In fact, theres really no need for people to interact. [interviewer] Uh, youre making me feel like a lab rat. [Joe] Theres no fiscal reason for these companies to change. [Tristan] Even two friends who are so close to each other, who have almost the exact same set of friends, they think, you know, Im going to news feeds on Facebook. We have gone from the information age into the disinformation age. [Justin] The way the technology works is not a law of physics. They can get you to invite more people. Thats just ridiculous. [Tristan] These technology products were not designed by child psychologists who are trying to protect and nurture children. Which, in psychology, we call a positive intermittent reinforcement. And that pattern points to social media. [reporter] These accounts were deliberately, specifically attempting to sow political discord in Hong Kong. the social dilemma transcript with timestampsvsters friluftsomrde. 6. Because then it forces you into this vicious cycle where youre like, Whats the next thing I need to do now? Auction time. [Ben] Oh, there is. The Social Dilemma on Netflix, explained - Digital Spy And youre always free to walk up the hill, but fewer people do, and so, at scale, at societys scale, you really are just tilting the floor and changing what billions of people think and do. [interviewer] Think were gonna get there? They pay in exchange for showing their ads to us. The Russians didnt hack Facebook. [crew member coughs] [News] The political earthquakes in Europe continue to rumble. The Social Dilemma (2020) Movie Script 1 [eerie instrumental music playing] [interviewer] Why don't you go ahead? Its that we built these things, and we have a responsibility to change it. [Alex] When I was there, I always felt like, fundamentally, it was a force for good. [Tristan] This affects everyone, even if you dont use these products. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. He has staunch principles, strict routines, and a short fuse. The Social Dilemma (2020) - Transcript - Scraps from the loft Thats nearly triple. [Tristan] What were seeing with COVID is just an extreme version of whats happening across our information ecosystem. Like, if everyones starting to go around on bicycles, no one said, Oh, my God, weve just ruined society. Its not in Facebooks business interest to give up the data. Were the thing being sold. If you want to control the population of your country, there has never been a tool as effective as Facebook. The Social Dilemma (2020) | Watch Free Documentaries Online [Tristan] What I see is a bunch of people who are trapped by a business model, an economic incentive, and shareholder pressure that makes it almost impossible to do something else. Addeddate. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. The Social Dilemma - Rotten Tomatoes Theres the engagement goal: to drive up your usage, to keep you scrolling. [Bailey] I think one of the big failures in technology today is a real failure of leadership, of, like, people coming out and having these open conversations about things that not just what went well, but what isnt perfect so that someone can come in and build something new. Turn around. [CBSN News] Representatives from Facebook, Twitter, and Google are back on Capitol Hill for a second day of testimony about Russias interference in the 2016 election. Instagram has done it. This is short-term thinking based on this religion of profit at all costs, as if somehow, magically, each corporation acting in its selfish interest is going to produce the best result. I want to develop a lesson plan for my English and Psychology students. [Roger] If everyones entitled to their own facts, theres really no need for compromise, no need for people to come together. the-social-dilemma-2020. Not even that cute girl from school. the social dilemma transcript with timestampsbohnen fermentieren rezept. With some very eye-opening observations and figures, The Social Dilemma serves as a reminder of the power these platforms wield over our lives. I mean, every other kid in her class had one. It is stated that social media is a useful service that does lots of good with a parallel money machine. Explain. Facebook is in charge of your news feed. And then if you start watching one of those videos, then it will recommend it over and over again. Subscribe, [vlogger] and also come back because Im telling you, yo. [Tristan] Its not just that its controlling where they spend their attention. . Perhaps the most influential article published recently was Garrett Har din's "Tragedy of the Commons," which appeared in Science in 1968. [vlogger] The only reason these teachers are teaching this stuff is cause theyre getting paid to. Download and use BSPlayer to get the subtitles for your language. Yeah. When they take over mental health of kids or Saturday morning, theyre responsible for protecting Saturday morning. Its the critics who are the true optimists. [mom] Isla, can you set the table, please? Thats not a fair fight. [Tristan] We can demand that these products be designed humanely. Its not enough that you use the product consciously, I wanna dig down deeper into the brain stem and implant, inside of you, an unconscious habit so that you are being programmed at a deeper level. [Shoshana] How do we use subliminal cues on the Facebook pages to get more people to go vote in the midterm elections? [Rene Diresta] Pizzagate [clicks tongue] Oh, boy. [Rene Diresta] Its not that highly motivated propagandists havent existed before. Real Fake Transcript | CISA This is This is why I spent, like, eight months talking back and forth with lawyers. That ref just, like, sucked or something. lsrstider lund polhem; berkna hllfasthet balkong Facebook fortnox ndra kundfaktura Linkedin. And theres fake news. Come here! [reporter 5] These cosmetic procedures are becoming so popular with teens, plastic surgeons have coined a new syndrome for it, Snapchat dysmorphia, with young patients wanting surgery so they can look more like they do in filtered selfies. The two movies are The Social Network, which tells the story of how a po-faced Harvard dropout named Mark Zuckerberg created a powerful and highly profitable company; and The Social Dilemma,. The most epic fails of the year. What? Help me please. They are completely clueless. The majority of speakers whose prior careers were working for these companies from the beginning allowed them to clearly articulate the evolution of "friend and family" networks to mass division, hate and harm. GPS coordinates indicate that theyre in close proximity. [chuckling] I dont like this. 4. It should be something that everybody knows. To Deep Fade hair wax. This is changing the way our entire civilization gets its information and thinks about truth and fact.". We can do better. [laughs] Like, its the critics that drive improvement. [knocks lightly on door] Ben. Some real big things. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps We outlaw markets in human organs. So, it sounds crazy to say we need to change all that, but thats what we need to do. [Tim] We are zealots about it. [Tristan] When you think about technology and it being an existential threat, you know, thats a big claim, and its easy to then, in your mind, think, Okay, so, there I am with the phone scrolling, clicking, using it. [teacher] Now, many of you in the audience are geniuses already. We are a nation of people who have stopped being friends with people because of who they voted for in the last election. If you haven't watched it yet, well, maybe you should. [Tristan] Where youll go. [reporter 8] How do you handle an epidemic in the age of fake news? A magician shows you a card trick and says, Pick a card, any card. What you dont realize was that theyve done a set-up, so you pick the card they want you to pick. [Joe Toscano] You pull down and you refresh, its gonna be a new thing at the top. Coronavirus is not killing people, its the 5G radiation that theyre pumping out. Yeah. We werent expecting any of this when we created Twitter over 12 years ago. PDF Social Dilemmas - Carnegie Mellon University When children watched Saturday morning cartoons, we cared about protecting children. Format the transcript. [Joe] Yeah. Each person has their own reality, with their own facts. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps Changing what you do, how you think, who you are. Home. Thats another way to fight. Thats whats changed. Fans say Netflix's 'The Social Dilemma' is more disturbing than any Have Someone to Blame: Attributions of Causality Probably the cleverest element of persuasion was the translation of algorithms into what appears to be entitled, self-satisfied white male Millennials a reflection of the Silicon Valley stereotype. [reporter] Overall, Europes traditional, centrist coalition lost its majority while far right and far left populist parties made gains. And it subjugates people into this weird role where youre just, like, this little computing element that were programming through our behavior manipulation for the service of this giant brain, and you dont matter. We see Russia and China spreading rumors and conspiracy theories. YouTube is being forced to concentrate on cleansing the site. Whats not okay is when theres no regulation, no rules, and no competition, and the companies are acting as sort of de facto governments. The Social Dilemma Fails to Tackle the Real Issues in Tech A lot of people think, you know, Oh, well, Googles just a search box, and Facebooks just a place to see what my friends are doing and see their photos. But what they dont realize is theyre competing for your attention. [Jonathan] Theyre much less comfortable taking risks. [Jaron] Throughout history, every single time somethings gotten better, its because somebody has come along to say, This is stupid. [reporter 3] This is a city where hatred was laid bare and transformed into racial violence. [Cass] Ben, Im serious. [Sandy] Weve created a system that biases towards false information. One thing they concluded is that we now know we can affect real-world behavior and emotions without ever triggering the users awareness. [Jaron] Weve created a world in which online connection has become primary, especially for younger generations. The entire tech industry is under a new level of scrutiny. [Yellow AI] Running an auction. Later that day, there was, like, 400 simultaneous viewers, so it just kept growing and growing. There are 13,694 people behaving just like him in his region. By state actors, by people with millions of dollars saying, I wanna destabilize Kenya. [Tristan] Its not like anybody wants this to happen. And theyll be running many different programs, many different products on those same machines. [Tristan] The fabric of a healthy society depends on us getting off this corrosive business model. Your email address will not be published. We are standing up, and we are we are standing up to this noise. [Kyrie Irving] You know, like, you click the YouTube click and it goes, like, how deep the rabbit hole goes. Hey, Isla, can you get the table ready, please? Uh-oh. So, thats a little scary. And yet, in that world, any time two people connect, the only way its financed is through a sneaky third person whos paying to manipulate those two people. There are all these services on the Internet that we think of as free, but theyre not free. This is "The Social Dilemma (2020).mp4" by Meg Kenny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. [Tristan] We were all looking for the moment when technology would overwhelm human strengths and intelligence. Interviewees state that social media platforms and big tech companies have been instrumental in providing positive change for society; they also note that such platforms have also caused problematic social, political, and cultural consequences. [Cynthia M. Wong] Some of the most troubling implications of governments and other bad actors weaponizing social media, um, is that it has led to real, offline harm. The Social Dilemma Movie 2020 (live stream), Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse. Sophocles. [Tim Kendall] We often talked about, at Facebook, this idea of being able to just dial that as needed. [interviewer] Um, it seems like youre very optimistic. In certain cities, youre gonna see it autocomplete with climate change is a hoax. In other cases, youre gonna see climate change is causing the destruction of nature. And thats a function not of what the truth is about climate change, but about where you happen to be Googling from and the particular things Google knows about your interests. [Jaron] A lot of people in Silicon Valley subscribe to some kind of theory that were building some global super brain, and all of our users are just interchangeable little neurons, no one of which is important. Oh, yeah, seriously, for how long you look at it. [Justin] Ive uninstalled a ton of apps from my phone that I felt were just wasting my time. [Justin Rosenstein] I was the coinventor of Google Drive, Gmail Chat, Facebook Pages, and the Facebook like button. Startseite > Uncategorized > the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. [Cass] But that stuff is just propaganda. Twitter has done it. We have almost no laws around digital privacy, for example. A social issue or problem is an issue that has been recognized by society as a problem that is preventing society from functioning at an optimal level. [Sandy] Reduce the number of notifications you get. We can start to change the conversation. Or am I overreacting to a situation that I dont know enough about? [Tristan] I think we have to have the platforms be responsible for when they take over election advertising, theyre responsible for protecting elections. Thank you. [Tim] Its plain as day to me. vorzeitige rckzahlung durch emittenten; stlting train service; auswandern panama immobilien Great predictions begin with one imperative: you need a lot of data. [Guillaume] The flat-Earth conspiracy theory was recommended hundreds of millions of times by the algorithm. I locked it for an hour, so just leave it alone. [Alex] My kids dont use social media at all. Theres lies here, and theres lies over there. Thats what Im saying. The Social Dilemma (2020).mp4 on Vimeo [CBSN News] Well, a new bombshell investigation exposes Facebooks growing struggle to tackle hate speech in Myanmar. For democracy to be completely for sale, where you can reach any mind you want, target a lie to that specific population, and create culture wars? All right, were on. So, you know, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, companies like this, their business model is to keep people engaged on the screen. My screens completely shattered. Its as simple as that. Netflix. "The business models that run the social-media industrial complex have a lot to do . Were the product. And all those protections and all those regulations are gone. [Tristan] If I want to manipulate an election, I can now go into a conspiracy theory group on Facebook, and I can find 100 people who believe that the Earth is completely flat and think its all this conspiracy theory that we landed on the moon, and I can tell Facebook, Give me 1,000 users who look like that. Facebook will happily send me thousands of users that look like them that I can now hit with more conspiracy theories. And that is why I think we need regulation. [crowd continues chanting] Open up your eyes, dont believe the lies! The Social Network Script: Characters, Quotes, and PDF Download the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. You keep freaking Mom out about our phones when its not really a problem. Reflections on Our Social Dilemma | by The Girl With The Tree Tattoo [Blue AI] My analysis shows that going political with Extreme Center content has a 62.3 percent chance of long-term engagement. Also Checkout: 20 Best Quotes Of Stephen King ADVERTISEMENT Previous Post 20 Best Quotes Of Stephen King Next Post The Social Dilemma (2020) - The Digital Workspace Works Podcast Thats a design technique. skuggans caf lngtora. [Tristan] You dont know when youre gonna get it or if youre gonna get something, which operates just like the slot machines in Vegas. No soccer practice today? The Social Dilemma (2020) Movie Script | SS - Springfield! Springfield! [Tristan] Theres a study, an MIT study, that fake news on Twitter spreads six times faster than true news.