The show was orchestrated by Alex Lacamoire, who won the 2017 Tony Award for Best Orchestrations for his work. She was never close to Connor, even hated him and thought he was a monster, but wishes she had known him better and turns to Evan after he lies and says he was friends with Connor. La segunda canción del álbum, "Waving Through a Window" se publicó de forma anticipada como descarga para los que reservaron el álbum. Despite this, after reading the "suicide note," Zoe notices that she is mentioned and asks Evan why Connor would say that about her. John sets out on tour with the Broadway National Tour of Dear Evan Hansen! Dear Evan Hansen es un musical con letra y música de Ben Pasek y Justin Paul y libreto de Steven Levenson. Después de firmarlo, lee la carta de Evan (que tomó de la impresora como un favor) y se enfurece ante la mención de Zoe, pensando que Evan tenía la intención de que la viera para burlarse de él. Catch the tour across the country until at least September 8!!!! Algún tiempo después, en la casa de Evan, Evan hace un comentario imprevisto a Zoe sobre cómo él y su madre no tienen mucho dinero y necesita becas para pagar la universidad. Evan asks Jared to help fix the inaccuracies, but Jared refuses and threatens to expose Evan, who counters that he could expose Jared's role. "[50], Charles Isherwood, in his review of the Second Stage production for The New York Times, noted: "The songs, by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul (Dogfight, A Christmas Story), strike the same complex notes, with shapely, heartfelt lyrics that expose the tensions and conflicts that Connor’s death and Evan’s involvement cause in both families. At school, Evan and Alana notice that people are starting to forget about Connor, so Evan enlists Alana and Jared's help in founding "The Connor Project" to keep Connor's memory alive. Zoe Murphy – Connor's younger sister and Evan's longtime crush. His mother, Heidi, suggests that he ask people to sign the cast on his arm to make friends. Jason Zinoman in a piece for Slate argues that the musical "employs many different tactics to prevent us from seeing Evan Hansen as a jerk, but its most audacious is to not allow anyone onstage to see him that way...The choice to give Evan Hansen no comeuppance doesn’t make dramatic sense. The cast album, produced by Alex Lacamoire, featuring the band from both the original Off-Broadway and Broadway productions, including Ben Cohn (piano), Jamie Eblen (drums), Justin Goldner and Dillon Kondor (guitars), Rob Jost (bass), Justin Smith, Todd Low and Adele Stein (strings)[16] and won the 2018 Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album. [45] The show began previews on October 29, before officially opening on November 19. She is mortified to learn they want to give Connor's college fund to Evan. All his hope is focused on Zoe, since his crush on her is the only thing that brings him happiness ("Waving Through a Window (Reprise #1)"). If you do, you start missing everybody. Luego, Evan le pide a Jared que le ayude a solucionar las imprecisiones, pero él se niega y amenaza con exponer a Evan, quien responde que podría exponer el papel de Jared. The show premiered on Broadway on November 14, 2016, in previews, and officially opened on December 4. Evan Hansen, un adolescente que sufre una ansiedad, escribe una carta de esperanza dirigida a sí mismo como tarea asignada por su psicólogo antes del primer día de su último año en el instituto. [84][85] On December 15, 2020, Universal Filmed Entertainment Group chairwoman Donna Langley confirmed that the film will wrap production that month. Pero la mentira que va creciendo cada vez más y más acabará volviéndose en su contra cuando empiecen a notarse incoherencias en los correos electrónicos prefabricados por Evan. Connor Murphy – A high school senior who, like Evan, is also a social outcast with no friends, and a frequent drug user, getting high to cope with his aggressive and violent tendencies. He vaguely admits that his fall from the tree was a suicide attempt. Moved by his dedication, Cynthia gives Evan a necktie she had gotten for Connor that he had never worn and asks Evan to wear it when he speaks at Connor's memorial service. Los demás actores de Off-Broadway volvieron para Broadway. The musical "...takes the notion of a teenager, Platt's Evan Hansen, who invents an important role for himself in a tragedy that he did not earn. The rest of the cast includes Rebecca McKinnis as Heidi Hansen, Lauren Ward as Cynthia Murphy, Rupert Young as Larry Murphy, Jack Loxton as Jared Kleinman, Nicole Raquel Dennis as Alana Beck, Lucy Anderson as Zoe and Doug Colling as Connor Murphy. En el reparto, Ben Platt, Laura Dreyfuss, Mike Faist, Rachel Bay Jones, Will Roland y Jennifer Laura Thompson, que repetían de la producción anterior, y nuevos actores como John Dossett y Kristolyn Lloyd. Not giving voice to anger at Evan Hansen avoids the more unpleasant ramifications of his exploitation of a tragedy for his own personal gain, which might complicate the audience’s reaction to him. Evan le pregunta por qué insistió en reunirse en el huerto, y ella responde que quería estar segura de que él lo vio, y los dos comparten un momento suave antes de que se separen. [8]​[9]​ La edición física del álbum en compact disc se publicó el 24 de febrero de 2017. Sam Primack (alt. Evan Hansen es un adolescente que lucha por hacer amigos. In the Tony Award®-winning musical Dear Evan Hansen beginning this week in Houston courtesy of Memorial Hermann Broadway at the Hobby, actor John Hemphill (Broadway: School of … The Murphys have become the targets of hateful comments because people believe they were responsible for Connor's death. Some critics argue that it romanticizes or sanitizes mental illness by not naming Evan's diagnosis, which many speculate to be social anxiety disorder with features of Asperger syndrome. Evan Hansen), Jessica Sherman (Heidi Hansen), Stephanie La Rochelle (Zoe Murphy), Claire Rankin (Cynthia Murphy), John Hemphill (Larry Murphy), Alessandro Costantini (Jared Kleinman), Ciara Alyse Harris (Alana Beck), & Noah Kieserman (Connor … What: Broadway On Tour’s “Dear Evan Hansen” When: 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, plus 2 p.m. Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, through Jan. 26 Where: Memorial Auditorium, 1515 J St. in Sacramento. Heidi, Alana y Jared convergen en la conciencia de Evan, lo que agrava su culpa y duda sobre sus decisiones ("Good For You"). The musical has its origins in an incident that took place during Pasek's high school years at Friends' Central School. En memoria de Connor, quieren recaudar $ 50,000 en tres semanas para reabrir el huerto de manzanas abandonado donde Evan y Connor supuestamente pasaron tiempo. Evan writes a letter to himself, wondering whether anyone would notice if he were not there. Evan starts recounting a fictional version of the day he broke his arm at an abandoned apple orchard the Murphys had visited ("For Forever"). Evan admits his fabrication, explaining he had been hopeful that he could forge a genuine bond with the Murphys out of the tragedy. Heidi asks Evan why he did not tell her about The Connor Project or about his friendship with Connor. Evan asks her why she wanted to meet at the orchard, and she replies that she wanted to be sure he saw it, and the two share a moment before they part. The cut song "Part of Me" was available exclusively on before it was officially released. John Hemphill Bio, Photos, Theatre Credits, Stage History - Touring as Larry Murphy in DEAR Evan Hansen, other credits include Broadway: School of Rock, Mamma Mia!. [78] The character of Larry Murphy was re-conceived as the step-father of Zoe and Connor rather than their biological father as in the stage version,[79] a change that sparked a mixed-to-negative reception from the fans of the musical. Dear Evan Hansen might be rooted in the present day, but there is more than enough universal appeal to keep the captivating plot relevant for years to come. Más tarde, se llama a Evan a la oficina del director y se le dice que Connor se suicidó días antes, con la carta de Evan en el bolsillo, que creen que es una nota de suicidio dirigida a él. [1]​ Debutó en Broadway en el Music Box Theatre en diciembre de 2016 tras su estreno mundial en el Arena Stage de Washington DC en julio de 2015 y una producción Off-Broadway entre marzo y mayo de 2016. Conmovida por su dedicación, Cynthia le da a Evan una corbata que había conseguido para Connor que nunca había usado y le pide a Evan que se la ponga cuando habla en el funeral de Connor. Dear Evan Hansenis astage musicalwith music and lyrics byBenj PasekandJustin Paul, andbookbySteven Levenson. As Zoe and her mother leave, Larry turns away from Evan in disgust. Dear Evan Hansen features a score written by Dogfight and The Greatest Showman songwriters Benj Pasek and Justin Paul and a book by Steven Levenson. Alone once more, Evan absorbs his perceived brokenness as inescapable ("Words Fail"). Ben Platt ya era el protagonista en esta primera representación. Las dos madres se preguntan simultáneamente cómo conectarse con sus hijos ("Anybody have a map?"). After Andrew's run was over, Jordan Fisher assumed the role of Evan Hansen on January 28, 2020. Dear Evan Hansen is a stage musical with music and lyrics by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, and book by Steven Levenson.[1]. He disappears, leaving Evan alone. In the end, she realized that she was not alone – she had Evan and knew that the two of them could survive anything so long as they were together. Seguramente eso es un proceso que requiere tiempo y reajustes hormonales. The musical opened on Broadway at the Music Box Theatre in December 2016, after its world premiere at the Arena Stage in Washington, D.C., in July 2015 and an off-Broadway production at Second Stage Theatre from March to May 2016. Evan then runs into Connor, who interprets Evan's awkwardness as making fun of him, resulting in Connor pushing Evan to the ground. Evan quiere explicar la verdad, pero entra en pánico y para salir de la situación acepta ir a verles a su casa, inventándose una historia en la que Connor y él eran buenos amigos y mantenían una correspondencia de correos electrónicos en secreto. [34] Performances cannot continue until May 31, 2021 at the earliest. [7]​ El álbum debutó en el número 8 en el Billboard 200 el 25 de febrero. Check it out! In Dear Evan Hansen [ edit | edit source ] Su madre Heidi, una auxiliar de enfermería muy ocupada que asiste a una escuela paralegal por las noches, intenta conectar con Evan, pero no consigue encontrar puntos en común con él. [75] Joining them are Kaitlyn Dever as Zoe Murphy, Julianne Moore as Heidi Hansen, Amy Adams as Cynthia Murphy, Danny Pino as Larry Murphy, Nik Dodani as Jared Kleinman and Amandla Stenberg as Alana Beck. Both Alana and Jared notice his broken arm, but neither signs his cast. The novel, which features additional material based on scenes and songs cut from the show's development that flesh out and expand upon the story, was released by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers on October 9, 2018. He understudied Larry Murphy as part of the US Tour cast , before fully taking over the role. Tickets: $26-$92, available by calling 916-557-1999 or 916-808-5181, or online at [12] The song was released as a second pre-order bonus the next day. He angrily responds that he did not have the time because she is never around. Cuando Cynthia intenta mostrarle a Zoe los correos electrónicos, está enojada, recordando el comportamiento violento y aterrador de Connor. The project was initially called The PPL Project. Marc Platt and Adam Siegel serve as producers. After Evan shows the Murphy family Connor's "emails," Cynthia is ecstatic that her son had a friend, but Larry is hurt that Connor took his family and his privileged life for granted. [41], The show played its first international performance at the Royal Alexandra Theatre in Toronto. The cast featured Ben Platt, Laura Dreyfuss, Mike Faist, Rachel Bay Jones, Will Roland and Jennifer Laura Thompson repeating their roles from the Arena Stage production. [20]​, Derek Mong, en su crítica del musical en el Arena Stage, escribió que "el inventivo decorado diseñado por David Korins... que transforma un pequeño escenario en una plataforma para el cuarto de estar más íntimo para mostrar una conversación a corazón abierto entre madre e hijo, hasta el abismo físico del ciberespacio de internet... libreto de Steven Levenson... letra y música de Benj Pasek y Justin Paul... letras emotivas con relatabilidad universal unidas a un acompañamiento perfecto, a veces acústico, que puede cambiar el ambiente de sombrío a celebratorio y a siniestro en un solo acorde musical". Al darse cuenta de que la carta es la clave para cumplir el objetivo de recaudación de fondos, Alana la publica en línea donde, para disgusto de Evan, se vuelve viral. Evan confesses his deceit and makes it clear that all he wanted, really, was to be loved, because of, well, that absent daddy, that inattentive mommy, and the nastiness of the world. Heidi le dice a Evan que vio el video de su discurso en Facebook y le pregunta por qué no le contó sobre The Connor Project o sobre su amistad con Connor. Ella lo perdona, diciendo que toda la dura experiencia unió a su familia durante el año pasado porque "todos lo necesitaban para algo". Cynthia Murphy – Connor and Zoe's stay-at-home mother. But from start to finish, when Evan leaves his room and finds an authentic life outside it, Dear Evan Hansen contains far more joy than sadness. Evan va a disculparse con Alana, pero ella dice que ha renunciado a que Evan la haya ayudado con el Proyecto Connor, ya que duda de la verdad de las repetidas declaraciones de Evan de que él era el mejor amigo de Connor. Noah Galvin replaced Platt on November 21, 2017, and played until February 2018. [21]​, Barbara Mackay, revisando la producción del Arena Stage para TheatreMania escribió: "Levenson, Pasek y Paul se marcan dos listones altos y nada tradicionales en Evan Hansen: explorar el duelo de una comunidad y examinar a un solitario protagonista que desea desesperadamente conectar con esa comunidad... Ben Platt está sobresaliente como Evan... Puesto que el éxito del musical depende completamente en si la naturaleza solitaria de Evan parezca graciosa o rara, la habilidad de Evan de reírse de sí mismo y de hacer reír al público es crucial. Connor's sister Zoe, whom Evan has a crush on, feels obligated to apologize for her brother's behavior. Ella menciona haber oído hablar de la muerte de Connor, pero Evan le dice que no se preocupe y que él no conocía a Connor. Tanto Alana como Jared notan su brazo roto, pero ninguno de los dos firma su yeso. Michael Park, who originated the role of Larry in the Arena Stage production, returned for the Broadway production (replacing John Dossett who went on to the musical War Paint). By Hannah Vine. "[23]​, Charles Isherwood, en su crítica de la producción del Second Stage para The New York Times, señaló: "Las canciones, de Benj Pasek y Justin Paul (Dogfight, A Christmas Story), llegan a las mismas notas complejas, con letras birn proporcionadas y emotivas que exponen las emociones y conflictos que la muerte de Connor y la involucración de Evan causan en ambas familias. Superado por la emoción, luego se apresura a los Murphy, diciéndole que irá a casa de Jared. Overcome with emotion, he impulsively kisses Zoe, but she pulls away and tells him to leave. Mientras Zoe y su madre salen corriendo llorando, Larry se aleja de Evan con disgusto. [24][25][26][27] The Off-Broadway engagement closed on May 29, 2016. The music, played by a small but excellent band on a platform upstage, is appealingly unstrident pop-rock, with generous doses of acoustic guitar, keyboards and strings. "[2], There were several readings prior to the first stage production: in May 2014 at Pearl Studios (New York), July 2014 at Chelsea Studios (New York) and September 2014 at Manhattan Movement and Arts Studio (New York). An imaginary version of Connor attempts to talk him out of it, but Evan shouts that he needs the whole thing to be over. At the official launch of The Connor Project, Evan gives an inspiring speech about his loneliness and friendship with Connor, which goes viral. Evan mentally writes himself one last letter reflecting on the impact he has had on his community and finally accepts himself ("Finale"). It is hard to accept that a long-admired-from-afar girl can change Evan's outlook on life so rapidly or that Connor's teenage disequilibrium leads him to do what he does. The musical opened on Broadway at the Music Box Theatre in December 2016, after its world premiere at the Arena Stage in Washington, D.C., in July 2015 and an off-Broadway production at Second Stage Theatre from March to May 2016. Por otra parte está la familia Murphy, formada por Cynthia, Larry y sus hijos Zoe y Connor. Entra a los tres que luchan sobre por qué Connor realmente se suicidó y finalmente admite que inventó todo el asunto, con la esperanza de que pudiera forjar un vínculo genuino con los Murphy a partir de la tragedia. Evan goes to Connor's house for dinner. Mientras la imprime, aparece Connor, todavía más deprimido que antes, y le firma la escayola, diciendo que así los dos podrán fingir que tienen amigos. There are so many genuinely moving scenes in Dear Evan Hansen, including one in which Connor’s father (John Hemphill) teaches Evan how to break in the catcher’s mitt his own son refused to use. To give a quick summary of the show, Dear Evan Hansen [DEH] tells the story of a lonely, socially awkward high schooler that fabricates a friendship with a recently-deceased classmate and becomes closer to the victim’s family in a misguided attempt to offer them comfort. [17], Producers announced a deluxe album on September 26, 2018. [24]​, Dear Evan Hansen recibió el premio a mejor nueva obra de la Fundación Edgerton. Jared had instructed him to "nod and confirm" to avoid making things worse, but Evan is awkward and uncomfortable, so he lies, pretending he and Connor had been best friends, emailing each other from a secret account. Heidi lo sienta y recuerda el día que su padre se mudó y cómo se sentía tan pequeña y sola y no sabía cómo iba a hacerlo sola. Understudies and covers include Marcus Harman as the alternate Evan Hansen, Tricia Adele-Turner, David Breeds, Haydn Cox, Natalie Kassanga, Hannah Lindsey, Mark Peachey, Courtney Stapleton, Alex Thomas-Smith, and James Winter. [40] The second year of the tour began on September 25, 2019, in Milwaukee, with Stephen Christopher Anthony stepping in to the role of Evan Hansen full-time, former Evan/Jared/Connor understudy Noah Kieserman as Connor Murphy, former Zoe/Alana understudy Ciara Alyse Harris as Alana Beck, John Hemphill as Larry Murphy, Sam Primack as the Evan alternate, and Toronto cast alums Stephanie La Rochelle as Zoe Murphy, Jessica Sherman as Heidi Hansen, Claire Rankin as Cynthia Murphy, and Alessandro Costantini as Jared Kleinman. Michael Park, que había interpretado a Larry en Washington, volvió para la producción de Broadway, reemplazando a John Dossett. All other cast members from the Second Stage production returned for the Broadway engagement. Connor le dice que si dice la verdad, todo lo que tiene se habrá ido, y lo único que se quedará con él es ("For Forever" (Reprise)). Ella vio la carta en línea e inmediatamente supo que era una de las tareas de terapia de Evan. Su terapeuta recomienda que se escriba cartas a sí mismo en las que se detalle lo que será bueno de cada día. [76][77] Stenberg will also collaborate with Pasek and Paul on the writing of a new song for her character, whose role has been expanded for the film. "[51] Susan Davidson, in her review of the Arena Stage production for CurtainUp, noted: "it helps to suspend the disbelief that sullen, anti-social teenagers can change quickly. MusicalOriginal. The second song on the album, "Waving Through A Window", was released as a special early download for those who had pre-ordered the album. The New York Times calls it a gut-punching, breathtaking knockout of a musical. [82] Filming began on August 25, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia and Los Angeles, California. Evan Hansen isn’t as interested in these themes as it is in keeping the focus on the insecurity of the outsider, the nerd, the teenager yearning for acceptance. [83] A full workshop took place in March 2015 at Gibney Dance Center. Evan, unable to tell her the truth, tells her all the reasons he loves her under the guise of Connor saying them ("If I Could Tell Her"). It will also mark the film acting debuts of DeMarius Copes, Gerald Caesar and Isaac Cole Powell, all of whom will play new characters created for the film. Entonces lee la carta recién impresa, se enfurece con Evan y sale corriendo con ella en la mano. Evan Hansen, performed superbly by Sam Primack, is a high school student suffering from anxiety. One day in computer lab, Evan writes a letter to himself but it is stolen by Connor Murphy. The West End, Broadway and Touring casts of Dear Evan Hansen have united virtually for an epic performance of You Will Be Found. The three pitch the idea to the Murphys, who agree to support the project ("Disappear"). DEAR EVAN HANSEN Post Alessandro Costantini, Broadway San Diego, Claire Rankin, DEAR EVAN HANSEN, Jessica E. Sherman, John Hemphill, musical, Noah Kieserman, Review, Samantha Williams, Stephanie La Rochelle, Stephen Christopher Anthony HARRIS, MARIA WIRRIES; Understudy for Larry Murphy: JOHN HEMPHILL Dance Captain: Jane Pfitsch Maggie McKenna is appearing with the permission of Actors’ Equity Association pursuant to an exchange program between American Equity and the MEAA DEAR EVAN HANSEN WILL BE PERFORMED WITH ONE 15-MINUTE INTERMISSION Mientras imprime la carta en el laboratorio de informática de la escuela, se encuentra con Connor nuevamente, ahora mucho más tranquilo que en la mañana, quien se ofrece a firmar su yeso. The production began previews on March 5, 2019, and opened on March 28, 2019. [43] Despite extending its booking period through September, the production closed early on July 21, 2019. Evan is in an intense state of anxiety over what Connor might have done with the letter and tells Jared online about his assignment to write letters to himself ("Waving Through a Window (Reprise #2)"). The musical opened Off-Broadway at the Second Stage Theater on March 26, 2016, in previews, with the official opening on May 1.