Drama, Romance. Bruce Willis, | 150 min 138 min | | Aubrey Plaza, $2.34M, R Isla Fisher, Director: Drama, Romance. Pål Sverre Hagen, Pablo Larraín | Andrew Dominik Chris Butler, Alexandre Tharaud, Votes: | Gross: Set in Depression-era Franklin County, Virginia, a trio of bootlegging brothers are threatened by a new special deputy and other authorities angling for a cut of their profits. Welche sind die besten Serien des Jahres 2012? In March 2013, Guzman was revealed to have joined the Pretty Little Liars cast as a martial arts teacher named Jake Don Cheadle, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy. Javier Bardem, Matthias Schoenaerts, | Director: Solch wilde Parties haben wir zum Glück noch nie gefeiert. A pregnant woman's search for her missing husband takes her from London to Kolkata, but everyone she questions denies having ever met him. 94,470 Stars: Josh Radnor, 88 min Wer mehr dazu lesen möchte sollte am Besten mal bei unserer Auswahl an Animationsfilmen vorbeischauen. Wer aber darauf steht, der wird den Streifen mit Sicherheit in die Kategorie gute Filme 2012 wählen. Logan Lerman, Entdecken Sie die besten Filme als: Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten, Der Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs, Der Pate, The Dark Knight, Schindlers Liste | Gross: 95 min Kerry Washington, Votes: $303.00M, PG-13 7 Psychos wird wohl am ehesten Fans von Kill Bill oder anderen Tarantino Streifen überzeugen. 92,962 After Peter Parker is bitten by a genetically altered spider, he gains newfound, spider-like powers and ventures out to save the city from the machinations of a mysterious reptilian foe. Tabu, Votes: Stars: Wir werden dich dann explizit darauf hinweisen. 120 min Noch nie wurden wir so positiv überrascht und geflasht wie bei diesem Film. A pair of young lovers flee their New England town, which causes a local search party to fan out to find them. Michael B. Jordan, Director: 133,651 FILMSTARTS z. | Gustaf Skarsgård, Steven Spielberg J.A. Wer nur ein bisschen was mit Fantasy Filmen anfangen kann, der wird hier seine helle Freude haben. 344,555 Tolle Action trifft auf einige extrem lustige Stellen und überzeugende Schauspieler wie Mark Ruffalo als Hulk. | Gross: Emmanuelle Riva, Comedy, Drama, Romance. Adventure, Drama, Fantasy. | Die besten Filme eines Genres sind widerum meistens solche, die die festgelegten Grenzen ihres kulturellen Erzählkontextes ausreizen, in Frage stellen oder sich geschickt über sie hinweg setzen. Comedy, Horror. | Tucker Albrizzi, Votes: Kristen Connolly, One day, Anne has a stroke, and the couple's bond of love is severely tested. | Gross: | Their daughter, also a musician, lives in Britain with her family. Action, Drama, Sci-Fi. A Naval veteran arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future - until he is tantalized by the Cause and its charismatic leader. Daniel Craig, Stars: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi. Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida (Kelly Macdonald) defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. 308,512 Mittlerweile haben Comicverfilmungen ein dermaßen hohes Niveau erreicht und die Avengers stellen dabei die Speerspitze dar. Ang Lee An exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution. Mads Mikkelsen, Naomi Watts, | Gross: | Stars: A chronicle of the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy S.E.A.L.s Team 6 in May 2011. USA 2009 – die Route – Teil 3; USA 2009 – die Route – Teil 2 August (4) März (2) Februar (2) 2008 (82) November (5) Oktober (46) September (30) Director: abzugeben bereit sind, liegt ausschließlich an einer besser ausgestatteten Neuanschaffung, mit der man auch Milch aufschäumen kann. Joel Edgerton, Bradley Cooper, | Stars: Odd-Magnus Williamson, Votes: Peter Jackson hat hier wieder einmal ein Meisterwerk erschaffen, das selbstverständlich unter „gute Filme 2012“ auftauchen muss. David O. Russell $113.72M, PG | | 93 min Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverständnis aus. 756,640 Director: Edith Scob, Mittlerweile gibt es sogar eine Jubiläums Box mit allen James Bond Teilen und eine Daniel Craig Collection in der nur die 3 Bond Streifen mit Daniel Craig enthalten sind. 97 min Daniel Day-Lewis, Auch wenn es sich komisch anhören mag, aber Chronicle schlägt im Prinzip in die gleiche Kerbe wie Project X, denn auch hier gerät alles mächtig außer Kontrolle, mit dem Unterschied, dass hier ein paar Jugendliche Superkräfte bekommen. Winona Ryder, Jake Johnson, A review of Ang Lee's film adaptation of Yann Martel's novel, Life of Pi. | Drew Goddard Animation, Adventure, Comedy. | Jared Gilman, Jude Law, Malik Bendjelloul A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster's beloved Shih Tzu. | Gross: John Goodman, Manoj Bajpayee, | Keira Knightley, | $45.51M, PG 93 min Stars: | Schon Peter Parker´s Onkel Ben hat uns gelehrt, dass mit großer Macht große Verantwortung kommt und natürlich ist einer der Jungs psychisch labil und nutzt seine Kraft zur Zerstörung. 558,385 Lilly Wachowski They are cultivated, retired music teachers. Bruce Willis, Documentary, Biography, Music. Anurag Kashyap Marion Cotillard, Three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery underground. Richard Armitage, $12.80M, PG-13 In 19th-century France, Jean Valjean, who for decades has been hunted by the ruthless policeman Javert after breaking parole, agrees to care for a factory worker's daughter. Zac Efron, | Gross: Director: Ewan McGregor, Halle Berry, 1,259,549 Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse. | 106 min | Josh Radnor $408.01M, R | Andrew Garfield, Mark Duplass, Sam Fell Moon Bloodgood, Votes: | | Gross: Jamie Foxx, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Votes: | Gross: 379,696 | Director: | Jack McBrayer, Jeremy Renner, Votes: Director: Adventure, Fantasy. Mila Kunis, | $95.72M, PG-13 Christopher Walken, Votes: | | Diese Website benutzt Cookies. Sam Rockwell, Peter Jackson | 118 min $262.03M, R From dawn to dusk, a few hours in the shadowy life of a mystic man named Monsieur Oscar. 138 min 143 min $2.06M, PG-13 ... Acting under the cover of a Hollywood producer scouting a location for a science fiction film, a CIA agent launches a dangerous operation to rescue six Americans in Tehran during the U.S. hostage crisis in Iran in 1979. Stars: Feel-Good-Movies. Ben Affleck Anna Hutchison, Comedy. | Suraj Sharma, In late-19th-century Russian high society, St. Petersburg aristocrat Anna Karenina enters into a life-changing affair with the dashing Count Alexei Vronsky. Alice Lowe, | Gross: Stars: | Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat. | Biography, Drama, History. Stars: Isabelle Huppert, | | Der Film von Martin McDonagh ist unterhaltsam aber auch sehr verstörend. Dwight Henry, Alan Arkin, Votes: | Jason Clarke, Votes: 116 min Scoot McNairy, Votes: Kacey Mottet Klein, Gillian Anderson, R Alicia Vikander, Director: 110 min 57,728 Stars: | Zwar gefällt uns persönlich Casino Royale einen Tick besser, das macht aber aus Skyfall noch lange keinen schlechten Film. John Hawkes, Ralph reichts Trailer. Director: Nicht ohne Grund ist er nicht nur unter Gute Filme 2012 gelistet, sondern auch in unserer Geheimtipp Liste vertreten. Director: Directors: $148.81M, R Quvenzhané Wallis, 572,017 Anne Hathaway, Colin Farrell, | Gross: | Gross: Lowell Landes, Votes: With the help of a German bounty hunter, a freed slave sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner. Earth's mightiest heroes must come together and learn to fight as a team if they are going to stop the mischievous Loki and his alien army from enslaving humanity. $27.11M, Unrated 1,355,293 | A man in an iron lung who wishes to lose his virginity contacts a professional sex surrogate with the help of his therapist and priest. $448.14M, PG-13 $0.04M, R Stars: Stars: Includes a little love story of course. | Gross: Jesse Plemons, Votes: Stanley Tucci, Votes: | Anna Kendrick, | Gross: Liam Hemsworth, Menu. Espen Sandberg 97 min Extrem schockierend aber auch teilweise richtig lustig. 127 min | Gross: Emma Stone, 372,808 103 min | Sujoy Ghosh $12.82M, R While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor: a fearsome Bengal tiger. Mike Theodore, Votes: Hugo Cabret ist ein wirklich bezaubernder Märchenfilm der nicht nur toll geschrieben ist sondern auch hervorragend umgesetzt wurde. Crime, Drama. $93.77M, R Adventure, Comedy, Crime. Action, Drama, Mystery. 240,976 Matthew Macfadyen, Votes: A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. | Josh Trank Drama. Leos Carax | Stars: | $4.01M, See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc, Character Repeating Someone Else's Dialogue. $304.36M, PG Director: Frank Beyer | Stars: Manfred Krug, Krystyna Stypulkowska, Jutta … 122 min Drama, History, Musical. Stars: | Martin Short, | | | 321 min $3.97M, PG-13 | Judi Dench, Votes: Director: James Bond's loyalty to M is tested when her past comes back to haunt her. Animation, Adventure, Comedy. 26,825 Christoph Waltz, 158 min Catherine O'Hara, Drama, Romance. 271,575 After a stint in a mental institution, former teacher Pat Solitano moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife. | Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin, where they get more than they bargained for, discovering the truth behind the cabin in the woods. Adventure, Biography, Drama. | 97 min | $15.03M, Not Rated | | | Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Michael Kelly, Votes: Filme 2012, Kinoprogramm 2012: die interessantesten Filme im Überblick! 97 min Das Gleiche lässt sich auch über die Hüter des Lichts sagen. | Gross: | | Three magazine employees head out on an assignment to interview a guy who placed a classified advertisement seeking a companion for time travel.