Rongeur. Manche Kirchen bejubelten nicht nur den 'Anschluss', sondern trugen auch die NS-Politik, sei es den Antisemitismus, sei es die Auslöschung vermeintlich unwerten Lebens, voll und ganz mit, was uns heute schamvoll als Verrat am Evangelium erscheint", heißt es in einer Erklärung des Vorstandes des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen in Österreich (ÖRKÖ), die am Samstag veröffentlicht wurde. Schuschnigg called Austria the "better German state" but struggled to keep Austria independent. In Deutschland sollen im Jahr 2020 pro stationärem Breitbandanschluss im Durchschnitt 168 Gigabyte an Daten im Monat übertragen werden, das sind rund 25 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr. "The 'Anschluss' in the Rear-View Mirror, 1938–2008: Historical Memories Between Debate and Transformation,", Wright, Herbert. The Treaty of Versailles and the Treaty of Saint-Germain (both signed in 1919) explicitly prohibited the political inclusion of Austria in the German state. The Waldheim affair started the first serious discussions about Austria's past and the Anschluss. Daten aus dem Can-Bus aufs Smartphone weiterleitet, wo sie übersichtlich dargestellt werden. The party had combined elements of the pan-German right with free-market liberalism since its foundation in 1955, but after Haider ascended to the party chairmanship in 1986, the liberal elements became increasingly marginalized. [99] At Nuremberg, Arthur Seyss-Inquart[100] and Franz von Papen,[101] in particular, were both indicted under count one (conspiracy to commit crimes against peace) specifically for their activities in support of the Austrian Nazi Party and the Anschluss, but neither was convicted of this count. Austria remained part of Germany until the end of World War II. By the end of World War I in 1918, Austria had not officially participated in internal German affairs for more than fifty years - since the Peace of Prague that concluded the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. Milivoj Ašner died on 14 June 2011 at the age of 98 in his room in a Caritas nursing home still in Klagenfurt. Hitler argued in a 1921 essay that the German Reich had a single task of, "incorporating the ten million German-Austrians in the Empire and dethroning the Habsburgs, the most miserable dynasty ever ruling. No military confrontation took place, and even the strongest voices against the annexation, particularly Fascist Italy, France, and Britain (the "Stresa Front") remained at peace. In September 1936, Hitler launched the Four-Year Plan that called for a dramatic increase in military spending and to make Germany as autarkic as possible with the aim of having the Reich ready to fight a world war by 1940. In the early 1930s, there was still significant resistance in Austria—even among some Austrian Nazis—to suggestions that Austria should be annexed to Germany and the Austrian state dissolved completely. Presse-Bild-Zentrale. The Stadttempel was the sole survivor due to its location in a residential district which prevented it from being burned down. [38], Following increasing violence and demands from Hitler that Austria agree to a union, Schuschnigg met Hitler at Berchtesgaden on 12 February 1938, in an attempt to avoid the takeover of Austria. The Anschluss was among the first major steps of Adolf Hitler's creation of a Grossdeutsches Reich - (Greater German Reich) (see left and right) which was to include all of the ethnic German and lands and territories which German Empire had lost after World War I, although Austria had never been a part of (in 20th-century terms) Germany. Despite the prohibition of the use of the term "German-Austria", the republic's unofficial national anthem between 1920 and 1929 was "German Austria, you wonderful country" ( Deutschösterreich, du herrliches Land ). Over 6,000 Jews were arrested overnight, the majority deported to Dachau concentration camp in the following days. The Austrian-Hungarian rule of this diverse empire included various different ethnic groups including Hungarians, Slavic ethnic groups such as Croats, Czechs, Poles, Rusyns, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenes, and Ukrainians, as well as Italians and Romanians ruled by a German minority. Umfrage in Österreich zum möglichen Verzicht auf die Nutzung eines Smartphones 2019 + Mobiles Internet & Apps. [20] Impressed with Hitler, Anton Drexler invited him to join the DAP. Subsequently, the Nazis ordered that the Gypsies were to be treated on the same level as the Jews.[86]. The official result was reported as 99.73% in favour, with a 99.71% turnout. Der einstimmige Beschluss der Provisorischen Nationalversammlung vom 12. They regard the annexation imposed on Austria by Germany on 15 March 1938, as null and void. [33] Göring did not share Hitler's interest in Lebensraum ("living space") as for him, merely having Eastern Europe in the German economic sphere of influence was sufficient. The unification of Germany brought about by Otto von Bismarck created that Prussian-dominated entity in 1871, with Austria, Prussia's rival for dominance of the German states, explicitly excluded.[96]. 1.7M likes. Feiertage Costa Rica – 2021. "Anschluss" Österreich 1938; Österreich 1938-1945; Münchner Abkommen 1938; Besetzung des Sudetengebietes 1938; Wiener Schiedssprüche von 1938 und 1940 "Zerschlagung der Rest-Tschechei" 1939 "Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren" Einmarsch ins Memelgebiet 1939; Der Stahlpakt; Hitler-Stalin-Pakt 1939; Der Dreimächtepakt Shoppez le meilleur pour votre animal parmi + de 440 000 produits en stock ! Seyss-Inquart was not installed as Chancellor until after midnight, when Miklas resigned himself to the inevitable. The catalyst for the Vergangenheitsbewältigung (struggle to come to terms with the past) was the Waldheim affair. Within a few days of 12 March, 70,000 people had been arrested. Although the Nazi party was promptly banned, Austria did not have the same thorough process of denazification that was imposed on Germany. I can only say: even in death they cannot stop lying. Österreichs Weg zum Anschluß im März 1938. Consequently, after the German Nazis, under the Austrian-born Adolf Hitler, took control of Germany (1933), their agents cultivated pro-unification tendencies in Austria, and sought to undermine the Austrian government, which was controlled by the Austrofascist Fatherland Front. Weitere Statistiken zum Thema + Mobiles Internet & Apps. The idea of grouping all Germans into one nation-state had been the subject of debate in the 19th century from the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806 until the break-up of the German Confederation in 1866. [citation needed], Mussolini supported the independence of Austria, largely due to his concern that Hitler would eventually press for the return of Italian territories which had once been ruled by Austria. [65], While historians concur that the votes were accurately counted, the process was neither free nor secret. "[88], The subdued reaction to the Anschluss (the U.S. issued a similar statement) led to Hitler's conclusion that he could use more aggressive tactics in his "roadmap" to expand Nazi Germany, as he would later do in annexing the Sudetenland. With the Anschluss, the Republic of Austria ceased to exist as an independent state. Teilen dpa Nach dem Einmarsch der deutschen Truppen kommt Hitler am 14. Damals bejubelten viele Österreicher den „Anschluss“ an das Deutsche Reich. A provisional Austrian government declared the Anschluss "null und nichtig" (null and void) on 27 April 1945. Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. [102], This view of the events of 1938 has deep roots in the 10 years of Allied occupation and the struggle to regain Austrian sovereignty: the "victim theory" played an essential role in the negotiations for the Austrian State Treaty with the Soviets, and by pointing to the Moscow Declaration, Austrian politicians heavily relied on it to achieve a solution for Austria different from the division of Germany into separate Eastern and Western states. [53], Hitler's forces suppressed all opposition. Our startup-radar list startups even earlier. [83], The antigypsy sentiment was implemented initially most harshly in Austria when between 1938-1939 the Nazis arrested around 2,000 Gypsy men who were sent to Dachau and 1,000 Gypsy women who were sent to Ravensbrück. Portraying this as defying the popular will in Austria and Germany, Hitler threatened an invasion and secretly pressured Schuschnigg to resign. [107], The political discussions and soul-searching were reflected in other aspects of culture. I have in the course of my political struggle won much love from my people, but when I crossed the former frontier (into Austria) there met me such a stream of love as I have never experienced. Eredeti felirat: Dokumentációs okokból a Német Szövetségi Archívum gyakran megtartotta az eredeti képaláírásokat, amik hibásak, elfogultak, elavultak vagy politikailag szélsőségesek lehetnek. Try out the Digital Concert Hall – free of charge! Kopfhörer­anschluss Stereo-Laut­sprecher Ein/Aus Standby Hometaste/Touch ID Sensor Zwei Mikrofone Lautstärke Fach für Nano‑SIM (Cellular Modelle) Lightning Anschluss. Auch die Lokale sollten nach langer Zwangspause wieder öffnen. Trier. The Nazis held a controlled plebiscite (Volksabstimmung) in the whole Reich within the following month, asking the people to ratify the fait accompli, and claimed that 99.7561% of the votes cast in Austria were in favor. The constitutions of the Weimar Republic and the First Austrian Republic both included the political goal of unification, which democratic parties[which?] On 13 March Seyss-Inquart announced the abrogation of Article 88 of the Treaty of Saint-Germain, which prohibited the unification of Austria and Germany, and approved the replacement of the Austrian states with Reichsgaue. Lacking outside pressure for political reform, factions of Austrian society tried for a long time to advance the view that the Anschluss was only an annexation at the point of a bayonet. On 12 March, the German Wehrmacht crossed the border into Austria, unopposed by the Austrian military; the Germans were greeted with great enthusiasm. Naamsvermelding: Bundesarchiv, Bild 137-049278 / CC-BY-SA 3.0 U is vry: om te deel – die werk kopieer, versprei en deurgee; om te hermeng – om die werk aan te pas; Onder die volgende voorwaardes: naamsvermelding – U moet die nodige krediet gee, 'n skakel na die lisensie verskaf en aandui of daar veranderinge aangebring is. In vehemently attacking the man's arguments he made an impression on the other party members with his oratory skills and, according to Hitler, the "professor" left the hall acknowledging unequivocal defeat. [34] Göring did not give a date for the Anschluss, but given that Four Year Plan's targets all had to be met by September 1940, and the current problems with meeting the steel production targets, suggested that he wanted an Anschluss in the very near-future. [example needed] Engelbert Dollfuss and his successor, Kurt Schuschnigg, turned to Benito Mussolini's Italy for inspiration and support. Huge selection of homeopathic remedies. [34] In April 1937, in a secret speech before a group of German industrialists, Göring stated that the only solution to the problems with meeting the steel production targets laid out by the Four Year Plan was to annex Austria, which Göring noted was rich in iron. Austria during the First Austrian Republic 1918–1934, Austrian identity and the "victim theory", Historical Commission and outstanding legal issues, Austrian political and military leaders in Nazi Germany. This solution would have included all the German states (including the non-German regions of Austria), but Prussia would have had to accept a secondary role. Reptiles. Anschluss Österreich, Innsbruck. Österreich war nun diktaturrechtlich Teil des Deutschen Reiches, die Bundesregierung Seyß-Inquart amtierte als Österreichische Landesregierung unter der Aufsicht der Reichsregierung weiter. [84] Starting in 1939, Austrian Gypsies had to register themselves to local authorities. For instance, in the village of Innervillgraten, a majority of 95% voted for Austria's independence. Is there anything more German than our old pure Austrianness? During the 1920s it was a target for German investment capital. [51] In the years that followed, some bank accounts were transferred from Austria to Germany as "enemy property accounts".[82]. Nach dem „Anschluss“ Österreichs an das Deutsche Reich im März 1938 wurde das Land sukzessive in die Verwaltungsstruktur Deutschlands überführt. The Moscow Declaration is said to have a somewhat complex drafting history. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. "[24] The Nazis aimed to re-unite all Germans who were either born in the Reich or living outside it in order to create an "all-German Reich". Etliche Straßen sind gesperrt und mehrere Orte derzeit nicht erreichbar. Wer einen Antigen-Test macht, sollte in Österreich ab 18. [108], In the Federal Republic of Germany the Vergangenheitsbewältigung ("struggle to come to terms with the past") has been partially institutionalised in literary, cultural, political, and educational contexts. Their lack of will emboldened him toward further aggression. Hitler's plan was for Seyss-Inquart to call immediately for German troops to rush to Austria's aid, restoring order and giving the invasion an air of legitimacy. März nach deutschen Drohungen bestellte nationalsozialistische Bundesregierung unter Arthur Seyß-Inquart führte am 13. By 1937, rapid German rearmament increased Berlin's interest in annexing Austria, rich in raw materials and labour. According to John Gunther in 1936, "In 1932 Austria was probably eighty percent pro-Anschluss".[28]. Das gilt selbst­verständlich nicht nur für Telefonie, sondern auch für SMS, MMS und mobiles Daten­volumen. přidej datum narození, Österreich-Ungarn, Austria-Hungary Úmrtí: Přidej datum úmrt í ... Besserer Herr sucht Anschluss (1936) Role: Else Jahnke. Daten-Auswertung auch über USB am PC, Software für Windows 7/8/8.1/10; Stromversorgung Basis-Station: 3 Batterien Typ AAA / Micro, Thermo-Hygrometer: 2 Batterien Typ AAA / Micro, Regen- und Windmesser: je 4 Batterien Typ AAA / Micro (jeweils bitte dazu bestellen) The word Anschluss is properly translated as "joinder," "connection," "unification," or "political union." An Austrian provisional national assembly drafted a provisional constitution that stated that "German Austria is a democratic republic" (Article 1) and "German Austria is a component of the German Republic" (Article 2). The declaration was mostly intended to serve as propaganda aimed at stirring Austrian resistance. Many Austrian pan-Germans showed loyalty to Bismarck[8] and only to Germany, wore symbols that were temporarily banned in Austrian schools and advocated the dissolution of the empire to allow Austria to rejoin Germany, as it had been during the German Confederation of 1815-1866. In an attempt to put Schuschnigg's mind at rest, Hitler delivered a speech at the Reichstag and said, "Germany neither intends nor wishes to interfere in the internal affairs of Austria, to annex Austria or to conclude an Anschluss."[30]. info), English: Annexation of Austria), refers to the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany on 12 March 1938. Needless to say, everyone should obey the orders of the new institutions." The Moscow Declaration of 1943, signed by the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, included a "Declaration on Austria", which stated: The governments of the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the United States of America are agreed that Austria, the first free country to fall a victim to Hitlerite aggression, shall be liberated from German domination. Haider's tactics and rhetoric, often criticised as sympathetic to Nazism, forced Austrians to reconsider their relationship to the past. The statist corporatism which is often referred to as Austrofascism and described as a form of clerical fascism, bore a stronger resemblance to Italian Fascism rather than German National Socialism. Before meeting the Pope, Innitzer met Pacelli, who had been outraged by Innitzer's statement. [53] Hitler had originally intended to leave Austria as a satellite state with Seyss-Inquart as head of a pro-Nazi government. Nevertheless, the German Führer underestimated his opposition. Haider's coalition partner, former Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel, in a 2000 interview with The Jerusalem Post, reiterated the "first victim" theory. His approach differed in emphasis in significant respects...But Göring's broad notions of foreign policy, which he pushed to a great extent on his own initiative in the mid-1930s drew more on traditional pan-German concepts of nationalist power-politics to attain hegemony in Europe than on the racial dogmatism central to Hitler's ideology. "From Red Vienna to the Anschluss: Ideological Competition among Viennese Newspapers during the Rise of National Socialism,", Rathkolb, Oliver. Hitler presented Schuschnigg with a set of demands that included appointing Nazi sympathizers to positions of power in the government. [67] How many Austrians behind closed doors were against the Anschluss remains unknown, but only one "unhappy face" of an Austrian in public when the Germans marched into Austria has ever been produced. Hitler declared that the referendum would be subject to major fraud and that Germany would never accept it. Original-Bildunterschrift: Es folgt die historische Originalbeschreibung, die das Bundesarchiv aus dokumentarischen Gründen übernommen hat. Austrija (njemački: Österreich, bavarski: Östareich ili Estareich, alemanski: Öschtriich, slovenski: Avstrija, mađarski: Ausztria), službeno Republika Austrija (njem. Communication from the Mexican Delegation. [51] The seizure of Austria demonstrated once again Hitler's aggressive territorial ambitions, and, once again, the failure of the British and the French to take action against him for violating the Versailles Treaty. Am 12. "[48], On the morning of 12 March 1938, the 8th Army of the German Wehrmacht crossed the border into Austria. Krisen, Putsche, Bürgerkrieg. Host one Whatsupcams and prome your view. 13.3.1938 . Infuriated, on 11 March, Adolf Hitler threatened invasion of Austria, and demanded Chancellor von Schuschnigg's resignation and the appointment of the Nazi Arthur Seyss-Inquart as his replacement. [45] In the evening, he arrived at Linz and was given an enthusiastic welcome. They declare that they wish to see re-established a free and independent Austria and thereby to open the way for the Austrian people themselves, as well as those neighbouring States which will be faced with similar problems, to find that political and economic security which is the only basis for lasting peace. [31] As the Four Year Plan fell further and further behind its targets, Hermann Göring, the chief of the Four Year Plan office, began to press for an Anschluss as a way of securing Austria's iron and other raw materials as a solution to the problems with the Four Year Plan. Österreich: stürmischer Jubel empfängt die deutschen Formationen in Österreich. The disused northwest railway station in Vienna was converted into a makeshift concentration camp. [89] And next day in Geneva, the Mexican Delegate to the International Office of Labor, Isidro Fabela, voiced an energetic protest, stronger than that expressed by European countries,[90] denouncing the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany.[91][92]. [27] Anschluss might have occurred by democratic process had Austrian Nazis not begun a terrorism campaign. De Anschluss (Duits voor 'aansluiting', 'verbinding', 'annexatie') is de internationaal gangbare, geschiedkundige term voor de Duitse annexatie van Oostenrijk in een "Groot-Duitsland" op 13 maart 1938.De annexatie kon rekenen op vrij algemene steun van de Oostenrijkse bevolking en werd voorbereid door de Oostenrijkse nazipartij. Seyss-Inquart was convicted of other serious war crimes, most of which took place in Poland and the Netherlands, was sentenced to death and executed. To secure a large majority in the referendum, Schuschnigg dismantled the one-party state. Diese kann allerdings fehlerhaft, tendenziös, überholt oder politisch extrem sein. A referendum on the Anschluss with Germany was held in German-occupied Austria on 10 April 1938, alongside one in Germany. Ausgangssituation Anschluss Dollfuß alleiniger Herrscher in Österreich Verbietet andere Parteien NAZI's ermorden Dollfuß -> Schuschnigg Wirtschafliche Situation Deutschland vs. Österreich Folgen Vielen Dank für eure Aufmerksamkeit! Oiseaux. Nach dem „Anschluss“ 1938 gab es verschiedene Pläne zur Integration Österreichs in das Deutsche Reich. The idea of the country joining Germany also grew in popularity, thanks in part to a Nazi propaganda campaign which used slogans such as Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer ("One People, One Empire, One Leader") to try to convince Austrians to advocate for an Anschluss to the German Reich. During an attempted coup in 1934, Austrian chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss was assassinated by Austrian Nazis. [35] On 5 November 1937, Hitler called a meeting with the Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath, the War Minister Field Marshal Werner von Blomberg, the Army commander General Werner von Fritsch, the Kriegsmarine commander Admiral Erich Raeder and the Luftwaffe commander Herman Göring recorded in the Hossbach Memorandum. The process of Aryanisation began, and Jews were driven out of public life within months. Although reports issued shortly thereafter credited Austria for initiating large-scale investigations, there has been one case where criticism of Austrian authorities arose recently: The Center put 92-year-old Croatian Milivoj Asner on its 2005 top ten list. Since 2007 we cover startups from the point of their first funding. Following the end of World War I with the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in 1918, the newly formed Republic of German-Austria attempted to form a union with Germany, but the Treaty of Saint Germain (10 September 1919) and the Treaty of Versailles (28 June 1919) forbade both the union and the continued use of the name "German-Austria" (Deutschösterreich); and stripped Austria of some of its territories, such as the Sudetenland. The government evolved into a corporatist, one-party government that combined the CS and the paramilitary Heimwehr. Découvrez qui nous sommes + de 600 000 clients et animaux satisfaits depuis 2010. Prior to the Anschluss, there had been strong support from people of all backgrounds in both Austria and Germany for unification of the two countries. Hier finden Sie Digitalisate von Büchern, Handschriften und anderen Medien, die sich physisch im Bestand der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin befinden. [63][64][65][62], The Austrians' support for the Anschluss was ambivalent; but, since the Social Social Democratic Party of Austria leader Karl Renner and the highest representative of the Roman Catholic church in Austria Cardinal Theodor Innitzer both endorsed the Anschluss, approximately two-thirds of Austrians could be counted on to vote for it. Zwei Tage später bejubelten über 100.000 Menschen den gebürtigen Österreicher Hitler in Wien. [42] In contrast, Hitler had lowered the voting age for German elections held under Nazi rule, largely to compensate for the removal of Jews and other ethnic minorities from the German electorate following enactment of the Nuremberg Laws in 1935. The Anschluss was among the first major steps in Austrian-born Hitler's desire to create a Greater German Reich that was to include all ethnic Germans and all the lands and territories that the German Empire had lost after the First World War. In return Hitler would publicly reaffirm the treaty of 11 July 1936 and reaffirm his support for Austria's national sovereignty. Some sources, like the Encyclopædia Britannica, describe the Anschluss as an "annexation"[94] rather than a union. Cardinal Theodor Innitzer (a political figure of the CS) declared as early as 12 March: "The Viennese Catholics should thank the Lord for the bloodless way this great political change has occurred, and they should pray for a great future for Austria. [9][10] Although many Austrians supported pan-Germanism, many others still showed allegiance to the Habsburg Monarchy and wished for Austria to remain an independent country.[11]. After World War II and the fall of Nazi Germany the political ideology of Pan-Germanism fell into disfavor and is now seen by the majority of German-speaking people as taboo. Join the conversation in HP’s Support Community / Forum to find solutions, ask questions, and share tips for HP Notebooks, Printers, Desktops, tablets, more. He was criticised for using the völkisch (ethnic) definition of national interest ("Austria for Austrians") and his apologetics for Austria's past, notably calling members of the Waffen-SS "men of honour". [44] Leopold argues he was a moderate who favoured an evolutionary approach to union. [85] Until 1942, the Nazis had made a distinction between "pure Gypsies" and "Gypsy Mischlinges. Feiertage Costa Rica – 2022. Animalerie en ligne Zoomalia. [66] Also, the general anti-Semitic consensus in Austria meant that a substantial amount of Austrians were more than ready to "fulfill their duty" in the "Greater German Reich". Haider began to openly use nationalist and anti-immigrant rhetoric. German troops had already occupied Austria one month earlier, on 12 March 1938. Another factor was the rise of Jörg Haider and the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) in the 1980s. That same year, Memelland was returned from Lithuania. Many Austrian political figures announced their support of the Anschluss and their relief that it happened without violence. Still, the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) had advanced, and still advances, the argument that the establishment of the Dollfuss dictatorship was necessary to maintain Austrian independence. Besonderheiten in Österreich und der Schweiz Die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender des ORF in Österreich und der SRG-SSR in der Schweiz werden nur verschlüsselt ausgestrahlt und benötigen daher jeweils eine spezielle Empfangstechnik. Jews were gradually robbed of their freedoms, blocked from almost all professions, shut out of schools and universities, and forced to wear the Yellow badge from September 1941. In the face of this threat, Schuschnigg informed Seyss-Inquart that the plebiscite would be cancelled. In our playlist, Kirill Petrenko conducts works including Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and Peter Tchaikovsky’s Pathétique. [79], The international response to the Anschluss was publicly moderate. In 2003, the Center launched a worldwide effort named "Operation: Last Chance" in order to collect further information about those Nazis still alive that are potentially subject to prosecution. März 1938 im Auftrag von Adolf Hitler, Als „Anschluss“ Österreichs oder kurz „Anschluss“ werden seit 1938 vor allem die Vorgänge bezeichnet, mit denen österreichische und deutsche Nationalsozialisten im März 1938 die Eingliederung des Bundesstaates Österreich in das nationalsozialistische Deutsche Reich veranlassten. Their plans succeeded—by the end of 1941, 130,000 Jews had left Vienna, 30,000 of whom went to the United States. Warum Österreich den Anschluss an Nazi-Deutschland bejubelte. [7] The empire caused tensions between the various ethnic groups. The best seat in … "[105] A survey carried out in 2008 found that 82% of Austrians considered themselves to be their own nation.[106]. Sind die Geschäfte offen?