The Jedi were no army though. On the other hand, the numbers given in The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War are somehow flawed by the huge disparity between the number of its various mechanized war machines (battle droids, Vulture droids, tri-fighters, tank droids, Hailfire droids, etc. Prior to the Battle of Coruscant, many of the original Kamino clone troopers were dead or unable to continue fighting. The Revenge of the Sith novelization states (from the out-of-universe perspective of the narrator) that the CIS had pursued the war to that point through sheer force of numbers, with its droids outnumbering the clones, and even implies that the Confederacy was actually winning at several points. Most of the structure of the regular forces was unchanged through the Clone Wars and was even used by the Galactic Empire. The ground troops suffered a large number of casualties; reports on the ships arriving at the medical facilities stationed at Ord Mantell listed 12,000 in need of triage, 8,000 walking wounded, and 72,000 combat-fit troops (Republic Commando: Hard Contact). Suite of the theme of Grand Army of the Republic from Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. After the end of American Civil War, organizations were formed for veterans to network and maintain connections with each other. Other variants units like clone ordnance specialists and clone trooper pilots were specially trained for specific functions, such as bomb diffusion and flight, respectively. Most of the initial clones would go on to fight in the Battle of Geonosis, with 192,000 clone troopers deployed on the battlefield there (Star Wars: Complete Locations, p. 88), and an unknown number serving as crew aboard the twelve Acclamator-class assault ships that landed troops on the surface or the "thousands" of Republic ships descending upon the grounded Confederate fleet (Attack of the Clones novel). [19] Subsequently, a brigade within the GAR included the Special Operations Brigade, which was the special forces branch of the Grand Army of the Republic. A "unit" being a 2,304 clone regiment, the largest military division classified as a unit instead of a formation, would amount to 2,764,800,000 clones. If a "unit" were to be referring to a battalion of 576 troopers (as Lama Su spoke of later in Obi-Wan's visit), then 200,000 of these would render 115,200,000 clones and the 1,000,000 others spoken of as 576,000,000. Along with recruiting, one notable Jedi General Rahm Kota had his own serving Militia, as he saw the clones as unfit for battle. Linking men … Date reorganized The Supreme Chancellor was the Commander-in-Chief of the Republic Military; the Jedi High Council and the Republic High Command were principle organs by which military policy was carried out. At the end of the Clone Wars, it was discovered that Palpatine was secretly Darth Sidious, a Dark Lord of the Sith who belonged to an order dedicated to the fall of the Republic and the destruction of the Jedi. The Military Creation Act was a controversial bill that divided the Galactic Senate. The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), also known as the Grand Army and the Clone Army, was a major branch of the Galactic Republic Military composed entirely of clone troopers, an army of elite soldiers created from the genetically altered template of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Grand Army of the Republic [62] Additionally, squadrons in the Grand Army were Lightning Squadron under the command of Clone Commander CT-411 and a[63] tank squadron that participated on Felucia.[23]. A single Republic regiment was composed of four battalions, and furthermore, those battalions were made up of four companies. However, it is doubtful that the Republic managed to sabotage all major droid foundries. [31], In addition to growth acceleration and behavioral modification, an inorganic bio-chip was installed into the brain of every clone trooper at the early stage of their development. This is supported by an estimate given that, at the beginning of the War, the casualty ratio for members of the CIS versus the GAR is 20 to 1. Placed under the leadership of Grand Master Yoda, the Grand Army of the Republic made its debut in the First Battle of Geonosis, storming the Separatist stronghold and engaging the droid army with the eleme… In the midst of the final battles, particularly in the Outer Rim Campaign, Chancellor Palpatine issued Order 66, an executive command calling on all clone troopers to neutralize their Jedi officers with lethal force in the event of a Jedi insurrection. In Attack of The Clones, it is stated that there are too many clones for the droids to combat. In his first act, the Chancellor created a Grand Army of the Republic, featuring legions of clone troopers, massive star cruisers, and advanced weaponry. 1. In addition to human clones, all grown from the bounty hunter Jango Fett's genetic template, the Grand Army consisted of various military vehicles for ground support, including AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannons, BARC speeders and All Terrain Tactical Enforcers. Additionally, the non-clone military forces in the Battle of Praesitlyn in Jedi Trial were largely non-Republic volunteer forces. During the Galactic Civil War, clones of Jango Fett's lineage made up about 1/3 of all stormtroopers in the Galactic Empire, but it is not known how many were left from the Clone Wars by the start of the Galactic Civil War. [9], Legislative oversight of the GAR was provided by the Galactic Senate's Military Oversight Committee. Emerging most powerful among the various organizations was the Grand Army of the Republic, founded on the principles of "Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty", in Decatur, Illinois on … [28], Sifo-Dyas did not live to witness the completion of his army. TIE Fighter Owners' Workshop Manual, Rise of the Separatists, Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Shock Trooper - Galactic Republic - Base Series 1), Star Wars: Destiny – Convergence (Card: Conscript Squad)–class. With the Dorling Kindersley line of books (which first mentioned specific droid numbers), being written from an out-of-universe perspective, high droid numbers would have been stated matter-of-factly, and any deception would have been noted (as it was with the mention of Invisible Hand trading places with its sister-ships, in DK's ROTS:ICS). Homage: She was created by Albin Johnson, founder of the 501 st Legion (a Star Wars fan organization), when his daughter, Katie, was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Republic High Command[4] Anything longer will be shaved off completely. Groups of men began joining together, first for camaraderie and later for political power. (Revenge of the Sith novel). Die Nutzer lieben auch diese Ideen. 19 BBY,[12] as the Imperial Army[3] [7] Sifo-Dyas had been manipulated into placing the order by Sith Lord Darth Plagueis, in his guise as Hego Damask, who used his own wealth and that of the Banking Clan to fund the army. Formation type You must follow all orders or you will be terminated. For artillery, the Grand Army utilized the AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannon,[84] the Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser,[85] and the UT-AT. According to the story, the weakened droids are significantly easier for the clones to destroy, although clones have been shown being gunned down with similar ease. 7. The Jedi Knights, having served as peacekeepers for a thousand years, became Jedi Generals when the Senate called on the Jedi Order to lead the Grand Army against the enemies of the Republic. Appo fought in the battle of Geonosis where he was awarded with a medal of honour. [14] In addition to the rank-and-file soldier, the Grand Army consisted of numerous specialists, including environment-based units like clone cold assault troops and clone SCUBA troopers. By the year 19 BBY, the Clone Wars were nearly over and the Republic was on the verge of a decisive victory. You're my only hope. Galactic City, Coruscant[11] The Cestus Deception states that a million clones have died, and this is only as of 21 BBY, at most a year after the Geonosis invasion. The Sector Governance Decree, individual governors were assigned to each and every planet in the Republic with regiments for their "protection." Clone troopers served as infantry units in the Grand Army of the Republic. [1], Training units included the 322nd,[77] Bravo Squad,[61] the Clone Youth Brigade,[77] and Domino Squad. Furthermore, if a "unit" refers to a legion, the closest formation in size to a real-life British division of 15,000 men, the 1,200,000 units would have more than 18,000,000,000 clones, a truly "grand" army, suitable for defeating the huge numbers of droids under the Confederacy. The Kaminoans considered a clone a "unit," per. The Padawan questioned who truly had won the conflict, and Orrelios then pointed out that the Empire had and that an Imperial force was arriving on Agamar. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [16] As mobility was a key factor in the Grand Army's effectiveness, the military was outfitted with BARC speeders in order to provide the clones with increased operational range, speed, mobility, and firepower that were otherwise unavailable to foot soldiers. The Jedi were no army though. Organizational information V-Wing Starfighter: Starfighter: CL 8 Short-range heavy assault starfighter. GAR Headquarters, Coruscant[3]Kamino[2] At the beginning of the Palpatine administration (32 BBY), the Republic had no standing armed forces, though the debate about the reinstatement of an army and navy had been ongoing for decades. [32] The true reason—as Prime Minister Lama Su and Nala Se understood it—was to ensure that the clones would terminate renegade Jedi in accordance with Protocol 66. [48] Divisions varied in size, and could be organized under legions or even small-level formations such as battalions. [15] Non-clones and non-Jedi could also serve as Republic officers in the Grand Army such as Hodnar Borrum.[18]. At the beginning of the Palpatine administration (32 BBY), the Republic had no standing armed forces, though the debate about the reinstatement of an army and navy had been ongoing for decades. Due to their hidden Inhibitor chips, implanted at the orders of Lord Tyrannus, the clones complied without question, turning their weapons on the Jedi and executing them across numerous worlds, as well as inside the Jedi Temple. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. To take out one of the All Terrain Armored Transports, Bridger and Jarrus deflected blaster bolts into proton bombs, giving the rebels and droids their chance to flee. Register Start a Wiki. Other senators such as Padmé Amidala opposed the bill under the belief that it would provoke a full-scale war between the Republic and the Separatists. CC-2489 Appo was a clone commander of the 442nd Siege Battalion. [17], The army was split into separate Orders of Battle (ORBATs). Using this incident to frame the Jedi Order for treason, Sidious declared that all Jedi were now enemies of the state.[3]. General Grievous personally killed "entire clone trooper companies" or at least 288 troopers plus officers according to Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous. Additionally for those who wish to indulge themselves, we offer a dynamic system of divisions and units, including ranks, promotions, operations, and fan favorites (such as the 501st Legion and the 212th Attack Battalion). [1], A group of Jedi and clone troopers during a war council. [9], The total amount of clones involved in the war is not known, as their ranks were bolstered by new stocks and volunteers as the fighting dragged on. An unwitting pawn of the Sith, Sifo-Dyas was murdered by the Pyke Syndicate[28] at the behest of Darth Tyranus[29]—once known as Jedi Master Dooku, the fallen Jedi turned to the dark side of the Force and became apprenticed to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. [ADR][TC13.0] Star Wars: Grand Army of the Republic General. Once off-world, both factions spoke via a hologram, and Rex and Kalani both agreed they had now all won the Clone Wars. Star Wars Hintergrund Ahsoka Tano Star Wars-schiffe Anakin Skywalker Star Wars Klon Kriege Star Wars. The 100,000 missing troops in the Ord Mantell report indicates either the use of multiple bases, that 100,000 was considered an appropriate garrison force (since one was established after the destruction of the Geonosis foundries in Star Wars: Complete Locations), or that the Grand Army suffered over 50% casualties in its first victory. Delta Squad was a team of elite clone commandos trained for special operations. 3. It was a hard-fought battle that ultimately ended in a draw. The Grand Army turned against the Jedi Order after receiving Order 66 from the Supreme Chancellor. You must train for at least three hours daily, with exception of war time. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), also known as the Republic Army, the clone army, or the Galactic Army, was the army branch of the Republic Military throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. This article needs to be provided with more sources and/or appearances to conform to a higher standard of article quality. After a decade of development and training, the first generation of clone troopers was called into action. The GAR is the second 'grand army' in the prequels. With the formation of the Galactic Empire, the Grand Army of the Republic ceased to exist and was reorganized into the Imperial Army. As a result, the Grand Army of the Republic was formally established, comprising thousands of clone soldiers with millions more being developed in Kaminoan facilities by the start of the Clone Wars. Hi everyone! Likewise, what's left of the Grand Army of the Republic formed the basis of the Imperial Army, which acted as the surface warfare branch of the Imperial Military, with the human commanders being promoted to being the officers within the branch. [13], The senior military body in command of the Grand Army and the Republic Navy was Republic High Command,[14] led by the Chief of Defense Staff. The Grand Army of the Republic was composed of several armies, including the 4th Sector Army that saw action on Mygeeto,[45] as well as the Twelfth Army. Honor Roll of Oregon Grand Army of the Republic, 1881–1935: Deaths Reported in Oregon of Members of the GAR, Extracted from Proceedings of the Annual Encampments of the Department of Oregon, Grand Army of the Republic. Under the reign of Emperor Palpatine, the Imperial stormtroopers became a symbol of the New Order, most notably due to their unwavering loyalty to the Emperor. Category:Grand Army of the Republic ranks | Wookieepedia | Fandom. Further down the hierarchy of military formations were regiments, which included a regiment led by Clone Commander CC-2801, a regiment which served in the First Battle of Geonosis,[51] and a scout regiment that operated on Teth. This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. A similar description is given through Obi-Wan's thoughts in the novelization Episode II. But as crises piled upon each other, some within the Order began to sense a coming darkness, which their numbers alone would not be sufficient to fight. Historical information [17], At first, color was used to denote the rank of Grand Army clone officers. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections also noted that, because of millions of Separatist warships being locked up in battles with Republic fleets, only a few thousand frigates and destroyers could assault the galactic capital towards the end of the war, accompanied by dozens of battleships. The GAR and the entire Republic Military were constitutionally re-established after the Galactic Senate granted Supreme Chancellor Palpatine emergency powers during the Separatist Crisis, giving him the right to create a Republic army. Though one of the battle droids' shuttles was taken out, the rebel's Sheathipede shuttle and the one containing Kalani and several B1 battle droids escaped the planet. The Kaminoans, a species that specialized in the science of cloning, were under the impression that Sifo-Dyas represented the interests of the council. These units included the 501st's Calm Tree, Snow Wolves, and Wildfire,[78] as well as the unit led by Jedi General Chiata and a Clone Commander,[54] the Coruscant Guard,[3] a unit led by Jedi Generals Tiplee and Tiplar alongside Clone Commander Doom,[79] a unit led by Jedi General Halsey and Clone Commander Trauma,[80] a security force on Kamino that was led by Jedi General Shaak Ti and a clone trooper officer,[32] a unit that was commanded by Jedi Commander Leh'ahnyo Vas and their master,[5] a unit led by General Windu,[81] a unit led by General Quinlan Vos,[3] the Mud Jumpers from the 224th Division,[49] a clone security force on Orto Plutonia,[71] a unit that protected the Rishi Station,[25] a military team within the 501st,[82] and a unit of the 7th Sky Corps led by Clone Sergeant Slick. [15], The Grand Army of the Republic possessed various military vehicles to support its ground forces. A clone engineer wielding a DP-23 Shotgun. [18] During the waning days of the Clone Wars, millions of Spaarti-grown clones were deployed to supplement their Kaminoan-created counterparts in the fight against the still numerically superior Separatist Army.[12]. Remove this message when finished. Content approaching. The Clone Troopers were used during the Clone Wars against … Clone troopers fought side by side as they repelled the enemy from the battlefield, ultimately forcing the Confederate forces into full retreat from the planet. The Twelfth Army was an army of the Galactic Republic that was active during the Clone Wars, serving under the Grand Army of the Republic. When Obi-Wan Kenobi went to Kamino in Attack of the Clones, the Kaminoan prime minister, Lama Su, informed him that 200,000 troops (sometimes referred to as units) were ready for deployment and a million more were on the way. The official reason behind the implant was to ensure that the clones would be more docile than their aggressive genetic donor. [6], More and more often, the Jedi were called upon to act as negotiators. It should be noted that 1 million planets were contested in the war, so with 1 million troopers per world, the army would need to be 1 trillion strong. V-19 Torrent Starfighter: Starfighter: CL 9 A starfighter with exceptional speed and maneuverability, late replaced by the V-wing at the end of the Clone Wars. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. Blastech Industries provided large quantities of state-of-the-art weapons for the Republic, and would later provide numerous replacements postwar. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars video game, an order is given to destroy the Droid Core Ships, as "each one houses enough firepower to threaten an entire planet." [8] Governors and their clone regiments began arriving on their designated worlds soon after. Unsubscribe Description. The Republic’s new forces made their debut in the Battle of Geonosis, taking on the Separatists’ droid army and starting the Clone War. The 212th was a battalion in the Grand Army. The Grand Army of the Republic, or the GAR (for short) was the army of the Galactic Republic. Affiliation 4. When that force faced off against the Separatist force of over one million droids, the clones took extremely heavy casualties and would have lost the battle had it not been for two successful suicide missions undertaken by the commanding Jedi General against the Separatist leadership. 22 BBY[12][1] Through the machinations of Palpatine, revealed to the Jedi as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, the clones would ultimately turn against their Jedi leaders, slaughtering them throughout the galaxy and in the Jedi Temple as directed by Order 66. As such, special unit markings and color patterns became increasingly common within the Grand Army.[15]. 퐓퐇퐄 퐆퐑퐀퐍퐃 퐀퐑퐌퐘 퐎퐅 퐓퐇퐄 퐑퐄퐏퐔퐁퐋퐈퐂 The Clone Army of the Republic is composed entirely of clone troopers, an army of elite soldiers created from the genetically altered template of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. [35] By then the galaxy stood on the brink of war,[1] as predicted by Sifo-Dyas,[28] due to a group of secessionist star systems and powerful corporations. Reference Book:Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide See also:Feats You have received basic training from the Grand Army of the Republic and know how to turn even bulky armor into an asset. Platoons within the GAR included the 41st Ranger Platoon within the 41st Elite Corps,[46] a platoon led by CT-7567 of the 501st Legion,[70] a platoon with cold-weather gear also within the 501st,[71] and a platoon led by Platoon leader Waxer from the 7th Sky Corps.[26]. Thus, the rebels and droids planned to delay the Empire's advance, giving them a chance to escape aboard Sheathipede-class transport shuttles. One particularly visible branch of the GAR was Homeworld Security Command, responsible for the security of the capital planet of Coruscant. The first one was the Gungan Grand Army in The Phantom Menace. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. [31] Assuming that the other twelve were assaults on single ships, which seems unlikely, and that the ships were Venator Star Destroyers, which would fit with their prominence in this era and the relative importance of the Malevolence, there must have been at least 126,000 clone casualties in crews alone. Following the deaths of Darth Tyranus in the Battle of Coruscant, and General Grievous in the Battle of Utapau, the Separatists were all but defeated. It also created the position of Moff or sector governor. General information This still leaves a huge number of droid ships that are not seen in use against the Republic (which goes against the standard CIS tactic of overwhelming numbers). The largest figure given for the Grand Army, so far, was millions of clone divisions, which were undergoing intense combat evaluation at the start of the war. Army[1] General information Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Darth Vader personally oversaw the Jedi's eradication, and, with the military under the Chancellor's control, and the Jedi all but destroyed, Sidious proclaimed himself Emperor of the first Galactic Empire. The 327th Star Corps served under Jedi General Aayla Secura until they turned against her due to Order 66. They were typically deployed for combat in massed units that lacked the initiative and versatility of real soldiers, relying instead on sheer numbers to overwhelm opposition, although elite droids like B2 super battle droids and droidekas were both numerous and relatively intelligent. Around the same time, the Galactic Senate was divided in their response to the Separatist Crisis. Placed under the leadership of Grand Master Yoda, the Grand Army of the Republic made its debut in the First Battle of Geonosis, storming the Separatist stronghold and engaging the droid army with the element of surprise on their side. Ezra Bridger surmised that both the Grand Army of the Republic and the Separatist Droid Army lost the Clone Wars. Sub-units Star Wars Hintergrund. In the Expanded Universe the terminology for Grand Army is similar to that of the British Armed Forces, as Karen Traviss, who wrote multiple books about the GAR, is British. Convinced that the senators would never authorize the creation of a military on their own before the Separatists attacked the Republic, Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks called on the Senate to empower the Supreme Chancellor with the authority to end the crisis of the Separatist movement. Founder(s) The only non republic design ever to fight in the Republic Navy. Headquarters [8], A number of GAR facilities were constructed by Kaminoan droids, especially during the Decimator campaign. It is not surprising that Lama Su stated that all clones take this long in Attack of the Clones, as the Kaminoans were businesspeople, and they were known to boast that their advanced model clones were the same as the stock units, just renamed to encourage higher sales (The Clone Wars: The Pengalan Tradeoff). Additionally, most stories made since AOTC have shown dozens of battles, during many of which the clones sustained massive losses, casting doubt about arguments that they represented a "small, elite, special operations force" compared with regular battle droids. Remove this notice when finished. [91], For infantry weapons, the Grand Army of the Republic had a selection of blasters, grenades, and projectile launchers. Some fans point to the existence of Spaarti clones, and the massive number of recruits as possible explanations for high troop figures. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary also states that clone troopers are an "ubiquitous" presence on Coruscant and other worlds. It was later restated in Star Wars: Complete Locations, which gathered information from the previous three Inside… books, as well as new pieces of information. Labyrinth of Evil describes clones being an omnipresent force on Coruscant, acting as security and anti-terrorism forces. [38] By and large, clones were removed from combat duty and instead given the task of managing various Imperial projects. Before the end of the war, the Sector Governance Decree was issued, which placed governors on every world of the Republic, along with their own force of clone troopers. After a decade of development and training, the first generation of clone troopers was called into action. The GAR's first engagement would be at the Battle of Geonosis,[2] where it successfully routed an unsuspecting droid army. Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author’s Cut, Part 7 — The Grand Army of the Republic Jason Fry with Paul Urquhart Welcome to the seventh of 12 articles revealing — for the first time ever — material cut from Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare before its April 2012 publication. Clone Intelligence[3]Clone military police[5]Flame trooper corps[5]Special Operations Brigade[6] [41], Few clones continued to serve in the stormtrooper ranks after the Battle of Yavin; ISB Commander Alecia Beck believed Sergeant TX-828 to be one of the last Kamino-produced clones who were still in service to the Imperial Military. Date reorganized Squads within the Grand Army were a squad what included the trooper Charlie,[72] a squad led by Clone Commander Fil,[73] First squad from the 501st Legion,[71] a squad led by the trooper Heater,[72] a squad led by General Ki-Adi-Mundi within the 21st Nova Corps,[3] a droid squadron under orders from R2-D2,[74] a squad under the command of CT-7567 from the 501st,[75] Rostu Squad from Depa Billaba's second battalion,[76] a squad led by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker from the 501st,[19] and a squad led by Yoda from within his regiment. Though Rex was initially reluctant to join with the battle droids, Bridger convinced Kalani to fight the Empire alongside them.[41]. Headquarters As a result, the clone army gradually adopted a new system in which they customized their armor with unique color schemes and markings. [14] While the clones had been engineered to serve as soldiers in the Grand Army, they were also encouraged by the Jedi to develop their own distinct identities, consequently resulting in a wave of greater individuality and creative-thinking that spread through the clone ranks. Galactic Military [15] Though this implication is contradicted in The New Essential Chronology by the following statement: Thus is it is most likely that the Grand Army was combination of clones, draftees, and troops from local planetary armies. If these vessels were fully loaded, the casualty count rises to 180,000, over a tenth of the supposed number of combat ready clones. 1 Coruscantis a RPborder Roblox game developed by Grand Army of the Republic based on the Star Wars Coruscant. CaptainShack and TheXpGamers Community take to the stars in Stellaris. The Republic Military was the military of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, consisting of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Republic Navy. The Grand Army of the Republic, shortened to the GAR,[5] or referred to as the Republic Army, was originally conceived by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, who had foreseen the galaxy becoming consumed in war. Throughout the war, standard designs were modified and adapted for specific mission profiles. Furthermore, it should be noted that all planetary and judicial forces loyal to the Republic were folded into the Grand Army, allowing the Republic, which enjoyed a large population advantage over the CIS to make up for the number of battle droids with possibly hundreds of trillions of organic, non-clone soldiers in all-out combat. Satisfied that the conflict was over, Kalani and his droids parted ways with the rebels, believing they would likely lose the war against the Empire. [43] During the time of the First Order, the Grand Army was still referenced in military circles, with Kylo Ren belittling Armitage Hux's troops, suggesting a clone army would be a stronger force.[44]. Starships of the Galaxy. All military personnel of the GAR were required to swear allegiance to the new government in order to remain on active duty and those that refused were branded as deserters and traitors after which they were hunted down and executed.[10]. However, this comment was made by Count Dooku, replying to Nute Gunray's suggestion to "send all available droids into battle." Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine[1] (as Commander-in-Chief)[2]Jedi High Council[3] Unknown even to the Kaminoans,[33] the bio-chips were manufactured for the sole purpose of forcing the clones to annihilate the entire Jedi Order so that the Sith could ultimately reclaim control over the galaxy.