Myrdal 10:05 13:05 15:45 18:00 Arr. Dieses Stockfoto: Ingolf Elster Christensen-Gedenkstätte, Flåmbahn Eisenbahn, Flåmsdalen, Flåm, Aurland Sognefjorden Sogn Og Fjordane Vestlandet Norwegen - E5G5AK aus der Alamy-Bibliothek mit Millionen von Stockfotos, Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken in hoher Auflösung herunterladen. The Flam Railway makes a photo stop at the beautiful Kjosfossen waterfall. Model-layout of the Bergen Railway … Fraud! Well worth the money and the guide was very knowledgeable on the local area. 10 minutes to walk. Das Museum der Flåmsbahn informiert über den Bau einer der steilsten normalspurigen Eisenbahnstrecken Europas und präsentiert die Technik und die Menschen, die dieses imponierende Bauwerk möglich gemacht haben. Myrdal ist auch eine Haltestelle der Bergenbahn, sodass die Flåmbahn Anschluss an Züge hat, die zwischen Bergen und Oslo verkehren. Its a five hours cruise from FLAM to BERGEN with ample scenic beauty to enjoy en route. 20:45. Departure from Bergen, Strandkai Terminal: (next to the Tourist Information in Bergen) 10 min. [Norsk nedenfor] In Bergen endet nicht nur die Bergenbahn von Oslo, auch in der Stadt selbst gibt es eine Standseilbahn auf den Fløyberg (auch "Fløyen"). Ich hatte schon Angst und glaubte, er oder meine liebe Grossmutter „Rosi“ hätten sich infiziert. Bryggen was built after the great fire in 1702 and is included on UNESCO's World Heritage…, Bryggens Museum display findings of the archaeological excavations of Bryggen from 1955 and contains the foundations of the oldest buildings in…, Take the Floibanen funicular to the top of Mount Fløyen! The closeness to the most popular attractions and accessibility to a large selection of nature experiences makes Bergen a favorite destination for those who travel by boat. Tickets cannot be changed. The picturesque Fish Market in Bergen is one of Norway's most visited outdoors markets. Er erklärte mir, dass es besser ist, zu meinen Eltern nach Norwegen zu reisen. Car rental. … Vejafstand (med bil, bus) og luftafstand (lige linje), rejsetid (køretid, flyvetid) og rute på kortet. Afstand fra Bergen (Norge) til Flåm (Norge) i kilometer og miles. (one way) Note that this is a one way ticket. By car An additional charge may apply on trips where purchasing on-site is available. The ferry from Oppedal to Lavik is scheduled at 3 am and does not actually run. Choose from direction from Bergen to Flåm or from Flåm to Bergen. It was the largest and most imposing building of the royal residency in the…. Avinors flyplasser, ankomst- og avgangstider, reiseinformasjon og servicetilbud. Reisen Sie mit der berühmten Bergen- und Flåmbahn von Oslo über das kleine Fjorddorf Flåm bis nach Bergen. 1870 2 4 6 Dep. If you do not receive this email, please contact us on e-mail as soon as possible. Fahren Sie unabhängig per Zug, auf der Straße und durch das Wasser der spektakulären berühmten Landschaften Norwegens. Fløibanen can be found in the heart of Bergen, 150 m from Fisketorget – the fish market – and Bryggen wharf. Es ist eine herrliche Gegend, um einfach spazieren zu gehen oder um das Flåmbahn-Museum zu besuchen. Flåm Camping Og Vandrarheim in Norway ♥ See 20 camper reviews with an overall rating of 4.5 Check out 19 pictures taken of this campsite Discover this campsite now! Departure from Bergen at. Meine Grosseltern trösteten mich so gut sie konnten. This tour is flexible and you may add extra nights … 13:25 Departure from Flåm: Departure from Flåm at. We are situated 20 minutes walk from “Jekteviken” port and 10-15 minutes from “Bontelabo” port. Flåm ist ein charmantes Dorf, umgeben von abschüssigen Berghängen, rauschenden Wasserfällen und engen Tälern. Map. It was raining when we arrived in Bergen (no surprise) and we found a shopping centre next to the Railway Station and had dinner at a cafe there. We decided to experience the Speed Boat of NORLED. Oslo, Bergen & Fjorderlebnis. Tickets can be cancelled up until 7 days before departure, for a fee of NOK 250 per person. The end stop of the railway is the small picturesque village of Flåm, situated innermost in the Aurlandsfjord, an arm of the 204-km long … As you cruise along the tranquil waters you will pass rocky shores, gushing waterfalls and jaw-dropping mountains. I think that they are beautiful at any time of the year in different ways. Bergen Kunsthall is one of Norway’s premier arenas for contemporary art. Arrival. Times on the timetable do not match the actual hours. Can anyone suggest other bus options as that time is not convenient. Extensive collection of art and design. Most people travel from Flam to Bergen either by BUS or Train. Cruise along Norway’s longest and deepest fjord for breathtaking views of Sognefjord and the stunning mountainous landscape cascading on either side. The journey up to Fløyen (320 m above sea level) takes about 5–8 minutes. The Sognefjord area is said to be one of the most beautiful travel destinations in the world. Flåm 10:55 13:55 16:30 18:45 01 April 2019 - 28 April 2019 As Norway’s second largest city and a UNESCO World Heritage site, Bergen has plenty to offer. Bryggen is one of Bergen's and Norway's main attractions. The best way to get from Bergen to Flåm involves taking the famous Flåm Railway. Bergen: Start by boat: Departs with the express boat from Strandkaiterminalen.The terminal is situated next to the Fish Market and approx. Booked our tickets 2 months in advance at a discounted price of NOK 575 against standard price of NOK 750 per person. Der Fjord ist von hohen Bergen umgeben und eine wunderschöne Naturattraktion, sowohl im Sommer als auch im Winter. Your order is then 100% confirmed. To build your own Itinerary, click to add an item to your Itinerary basket. Die Rundreisen "Norwegen en miniature®" und "Sognefjord en miniature" von Fjord Tours, die auch eine Besichtigung des Sognefjords beinhalten, können in Oslo oder Bergen begonnen werden.Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, nur eine einfache Tour ab Oslo oder Bergen … Neben Aktivitäten in der Natur wie Angeln und Wandern, können Sie hier auch einige der bekanntesten Städte Norwegens, wie Bergen und Stavanger, besuchen. Baggage. 13:25 Bergen: Start mit dem Boot: Sognefjord in a nutshell startet mit Boot, welches ab dem Expressboot-Terminal am Strandkaiterminalen abfährt.Das Terminal ist gleich neben dem Fischmarkt, ungefähr 10 Minuten zu Fuss vom Bahnhof entfernt. The Norled boat terminal is situated next to the railway station. Known as the gateway to the fjords on the southwestern coast of Norway, Bergen is surrounded by fjords, mountains and Norway's traditional colorful wooden buildings. Boat tour, museum entrance and glacier excursion, Canceled for 2020! 1,491 likes. Answer 1 of 6: Hi I found only 1 bus from Flam to Bergen in July 10. Arrival in Bergen at. Myrdal 09:40 12:35 15:30 17:40 Train no. The nearest bus stop is called «Torget» and form there it is only a few minutes walk. Verbinden Sie Ihren Aufenthalt in der Hansestadt Bergen mit einer Übernachtung in dem Fjorddorf Balestrand. Model-layout of the Bergen Railway … Die Flåmsbana / Flåmbahn gehört zu den Top-Attraktionen in Norwegen. To judge by its architectural style, it was probably built between 1130 and 1170. Fahren Sie mit der berühmten Flåmbahn und entdecken Sie das zum norwegischen UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehörende Fjordland auf diesem 1-tägigen Ausflug von Bergen nach Oslo. Der Westen Norwegens bietet atemberaubende Landschaften mit tiefblauen Fjorden, tosenden Wasserfällen, schneebedeckten Bergen und einsamen Inseln. After exploring scenic Bergen, it’s a great time to escape to the quiet village of Flåm.Bergen is 104 miles (168 km) away from Flåm and there are multiple travel ways to get there. The tour is available all year. Bergen Cathedral is nearly 900 years old. 8:00 Start by train:The train departs from Bergen railway station.. Flåm: Change from express boat to train or vice versa. Bergenhus Fortress is one of Norway’s oldest and best preserved fortifications. 18 73 5 Dep. Hvor lang tid tager det at køre / flyve fra Bergen til Flåm. Travel like the locals and take a boat ride with Norleds confortable express boats. Canceled for 2020! 15:30 Thanks From Bergen Bus Station it will take you appox. Take the most majestic route when you travel from Bergen to Flåm. Modelleisenbahn der Oslo-Bergen Bahn und der Flåmsbahn in 1:87. St Mary`s church is the oldest existing building in Bergen. See the village, the rose garden at the Barony or go hiking. Cancellations must be made by email to Masterpieces by Edvard Munch, Nikolai Astrup, Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, J. C. Dahl and “the Silver Treasure”. Webshop. 8:00 Arrival in Flåm at. Fjord cruise, guided village tour, waterfalls and a meal, Boat and bus tour, coastal island visits and guided postal boat ride, Canceled for 2020! The silverfactory Arven lets you experience some of the city's best gold - and silversmiths at work, creating precious metal into true pieces of art. Bookings cannot be cancelled or refunded 7 days or less before departure. Visit beautiful Rosendal on a day trip from Bergen. Get a safe and good travel experience Corona information and open restaurants and shops Keep updated here Departure. Fahren Sie über die Stalheimskleiva, genießen Sie eine Bootstour im Nærøyfjord und eine Fahrt mit der Flåmbahn. It is the longest fjord in Norway and by many described as “The King of Fjords”. The tour is available all year. Im Laufe einer Stunde bringt Sie der Zug von Meeresebene am Sognefjord in Flåm zur Bergstation Myrdal , die auf 867 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel liegt. Cancellation policy: Whether you choose to begin or end your tour in Bergen, you should definitely spend at least a couple of days here. Duration: 5 hours and 25 minutes. Beregn brændstofforbrug og omkostninger Bergensbanen og Flåmsbana. Welcome to the Itinerary Planner. The captivating scenery from Sognefjord is so magnificent and ever-changing, it is almost impossible to look away. Close. If you are travelling with dogs or bikes, you may need to purchase additional tickets once you are on board the cruise. = meter over havet, zwei Meter über dem Meeresspiegel). Would do again if there. The tower was built in the 1560s by the governor of Bergen Castle (Bergenhus), Erik Rosenkrantz, and served as a combined residence and fortified…, Håkon’s Hall was built between 1247 and 1261 by Håkon Håkonsson. Take the most majestic route when you travel from Bergen to Flåm.Cruise along Norway’s longest and deepest fjord for breathtaking views of Sognefjord and the stunning mountainous landscape cascading on either side.. Making 11 stops in total, there are some beautiful quaint villages lining the shores of Sognefjord. 20:45, Duration: 5 hours and 25 minutes. Note that this is a one way ticket. Höhepunkte sind die Flåmsbana (Flåmbahn) und eine Schiffsfahrt über den Sognefjord und entlang der Westküste. At Mount Fløyen you will find a large variety of play opportunities and an exciting Troll forrest. We do recommend that you keep your valuables, such as passort, wallet, mobilephone with you at all time. (one way). Check out the spectacular view of the city, play in the Troll Forest or walk exciting nature…. Departing from Bergen Central Station, the train covers a distance of 71 km (44 mi) in 2 hours and arrives at Myrdal Station, where you will have a train change. Reviews and advice on hotels, and lots more! Genießen Sie dabei eine Fjordfahrt auf dem majestätischen Nærøyfjord, der Teil des UNESCO-Weltnaturerbes ist. The Fløibanen funicular in Bergen is one of Norway’s best-known attractions. The Hanseatic merchants are long gone, and no longer part of the hustle and bustle of Bryggen, but you can still experience this unique place, which…. Fjord tour by boat and picturesque cycle trip. If you are travelling with a lot of luggage, there is plenty of space in the aft of the boat where you can store your luggage. For the children there is a small playground as well. Find out more here. Don’t worry, the travel won’t be so exhausting as you may think. Enjoy the fantastic landscape from our confortable chairs in the saloons, or stay outside on deck and enjoy the view and feel the wind in your hair. Arrival in Flåm at. The tour must be booked minimum 2 days before departure. Bergen port has become one of the top “50 ports of the World”. We were lucky that the weather was not sunny, and the... We jumped on this cruise by accident. The secrets of the dish called Raspeballer, Skillingsbolle - Bergen's favourite pastry, Why apple juice from Hardanger is special, The top 10 things to see and do in Bergen, Bergen - The Gateway to The Fjords of Norway, The Hanseatic Museum and Schøtstuene - Museum Vest, Bergen School Museum - Bergen City Museum, Bergen Cathedral - closed for maintenance, Économusée Arven gold – and silverfactory & shop, Boat cruise Bergen - Rosendal (round-trip) on The Hardangerfjord Express, 17 May – celebrating Constitution Day in Bergen, Persetorsk from Bergen - A traditional Norwegian fish dish, Bergen fish soup – explained by a local expert, Bergen - Rosendal (The Hardangerfjord Express). Departure from Flåm at. Making 11 stops in total, there are some beautiful quaint villages lining the shores of Sognefjord. Erleben Sie das norwegische Hochland, die schwindelerregenden … Myrdal ist auch eine Haltestelle der Bergenbahn, sodass die Flåmbahn Anschluss an Züge hat, die zwischen Bergen und … While it will be tempting to take out your camera, no photograph will ever compare to the awe-inspired feeling of being in the heart of Norway’s grandest fjord, so sit back, relax and watch the beautiful landscape unfold around you. The Fish Market sells seafood, fruit and vegetables. Bergen, Oslo, Flam Railway & Sognefjord is a short fjord cruise break with 2 nights in Bergen and 2 nights in Oslo, an amazing fjord cruise on the scenic Sognefjord with the spectacular Aurlandsfjord branch, the famous Flam Railway, the scenic Bergen Line & fjord cruise on the Oslofjord.. Fahren Sie mit der Bergenbahn von Oslo oder Bergen zur Bahnstation Myrdal, die auf 865 Metern Seehöhe liegt. Start mit dem Zug: Der Zug fährt ab dem Bahnhof in Bergen.. Flåm: Umsteigen vom Expressboot auf den Zug (Flåmbahn),und … From “Strandkaiterminalen” port there is a few minutes walk. Da ich kein Mobiltelefon hatte, war ich nicht informiert und völlig fassungslos und begann zu weinen. It started as a church dedicated to Olav the Holy, Norway’s patron saint, around year 1150. Nature is both dramatic and hospitable, and you can take part in exhilarating activities. The price for children are when travelling accompanied by an adult. From catechism to flannel boards - Norways oldest school building. Variety of exhibitions from international and Norwegian artists. Flåm 08:50 11:45 14:40 16:50 Arr. 1,492 likes. Quoted prices apply to online bookings. The twisting tunnels that spiral in and out of the mountain bear witness to the most daring and skilled engineering in Norwegian railway history and is truly a sight to behold. Use this tool to build your own journey or choose from an exciting range of specially selected tours. Choose from direction from Bergen to Flåm or from Flåm to Bergen. Exhibitions: Women's Contribution to the Armed Forces and The Resistance Struggle 1940-1945. Explore the magnificent Sognefjord by boat this summer. 15:30 Arrival in Bergen at. The trips start through the magical strems along the coat, passing Vardetangen, Norway`s westernmost mainland point, Mongstad and the historical Skjerjehamn, once an important trade post along the coast. That is your valid ticket and must be shown when boarding. You enter the Sognefjord after about 2 hours of travel, and you will also get a view of Jostedal Glacier. My son and I visited these fjords in March, and were not disappointed. Flåmsbana ist eine eingleisige normalspurige Nebenstrecke der norwegischen Bergenbahn. Departure from Bergen at. Bergen & Sognefjord-Erlebnis. Wasserfällen. Departure from Flåm: The Sognefjord is located in the middle of Fjord Noray and stretches right into the foot of Jotunheimen and Josterdalen national park. 09 December 2018 – 31 March 2019 Train no. Parking. You will receive a new email from within 2 working days with your NEW reference number. These views are truly spectacular. Boat cruise Bergen - Rosendal (round-trip) on The Hardangerfjord Express, BergenVisit beautiful Rosendal on a day trip from Bergen. On the way back to the hotel, we saw and heard the end of the Bergen Symphony Orchestra's outdoor concert, with a sea of umbrellas over the audience. Your tickets: Fjord cruise package – 4 nights. It’s only a 10-minute walk to the lower station from where the cruise ships dock. See the village, the rose garden at the Barony or go hiking. About Bergen Airport; Choose airport; Tilbake. The Fortress has a long history as a royal seat, episcopal see and…. Mit der Eisenbahn geht es rund 20 km vorbei an Schluchten, Bergen und. By boat. Entdecken Sie die herrlichen Landschaften Norwegens, darunter Fjorde, Berge, Flüsse und Seen, auf dieser Tagestour von Bergen nach Oslo. Please check that your travel date and other information is correct before completing your booking. Free wi … To and from. Sie führt vom 866 Meter hoch gelegenen Myrdal hinunter durch das Flåmsdalen nach Flåm am Aurlandsfjord (2 moh. To provide you with the best experience, cookies are used on this site. Taking the train offers a unique way to travel the country of Norway and has picturesque scenery. Bergensbanen og Flåmsbana. walk from Bergen railway station. From there the train will take you to picture-perfect village Flam in only 50 minutes. Modelleisenbahn der Oslo-Bergen Bahn und der Flåmsbahn in 1:87. Die Flåmbahn ist eine der steilsten Bahnstrecken auf Normalspur weltweit, die auf 80 % der Reise mit einer Steigung von 5,5 % verläuft. Im Musem sind eine Lokomotive vom Typ El 9, eine elektrische Rangierlok, mehrere Draisinen und viele andere Exponate ausgestellt. Optionale Fjord- und Gletscherexkursion nach Fjærland.