UPDATE: Ok for everyone, i've fixed that closing/removing "Sonic Studio" Asus application. Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! 0 Bugs & Technical Support; 10.3K Archive. Need to report the video? It looks like you're new here. If you've experienced an issue in Battlefield V, use the following guide to help you know where to go to get help or report it to our DICE developers. Same here me and my buddy but none if my other friends have it happen to them. Upon clicking that section, the bug causes the game to fade to black or else blur, while simultaneously freezing. level 2. It looks like you're new here. level 1. For the best results, select a topic, platform and/or key words Select a topic Codes and promotions Game information Manage my account Missing content Orders Report a bug Report concerns or harassment Technical support Warranty Bug Report: Multi Ta page 5/5 - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3 5239. 10.3K Battlefield 1 Bugs & Issues; 540 Battlelog Bugs & Issues; Howdy, Stranger! Realistic Jason 8,916 views. theres a bug where you unlock a weapon at a given rank but you cant actually equip it. With a big number of players joining Battlefield V servers thanks to EA Play’s addition to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, now the game will receive a new update today to wipe out some of the bugs … 117 views. Report bugs and issues you've found here 14466. 1 2 5 Torakan. Right, so the Battlefield 5 empty armory bug is pretty self-explanatory. helga @sakokey. There is NO audio". Discussion. 2,289 views. After months of in-game patch releases, most of the major bugs have been removed.However, there’s always a possibility that an update will introduce unexpected Battlefield 5 bugs to the game. Light streaks stuck in the sky where a machine gun fired. posts Member, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, ... 10.3K Battlefield 1 Bugs & Issues; 540 Battlelog Bugs & Issues; Howdy, Stranger! Sign in. Sign in. A fix is being planned by DICE to be released by early next week. Discussions relating to Battlefield Hardline on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Sign in. Please fix your infinite loading screen bug EA it makes battlefield 5 a unplayable game. Companies. Battlefield 5's Last Content Update Is Out Now, Patch Notes And File Size EA will not promote the update with promotional materials so as to not distract from Black Lives Matter. You must sign in and sign up for Battlefield V and EA emails before you can redeem your [IN-GAME ITEM]. Sign in to report inappropriate content. Battlefield 5 BFV Stats! Thread is locked. Battlefield V - Update 5.0 . CnCoolRabbit. Report Post I'm playing the battlefield 5 campaign and this problem occurs when activating Ray Tracing, I have already tested the last 3 drivers and even then the problem persists, I have already changed several quality qualities of Ray Tracing texture from Ultra to Low and the Problem persists and it occurs whenever Ray Tracing is enabled, even with the latest Driver Version 442.01 HOTFIX! Select Delete again and hit OK to confirm. Sign in to report inappropriate content. Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! Launch Battlefield V and play the War Story again – making sure to catch the “missing” letters and challenges this time. There are two bugs you could run into, depending on what rank you have just leveled up to. in the video i'm saying in italian: "No audio. Original Poster 2 years ago. View the top Battlefield 5 players on our leaderboards and how you perform in the battlefield. Battlefield 5 hackers report. Bug Report Forum Guidelines. IGN 38,441 views. Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! 1. share. This update brings two new maps, new factions, new weapons and vehicles into this all new theater of war. ... Report Save. 7016. Check current status and outage map. Misael Argueta @misosoup619. What do I do if I've experienced an issue in Battlefield V? Game froze for 5-10 seconds as I was in a fight against a tank. You load up the game, head to your Armory tab, and there’s nothing there. Bug Report: Multi Talent Assignment. Need to report the video? Players have begun to report that this Battlefield 5 bug occurs specifically when you attempt to open the “Assignments” tab of the pause menu. Check the Battlefield V Known Issues below to see if we're already tracking against it. Battlefield V - General Discussion ... 35 Bugs & Technical Support. Visit steampowered.com and start playing Battlefield V today. Mechanic & Operater syndicate bug (0) By Velocity2ReAL 4 years ago. Bug Report: Multi Ta page 5/5 - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 4 Bug/Issue Reporting Guide. Hi folks, With Update 5.0, we’re heading to the Pacific. Although Battlefield 5 had a poor reputation at launch for the number of bugs and other problems which existed in the game, DICE has done a great deal in the months since to address this problem. Bug Report kiyomi-11573 2019-03-29 10:05:23 UTC #1 So I was playing adept AI (I’m unsure if this is happening on other difficulties.) Sign In Register. The Panzerstorm map is getting a rework and loads of bug fixes are dropping TOMORROW for the 2nd Battlefield 5 January Update! If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Following yesterday’s big Battlefield 5 6,2 patch, some players might have experienced or seen the Battlefield 5 end of round report bug happening regardless of game mode.Well, thankfully, DICE has acknowledged this issue. When a bug enter my room its a battlefield. Gun disappeared while I was running and it did not fully return until I respawned. May 5 ... May 5, 2020 4:26 AM. ... Often it will appear that they are holding a card above the battlefield, purposely prevent… 0: 12328: 27 February 2019 How to share links to screenshots, videos, and replays. Our focus for this update has been on delivering this amazing content, and on continuing to improve the quality of life for our Battlefield V players. Battlefield 5 Rank Weapon Unlock Bug – What are the Main Problems? May 3, 2020 9:50 PM. Add translations. I have tried to recive the Multi Talent Assignment, but it seem it's a bug in it. It says Available next round but never is its been days. ... Gonna play Battlefield 5 tonight. and was on the Battlefield of Eternity map and the ai where doing something REALLY bizarre. ... Battlefield 5: 15 Funny Glitches & Bugs - Duration: 3:48. Add translations. DICE has rolled out the Battlefield 5 weekly challenges & rewards for Chapter 6 Week 6 called "Gain Ground." 2013-11-15 22:40 Hi! Enlisted: 2011-10-26. Bug Reports Playing through act 3 Journey to the Battlefield Overlook quest I get stuck on cell H as I can not go any further. 2. Side Note: While I realize this is obviously a bug --- it was fun as hell while it lasted. The New Battlefield 5 Bug Which Freezes the Game. Check your profile, weapon and vehicle statistics. End of Round report bug fixed via back end. ... Battlefield 5 - 99 Bugs - Duration: 1:37. Yes it is! Post yours and see other's reports and complaints. 1 posts Member, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, Battlefield V Member December 7, 2020 5:55AM edited December 2020 If I could report this in the proper channel i … You've successfully signed up to receive emails about Battlefield V … Battlefield 5 no audio bug in open beta. Official Bug Reports - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield Hardline 12. Battlefield Hardline - PS3 & Xbox 360. Please Help! Report Save. Sign in to report inappropriate content. First off, the big concern here is, are stats being tracked? If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! This Is Simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH Battlefield 5 (Bugs & Issues) - Duration: 15:09. Forum Start > Battlefield 4 - Battlefield 4 - PC > Bug Report: Multi Talent Assignment. Battlefield Battlefield 5 Battlefield 5 update 1.37 DICE EA News PS4 Battlefield 5 Update 1.37 Patch Notes Revealed, New Elites And Bug Fixes Included Michael Harradence / November 17, 2020 wheres the best place to report bugs? The light at the end of the map is bugged and won't allow me to go to the next map. You must sign up for the Battlefield V newsletter before you can redeem your item. 1 posts Member, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, Battlefield V Member March 5, 2019 8:01PM edited March 2019 I'm playing on PC and after i play combined arms and finish it successfully i get this message and under this line :report id used was and a long 15 number.Anyone knows what the heck is this? Choose Battlefield V and pick the files you want to delete or use Select all to delete all Battlefield V save files. Outage.Report. Battlefield Hardline - Bugs & Issues. Battlefield 5 Update Fixes Bugs, Improves Stability; ... "The Battlefield series has a winning formula that Battlefield V doesn't deviate far from, ... Report a problem Welcome to the Hearthstone Bug Report Forums!