua Español es una raza que siempre se ha caracterizado por su gran versatilidad y puede ayudarnos en casi cualquier tipo de tarea, ya sea de caza, pastoreo o pesca, y lo mejor de todo es que es un perro muy obediente que, por regla general, se adapta fácilmente al medio y a la familia que lo acoge. Welche Krankheiten He was highly valued for his keen sense of smell, sight and sound and outstanding learning ability. Diese Pause ist ein Muss. Tiene una tendencia natural a la protección y ladrará a modo de advertencia si lo cree necesario. En cuanto al perro de agua español, podriamos decir que tienen un temperamento cariñoso y muy devoto con su familia y gente con los que el perro esta acostumbrado a vivir, pero son desconfiados y timidos con aquellas personas que no conocen o con los que no estan acostumbrados a convivir. [citation needed], Historically, the SWDs were primarily used as herding dogs to move the flocks of sheep and goats from one pasture to another. It is also used sometimes as a gundog, and is skilled at retrieval from water. 48. The head should be strong and carried with elegance. Although the Spanish Water Dog, or Perro de Agua Español, is an ancient breed that traces back many centuries, it was first officially recognized in Spain in the early 1980s. The SWD can be seen in a variety of colours. Copyright ©, 2003 - 2020. Echter, slimme honden kunnen natuurlijk ook de verkeerde dingen net zo snel te leren als de juiste dingen! They should be hazel, chestnut or dark brown in colour, depending on the coat colour. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. SWDs thrive on work and play. Historia de la raza. Big Dogs. Dogs are usually clipped once a year (never scissored). The nose, eye-rims and paw pads are the same colour as the darkest part of the coat or darker. Bona Espero. Jerry and Ken Mann were instrumental in facilitating recognition in UKC. Tevens hebben we af en toe pups van deze actieve, leergierige, niet verharende, speelse honden. The SWD is a medium size, athletic, robust dog that is slightly longer than tall. One of these populations was found in Northern Spain, in Asturias and Cantabria, these dogs were usually smaller and of lighter colour, becoming a new breed 22 March 2011, the Cantabrian Water Dog. It is believed to have been introduced by the Turks who traded in sheep and used them as sheepdogs , but the exact origin of the breed is purely speculation. Ulliga vattenhundar har funnits i tusentals år, och rasens ursprung är oklar. The breed has been known by many different names, including, Perro de Agua, Perro Turco, Laneto, Perro de Lanas, Perro Patero, Perro Rizado, Churro, Barbeta and most recently Perro de Agua Español. Geeignet für Alle Größe mittel Temperament freundlich Spanish Water Dog can be registered with the Foundation Stock Service (FSS) of the American Kennel Club (AKC). [citation needed], In 1980, the Spanish Water Dog Club (Spain) was formed in order to promote the breed and help get it recognized in its own country. Cao de agua Português. This website was made with a … De liknar både portugisiska vattenhundar och irländska vattenspaniels, men är en egen ras separerad från dessa. Spanischer Wasserhund Perro de Agua Espanol Perro Schweiz Zora They have very strong natural herding and guarding instincts, leading them to become the "self-appointed" guardians of their homes. Rasse Perro de Agua Español. Animales. 336). Schon mit 4 Monaten hat er mit großer Begeisterung Tricks erlernt! Most of the many breeds of rabbits come in a huge variety of colors. Vi str var efter att f sunda, arbetsvilliga hundar med utm rkt temperament och extri r! Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Herding instincts and trainability can be measured at noncompetitive herding tests. Dort werden die Hunde schon seit Jahrhunderten für die verschiedensten Aufgaben eingesetzt: Als Arbeitshunde helfen sie Bauern, Jägern und Fischern und zeigen sich dabei nicht nur geschickt, sondern auch als gute Apportierer und wunderbare Hütehunde. Arte. Il Perro de Agua Español è un cane rustico, ‘eumetrico’ di peso medio, di proporzioni sublongilinee, armonico nelle forme, di bell’aspetto, di costruzione atletica con buona muscolatura dovuta alla costante ginnastica funzionale che esercita; il profilo è subconvesso, con tendenza al rettilineo. En cuanto al peso, se encuentra entre los 18 y los 22 kilos en los machos y entre los 14 y 18 kilos para las hembras. Aufenthaltsort Tierheim. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. As with all dogs nails should be trimmed. Man talar om tre olika typer eller blodslinjer. Wenn es etwas länger ist, kann es Zotten (Filzschnüre) bilden. Der Spanische Wasserhund hat einen langgestreckten, athletischen Körperbau. Der Perro de Agua Español oder Spanischer Wasserhund: Alles zu Preis, Temperament, Charakter, Fellpflege, Größe und Erziehung. Perro de agua español är en gammal ras som funnits länge i Spanien. The following are some of the more common rabbit colors and markings or patterns that you may come across, many of which... Veterinary practitioners and pathologists are sometimes asked to examine animals that have been found dead but were considered healthy by their owners when last seen. Kontakte … Their tails are usually docked in the US, but undocked tails are not a fault in conformation showing if the dog was bred in a non-docking country. Alter 11 Jahre , 10 Monate Farbe weiß-braun. This website was made with a Trial Version of Site Studio. Vi str var efter att f sunda, arbetsvilliga hundar med utm rkt temperament och extri r! Vi strävar efter att få sunda, arbetsvilliga hundar med utmärkt temperament och extriör! 09. Španělský vodní pes-El perro de Agua Español-Spanish Water Dog- Španielsky Vodný Pes-Der Spanischer Wasserhund-Spaanse Waterhond-Hiszpański Wodny Pies . Superficially, bacteria appear to be relatively simple forms of life. Der Perro de Agua Español passt wunderbar zu Familien – gerne mit jüngeren Kindern, die in dem wuscheligen Vierbeiner einen Freund fürs Leben finden können. Explorar. The skull is flat and the top is parallel with the top of the muzzle. Weiterlesen. Jahrhundert. Ver más ideas sobre perro de agua español, perros de agua, perros. It has a distinctive curly coat which is woolly in texture and may form cords when long. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. Recent health testing has uncovered the following issues: Portuguese and Spanish water dogs are clearly related and probably have a common ancestor. Perro de agua Español. Kennel for Perro de Agua Español of Spaanse waterhond. Perros. Lagotto Romagnolo und Perro de Agua Zucht in Ludwigsfelde. "VAMOS AL AGUA" Canis Marinus ESPINO . 22-mar-2015 - Buffy descrubrió este Pin. Vi strävar efter att få sunda, arbetsvilliga hundar med utmärkt temperament och extriör! En cuanto al perro de agua español, podriamos decir que tienen un temperamento cariñoso y muy devoto con su familia y gente con los que el perro esta acostumbrado a vivir, pero son desconfiados y timidos con aquellas personas que no conocen o con los que no estan acostumbrados a convivir. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. Spanish Water Dogs that exhibit basic herding instincts can be trained to compete in herding trials. Erwähnt wurde diese Rasse erstmals im 17. Cada Perro de Agua Español cachorro debe ser rapado (cortarle el pelo), entre los 3 y 4 meses de edad, dondequiera que se encuentre, en el norte o en el sur. Perro de agua español. Temperament. The SWD has been known by many other names such as "Perro Turco", "Laneto", "Perro Patero", "Perro Rizado", "Churro", "Barbeta", and, most recently, "Perro de Agua Español" (literally Spanish Dog of Water, i.e., Spanish Water Dog). Alles, was Sie über die Hunderasse Perro de Agua Español wissen sollten: Geschichte, Pflege, Fotos, Charakter, Namen und mehr Menü klicken Hunderassen - Alle Hunderassen ( … Perro de Agua Español: cuidados. Kinderlieb nein Geeignet für Erfahrene Größe mittel Ears and eyes should be cleaned as often as they are dirty and excess ear hair may need to be plucked. The breed was recognized by the Real Sociedad Central de Fomento de Razas Caninas en España in 1995. The cords that form on the coat form naturally. Existen diversas teorías sobre el origen de la raza. Perro de Agua Español Breed Type: Working / Water Dog Country of Origin: Spain Popular Names: Spanish Water Dog, SWD, Barbeta, Perro Patero, Laneto, Churro, Perro Rizado, Andalucian Turk, Turco Andaluz Size: Medium Height: (At the withers) Males 44 – 50 cm, Females 40 – 45 cm Weight: Males 18 – 22 kg, Females 14 – 18 kg Best suited as: Pet or working dog with an active owner or family. perro de agua espaÑol: Cachorros disponibles durante todo el año. They spearheaded the first International SWD discussion list and were the first owners to use their SWD for herding in the United States. Guardado por sandy's. Es gibt sie in allen Farben, von einfarbig schwarz oder braun oder beige über schwarz-weiß, braun-weiß, beige-weiß bis hin zu fast ganz weiß mit wenigen schwarzen, braunen oder beigen Flecken, sogar ganz weiße Perros gibt es. Registering your dog is important if you are a breeder or if you intend to participate in purebred canine shows and events. Originally called the "English Rex",... Overview The Red-Shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) is a large, long-winged hawk with rust-barred underparts, reddish shoulders, a narrowly... History & Overview The West Siberian Laika, known in his native Russia as Zapadno-Sibirskaya Laika, is a breed... History & Overview The smooth-haired Pinscher is an ancient breed which was first mentioned in the German Stud... Overview The Kai Dog, also known as Kai Tora-ken, originated from medium-sized dogs that existed in Japan since... West Siberian Laika (Zapadno-Sibirskaïa Laïka). Maila ditt deltagande senast den 8:e mars till Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. Geschlecht/Kastriert Männlich, Kastriert. De kan också drabbas av öroninfektioner om öronen inte torkas efter att de simmat. Da der Spanische Wasserhund nicht haart ist er bedingt auch für Allergiker geeignet. Spaanse Waterhond – “Perro de Agua Español”.. Kenmerken en Temperament Spaanse Waterhonden zijn levendig, sportief en veelzijdig. Alter 8 Jahre , 10 Monate Farbe schwarz. If there is too much matting the cords should be sheared. Höftdysplasi och progressiv retinal atrofi är de främsta problemen med rasen. [citation needed], The SWD was officially recognized in the United States by the United Kennel Club in 2001 and fully accepted for conformation events in 2004. Care This breed needs very little grooming. SWDs should never be brushed, instead, as the cords grow they should be checked for matting. Der Hund kann ein- oder zweifarbig sein. Internationellt blev rasen godkänd 1999 och samtidigt blev den också g… Tamaño del perro de agua español. The Spanish Water Dog (perro de agua español) breed is used in Spain as a general purpose sheepdog and guard.It is also used sometimes as a gundog, and is skilled at retrieval from water.. [citation needed], Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, American Kennel Club Foundation Stock Service, "TECPR2 Associated Neuroaxonal Dystrophy in Spanish Water Dogs",, Articles needing additional references from May 2007, All articles needing additional references, Articles with a promotional tone from December 2014, Articles needing expert attention with no reason or talk parameter, Articles needing unspecified expert attention, Articles needing expert attention from December 2014, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2014, Articles with minor POV problems from December 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Height (at the withers): 40–45 cm (16–18 in).