Jordan and Woody use the method of Locard's Exchange. Die Blu-ray Disc Crossing Jordan Season 2 (Blu-ray) jetzt für 16,99 Euro kaufen. One of America's finest abandons her post in Afghanistan and is later found dead in Boston. Elsewhere Lily finds the softer side of Detective Seely. A near death experience leaves Nigel asking many questions. A guilty woman may be executed in Los Angeles for a crime Jordan helped put her away for. Serien. AIRED: 9/24/01 Meet Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh of the Boston Medical Examiners office. To find and save Jordan, Woody, Bug, Nigel and Macy must investigate their way to the truth, combating the law, politicians and each other. Alle Infos zu Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil (2001 - 2007): Eine Serie von Tim Kring mit Jill Hennessy und Miguel Ferrer. Created by Tim Kring. EPISODE: TITEL [TITLE] JAHR [YEAR] 001 #1.01: Alles auf Anfang [Pilot] 2003 [2001] 002 #1.02: Selbstjustiz [The Dawn of a New Day] 2003 [2001] 003 #1.03: Im Labyrinth der Beweise [The Ties That Bind] 2003 [2001] 004 #1.04: Kälter als der Tod [Born to Run] 2003 [2001] 005 … Dr. Garret Macy is Chief Medical Examiner and it is his job to keep Dr. Cavanaugh in check. Rate. Crossing Jordan Episodenguide. To the people, the river seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. Vogelfrei (Retribution) 102. In der amerikanischen Krimiserie "Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil" überschreitet die Gerichtsmedizinerin Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh (Jill Hennessy) gerne mal ihren Zuständigkeitsbereich. Serienmacher: Tim Kring US-Austrahlung: 24. 8. Season 5 guide for Crossing Jordan TV series - see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. Jordan and Woody investigate the death of two soldiers. Nigel sets out to find the family of a fighter pilot who has been discovered frozen. Garrett's ex-wife's partner leaves her. With nothing to do she takes it upon herself to notify next of kin of a man found dead. A witness for an up coming case is found murdered. Knockout (Crazy Little Thing Called Love) 105. Woody takes on the task of solving the triple homicide. Entdecke die 21 Episoden aus Staffel 4 der Serie Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil. An inmate in the mental hospital says he has information about the murder of Jordan's mother which he will give her if she proves he didn't kill his family. Finde die Folgen der 6 Staffeln der Serie Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil. Smart, conflicted and unconventional, Dr Jordan Cavanaugh (Jill Hennessy) is a forensic pathologist whose obsession for solving homicides goes beyond the autopsy table. In the sixth-season finale, Jordan and her coworkers are in a plane crash in mountain terrain on their flight home after investigating the deaths of a shipload of people on the Norwegian Sea. Kate and Woody work a case where a groom was gunned down at his wedding, and Bug, Jordan and Elliot try to find who killed a good Samaritan. Jordan’s father returns to help stop a vendetta that he is all too familiar with. Dr. Macy and D.A. A young high school athlete dies after a drug bust. With her methods a little on the unorthodox side her relationship with Detective Woody Hoyt is constantly being tested. Jordan is assigned to find out who the victim is and who is responsible for her death. Crossing the Jordan River was a key event in Israel’s history. A government auditor assesses if the department is overstaffed. Lily decides to resign and go back to Pennsylvania. Crossing Jordan Episodes. News | DVDs | Images. Crossing Jordan season 2 episode guide on When a jet from Las Vegas arrives with a dead man with three million dollars handcuffed to his wrist, Jordan and Woody have to eliminate the chaperones of murder. Boston is at the mercy of a blizzard and the morgue staff at the mercy of an unknown toxin. Track Crossing Jordan season 5 episodes. Den neuesten Serien-Trailer im Stream auf deutsch, Infos und Neuigkeiten auf einen Blick. Jordan and Woody are 3000 miles from Boston on the trail of the man that may hold the answer to Jordan's questions about her mothers' death. When a cop killer dies in police custody Dr. Macy orders a coroners inquest to get answers. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. Find out where Crossing Jordan is streaming, if Crossing Jordan is on Netflix, and get news and updates, on Decider. Elsewhere a woman tries to convince Bug that an invasive autopsy is not needed for her husband, which sparks Bug's suspicions. The morgue staff gathers to attempt to try and solve a case from 1964. Alle Serien auf - Seit über 15 Jahren! This case will do more than test Jordan’s skills as a pathologist - it will also test her mentally as some memories come flooding back. Two months later, Jordan pursues the man who promised her information, while her father is investigated for framing him. Jordan and Woody wonder where their relationship will go next. Popular pages. A mysterious death captures Jordan’s attention. Dr. Macy and Jordan work with a new detective Hoyt to investigate the death of a woman during a bank robbery that may be more than meets the eye. Elsewhere Dr. Macy and D.A. Max's bar may not open due to an old beef with a mob boss. When Tom Malden is found dead in Jordan’s apartment, Jordan is a suspect. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. A woman is kidnapped and thirteen years later her body washes up in Boston. Neue Folgen: Desperate Housewives . Meanwhile, Dr. Macy revisits his past with a current case involving a former friend. Garrett and Trey delve into the mysterious death of a basketball player at Garrett's daughter's High School. Jordan and Detective Winslow find a young father murdered in an alley, they race to find the baby. 's office and a new detective who just wants to prove his case. Jordan returns to work early and energized, convinced she's a changed person. Nigel is spending the evening with his new soul mate when her daughter ends up kidnapped. Infos zur Serie. … Woody and Jordan team up to locate a hijacked school bus that is full of children. When the road gets snowed in...things heat up between Jordan and Woody. With the D.A. However, Jordan and Dr. Macy are less than convinced. Jordan takes a walk down memory lane while investigating the death of a heart surgeon she worked with during rotations in medical school rotations. Rate. It is the first day at the office for new resident, Devan Maguire. Crossing Jordan is a television drama about a brainy forensic pathologist named Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh. She often turns to her father for investigative help. A man thought to be dead awakens on the autopsy table. Elsewhere Nigel and Lily plan some nuptials? When a gunman opens fire on a local diner, the FBI knows it is related to a recently arrested drug lord. Dr. Macy and Jordan are both tracking a doctor with a deadly needle. What she discovers will shock her and set her on a mission. He laments that the entire office cares for Jordan, but there is a threshold of the amount of pain one can bear. Qty: Email a Friend (Eligible for FREE Shipping) The show uses an ensemble cast approach featuring a group of Jordan's co-workers, members of the Boston Medical Examiner's Office and police detectives assigned to the various cases. Jordan, Woody and Garrett must race against the clock to try and keep an accused murderer behind bars. Jordan and Macy find an odd link between two corpses; Sanders tries to ID a cadaver that has been in the morgue for five months. Crossing Jordan bei VOX. When a gun from the crime scene returns with Abby's prints on it, the entire team focuses on finding the missing girl. She is the main character and an excellent forensic pathologist. Garret Macy hat sich in eine ausweglose Situation manövriert: Als er bei einer Familie etwas zum Tod einer nahen Verwandten recherchieren wollte, hat er entdeckt, dass in dem Haus ein Junge gefangen gehalten wird. Dadurch gerät er selbst in Lebensgefahr, denn der Entführer … Zuletzt aktualisiert am 01.12.2020 Meanwhile, Dr. Macy investigates the death of an Iraqi War veteran. With the morgue pinching pennies the staff wonders who will be “pink slipped”. Untertitel der Serie: Die Königin und ihr Henker. Elsewhere Jordan meets a stranger in her dad’s bar. Locard's Exchange means that the perpetrator comes into contact with each crime scene leading something behind and each scene. Jordan looks into a suspected mercy killing and also hears from her estranged grandmother. Jordan is convinced of the girls’ innocence and seeks advice from an unlikely source to save the girl from prison. Dr. Macy gives a tour of the morgue to some juveniles that need to be scared straight. When a baby is found clinging to life under the mother, her husband claims the child is not his. When the mother of a teenage girl is found dead the daughter becomes the prime suspect. It was both the dark and the light. When the lover of a controversial lesbian talk show host is found dead, Jordan and Woody lead the investigation. Jordan teams up with the new M.E., Elaine, and finds herself in the middle of an ATF power struggle, when she investigates the death of Wendy Marsh, wife of alleged Unabomber-style terrorist and former ATF agent Lester Marsh - whose grief and rage over the personal vendetta held against him by a former partner Agent Hawkes, pushes him to strap on some homemade explosives and hold the morgue hostage. Die 4. Accused of murder, Jordan will turn to her friends to help piece everything together. Staffel 23 Folgen zu je 45 min. When the remains of a baby are found, proving the identity of the child will prove to be a difficult task. Hier findes Du alle Staffeln von Crossing Jordan – Pathologin mit Profil. Dabei existieren drei Crossover mit der Serie Las Vegas Übersicht. Jordan must decide how far she will go for this case, as she takes the stand for the prosecution. Watch full episodes of Crossing Jordan and get the latest breaking news, exclusive videos and pictures, episode recaps and much more at Only problem this suspect has no recollection of committing the murder. With only traces of evidence Woody and Dr. Macy are looking to bring down a mob hit man. The show uses an ensemble cast approach featuring a group of Jordan's co-workers, members of the Boston Medical Examiner's Office and police detectives assigned to the various cases. Crossing Jordan Staffel 6 Episodenguide. She has a bit of a temper that brings her often into problems (Crossing Jordan has two meanings here: Perish or crossing / confronting Jordan). Jordan is paired with an investigator from the Marines, to investigate the case. In Deutschland wurde „Crossing Jordan“ seit … Back at the morgue Bug and Nigel face some hard choices. Else where, Trey wonders what all Nigel’s invite to the mountains will involve. When a John Doe comes into the morgue...Bug makes it a mission of his to find this mans identity. Lets start with the characters: Jill Hennessy plays Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh. With some investigation the team finds some evidence that will post to a loose link in the chain of command. Bitte schalte Javascript ein. Meanwhile Dr. Macy and Dr. Winslow head an investigation of their own. Woody sets out to keep his mind busy by investigating a murder with an eyewitness who is about to testify in court. The death of a young boy at police hands sends the city into chaos after a rushed hearing, and puts someone at risk as various team members go out to gather more evidence or make their way back to the morgue on foot. 2001–2004: Crossing Jordan – Pathologin mit Profil (Crossing Jordan, Fernsehserie, 9 Episoden) 2004–2010: Lost (Fernsehserie, 121 Episoden) 2011: Cowboys & Aliens; 2012: Prometheus – Dunkle Zeichen (Prometheus) 2013: Star Trek Into Darkness; 2013: World War Z; 2014–2017: The Leftovers (Fernsehserie) 2015: A World Beyond (Tomorrowland) 2019: Watchmen; 2020: The … Not willing to breach confidentiality Lily makes a sacrifice to keep a late night confession secret. A millionaire is found dead, and his neighbor quickly becomes a suspect. Dr. Macy accompanies Jordan to the hospital where she is to undergo brain surgery. All points to the leader of a cult whom Jordan thinks is creepy. Nach sechs erfolgreichen Jahren wurde "Crossing Jordan" vom Sender NBC schließlich eingestellt. Meanwhile, Nigel and Bug are shooting for top honors, but a computer crash will leave them scrambling. A woman shoots and kills her attacker, Woody and Devan are convinced there is more to the story. 2001–2002: New York Cops – NYPD Blue (NYPD Blue, Fernsehserie, 2 Episoden) 2001–2005: CSI: Vegas (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Fernsehserie, 2 Episoden) 2002: Crossing Jordan – Pathologin mit Profil (Crossing Jordan, Fernsehserie, Episode 1x16) 2002: Akte X – Die unheimlichen Fälle des FBI (The X-Files, Fernsehserie, Episode 9x10) While in Boston Woody works the case from a different angle. Meanwhile a decomposing body is found in the woods and a camera in the hand of the victim is the only clue. When the investigation turns up a witness, she is not willing to talk. Episoden Übersicht. is keeping. Add new page. A mysterious blackout blankets Boston, and leaves Jordan and Bug trapped in a tunnel. It was broadcast from September 24, 2001 to May 16, 2007 and was created by Tim Kring. Ab heute immer Samstag 20.15 Uhr in Doppelfolgen die 10 neuen Episoden der Serie. Crossing Jordan – Pathologin mit Profil ist eine auf die Gerichtsmedizin konzentrierte Krimiserie, die seit 2001 vom amerikanischen Sender NBC ausgestrahlt wird. Diese Episodenliste enthält alle Episoden der US-amerikanischen Krimiserie Crossing Jordan – Pathologin mit Profil, sortiert nach der US-amerikanischen Erstausstrahlung. A special prosecutor appears to audit the department, Jordan skirts the law trying to catch a pedophile, and Woody is horrified when pieces of a woman are found scattered along the highway, and no one seems to care. Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil - 2001 - 2007 | 6 Seasons | 117 Episoden | NBC | Vox | DVD: Season 1 40,597 Pages. When a passenger and a baggage handler die from an international flight, authorities are worried about an air borne pathogen. Only one woman can be correct…which lands Dr. Macy in the middle. A man who's been poisoned asks Woody and Jordan to find his missing daughter; Kate and Nigel work to solve the mystery of magicians who killed each other. Ten months ago, a young girl was kidnapped, now her suspected kidnapper turns up dead. After some investigating, they soon realize everything is not as it seems. Der Abschiedsbrief (Shattered) 103. A serial killer using the alias "The Hangman" taunts Nigel on Nigels own blog, and challenges Nigel, and the rest of the team, to find him before he kills again. Elvis has entered the building? Macy has to do his autopsy, but keeps putting it off because of their prior relationship. With Jill Hennessy, Miguel Ferrer, Ravi Kapoor, Steve Valentine. - Kaufen Sie Crossing Jordan - Staffel 2 günstig ein. Krimi. Den Episodenguide und alle Staffeln findet ihr hier. A father is murdered and his daughter becomes a target of an assassin, stirring some hard memories for Jordan. Scheintot (Night Of The Living Dead) 107. Die hartnäckige Gerichtsmedizinerin Jordan Cavanaugh geht … Jordan's case involves a suspected addict's death and a missing baby. CROSSING JORDAN SEASONS 1-6 DVD COLLECTION Free Shipping . Jordan and Woody are called to the scene of a murder at a bed and breakfast. Garrett is seeing his ex-wife. Crossing Jordan Episodenguide. Crossing Jordan Show Summary. When someone tries to steal the body the case takes an unusual turn. A reality show is considering setting a series in the morgue: could Bug or Nigel become its star? Lily returns to become the department grief counselor. Crossing Jordan – Pathologin mit Profil ist eine von Tim Kring entwickelte, US-amerikanische Krimiserie, die erstmals am 24. While a new doctor investigates Dr. Macy, he investigates why he doesn't remember any details about the ... Dr. Macy and Elaine investigate a massacre at a night club involving a local socialite. Jordan tries her hand at dating and is later called to the scene of her would-be suitor’s apparent suicide. While attempting to return some personal effects Dr. Macy makes a startling discovery. Meanwhile, a personal quest for love in the crypt and some friendly advice drives a wedge between long-time mates, Bug and Nigel. Lily tries to track down the donor recipients of a man with no family. Jordan and the team are sent to lead the recovery effort at the site of an explosion. • Wie viele Staffeln und Episoden … Elsewhere Dr. Macy is in the middle of a turf war...between pimps. Jordan is investigating the mysterious death of a woman and her child. This is the list of episodes for the NBC crime drama television series Crossing Jordan. Meanwhile Jordan thinks she might have heard a murder…but where is the body? Tv-sendung Crossing-jordan-pathologin-mit-profil Bluthochzeit Bid_158561649 | Finden Sie einfach die besten Sendungen im TV-Programm heute. After she later dies in custody, Jordan tries to help prove Woody isn't responsible. Von 2005 bis 2007 spielte sie die Hauptrolle in der US-amerikanischen Krimiserie Close to Home.. Finnigan lernte Weihnachten 2004 ihren Schauspielkollegen Jonathan … Just as crossing the Red Sea changed Israel’s standing from slavery to freedom, passing through the Jordan into the Promised Land, transformed Israel from a wandering horde into an established nation. Jordan is called to a local psychiatric hospital to investigate a suicide. Only problem is, he has not left his house in years. Dr. Macy is thrown into a wrongful death suit and must solve the case to protect his reputation. Jordan helps Woody with the case of a woman who is into sexual sadism. With gangsters on his tail, Dr. Macy’s father makes a surprise visit to Boston. 2001-2007; 6 seasons NBC Drama TV14 Watchlist. Macy is stunned when he discovers that a body from a gang related shooting is his daughters boyfriend. Meanwhile, Woody is hot on the trail of a cop killer, and Woody finds himself looking down the barrel of a gun. Elsewhere, Dr. Macy is on the trail of a black widow. Facts are scarce when a Senator’s daughter is found stabbed in the park. Everyone's babysitting Jordan in rotation, but when Bug goes missing it further strains the M.E. When a mass grave of the mob is found, the killer assaults Bug. Jordan discovers a secret J.D. Crossing Jordan – Pathologin mit Profil - Serie mit Jill Hennessy, Miguel Ferrer, Jerry O'Connell, Steve Valentine und Ravi Kapoor aus dem Jahr 2001. Elsewhere, Macy and Lily have a show down with Homeland Security. When Jordan wakes up to find J.D. Wo spielt die Handlung? Elsewhere Woody and Bug are following their own case of a reporter found dead. In addition to Jordan, the show followed an ensemble cast composed of Jordan's co … Watch Crossing Jordan season 2 full episodes. Große Liebe (Mr. Little And Mr. Big) 106. Meanwhile, Jordan, Bug, Lilly, and Seely look to correct a huge mistake made by Bug. Error: please try again. The complete guide by MSN. Jordan is convinced the killer is the husband, but the evidence does not support her theory. Walcott make a trip to investigate if an execution was cruel and unusual. Elsewhere Jordan works a case involving the son of an old family...friend. Sparked by a mysterious gift, Jordan agrees to dig into a 10-year-old triple homicide in exchange for help from a catatonic mental patient to learn the truth behind her mother's murder. Lily and Nigel stay at Bug's side waiting for him to wake up. Meanwhile, Dr. Winslow had to identify a body at the morgue. However, the girl is missing. When the truth comes out no one is more shocked than Jordan. However, appearances are deceiving, and the man turns out to be a Nazi war criminal, who was murdered. To find and save Jordan, Woody, Bug, Nigel and Macy must investigate their way to the truth, combating the law, politicians and each other. Hier finden Sie alle Infos zur Krimi Serie Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil zu der 117 Folgen gehören. A serial killer is plaguing Boston. But after a patient dies on the table because of Dr. McCaffrey's negligence, Jordan realizes that it is always best to tell the truth, even if it hurts somebody. Woody deals with a murdered teenager and a narco cop who has no problem bending rules in his quest for busts, meanwhile Lily and Jordan have a disappearing corpse. Together, they engage in some rather unusual role-playing that literally puts them in the heads of the killers and victims at the murder scene. But later another woman claims to be the man's wife and she doesn't want the woman to have it. With the murder of a young boy and his mother, Jordan will go undercover to find this killer. Ihr Fernsehprogramm auf einen Blick. Most visited articles. Beharrlich sucht sie nach dem … Jordan is placed in charge of the case that will either make or break Dr. Macy. Jordan has taken in Kayla, while the state tries to find a home for her. Melissa R. Byer & Treena Hancock & Jason Ning. A teenager’s obsession with forensic science will cost two men their lives and put Dr. Macy’s skills to the test. It stars Jill Hennessy as Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh, a crime-solving forensic pathologist employed in the Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. Crossing Jordan (2001–2007) Episode List. About Crossing Jordan. While attending an anger management class, and not being able to hold down a job, Jordan receives a call from her old boss, Garret, about getting her old job as a medical examiner back. Dr. Macy's job may be at risk due to a DUI charge, the night before he is supposed to testify as a witness in a high profile case. It was created by Tim Kring. 3 'Til Death Do Us Part It stars Jill Hennessy as Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh, a crime-solving forensic pathologist employed in the Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. “Forget Me Not” and “Retribution” are included on this list, along with many more. Crossing Jordan Season show reviews & Metacritic score: When Jordan wakes up to find J.D. Dr. Garret Macy is Chief Medical Examiner and it is his job to keep Dr. Cavanaugh in check. It cemented the show to its core audience, who stayed from then on. And Jordan ponders the existence of a higher power. Garrett and his ex-wife contemplate becoming parents again. A woman thought dead for ten years shows up only a few hours dead, and Ivers asks for a favor; elsewhere, Lily and Jeffrey's therapist dies in front of them. What repercussions will this latest fling have? Jordan works to expose the downfalls of the prison health care system, when an inmate turns up dead. Looking to watch Crossing Jordan? Der Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil Episodenguide bietet dir eine Liste aller 117 Episoden von Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil in der Übersicht. Not long after the discovery Woody's brother shows up sparking some suspicion. A lot of the victims are school aged children which triggers bad memories for everyone. Click here and start watching the full season in seconds. A housewife from the suburbs is found dead, and linked to Sado-masochism which leads Jordan to an internet site. Jordan and Lu butt heads over the morgue janitor, and Lily prepares for the wedding. Jordan suspects foul play in the death of a man. Woody and Lu team up to find the killer of a young girl, with the possibility of the killer being mentally ill and living in a halfway house the search will prove difficult. Two school children are kidnapped and one of them turns up dead. Jordan and Dr. Macy set out to prove maybe this was no ordinary bank robbery. 04.10.2010 | 16:16 . A "sexy, brilliant" Boston medical examiner. When a pregnant nun is found dead, Jordan, Woody, and Nigel are thrown into this case of biblical proportions. Dr. Macy attempts to help a hit and run victim who later dies at a local hospital. A mother and her two young sons turn up murdered, the only suspect being the husband. Elsewhere Jordan is called to the scene of an accident, with the body missing. Meet After being recently rehired by the Boston Medical Examiner's Office, Jordan investigates the death of a young woman who appears to be heavily tied to a famous politician who recently died. Macy tries to keep his daughter in rehab. Watch all 22 Crossing Jordan episodes from season 2,view pictures, get episode information and more. Leben und Karriere. A young woman from a high class family is found dead in the woods, from an apparent accident. Der Henker (Hubris) 108. With the help of the new psychologist, Woody will learn all is not what it seems. Wer hat überlebt? Jennifer Finnigan spielte von 2000 bis 2004 die Rolle der Bridget Forrester in der Erfolgs-Soap Reich und Schön.Danach spielte sie in zehn Episoden in der Serie Crossing Jordan mit. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. Meanwhile, Woody lands his own case that puts his life at risk. In typical Jordan fashion, she hides this information and Dr. Stiles gets involved. Elsewhere, the lifeless body of Santa shows up at the morgue; and Jordan's secret is finally revealed as her peers become concerned for her health. At the same time, Dr. Macy is being investigated for a possible botched autopsy that occurred three years ago. Dr. Macy and Jordan work with a new detective Hoyt to investigate the death of a woman during a bank robbery that may be more than meets the eye. Bug has to see the shrink after he accuses the parents of an autistic boy of murder. Lily tries to get over the her heartbreak by helping Bug deal with a Japanese businessman's suicide. Nach vielen Jahren zieht es sie nach Boston zurück, wo sie von ihrem damaligen Vorgesetzten wieder eingestellt wird. 10. Episodenguide der US-Serie Crossing Jordan,pathologin,polizei,mord mit der Übersicht alle Staffeln und Episoden. Lu investigates the mysterious death of Pollack with Jordan as the prime suspect. Dr. Macy attempts to save a deer at his daughters’ request. Some new evidence comes to light in an old case that involves Dr. Macy. When a pair of bodies ends up in the Boston Morgue, one clue will lead to fabulous Las Vegas. Nigel is taking tourists on crime-walks. And a woman asks for the sperm of a man who was brought into the morgue. Jordan and Woody are off to California when the body of a Hollywood starlet is found in Boston. Dr. Macy must find out why a student died, as well as help Abby deal with the loss. 9. Season: ... Rate. With what appears to be a cut and dry murder suicide Jordan gets help from her colleagues to find the truth. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? Despite a checkered career, Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh goes above and beyond to solve cases. Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung erfolgte am 15. With three boys missing and bodies turning up, Woody and Dr. Macy don’t realize they are also searching for one of their own. She became passionately involved in trying to solve murders, and she began to cross professional boundaries by trying to help people. It stars Jill Hennessy as the crime-solving medical examiner, Jordan Cavanaugh. Garrett hears his father has died. Hauptdarstellerin ist Jill Hennessy in der Rolle der schlagfertigen Kriminologin Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh. What appear to be mercy killings are turning up one after the other in Boston. After a high class party girl dies in custody, Woody will face possible charges. Elsewhere Dr. Macy and Lily both get visits at the morgue. Meanwhile Jordan thinks she might have heard a murder upstairs. Jordan investigates the killing of the lesbian girlfriend of a radio psychologist; a leukemia victim's daughter tells Macy that her mother was murdered, Jordan accompanies Detective Woody to L.A. to help solve a murder; Macy wonders about an old acquaintance who's looking for his wife, Jordan tries to prove that a housewife murdered her husband; Macy's testimony frees a convicted child killer. 101. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. Two seemingly unconnected men turn up dead, but there is more than meets the eye to this case. The team is stranded in the mountains after their plane crashes. Woody and Jordan team up to investigate a pregnant woman's murder and her missing fetus. Tags. Elsewhere Lily is trying to help a little boy. Die Serie erzählt die Geschichte der impulsiven Pathologin Cavanaugh, die bei jedem Fall selber Nachforschungen anstellt. Of course, I see the subject was copied later by the writers of "Body of proof" or "Rizzoli and Isles", a medical examiner helping solve homicides, both series being also … Meanwhile, Garret who deals with the death of his ailing mother and losing a promotion to a colleague, begins to debate if he even wants to remain at his job. Nigel badgers Bug into looking more closely at the death of a man who died on a bus. Staffel der Krimi Serie Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil. This new case will lead to answers for an old case.