Commander Bly is Aayla Secura's 1st in command and served in the battle of Quell and the battle of Maridun. Before they boarded, the clones gathered two shield generators to take with them. When the ion cannon was destroyed, Bly suggested to General A'Sharad Hett that an extraction team be sent after Vos and Secura, but the Jedi refused, urging Bly to continue pursuing his objectives. In the battle, En's ship had also sustained heavy damage and was forced to crash-land on the planet. Vos was displeased with the presence of the man who had recently shot him, and he brushed off Secura's request. When night fell, the group approached the base, and together they covertly dispatched the guards. While sparring in a practice fight with Secura, Bly was informed that Barriss Offee, who had been sent to Felucia to track down Separatist Council member Shu Mai some weeks prior, had not been heard from. Reaching the chamber holding the SIP, Vos pointed out that the area was booby-trapped with poisonous darts. Eventually, Vos was able to overpower his former Padawan and prepared to land a killing blow. Most visited articles. The group was able to make its way to some long grass, where they hid until the droids finished their sweep of the settlement. Homeworld: The Dark Lord took the opportunity, stabbing Lo'gaan and letting him plunge to his apparent death in the factory. Zonder had been executed by Vader in days prior, leaving Bly free to focus on the two surviving fugitives. The distraction was all Vos needed to escape on his ship, the Skorp-Ion, although Secura still possessed the SIP. Bly ventured out alone, drawing enemy fire, while Secura and Vos dispatched the enemy guards by stealth. Edit source History Talk (0) Comments Share. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Vos, as a token of his goodwill, offered to aid Secura in obtaining the SIP, an offer the general accepted. Kamino FANDOM. In a cursory search of the area surrounding the wreck, Bly discovered a carved tablet depicting a humanoid battling some sort of predator. Adapting to the situation, Bly used an ascension gun to carry Secura to the top of the building, with Zonder, Ekria and Offee close behind. Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars The rest of the guard droids dispatched, the group made their way toward the parked shuttle. Bly works with Jedi General Aayla Secura throughout the Clone Wars. Skywalker was able to destroy the weapon, however, and the Lurmen, under the leadership of Too, banded together, and helped the clones and the Jedi destroy the attacking droids. [18] During the siege, Bly worked closely with fellow commanders CC-8826 and Faie. Also Commander we have the 501st legion 3 parsecs out, we believe he fled to Mustafar. There, they were engaged by a group of Munificent-class star frigates. Secura was able to dispatch the droid, and their chase had taken them to the base of a large tree. Bred on Kamino, CC-5052 was among the first generation of clone marshal commanders to be trained by the Advanced Recon Commando Alpha-17,[3][4] who gave him the designation "Bly. Encountering a Gossam security guard, Secura demanded to be taken to the Jedi prisoners. Returning to their task force, Bly received treatment for wounds sustained during the Honoghr mission, although he was confused as to why his general considered the mission a failure. Its shields fell, but fortunately for the Republic taskforce, General Anakin Skywalker was due to arrive in the Resolute, with reinforcements. He once served on Maridun, fighting against Lok Durd and his defoliator tank. They eventually discovered that they were too late to capture Mai, and that her forces had unleashed a deadly toxin into the planet's water supply. The Confederate captain, seeking to eliminate both the Republic gunship and the neutral vessel belonging to the bounty hunter Shahan Alama,[16] dispatched Vulture and Hyena droid starfighters. [2] During his time with Secura, Bly began to grow close to the Jedi, earning the two of them the ire of other Jedi such as Arligan Zey. CC-5052 nicknamed Bly was a clone commander that served in the 327th Star Corp who fought alongside Jedi General Aayla Secura during the Clone Wars. Skywalker, in an attempt to save both his allies and the cruiser, sealed himself off with a set of blast doors, and held back the force of the explosion with the Force. Bly wore clone trooper armor with several dark yellow marks on his gloves, boots, body armor, helmet, Kama and Pauldron. In 22 BBY, Bly with the help of Jedi Aayla Secura, were sent on a mission to retrieve information from the memory banks of a tacti… The Clone Wars Jedi Crash Defenders Of Peace Register Start a Wiki. As the group continued to observe the base, Skywalker saw that Durd's forces had some sort of large new weapon in their arsenal, and he asked Bly and Rex to investigate. Once the article contains more information, this template will be removed. Clone Commander Bly served with the 327th Star Corp that was led by Aayla Secura. Bred on Kamino, CC-5052 was among the first generation of clone marshal commanders to be trained by the Advanced Recon Commando Alpha-17, who gave him the designation "Bly." ―CC-5052 CC-5052 was a clone marshal commander who served both the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire that followed. Secura was livid, insisting that Bly turn the Intrepid around and set a course for Coruscant, but the commander reasoned that they were too far away, and that the Felucia mission was still the priority. Tagge had been attempting to usurp the Dark Lord's place at Palpatine's side, earning him Vader's ire. [4] When the Republic amassed a number of droids that needed their memory cores unlocked and wiped, Bly helped to recruit a Jedi Knight for the task, as the secrets in the droids could be crucial to the war effort.[6]. When the group rendezvoused at the hangar, it was attacked by a Vulture droid, and it became apparent that the crash site attracted Separatist interest as well. On Tepasi, Vader, with the captive Lo'gaan in tow, confronted Baron Orman Tagge in a large TaggeCo factory. gunships from the Resolute arrived at the site of the battle to aid Secura's listing starship, and Skywalker, his apprentice Ahsoka Tano, and CC-7567 (or "Rex," as he was known) were able to board. Secura, displeased, ignited her lightsaber, prompting Vos to do likewise. As the clones and the Jedi moved out of the village, the Confederate troops began ransacking the place. [5] [3] Bly was assigned to the 327th Star Corps, which fell under the 2nd Sector Army. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; [19]Bly shoots Secura on Felucia. While Ekria sliced into the center's shields, Bly and Secura fought their way through the guard droids and into the complex. She returned shortly after, reporting that the troops, Republic and Confederate alike, had been killed by a local creature. [12], Bly noted that getting into the outpost would be no small feat, as the enemy's security appeared to be flawless. As soon as Ekria realized that it was a trap, Secura ordered all her troops to evacuate the compound. After the Clone Wars began at the Battle of Geonosis between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance in 22 BBY, the 327th Star Corps became a part of the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic and was assigned to Jedi General Aayla Secura and led by Clone Commander CC-5052 \"Bly.\" Early during the Clone Wars, members of the 327th Star Corps were aboard three Venator-class Star Destroyers, including Secura's flagship … Cheers Jace. In response, Skywalker had the shield generators activated, and the shields in turn protected the village from the blast. Bly deduced that Dooku had lured as many Jedi as he could to the Outer Rim Territories, putting them out of range while he struck at the heart of the Republic. However, the Star Corps suffered heavy losses and was whittled down to an effective strength of sixty percent. Isard insisted that no one had breached his intelligence network, but Bly pointed out that the director had never worked with Jedi before.[5]. Bly wore clone trooper armor with several dark yellow marks on his gloves, boots, body armor, helmet, Kamaand Pauldron. [18] The Padawan reached platform NL1922, where Vader was preparing to board a shuttle to Tepasi. Wikis. Shortly after the Honoghr mission, Bly and Secura served alongside the reformed Vos in the Siege of Saleucami. Commander Secura consulted him on advisable actions, and Bly believed that they should reconnoiter the planet for more information. He introduces new players to the Droid Programming Mini-game and can be found in the Workshop. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? Commander Bly "Get the order and execute it. In addition, the Jedi and the clones began moving the large pods into place, forming a makeshift barrier. Without further ado, Secura, Bly, and their unit set off toward Felucia. The Jedi quickly defeated the droid and ordered the clones to scout ahead and find the ship's data recorder, while they themselves engaged the battle droids and followed by an alternate route. For some reason I like the guy, maybe it's just the colours of his armor. Despite Bly's best efforts, he was unable to disengage, but Yularen, acting quickly, had the Resolute move away from the cruiser, leaving it free engage its hyperdrive and depart Quell prematurely. [18], The true target was Rancisis, who was found dead in his chambers, slain by Confederate agent Sora Bulq. After successfully neutralizing the battle droids, Gree was able to access the record of the ship's final moments. Falling seed pods from the trees nearly killed the six offworlders, but Secura spotted a path in the grass that had been used to drag the pods away, presumably by a member of the intelligent species. Secura insisted that they were peace keepers, but Kaa argued that the Jedi were a violent people. It was the commander's hope that they would be able to retrieve the SIP without detection by the Noghri, but any attempt at stealth was abandoned when the Noghri ambushed the party. The group then flew the shuttle to the Lurmen village. [3] As a clone commander, it was Bly's job to act as an intermediary between the Jedi Generals and the regular clone troopers,[1] although he was bred to be loyal to the Republic above all others. [20], Bly, Secura, and Ekria landed on Felucia and journeyed to the Nigkoe Detention Facility, where Offee and her apprentice, Zonder, were being held. When Bly fired he tried to make sure the death was quick and painless. Although the Jedi worked as a team to extract the device, the trap was triggered. [10] Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 06 Episode 07 Crisis at the Heart [1080p] Too helped the clones and the Jedi to sneak out of the village, while Kaa met with the leader of the Confederate force, General Lok Durd. Meanwhile, Bly was informed by Rex that a Confederate C-9979 landing craft was approaching the Lurmen settlement, which Bly then immediately relayed to the Jedi. Sure enough, the fugitives were located in a Coruscant apartment, but as Bly, Tremayne and Pasiq closed in on the location in a Low Altitude Assault Transport, the quarters were torn apart by an explosion. Clonepedia Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. It replaces Finn as a hero. Hett's persistence paid off, as the Confederate base was demolished, and the enemy forces routed. Secura came to observe, and she informed the commander that she had now been given command of a full unit by Mace Windu. Since the droid had not gone into cyberostasis, they would be able to plunder its memory banks for intel. [17], Continuing to work with Secura, Bly was then sent to Honoghr. Bly was one of the few reluctant commanders to follow up Order 66 all over the Universe. Making a final assault, Secura and Vos made their way into the cloning chambers of the catacombs to sabotage the Confederate operation and confront Bulq. Let the generals sort out the rest." Realizing that Vos was truly a threat to the mission, Bly attempted to shoot the renegade Jedi, but his target swiftly rounded on him and threw the clone hard into a wall with the Force. The commander alerted Secura to the shortage of troops, but the Jedi resigned herself to the fact that other units across the galaxy were under just as much stress. As Bly, Secura, Skywalker, Tano, Rex, and the clone troopers Cameron, Flash, and Lucky made their way toward the docked cruiser, a series of explosions tore through the Star Destroyer, chasing them down a corridor. CC-5052 was a clone marshal commander who served both the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire that followed. [21], En route aboard the cruiser Intrepid, Bly decided to quell his frustration over the fact that the Saleucami mission was not completed by eschewing sleep for exercise. Bly was able to kill one of the creatures, which scared the other away, but the pair had been able to kill Cameron, Lucky, and Flash. When Bly regained consciousness, he was met with the sight of Lo'gaan and Vader dueling. A clone of Jango Fett, CC-5052 was bred on Kamino, where he was trained as an Advanced Recon Commando by Alpha-17. Later during that year Bly went on a mission to Alzoc III with Gree, Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, and three other clone troopers to find a secrect weapon. By dawn, Bly, Secura, and Tano came across a village made of the massive seed pods, occupied by Lurmen. The Lurmen had colonized Maridun in an attempt to flee the death and destruction that the Clone Wars brought, and in accordance with that, he asked the trio to leave his village. [1] Bly was present with Aayla Secura during the Sky Battle of Quell. His second shot was deflected by Secura, who did not want the renegade Jedi harmed. Bly followed suit, but tripped on a log, and as a result, his cable fell short of the tree. The clone commander set off with Tano and Too, and after running for 17 hours straight,[11] arrived back at the wreckage just as a mastiff phalone was tearing apart the shelter and attacking Rex and Skywalker. Realizing that they were intending to board her ship, Secura ordered Bly to repel the attacking forces. Gender: When the Confederate forces were close enough to the village, Durd fired his new weapon. His was also equipped with white macrobinoculars and he wielded two DC-17 Hand Blasters in combat. [15]Bly, during the Siege of Saleucami. He commands the 327th Star Corps. Species: Moments after Bly and the Jedi had escaped, Shu Mai's base of operations exploded, resulting in a considerable loss of clone troopers. When the ship was struck by fire, the pilot was thrown onto the controls, accidentally activating the ship's hyperdrive. Popular pages. The Confederate Lucrehulk-class Core Ship Gahenna was believed to be carrying a new defoliant toxin, Trihexalophine1138, with the intent of using it on Naboo. Assigned to the 327th Star Corps, Bly worked with Jedi General Aayla Secura throughout the Clone Wars. They did so, bringing the cruiser into realspace just short of the star. Durd was later arrested by Skywalker,[13] and Admiral Yularen's cruisers arrived at Maridun to extract the clones and the Jedi.[12]. When the projectile hit the ground, it unleashed a rapidly expanding ring of fire that wiped out everything in its path. Bly's gunship were able to defeat the Confederates, as well as shoot down Alama's craft, and returned to Secura's ship. Tano and Secura were able to enter the outpost, wherein Tano proceeded to open the main door, allowing Bly, Rex, and Skywalker to join the others. Bly set out with Secura to stop the toxin from spreading, but in transit he received the command to execute Order 66, which meant that all Jedi were declared to be enemies of the Republic. Durd's next move was to have his army of droids charge the village, prompting Skywalker, Tano, Secura, Bly and Rex to move outside the shield and engage the attackers. [7]Bly reports their course leading into a sun. A clone of Jango Fett, Bly was trained as an Advanced Recon Commando himself, giving him a more independent mindset and allowing him to think "outside the manual" when it came to the shifting of tactical situations. More challenging was the elimination of the Noghri guards. They rendezvoused with Secura and Bly aboard the ship, and Skywalker reported that he had arranged for one of his Consular-class cruisers to dock with the damaged Star Destroyer. Über seinen Einsatz dort ist nichts bekannt. Clone commanders received a higher degree of training than that of the other clones. A veteran of many Clone Wars battles, Clone Commander Bly (clone designation CC-5052) served in the 327th Star Corps on such worlds as Quell, Maridun, and Felucia. Investigating the incident, En tracked the Confederate Scientific Instrument Package that contained data pertinent to Trihexalophine1138 to a Rakatan temple, where it had been taken by the native Noghri. The commander, using Isard's access-markers, discovered that Ekria was taking the freighter Casuistic to Tepasi, presumably to save Lo'gaan. Bulq and Skorr also perished in the battle, and the Siege of Saleucami was all but won. Ekria concurred and believed that the capture of Shu Mai would still be an advantage to the Republic, while Bly simply hoped not to have another incomplete mission on his record. [14], Later in the war, aboard an Acclamator I-class assault ship,[15] CC-5052 was on a scouting mission with Secura in the Outer Rim Territories when they came across an unallied vessel being attacked by a Confederate Munificent-class frigate. Meanwhile, Bly assisted Skywalker, who had been further injured in the altercation with the mastiff phalone. [5] To Bly's frustration, however, Zonder, Ekria, and Lo'gaan escaped, leaving the commander with yet another incomplete mission on his record.[5]. As punishment, Vader blinded Tagge with his lightsaber, rousing Ekria from her hiding spot in the Baron's facility. [14] The general then alerted Secura's unit to the location of the package and its relevance, but was soon killed by the Noghri. Bly, roused into consciousness, shot Vos in the shoulder. [3] At the conclusion of the Battle of Altyr V, Bly promoted CT-65/91-6210, who had distinguished himself in the conflict, to the rank of commander.[4]. Fortunately for the trio, no one was hurt, allowing them to escape the temple unharmed. Secura and all other Jedi were now considered enemies of the Republic, leaving Bly with little choice but to abandon any friendship he might have had and kill his former commanding officer by shooting her in the back. He was part of the first wave of clone commanders trained by the Advanced Recon Commando (ARC) troopers. In 19 BBY, Secura, Bly and the 327th Star Corps were dispatched to Saleucami, where a prolonged siege was taking place. [20] On Tepasi, Bly shot both Jedi fugitives, and though he believed them dead, they had in fact survived. They were able to fabricate an information bunker, which attracted the attention of the droid. Bly and his troops started to make their way into the building, but were stalled when deadly toxins were let into the air by the Separatists. Commander Bly is a clone marshal commander who served the Galactic Republic. The commander then destroyed the center's deflector shield generator, allowing his troops to land and rescue them.[20]. The following day, the Republic troops made their way into Saleucami's capital, with Bly once again fighting alongside his general. [10], The Confederates redoubled their attack, attempting to down Secura's ship. commander bly black series,commander bly clone wars,commander bly helmet,commander bly death,commander bly lego,commander bly phase 1,commander bly order 66,commander bly costume,commander bly figure,commander bly wallpaper, That night, Morgukai clones attacked the camp, forcing most of the Jedi committed to the Saleucami campaign to respond. Secura, who had been trained by Vos, asked him where his allegiances lay. By the time they had entered the temple, Bly and Secura were the only Republic troops left. Secura and Unduli trapped the Dark Jedi under the bulk of ice before leaving the crash site and reporting to the Jedi High Council. Within the outpost was, as Skywalker predicted, a Confederate shuttle. Following the battle, control of the city remained contested, leaving the Republic forces with little choice but to return to their encampment. Bly recounted the events leading up to the Battle of Felucia, specifically Ekria's talent for slicing into networks. but was unexpectedly sent to Maridun, where they fought against Lok Durd and destroyed his new weapon. Sure enough, the Resolute entered the system, but the Confederate frigates began launching B2-RP battle droids. Skywalker set off on his own to destroy the weapon, leaving Tano and Secura free to battle the droids that were moving into the village. [5]Bly, Galle, Barr, and Inc utilize jetpacks to ambush battle droids. Eldon A. Bargewell: Commander of Delta Force 1996–1998.Served multiple tours of duty with MACVSOG during Vietnam War. Bly, along with Aayla Secura, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex fought against the Separatists above Quell. Commander Bly is a playable character in Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 1 About 2 Game Details 2.1 Abilities/Weapons 2.2 Unlock/Cost 2.3 Playable In 2.4 Appears In A clone commander who serves under Aayla Secura.