Indeed, he was peddling his message during a measles outbreak nearly two years ago. Similarly, so is placing the fake diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease on a girl and then not following the standard of care to work up her symptoms: 3.3.5 Patient F is a 7-year-old female who Licensee followed in clinic for constipation, food allergies, mold allergies and possible chronic Lyme disease. Contact Governor Kate Brown to reinstate Dr Paul Thomas' license and take their complaints through the proper channels. - License #18603 Give Life Ohio Department of Public Safety Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Allison Grimes MD (4/5) . Unsurprisingly, it used poor study design and incorrect statistical analyses. Code Ann., Health Occ. 6 essential dietary supplements that support immunity and lung health (Hint: Its not just about vitamin C). There will probably no effect, given that this has been a retrospective study. Look Up a License; Ohio Ethics Law; Public Records Request; Apply. I do wonder, though, how feasible that study will be given that Dr. Thomas can no longer treat patients, at least until there is a hearing before the Oregon Medical Board and possibly forever. Who is Dr. Paul Thomas? The Oregon Medical Board on Thursday suspended the license of Dr. Paul Thomas, citing a litany of cases in which he failed to adequately vaccinate patients, including a case involving a boy. What do I mean? Thomas' book, "The Vaccine-Friendly Plan" can be found here.And you can support his defense fund here, at his Freedom to Choose site.There are other ways you can help too. Licensees promotion of this alternative vaccination schedule exposes patients to the risk of harm in violation of ORS 677.190(1)(a), as defined by ORS 677.188(4)(a). During his stay, the patient required intubation, a tracheotomy, and a feeding tube, according to the suspension order. More Online Services, Frequently Asked Questions | Marks, Thomas M.D. One of the early fruits of that collaboration (if you can call such a rancid piece of rotten science a fruit) was an incompetent study, published as the COVID-19 pandemic was getting started in China, that demonized aluminum adjuvants using some really incompetent pharmacokinetic modeling. Unsurprisingly, in his promotion of his book, one can easily find all sorts of red flags for antivaccine pseudoscience, including favorite quack tropes about blindly following your doctors recommendations or counting on some government agency to have your best interests first, coupled with a sales pitch for his book, his videos, and, above all, his nutritional supplements. For more information, please visit your local Louisiana OMV reinstatement office or call (225) 925-6146. Worse, when it comes to conspiracy theory-based movements like the antivax movement, facts dont matter, and presenting antivaccine pseudoscience side-by-side with science does falsely elevate the pseudoscience, no matter how much refutation to antivax pseudoscience is included. He spent almost two months in the ICU at Oregon Health & Science University's Doernbecher Children's Hospital. The MVA will review your driving record for insurance violations, child support violations and any other problems that may disqualify you from reinstatement. Access the University of Washington (UW) HEAL-WA learning resource. Thomas J. Keating, MD License #MD11930 (Date of action 2/13/2018) On February 13, 2018, the Board entered into a Consent Agreement with Dr. Keating based on concerns that he may have a mental or . Licensee ordered repeated IgE allergy panels and recommended elimination diets, vitamin supplements and provided antibiotics for acute infections. Not doing a proper, science-based medical workup to rule out potential medical and physiological causes of a patients symptoms and instead treating them for fake diagnoses constitute malpractice in my book. LICENSE RENEWAL QUESTIONS: You must respond to ALL the following questions to reinstate your license. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Amazon. Fails to Appear in Court on a Citation Concerning No Insurance. This provider currently accepts 57 insurance plans including Medicare and Medicaid. *Please note that some documents that are not currently available online may become available at a later date. Failure to adequately document specific parental refusal and lack of providing parental clarity constitute acts of negligence. Thomas practices medicine at Integrative Pediatrics on Southwest Barnes Road. She covers psychiatry, mental health, and medical education. State Health Laboratory 50 Orms St Providence, RI 02904-2222 Email us Directions Phone: 401-222-5600 RI Relay 711 Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Its a retrospective study. Physician. Licensees management of Patient Cs illness in clinic breached the standard of care. Checks or money orders can be sent to: Department of Health. The name the entity will use upon reinstatement: (a P.O. The surcharge fees are assessed as required in RCW 18.71.310 (2) $100. Unlike Dr. Sears, he has claimed to do science to support his assertions that unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children. Chatchawin Assanasen MD (4/5) San Antonio, TX. Patient As mother reported that the Licensee questioned why she wanted Patient A to get the polio vaccine and asked whether they were traveling to Africa. Visit one of the Driver License Reinstatement Centers listed below to process your reinstatement in person. Dr. Paul Thomas (left) spoke at an event held by Oregonians For Medical Freedom at the Oregon State Capitol drew around 250 people on Wed., June 9, 2021. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. He also tried to guilt another mother into not giving her child recommended vaccines using a false claim that vaccines cause autism, an antivaccine claim that has been tested time and time and time again through numerous studies, none of which has produced any scientifically convincing evidence that vaccines cause or even are associated with an increased risk of autism. Dr. Thomas published his book (co-authoring it with another rising star in the antivaccine movement, Jennifer Margulis), The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Pauls Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Childs Teen Years, nearly five years ago. Patient C remained non immunized for pertussis and subsequently contracted pertussis when his older brother, Patient C, became ill with pertussis on September 24, 2018. ACTION TAKEN Granted Probationary Licensure with Certain Restrictions vaccines for admission to public schools. But more troubling were the findings hemade and apparently did not act on: that 122 of his patients did not have sufficient antibodies, including 90 of the patients who had not had a second vaccine that is part of the standard vaccination schedule. The board had suspended Thomas license last December, saying he had failed to adequately vaccinate patients and had repeatedly misled patients about vaccinations. Amazon. In a case from 2019, an unvaccinated 6-year-old patient of Thomas's developed acute tetanus after sustaining a deep wound on his scalp. Paul Thomas (academic) (born 1941), Australian university vice-chancellor Paul Thomas (basketball) (born 1962), American basketball coach Paul Thomas (bishop-designate), British Anglican priest and Bishop-designate of Oswestry Paul Thomas (born 1980), American bassist best known as a member of Good Charlotte As of his July 6 video, Thomas said that he still hasn't returned to his practice despite getting his license back, due to loss of malpractice insurance and other insurance contracts. Sadly, physicians behaving badly is nothing new, as there are antivaccine pediatricians(!) In any event, you can see how Thomas has teamed up with other antivaccine grifters to produce science to demonize vaccines. 12-310 and COMAR 10.34.13. So Dr. Thomas reduced one mother to tears because she wanted to follow the standard, science-based CDC-recommended vaccine schedule for her child, as he tried to bully her into accepting his unproven alternative vaccine schedule. (Funny, but doesnt this sound like a common description by antivax mothers of pediatricians and nurses trying to persuade them to accept the CDC vaccine schedule, that of bullies.) Antivaxxers dont like it when that simple fact is pointed out to them, of course, because they really and truly believe that vaccines do more harm than good. The board said Thomas will voluntarily limit his practice to acute care; refrain from engaging in consultations or directing clinic staff with respect to vaccination protocols questions, issues or recommendations; and refrain from performing any research involving patient care pending the completion of the Boards investigation into his ability to safely and competently practice medicine.. * Licensee Name | License Number (s) Speakers addressed the crowd on topics such as masks, covid restrictions, and vaccinations.The Oregonian. Thomas did not respond to requests for comment. He faces possible revocation of his license and fines of up to $10,000 for each violation. $32. CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR LICENSE REINSTATEMENT: 2. You must submit reinstatements within 3 years of the date your license expired Fingerprint based background check results expire every 6 years The results on file must be current Before you reinstate Email to confirm you can reinstate and the amount you will owe. Associated Press The Oregon Medical Board has suspended the license of Portland Dr. Paul Thomas, citing multiple cases in which he allegedly failed to adequately vaccinate patients, including. Having a suspended . One case like this involved not just failure to vaccinate, but gross patient mismanagement: 3.3.2 Patient C is a now 7-year-old male. Licensees notes documented a referral to a homeopath, recommendation of fish oil supplements, and phosphatidyl seine. He did not document an informed consent discussion about the risk/benefit of immunization for a child who had just sustained and still had sequelae of, and remained vulnerable despite prior infection, to tetanus, a life-threatening and disabling disease that is preventable by proper vaccination. Thats not all when it comes to preventable disease due to Dr. Thomas medical negligence, though. LISTEN Show Notes: In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul discusses ways we can connect and be of service to those around us . It is harder when we know they are suffering from something thats preventable, and obviously we do everything we can to try to avoid those situations., The medical board stated that Thomas had published an alternative vaccination schedule that fraudulently asserts that following his vaccine schedule will prevent or decrease the incidence of autism and other developmental disorders. This schedule, the board wrote, exposed children to multiple potentially debilitating and life-threatening illnesses.. Certificate of Conceded Eminence; Clinical Research Faculty Certificate; Special Activity Certificate . Kara Grant, Enterprise & Investigative Writer, MedPage Today Paul Thomas MD ("Dr. Paul") grew up in Southern Africa and graduated from Dartmouth Medical School. Late last week, the Oregon Medical Board suspended the licenses of two physicians, one for bragging about not wearing a mask around his patients, the second being Dr. Paul Thomas, an antivaccine pediatrician, whose continued practice was deemed a threat to his patients. PHP and the Oregon Health Authority (OHP) intend to terminate our provider contracts in an effort to restrict your provider choices and force you and your children into compliance with CDC vaccine recommendations.. It remains unclear how the limitations put forth in the "interim stipulated order" will be enforced; at the time of press, Thomas has not responded to request for comment and the board declined to comment about the case. As I said near the beginning of this post, Dr. Thomas has been a rising star in the antivaccine movement ever since he first published his book touting his alternative vaccine schedule. Thats why, seeing what the Oregon Medical Board did last week, suspending the licenses of two dangerous doctors in rapid succession, I can only say: More, please. 1 possible way to get a conventional doctor to administer vitamin C while youre in the hospital. To reinstate a revoked driver's license, you'll need to: Wait out your revocation period. If you accrue too many points for speeding, are caught driving without insurance, or are found to be driving under the influence, then your state may suspend your license. Dr. Paul Thomas, MD, is a specialist in emergency medicine who treats patients in Portland, OR. Licensee promotes his unique, Dr. Reinstatement of General Dental License An individual holding an expired general license to practice dentistry may apply for reinstatement if the applicant: a. OH State Medical License. NAME FINUCAN, Thomas E. ADDRESS Elkton, MD. But the medical boardorder includes a new detail: that he apparently saw the patient for follow-up care. You may be required to take the law, vision and/or driving skills tests again. Dr. Thomas "asked her how awful she would feel if Patient A [her child] got autism and she could have prevented it," the order states. In addition, you will be subject to all MVA eligibility requirements. Lyons-Weiler also pulls the other patient gambit because Dr. Thomas also practicesbelieve it or not!addiction medicine, a truly frightening thought to me, given that he is an integrative pediatrics quack who is antivaccine. That included 10-month-old twins who "were suffering from severe dehydration and serum electrolyte abnormalities and required five days of hospitalization (April 25-30, 2019)," according to the medical board order. Even I know that you have to take a persistent fever in an infant under three months old a lot more seriously than Dr. Thomas did, and Im not even a pediatrician or internist. 335 Randolph Avenue, Suite 280, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. You can see some of the results of that study here. As of this date and time, Licensee must stop practicing medicine until further order of the Board., Integrative Pediatrics and our providers are fighting to preserve your right to direct your childs medical care with Providence Health Plan (PHP) and with those covered by OHP (Oregon Health Plan). Licensees false claims regarding the safety of the CDC Recommendations, his failure in following these Recommendations absent unsolicited parental refusal of vaccines, his failure to document any such refusal, and his failure to adequately vaccinate children is grossly negligent in violation of ORS 677.190(13) and exposed his patients to the risk of harm in violation of ORS 677.190(1)(a), as defined in ORS 677.188(4)(a). Even less surprisingly, he portrays the Boards action as a clear retaliation for daring to do science in the United States. As I pointed out at the time, there are issues where there are not two sides to the story. Privacy and Security Statement Such severe tetanus cases are extremely rare, since theres a vaccine to prevent the bacterial disease. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. ", Another case in the complaint described by the board alleges that Thomas asked a mother of a newborn patient who wanted her child to get the polio and rotavirus vaccines if she wanted the vaccines because she was planning a trip to Africa. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). According to a statement on the Oregon Medical Board website, the suspension was issued due to the boards concern for the safety and welfare of licensees current and future patients.. This is important in that I dont recall any previous cases in which a quack or antivaxxer had their license suspended because their state medical board viewed them as such a threat to patients or public health. P.O. LICENSURE/CERTIFICATION REINSTATEMENT FORM. On December 3, 2020, the Oregon Medical Board suspended, on an emergency basis, the medical license of anti-vaccine pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas, ordering him to stop practicing medicine until further order. Same-day Filing. Awards, Honors . Consider the State Patrol If you're looking for something new and have a passion for public service, consider applying for the Minnesota State Patrol's Law Enforcement Training Opportunity (LETO) program. Maryanne Olynyk MD . Customer Protection, MVA Branch Locations All rights reserved. The suspension remains in place, but now the board is seeking to discipline him on a more permanent basis. More Local News to Love Start today for 50% off Expires 3/6/23. ", The medical boardsays he placed the patient "at serious risk of harm and constitutes gross negligence.". Forms | The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and convenient, and truthful and transparent services. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of vaxxed/unvaxxed children violates clinical equipoise. And I would also add that parents (and anyone else) seeking to have more decision-making power . Reporting by The Oregonian found that, at the time, this was Oregon's first reported case of tetanus in approximately 30 years. On December 3, 2020, the Oregon Medical Board issued an emergency order to suspend the license of renowned physician Paul Thomas, MD. After all, as this news story notes, Dr. Thomas has eight doctors and nurse practitioners who work for him. That violates a state order requiring health care workers to wear a face-covering in health care settings. He . TTY (800) 492-4575. But how did Dr. Thomas get to where he is now? Licensee saw Patient C in clinic for three days in clinic with fever. Meanwhile, Dr. Thomas collaborator took to video on Facebook: Unsurprisingly, he starts his rant with COVID-19 disinformation, such as the casedemic before pivoting to ranting about the Oregon Medical Boards action, bragging about their awful aluminum study and RIOV study. State Board of Medicine. In April, the board issued a notice of proposed disciplinary action against Thomas for making false or misleading statements regarding the efficacy of the licensees treatments, repeated negligence and gross negligence in the practice of medicine and failing to report an adverse action, among other allegations. CODE\REINSTATEMENT Dentist-Hygienist.doc Page 1 of 7 . Opens in a new tab or window. Submits a verification of licensure status, if . Thomas was accused of failing to properly vaccinate his patients and spreading misinformation about the benefits of his recommended immunization schedule. Dr. Steven LaTulippe told a pro-Trump rally in November that neither he nor his staff wears a mask while working in their Dallas, Ore. clinic. provides possible solutions backed by sound science and his experience in his own clinical practice. Share on Facebook. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) Physician (MD, DO) Expedited License (MD, DO) Training Certificate- MD, DO, DPM; Physician- Reinstatement; Special Certificates. It is your healthy immune system that protects you and keeps you alive. These maneuvers could trigger a domino effect, closing down Dr. Thomas practice and leaving thousands of families with no pediatric care. In the past 10 years, the California Medical Board has reinstated the licenses of doctors who were convicted of sexually assaulting patients, defrauding insurance . Hes also been good about getting favorable press coverage from local and national media figures who are prone to false balance when it comes to vaccine stories, as he did with Genevieve Reaume, a reporter for KATU, the Portland, OR ABC affiliate, a year and a half ago. Dr. Paul Thomas on the suspension of his medical license 5 days after his "vaxxed vs. unvaxxed" study was published. If the reinstatement of your driver's license is denied, you do have the right to appeal the decision of the MVA to the office of administrative hearings., MVADriver Wellness and Safety Division6601 Ritchie HighwayGlen Burnie, MD 21062, For telephone questions:MVA Customer Service Center: 1-410-768-7000TTY/Hearing Impaired: 1-301-729-4563, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. About the BMV Newsroom. In addition, Patient G and Patient Hs mother stated during hospitalization that she thought her children had received rotavirus vaccine. Visit or call the Maryland MVA Driver Wellness and Safety Division. RIOV appears to have been designed to crank up sensitivity over specificity, thereby finding differences that might or might not mean anything (or even be real). Of course, the part about patients being abandoned or endangered is nonsense. Dr. Ajilore is the University of Illinois Center for Depression and Resilience Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Hunt Fund for Health Journalism, a program of the USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism's 2020 National Fellowship. PLEASE NOTE: Days and hours of operation for reinstatements vary by location. On April 22, the board issued a notice of proposed disciplinary action, citing gross negligence for promotion of an inadequate vaccine schedule, which did not meet the standard of care.. What is a vaxxed/unvaxxed or vaccinated/unvaccinated study? Follow. Please contact the Maryland Insurance Administration at 1-888-204-6198. The list goes on. In addition, you will be subject to all MVA eligibility requirements. Sadly, more than a few of these disinformation spreaders are physicians, with some of the usual antivax physician suspects jumping on the COVID-19 denial grift train so effortlessly. Box cannot be used): The name and address of the entity's resident agent in Maryland (a P.O. ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS. 'Therefore, it is necessary to immediately suspend his license to practice medicine. Dr. Gorski's full information can be found here, along with information for patients.