A blogger, an ordinary husband, and a simple person. During step 12 the status says unspecified error(0xffffffff: ), what do i do? Step 8 – A dialog box will open. is there any way to fix it? Hello, i’m getting an issue on my MI4C, i tried several rom and still getting the same issue on all of them ( tried to do a flash with MIFLASH / adb side load ). 因此我在启动脚本中加了几行代码 它位于/data/adb/modules/riru_edxposed/post-fs-data.sh 2 reboots as instructed. Ring your device remotely. now the phone is stuck to the logo. same problem… i unlocked it unofficially and rooted and installed cm 12.1…… unspecified error (0x80004005: FAILED(remote:device is locked. have you unlocked its bootloader officially? And then, press the Volume down (-) button, Volume up (+) and Power button together at the same all time until a little sound was heard in tthe computer and finally was recognized. Some users have found that call recording doesn’t seem to work as expected. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I downloaded a root called king root. I installed v. and it worked, BUT now some modules load but don't work anymore (e.g. To use your Xiaomi device to test your apps you need to: enable developer mode: Settings > About Phone > MIUI version. Ya Tuhannn. [00002604]SaveFlashResult(1478): The specified service does not exist.(0x800704db). Xiaomi Mi 8 SE (lower than V9.5.11.0) After this You cannot install Custom Recovery again i guess .. So I did this method like 4 times cuz It didn’t want to recognize my phone. (0x800704db) 1. Change rom easily to your Xiaomi device with stock recovery sideload! Hai, My MI3 phone keeps showing the mi logo again and again, nothing happens. 3. Xiaomi Mi Max 3 (lower than V9.6.9.0) That’s to make sure the files inside the content can be easily accessible later. Xiaomi Mi 6 Extra Tips: How to Backup and Restore Xiaomi Device Data Step 1: Install and Run Mobile Data Transfer. Fast boot? stuck in the Mi logo. The PSReadLine module contains cmdlets that let you customize the command-line editing environment in PowerShell. Mi Flash Tool Never worked , allways say xxxxxx.bat not found even is there. Installing MIUI via Fastboot is wiping all your phone’s data so it will be like a brand new phone. your phone is now turned on and booted into the newly installed MIUI ROM. 2 problems I had to solve in my situation (redmi 3): Dismiss Join GitHub today. The download links are below which you can grab the latest version of MIUI Fastboot-version ROM. English is the only language that should be used in worldwide techical works. However, it is not recommended that you use this technology at this point, as modules are generally easier to install and import. Thank you very much Fariez for your tutorial, following your guide I have my Xiaomi Mi5 back to work, I had a boot loop problem. apakah ada solusinya? Nah ana udah nyoba cara antum di atas, tapi masalahnya itu proses fasboot kok enggak kelar2 ya? Did all this and mi xiaomi mi5 is still on bootloop, any help? It always get process til 35-36 second’s and later show me asNOT ENOUGH STORAGE IS AVAILABLE TO PROCESS THIS COMMAND. [00002604]GetFactoryObject(1457): The specified service does not exist. It's not easy to exactly find your phone by the approximate location, but at least there are some remedial measures you can do. Xiaomi MiPad 4 3. I am using Xiaomi 1s Smartphone . See example below After downloading and flashing the build available via EdXposed Manager I am now getting Framework installed but not active... After installing Riru v.22 on my Moto Z (Android 9) I had to update EdXposed to the last Canary build to have it found. A million thanks….I can see the android logo besides the mi logo….device restarting…will update once successfully booted! For redmi note 3 pro prime which miui fastbooth version to be downloaded I got the same problem the phone could not reboot, http://xiaomitips.com/download/miui-7-2-for-redmi-note-3-snapdragon-v7-2-3-0-lhomida-global-stable-build/, In step 12 it show that : unspecified error (0x80004005: FAILED(remote:device is locked. How can I flash without erasing user/app data? Nice! Please visit www.mi.com to learn more features about Mi phone and purchase acces- sories. However they are still not recognized as zip files, @qcnhy Check the Magisk log from boot with adb logcat. This isn't helpful at all! Lelah adek, bang -_- udah di detik 700 lebih pun masih 0% progress nya. And thanks for letting us know. Coba masuk ke fastboot (tahan power dan tombol Volume -, sampe muncul bunny. EdExposed log:----- beginning of head EdXposed Log Powered by Log Catcher QQ support group: 855219808 Telegram support group: @Code_Of_MeowCat Telegram channel: @EdXposed ----- beginning of information Manufacturer: samsung Brand: samsung Device: beyond1 Product: beyond1lte Model: SM-G973F … When I tried to format those disks. Halo fariez, im using mi4 and i followed ur steps but in step 12, when i clicked ‘flash’ it says ‘Unscpecified error(0x80004005: FAILED (remote: partition table doesn’t exist))’. (Dev Global, Stable Global, or China ROM..)..???? Restoring Your Unbricked Xiaomi Mi 5x Smartphone, Xiaomi Mi Mix 2: Download USB Drivers, PC Suite, Mi Flash Tool. chown -R ${PATH_OWNER} "${CONF_PATH}" xiaomidevice.com was launched at October 27, 2014 and is 6 years and 47 days. I think usb debugging was not disabled. got same problem on MI3 MIUI 7.1 . Now my phone works like before…. Also, the purpose of this guide is not limited to fix error on your smartphone but you can also use this guide just for ROM flashing purpose either to update your phone to latest MIUI version or to root the Android OS on your Mi phone. You will see the main screen shows connecting devices is required. Tap on ‘Flash’ at the top right to start the flashing process. Nov 23, 2020 1:04 AM wrote on Konstantin Sobolev : Thanks for sharing the detailed process. For example, extrac it to drive D:\ or drive E:\ (drive C:\ is for Windows system, so you better not extract it there). NOTE: pls install all the necessary softwares and drivers from step 2 link then perform step 1 then step 2 flash process. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Install builds from here and you're done. QQ support group: 855219808 Hence you have to setup your phone from the basic, just take it as a new phone. enable usb debugging (inside the developer menu). Thanks very much for the guide. Installing modules: The installation of modules is done immediately, and you can use the module immediately after installation. modules.list is actually present and is not empty: It can help us to locate issue, must use our logcat module. Please suggest any solution. And, proceed with your own risk. “The system cannot find the file specified”. Ganti nama miui-xxxx.zip menjadi update.zip What should I do? But no Success I’ve included the tutorial how to install it right in the same page where you download it. MAX BUFFER SECTOR IS 256. Could anybody help me with this please? It fails to format those. when i connect my phone to pc it sound like it detecting.even in device manager its showing USB connected but nothing on phone its all black no fastboot nothing help…, i downlaoaded the boot file for redmi note 3 and extrated it all i got is these and could and couldnt find what you said in step 4. help pls, i can help with bricked devices http://xiaomitips.com/guide/how-to-fix-redmi-note-3-snapdragon-bootloop-and-mi-logo-stuck/ this was the one to fix it for me.. After trying like 7 different tutorials on this site how to fix it.. My original problem was that MI logo showed for like half of a second then shut off and then the logo showed second time, vibrated and shut off again.. I have tried volume + and power button combination to take it in emergency download mode. Working here on Android 10, as I've stated above! I believe many of you ever felt confused and panic when facing with such kind of problems. to your account, What happened? mi logo keep rebooting during the proses. Updating modules: Installed modules are automatically updated together with Cometin. Enough the chit chat and let’s start the tutorial after the jump below. Xiaomi WiFi Devices Modul (Vacuum/Airpurifier/Fan) - 72_XiaomiDevice (Support) FHEM Forum. I got the same issue :( It's because #610 submitted earlier then this issue. Step 1 – Download Mi PC Suite tool then install it on your Windows-based computer (PC/laptop). Step 2 flash normally using this link http://en.miui.com/thread-235865-1-1.html. and make sure you have installed ADB USB Drivers properly. How long does it take to fully boot?? p.p.s: If you flashed MIUI Stable China build then most likely you don’t have Play Store installed. Can't make it work. At the bottom, you can see Uninstall button. By the process above…any requirement of the new system update like miu i 7.5? Step 9 – Next, you’ll need to connect your Xiaomi device / phone to computer. … worked like a charm.. after spending almost 2 hours searching this is the first and a very good step by step guide for flashing that is not in CHINESE.. YOU SAVED MY LIFE . The message will show up if your Mi account is not properly linked with your phone. Thanks for the tip. My phome does not go in fastboot mode by pressing volume down and power button, 1. Gak work, gan. I am a bit of a tech newbie but will give it a go. Subscribe and get interesting stuff and updates to your inbox. But first, you have to make it entering Fastboot mode. [00001504]GetFactoryObject(1436): Unspecified error(0x80131604) tried to do the above thing. Official or unofficial unlock? Powered by Log Catcher My phone also detected via usb, cant enter fastboot bcoz its blank.. I have seen mount failure in recovery mode. what does that mean? After that I tried to select “Flash all except storage” option. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d40f2b513c2cd1bc89018b7524bae10acaafcab91373415d3754325cb41b0b6f.png Xiaomi interface has a lot of "locks". ..and U can see on my screenshot.. level battery is negative 2%.. ..and my BL (BootLoader) on my device is LOCK.. hi can someone give me a dumy guide on how can I update my chinese M3 (nvidia tegra version) to raw android? # Model supported: Thought it might be helpful. Actually I was trying to change the booting splash screen. I have observed few error logs in MiFlash tool. I switched back to Riru 21 and the framework is recognized again. I can open the fast boot mode but again flashing fails with the same message unspecified error. Order here: 2. I left reference here so everyone can move to that issue while it's easier for us to trace issues. cannot flash image). das Schalten von Lampen, die Steuerung von Jalousien oder Heizkörpern und vieles mehr im Haushalt automatisiert werden. hi ..i have mi4i nd my fon is not starting..it suddenly rebooted nd now its stuck on the mi logo nd rebooting randomly many times..will i try this process of flashing fastboot image ..will it work for me?? Importing a Module with Import-Module (PowerShell 2.0) Now flashing was done successfully and phone restarted. I dont have redmi note3 drivers for win7. Make sure you extract its content to root of your computer’s drive and do not extract it inside a folder. I exactly followed the steps but doesn’t seem to detect it. ?and cant be repaired??? please advice how to do. [BUG] EdXposed not activated with latest android_r branch, https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ElderDrivers/edxposed/build/artifacts, https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/661098/99910079-f0b95780-2ca0-11eb-9d97-61692e4b6115.jpg, https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/661098/99910216-9e2c6b00-2ca1-11eb-87ab-03a10d3e56ac.jpg, https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AKDKAX4WJCUT27CVHWE4FKTSRE773ANCNFSM4TWYLLPA. my phone was restart continously, I can not flash my Phone, when i press volume down + power my phone enter to fastboot mode but only 2 – 5 second, after that the phone restart again, i was tired to try it, Voila! Updating modules: Installed modules are automatically updated together with Cometin. last day i was rooting my phone by miui provided rooting process, and it completed and phone starts again and after that i open app which is provided by mi that is Super Su and when i hit on this app and ask to restarts and from that time my phone not getting restarts, it only shows that “Mi” and stops at there , so can you help me in that case please. Direct Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi (Without Authorized Account), Flash Global Firmware Xiaomi Phone | TeamViewer 14 Once extracted, you’ll then get a folder named like this (example Global version): hermes_global_images_V7.1.1.0.LHMMICK_20151221.0000.11_5.0_global, hermes_images_V7.1.1.0.LHMCNCK_20151221.0000.11_5.0_cn. Hello there,i have problem in unlocking the mi4c,i got sms message permission to unlock using apps,but it failed in 50%,my version currently global stable,do i need to update manually to dev rom china then can unlock my phone? i cant do anything now, neither getting in to recovery mode nor to fastboot. 根据错误日志发现原因在于找不到模块文件modules.list ..I get successful before to flashing my device with MI Flash.exe.. How to Flash MIUI ROM via Fastboot Mode. thanks Farienzur i have done , with the help of downloaded your provided ROM link…thnak you so much. like: I hope it also helps other. I use Kenzo ROM.. and then I saw so many problem on my device after use the ROM.. Thanks for sharing the detailed process. Removing modules: Module uninstalls do not … Is your phone’s bootloader unlocked? MiFlash was not detecting my device. You are a lifesaver!! When done flashing, reboot phone. I followed the steps and it successfully worked for my Redmi MI Note LTE. The issue is : i’m getting random app crash and soft reboot… i’m getting stuck with this error since 3 week.. is my phone dead? EdXposed Log MIUI 7.1 Global Stable ROM Fastboot file here. Hi, very nice job. In most Android devices, you could unlock the bootloader via fastboot oem unlock or fastboot flashing unlock. anyone can help, I had the same situation, the phone was recognized after doing this procedure: http://en.miui.com/thread-54139-1-1.html. any help im getting this error Good procedure, but what about hardbrick when you can’t enter fastboot? .. Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (Pro), For any help, you can contact our customer support at We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. Disclaimer: Credits of several images belong to and thanks to TeknikIT.com. problems is that when I press low volume+power buttons, fastboot screen appears for to 3 seconds and the phone keeps reapeating the MI logo. Flash_all_except_storaget:- Will erase all user data does not clear the built-in storage data. Refer to the "Device critical unlocked:" section. Step 4 – Now you need to extract the newly downloaded MIUI Fastboot ROM package .tgz file using WinRAR. You are doing that successfully if you’ve seen the Fastboot logo on your phone’s screen: Step 10 – Now connect your phone which is in Fastboot mode to the computer using its USB cable. The I tried UnzipMe2. Page 1 Mi Phone User Guide Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. ; Page 2 Welcome Mi phone is powerful smart phone brand presented by Xiaomi Inc. I have problem on my device (XRN 3).. my ROM is Global Stable MIUI7 level baterry showing -2%.. i mistakenly rebooted my phone while installing twrp and press reboot even if it was displaying reboot without os. After phone bootloader unlocked you can flash global firmware, a phone can update OTA also and NO relock !!! The download links given above are also linking to MIUI website. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. The best solution to fix Xiaomi device error: Bootloop, Hardbrick, and Softbrick is ROM Flashing via Fastboot mode and here’s how to do it correctly. Hi, are you able to help me – I have the same issue – what extra steps did you do? I have used QFIL to flash rom. Didn’t make any mistake. So here is what we will be doing. Terus donlot rom yang depannya miui. mi4c saya tidak masuk ke fastboot ? Type the command "fastboot devices" and press Enter. Any help will be appreciated. I am using miui 8 global fastboot rom downloaded from official site. If you can’t find support for your favorite device or service, consider adding support. If you still have any queries, do let us know in the comments section below. Open your device manager After that I tried to flash rom using MiFlash tool. (sd card)? p.s: Some recent devices need to have unlocked bootloader before being able to flash Fastboot ROM. I have not checked with the stable version that can not be downloaded at this time for server maintenance. Try to search using search form in the sidebar. Hello guys.. and then my redmi 4 is stuck in bootloop..all it does is shows mi logo .. bootloader is unlocked.. but it doesnt reboot to recovery.. how can i fix this? The zip file is recognized as two bin files in Magisk that I can not select, The zip file is recognized as two bin files, No.The two bin files have different timestamps so I think it might list a file I downloaded and deleted. Note Beginning with PowerShell 7.0, PowerShell skips auto-loading PSReadLine on Windows if a screen reader program is detected. (Do not temper with other options, if you are not familiar) Step 9: Restart Once the uninstallation is complete, safely unplug your USB. I cannot enter into fastboot..wat should I do..my phone iz stuck, Hh sy redmi3s awal’y sy pke rom distributor yg g jelas gtu,g bsa update ota ke miui8,udh unlock boatloader,l alu sy flash pke mitool,rom dev cina,udh terpasang twrp 3020,niat’y sy mw flash rom latest global stable via twrp,udh selesai flash,pas reboot to system,mlah stuck dilogo mi.com.. Get control over your Xiaomi device and manage files, wipe cache or flash any partition with an image using this straightforward app What's new in Xiaomi ADB/Fastboot Tools 7.0.3: Changelog: But first time it said “too many links” next attempt it said “not enough storage” – what should I do now??? If you need older version then Google is your friend. Step 1 – Download Mi PC Suite tool then install it on your Windows-based computer (PC/laptop).. i am getting this too! . Whatsapp +91-9098895342. Hmm, maybe a problem with circular dependencies that sometimes works due to different import order / being cached by another integration? please help me, wait wait waiiiiit a week a day a year just wait!!! What’s your device and what’s your MIUI version, Thank you bro. That enabled me to find my device in the Mi Flash tool, and got rid of the errors when flashing via that same tool. What version is your Windows system? Removing modules: Module uninstalls do not … Mi 8, Mi Mix 2s please order service We have got hold of the patched Firehose (prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn) file for your Xiaomi device. Please help me how to solve. Remove this mi account And Add it once more and it will work. Clean explanation and all together (downloads) etc, Can this fix my GPS/UMTS radio band as well?