The PGI Display Operator Certification (DOC) Course is a one-day class with hands-on, live fire training. ), 100 Shots Silver Blink/Green Blink/Blue/Chrys Willow (40 Sec.) Finale Cake:A finale cake fires off shots in a rapid succession for a Grand Finale. Straight Cakes; Fan Cakes; Z/W Shaped Cakes; Zipper Cakes; 1.4G Pro. (Single Item), 100'S Sea-Blue, Orange, Grass-Green Peony & Report, 100's White Scenery (30 sec.) ), 19 Shots Brocade King to Red Blink/White Blink (25 Sec. Class B Cakes. Arriving Early March, All or part of this product is currently enroute to our facility. ), 130 Shots Fan red tails to Ti-Chrys./Green Tails to Ti-Chrys. - Inert Training Products. March 10, 2022 - 12:00 pm; Wholesale Pack: 4/1 30 Shot 500 Gram Neon Cake w/ Red star with green strobe; Gold strobe willow. ), 210's "X" Red & Green to Silver Crossette, 25 Shots Fan Brocade King & Crackling Willow (20 Sec. If the shots go back and fourth across the cake, its also called a sprinkler. ), 100 Shots Colorful Tail to Ti-Thunder (12 Sec. (Single Item), 100's Purple Scenery (30 sec.) ), 25 Shots Red, White & Blue Comet to Report (5 Sec.) Sometimes 200-gram cakes are also referred to as multi-shot cakes. And Custom Apparel. Check out Evolution of Fire below, for a great example of a finale cake. You have not viewed any products recently. This person will verify the information on your application, review storage and recordkeeping requirements with you, and make you aware of state and local regulations. (15secs. Be sure to check out for FREE shipping on firework orders over $500 and use the coupon code CODYBFP22 at checkout for 10% off!#Cody. ), 150 Shots Brocade w/Falling Leaves (30 Sec. Assortment A collection of fireworks items, generally consisting of fountains, sparklers, rockets, and firecrackers. ), 100 Shots Purple Tail to Silver Fish with Blue Stars (8 Sec. DISCLAIMER: Our merchandise is sold solely upon the representation that it will be used strictly in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable at the point of destination. Although the exact meaning varies, safe and sane fireworks generally include small ground effects, fountains, smoke balls, sparklers, and other novelties and toy smoke devices. salute w/color tail .75 - 1.25, 180 shot color tail & thunder (Gatling Gun) asst color tail & thunder (zipper cake), 104 shot Poisonous Spider (straight) color stars, whistling, whistle tails 1.5, 3 finale timed chain asst color w/tails (4 second delay between shells) 2 sets of eachChain #1 Red peony, yellow to purple peony, green crossette, blue crossette, golden peony to purple peony, green crossette, blue crossette, golden peony, silver spider, purple peony, red & blue peony, red & green peony & red to yellow peony.Chain #2 Golden flashing white flashing, silver to purple peony, golden wave to silver, blue peony w/coconut pistil, time rain, coconut tree, colors dahlia, silver willow, silver wave to green & silver wave to blue.Chain #3 yellow to gold crackling chrysanthemum flower, purple to gold crackling chrysanthemum flower, silver crackling stars, dragon eggs, red ball, green ball, blue peony w/coconut pistil, brocade yellow, brocade crown & diadem chrysanthemumw/coconut tree core, 3 sunny asst w/tails(A) 18/2 Blue tip w/crackling willow w/red tail, gold strobe to green & blue peony, w/greentail, green & purple glitter w/silver tail, Kamuro w/red tip w/tail, lemon peony w/red & green tip w/silver coconut w/gold tail, super gold brocade to red & green tip w/silver coconut w/gold tail, super gold brocade to red w/silver variegated color w/silver tail, white strobe chrysanthemum & blue w/glittered tail, yellow peony w/green palm w/silver tail, white glitter &blue w/silver tail, lemon to red glitter w/green tail, purple crackling dahlia w/silver tail, orange to popping flower w/silver tail, gold palm tree w/gold tail, blue to fushia peony w/silover tail, red tip w/silver strobe willow w/red tail. They are often, though not always, handmade by highly trained experts employed by the company that will put on the show. Read more about our "No Substitution Guarantee" on our Policies page. ), 100 Shots Fan White Blink Waterfall (33 Sec. 1.4G Explosives Formerly known as Class C common fireworks. We have a large assortment of fireworks for sale, including class b fireworks, Excalibur fireworks, and more! Fireworks Plus offers a variety of shipping options. Fireworks display cakes and fireworks display roman candles that contain only salutes, and exceed the limits of explosive materials for classification as "consumer fireworks" as defined in 27 CFR 555.11, are classified as bulk salutes. The effects we learn about today can be seen in consumer fireworks, but are much more impressive in professional fireworks (known as Class B fireworks). Chinese Consumer Cake Fireworks 19 Shots Whistling Class B Fireworks. Professional Display Fireworks (1.3G/Class B) Search this category. 4"Sunny asst color shells w/tails (B) 18/2 blue peony to silver strobe, purple to popping flower, red to blue peony w/silver palm core w/TI, red tip w/cracking TI w/TI, purple dahlia blue to twinkling kamuro w/TI red glitter w/big silver palm w/TI, red chrysanthemum, w/silver palm w/TI, green & purple dahlia w/TI, variegated color w/TI, glitter silver to red chrysanthemum, green strobe willow & purple w/TI variegated peony, silver palm ring w/red & green tip, gold strobe to green w/TI, red green palm, purple glitter to silver strobe w/TI, 4 sunny asst color shells w/tails (C) 18/2 red glitter w/tail, green to popping flower, orange glitter TI, w/TI, purple to kamuro, white twinkling w/TI red to silver strobe, purple TI peony w/TI, sky blue peony w/TI, golden wave to blue chrysanthemum, blue to purple palm w/TI, silver popping flower, green to gold strobe w/TI, purple to gold brocade, w/tail, yellow wave to crackling spider w/TI, purple saturn w/glitter, silver to red circle, variegated color w/TI, yellow to green strobe w/TI, red to popping flower orange dahlia, 4 Shenma asst shells (D) 18/2 brocade palm, gold strobe dahlia, colorful dahlia, colorful epony w/shite strobe pistil, green dahlia, crackling brocade crown, yellow dahlia, red wave swimming star, time rain crossette, red cycas tree, blue dark silver, sea blue peony, pink peony, purple to yellow, gold crackling willow, green falling leaves, gold strobe tiger tail, colorful peony w/coconut pistil, 4 asst color cylinder shell red to crackling, red to green peonym, red to silver peony, variegated spider, golden wave to blue to red, variegated chrysanthemum, silver butterfly fish, green fish, golden fish, red ring w/coco pistil, color scatter, red scatter, blue to silver crossette, green falling leaves, red wave to silver, purple flower rain, silver wave to red, 4 asst colors - peonies & chrysanthemums Jaeton China, 5 asst colors - peonies & chrysanthemums Liuyang China, 3 Ex-heavy titanium report w/tails (import) Italian style cylinder, 3 Ex-heavy finale string titanium report 3/10, 5 color cylinders shells serpents, thunder, whistle, Sticky Match (self adhesive igniter fuse). All or part of this product is currently enroute to our facility. With ACE Pyro's online ordering system you can now order with confidence! ), 49 Shots Assorted Chrys, Crackling w/Crackling Tail, Ti-Thunder, 49 Shots Assorted Chrys, Crackling w/Crackling Tail, Ti-Thunder (Single Item), 49 Shots Blue Tail to Silver Crackling Wave (25 Sec. When doing a backyard show, many people will often choose to light a 200-gram and 500-gram at the same time to get a cool double layer effect in the sky. (Single Cake), 100's Red Scenery (30 sec.) Fireworks Plus is your home for affordable, quality fireworks. PyroSpot Fireworks YouTube Channel Home Add to Wishlist America Praying Battery 500 gram pyrotechnic devices are the largest consumer fireworks allowed by federal law. Starting with cake 1, the firer lights this and then moves across to cake 2. ), 25 Shots Red, White & Blue Comet to Report (5 Sec.) (Single Cake), 65 Shot Fanned Silver Whirl w/Red & Blue Peony (16 Sec. ), 2.5" 36's Red Peony w/Silver Tail (30 Sec. Striking 3D label. ), 100 Shots Fan Silver Whirling Doremi (28 Sec. BATF PERMIT IS REQUIRED TO PURCHASE Please call Fireworks of Indiana LLC at 1-219-781-7751 or 1-219-808-6195 for more information. Safe and sane is both a legal term used by some states and a general term used to describe fireworks effects that are considered less hazardous or risky than others. ), 100 Shots Fan Brocade King w/Brocade & Blue Bouquet (10 sec. Professional Shells: Professional Cakes: Item No. w/Tail (30 Sec. $ 62.50. Salute w/s/t 36 Shot 2 1/2", Shimmering Crackling Gold 25 Shot (CASE ONLY), Shimmering Crackling Gold 100 Shot shot, Thunder King Strobe 25 Shot 1 1/4" (CASE ONLY), Thunder King Strobing 25 Shot (CASE ONLY). Contact Tim via email or by phone at 859-242-2426. They are legal virtually everywhere, though it is worth double-checking your local laws. All Rights Reserved. Be sure to check out for FREE shipping on firework orders over $500 and use the coupon code CODYBFP22 at checkout for 10% off!#CodyBPyrotechnics #Fireworks Check out my pyro themed clothing line here: REAL fireworks online for discount pricing and have them SHIPPED to your doorstep almost anywhere in the USA using ONLY my link:^ get an additional $10 off your order by using the code: CBPYRO10 when you check out! But to give an example, cakes with up to 500g of gunpowder in them are Category F2 whereas those with over 500g are Category F3. GGI- 8580. Mailing Address: Fire Art, LLC. All sales by APPOINTMENT ONLY! Due to shipping issues, Wald & Co. will not release at 2022 Class B catalog. We Guarantee It! As you might suspect, you will undergo an extensive background check. For explosive fireworks, freight shipping must be utilized. & Titanium Salute (30 Sec. Here is what you need to know. F Falling Leaves - a beautiful aerial effect that consists of glowing embers that tumble slowly in the air, flickering back and forth as they fall back to earth. Strobes: . ), 150 Shots Colorful Bouquet & Red Wave, Silver Wave, Blue Wave & Ti-Thunder (150secs. | (Single Item), 19 Shots Silver Palm (32 Sec.) ), 150's New Color Tail to Happy Stars & Crackling Flower Tail to Variegated Peony, 150's Purple & Green Chrys w/Silver Crackling Flower Tail & New Color Crossette, 158 Shots Fan Chrys Comet/Blue/Silver Fish (15 Sec. 36 shot 2.5 double break peanut cake = 72 shots! (Single Cake), 25 Shots Assorted Effect (11 Sec.) (Single Item), 25 Shots Fan Green Blink/Crackling/Wave Palm Pistil (16 Sec. ), 19 Shots Green Blink W/Wave Palm Pistil (30 Sec.) Search results for: 'Class b cakes' Search results for: 'Class b cakes' Filter. Come find the right online fireworks for your celebration! Are there different types of cakes? ), 100 Shots Fan White Blink Waterfall (33 Sec. take 50% off any 1 item - perfect for that 500g cake or fountain you have been wanting to try. 1.4g Un0336 Cakes Fireworks , 32 Shots Top Star Fireworks. ), 36 Shot Brilliant Peony & Salute (30 Sec.) You can see many of the same effects in the 200-grams, the breaks will . These cakes offer a multi-shot firework that consists of multiple connected tubes, with a single fuse. (Single Item), 100's Green Scenery (30 sec.) About us CONTACT US Featured products Quick View The US government classifies fireworks in many different ways. We are happy to help you get your license if you don't have one.) Call or write for a quote on fireworks shows. ), 65 Shot Fanned Silver Whirl w/Red & Blue Peony (16 Sec.) For more information, call us at: (812)623-0099. Arriving February 2019. While our affordable class B fireworks are perfect for larger events, our low-priced consumer-grade fireworks are perfect for enjoying at birthday parties or graduations. Note that if you have employees who come into contact with professional fireworks as part of their employment, they must fill out ATF Form 5400.28, the Employee Possessor Questionnaire. 200 is the number of grams of powder in the combined tubes. 1.3 Fireworks, Class B fireworks, wholesale fireworks, professional fireworks, display fireworks, fireworks displays, 1.4 Fireworks, Consumer Fireworks, 1.4 pro fireworks, Dominator Fireworks . Here are some common fireworks classes: Class 1.1G (Mass Explosion Possible:Pyrotechnics) UN0094 Flashpowder Class 1.1G (Mass Explosion Possible:Pyrotechnics) UN0333 Fireworks (Salutes in bulk or in manufacture) Class 1.2G (Projection but not mass explosion:Pyrotechnics) UN0334 Fireworks (Rarely used) We also display fireworks. Dynamite Fireworks 4218 Calumet Ave, Hammond, Indiana 46320 | Copyright 2018 Dynamite Fireworks. Salute, 100's Blue Scenery (30 sec.) This is the biggest size that you can get in consumer fireworks! Black Dynamite is a wave cake that is loaded with performance. A rapid z-shaped 500 gram shooting off brilliant red, silver, green, blue, yellow and purple stars, ending with a finale of whistling tails to red and green crossettes and crackling rain. 200-grams are a much smaller scale of 500-gram cakes but can still pack a very impressive punch for their size. | L35025-300. We Guarantee It! Fireworks can highlight festivals, homecomings, Memorial Day, Labor Day, a day at the neighborhood park, grand openings, weddings, birthdays, or any event. Traditional Cake: A traditional cake will fire all shots straight up into the air, one at a time. That is never the case at our top fireworks company serving Chicago, IL, and the surrounding areas. ), 49 Shot Instant Titanium Whistle (2 Sec.) Awesome Deals - Excalibur Platinum Coupon Plus 500g Fountain Offer. All That Jazz. Categories: 1.3g Fireworks, Equipment, Regulated Items, All 1.3g Cakes, Cakes, Multishot Cakes, Salute Cakes. If youre thinking of purchasing equipment to help you shoot more than one firework off at a time, you can get mortar racks, tubes, and firework stability racks all in one place here:^ get an additional 10% off your order from Red Beards Fireworks Showcase by using the code: CodyB10If you need help saving money throughout the year to purchase fireworks, Acorns can be a big help. If you have any further questions about the shipping of fireworks from Fireworks Plus, please do not hesitate to call us at 1-269-205-3799, Tel: ), 100 Shots Green Tail to Titanium Salute and Brocade Crown Bouquet (35 Sec. Click here to see more 500s and 200s from RGS! Model: DR2306; Min: 100 carton; Contact Now. In other locales, you must still pass the state or local test, but PGI certification can be substituted for the training portion of the licensing requirement. (Single Item), 100 Shots White Blink Willow/Crackling Willow (32 Sec. Youll want to start small, maybe with some 200-grams, and build into bigger breaks and effects like 3 cakes before heading into your finale. Just print out a copy and mail or fax it to us. This will take them a safe distance away from cake 1 while it is going off, and in the right place for the next firework. Our entire inventory of low-priced commercial and consumer-level fireworks can be found on our website. Be sure to check on your local city and county ordinances as well. So you'll always know if we have what you need. ), 90 Shots W Shape Red Peony w/Red Tail (L), White Peony w/White Tail (C), & Blue Peony, 49 Shots Green to Purple Crossette w/Green Tail (21 Sec. Some states require those who handle professional fireworks to obtain a state license in addition to a federal license. ), 49 Shots Red Tail to Ti-Chrys w/Ti-Chrys Bouquet (40 Sec.) (Single Item), 25 Shots Thunder Rain (25 Sec.) Finale - the last portion of a firework display. Requirements for state licensing run the gamut from filling out a form to passing a written test to demonstrating previous experience as an assistant at professional fireworks shows. (Single Item), 2.5" 36 Shots Assorted Color Brocade w/Gold Tail (25 secs. 100 Shot Lidu Thunder King aerial cake with Red, White, Blue Breaks with report (4/1 Case Lot). In the firework world when we talk about cakes, we dont mean the delicious sugary kind you eat! ), 2" 25'S Fan Shaped Brocade Crown (Single Item), 2" 50's Assorted Dahlia w/Silver Tail Salute Mines, 2" 50's Multi-Color Peony Finale w/Silver Tail, 2.5" 36 Shots Assorted Color Chrys. ), 90 Shots "W" Shape Green Tail to Color Peony w/Crackling (25 Sec. Most of the firework manufacturers divide their cakes into two levels, 500-grams and 200-grams. At Dynamite Fireworks, we don't only sell top-quality, name-brand fireworks. Academic Pyro. (Single Item), 25 Shots Blue Tail to Gold Wave (Single Item), 25 Shots Fan Brocade King & Crackling Willow (20 Sec. We are a premier 1.3g and 1.4g firework wholesaler. ), 50 Shots Fan Red Blink Bouquet/Ti-Chrys/Crackling Willow (Single Cake), 50 Shots Red Glittering Willow (22 Sec.) ), 25 Shots Fanned Red, Green, Purple, Orange, & Pink Comets w/Gold tail (23 Sec. ), 100 Shots Brocade King w/Blue Stars (28 Sec. ), 100 Shots Fan Silver Whirling Tail to Pink & Lemon Peony (25secs. A Taste of Heat. We are here to help. (Single Item), 25 Shots Fanned Red, Green, Purple, Orange, & Pink Comets w/Gold tail (23 Sec. ), 140 Shots Fan White Blink With Bouquet (20 Sec. ), 19 Shots Green Blink W/Wave Palm Pistil (30 Sec.) & Blue Chrys. (Single Item), 49 Shots Brocade King (16 Sec.) B Barrage A group of items fired all at once. by Kris Zambo | Apr 22, 2016 | Fireworks, Uncategorized |. Most of our products require an ATF license for purchase/possession. Show: Sort By: In addition, many states, counties, and towns have their own sub-classifications that determine which types of fireworks are legal or illegal in that area. Office Hours. SKU: LIM036B. 6377 Hwy 62 NE. In order to purchase, store, or use display fireworks (any fireworks not specifically marked as 1.4G or Class C consumer fireworks), you must have a professional fireworks license. There is a separate table for Consumer, Pro items, and 1.3 Display items. Class B Fireworks. Zipper Cake:A zipper cake is similar to a sprinkler cake in that it fires shots back and fourth. When they are sawn, often a bur is left on the inside, which decreases the ID. - Competitive Wholesale Industry Pricing. w/Crackling &Ti. ), 100 Shots Crackling Tail to Titanium Salute and Crackling Bouquet (15 Sec. Below are some examples of our 200-gram cakes. ), 49 Shots Chrys Willow & Green Blink (25 Sec.) Our online ordering system is automatically updated every 5 minutes to reflect our current inventory. (Single Item), 600 Shot X Shape- Red, Green,Blue and Whistle (16 Sec. THE ONLY CONTACT FOR SALES WILL BE ROLF HALVERSON. Arriving Mid-April, All or part of this product is currently enroute to our facility. $ 319.00. ), 2.5" 36 Shots Ti-Thunder w/Silver Tail (15 secs. ), 100'S Assorted Chrys. bottom of page First, take a file or rasp and file the inside lip of the HDPE mortar tube down. (Single Item), 10x10's "RW" Brocade Crown w/Tail & Brocade Crown Mines, 10X10's Assorted Color Chrys. Typically a cake will be square or rectangular in shape. We have everything you need for an excellent firework display, big or small. Wayne's World Fireworks, LLC Class B Demo May 14, 2016 ), 49 Shots Chrys Willow & Green Blink (25 Sec.) ), 200 Shots Fan Silver Blink Wave/Chrys Willow/Crackling w/Palm (43 Sec. Site Map, Multi Shot Color Peony Finale w/s/t 2" x 100 Shot, Red Crossette Fan Shaped Crack/T 300 shot, R/W/B CHRY & Tit. (Single Item), 49 Shots Fan Red Tail to Red Blink (Single Item), 49 Shots Gold Blink Tail to Gold Blink Willow w/Blue Stars (24 Sec. (Single Item), 280's Vertical Three Pace Whistle & Golden Crackle Chrys, 300 Shots Brilliant Chrys. Welcome To The Dominator Professional Fireworks Product Catalog! ), 100 Shots Fan Brocade King w/Brocade & Blue Bouquet (10 sec. w/Crackling &Ti. ), 150 Shots Brocade w/Falling Leaves (30 Sec. Please email orders to or 3"Sunny Asst w/Tails (B) 18/2 Orange to Glitter Peony w/Silver Tail, White Strobe Flitter & Red w/Red Tail, Green Stobe Flitter & Purple w/Green Tail, Yellow Flitter & Blue w/Red Tail, Lemon & Purple Peony w/Lemon Tail, Red Magic Ring w/ Red Tail, Red to White Strobe w/Red Tail, Purple & Blue Peony w/Glitter Tail, Silver Glitter w/Silver Tail, Green to Crackling Flower w/Tail, Variegated Color w/Silver Tail, Blue to Popping Flower w/Silver Tail, Silver Palm to Red Strobe w/Silver Tail, Silver to Red Peony w/Silver Tail, Red Peony w/Red Tail, Lemon to Red Glitter w/Green Tail, Kamuro w/ Red Tip w/Silver Tail, Silver Coconut w/Red & Blue Tip w/Silver Tail. Email Questions to: Product Code: AT242. $19.99 500 gram cakes, Also known as repeaters or multishots,One fuse ignites a chained sequence of barrages and timed burst events with many different special effects of bright colors and professional show style performance.,, Firework Friday Appetite for Destruction. A good fireworks store is hard to find. Should you want to obtain a full certificate, you must also log experience working on four professional shows in any capacity, and one show as the lead or co-lead shooter. Welcome to skysong fireworks China Skysong Fireworks Company was founded in 2005. ), 100 Shots Fanned Gold Horse Tail (22 Sec. Then fill out an Application for Explosives License or Permit (Form ATF F 5400.13/5400.16), downloadable at the ATF website, and attach your fingerprint card along with a 2" x 2" photo of yourself. Chrys. Case: . ), 49 Shots Red Tail to Ti-Chrys w/Ti-Chrys Bouquet (40 Sec.) Our team of highly-skilled, federally licensed, and insured pyrotechnicians at Fireworks Plus is more than capable of handling such an event. Toy smoke devices are generally legal, though it is important to check the relevant laws. Availability: 101 In Stock. Formerly known as Class C fireworks, 1.4G fireworks are sold to the general public for use in home fireworks shows. ), 130 Shot "Z" Shaped Crackling Comets (20 Sec. Lanesville IN, 47136. ), 210's "X" Green and Orange Rhyme of Dancing, 210's "X" Red & Green to Silver Crossette, 25 Shot Fanned Red, Green, Purple, Orange, (23 Sec.) Popular American Fireworks Brand, Ship to American, European and more than 30+ countries. At Dynamite Fireworks, we dont only sell top-quality, name-brand fireworks. ), 665 Shots Fan Red/Green/Blue Tail to Small Thunder (15 Sec. All wholesale customers must fill out a resale certificate or pay PA sales tax. ), 665 Shots Fan Red/Green/Blue Tail to Small Thunder (15 Sec. Here are the most important classifications you may run across. A good fireworks store is hard to find. ), 100 Shots Fan "Z" Colorful Tail to Ti-Thunder (15 Sec. 812-972-7180. ANY ORDER WILL BE SUBJECT TO PRODUCT AVAILABILITY AND PRICES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTIFICATION. Fax: (814) 765-7688. It is safe to say that anything labeled 1.3G, as well as anything that resembles an M-80 or cherry bomb, is likely illegal, and that anything that does not use a fuse or launch into the air is likely (though not necessarily) legal, but that leaves a tremendous gray area of effects that may or may not be legal where you live. More Show For Less Dough. (Please note: We love new customers but we cannot sell to the general public. Many cities, townships, and private organizations put on fireworks displays for their communities. I have a link you can use to sign up and we both get $5 when you use it! You can reach out by phone or via email, and we will be happy to pass along our years of expertise. SKU: JSCP30238. Meanwhile down on the ground, inside the cake, the original fuse is still burning and will reach the next tube to launch the next effect and so on until all the tubes have been fired. - Direct Importer of 1.3g Fireworks & 1.4g Fireworks . Set Ascending Direction. (Single Item), 100's Purple Scenery (30 sec.) Skip to main content . 1.3g Professional . Sales of class B(1.3) fireworks requires a federal permit. Consumer firework laws dictate that you can only have up to 500-grams of powder in a cake. THE CLASS "B" DISPLAY FIREWORKS IS NO LONGER ASSOCIATED WITH VICTORY FIREWORKS WHOLESALE. ), 300's "Z" Rainbow (Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow), 300's Fan Shaped Changing Color Star & Whistle, 300's Whistling Whirl to Color Willow w/Strobe, 36 Shot Brilliant Peony & Salute (30 Sec. (309)522-5136, 2023 Nostalgia Pyrotechnics, Inc. All Right Reserved. ), 25 Shots Red, White & Blue Comet to Report (22 Sec. You can tell by the pictures they are much smaller in size. ), 100 Shots Fanned Crackling Comets to Crakling Willow w/Red Dahlia (35 Sec. ), 25 Shots Fan Green Blink/Crackling/Wave Palm Pistil (16 Sec.) So in general terms, the more powerful a firework . ), 49 Shots Gold Blink Tail to Gold Blink Willow w/Blue Stars (Single Cake), 49 Shots Golden Wave (13 Sec.) Arriving Mid- June. ), 150 Shots Fanned Crackling Willow, Red Dahlia, White Dahlia, Blue Dahlia (70secs. Smaller events like these will benefit significantly from our excellent discounts on sparklers and firecrackers. At the federal level, this is regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF or BATFE). CONTACT US. Home; Catalog; News; Featured Products. Review our Class B catalog here. Because they are so massive in size, youll get 9 shots in one cake. Our main products are as follows: 1.Class B fireworks: roman candles, display cakes (such as 49 shots, 80shots,100shots and other different shots fan cakes, v shape cakes, w shape cakes, z shape cakes, straight up cakes ). A great set of safe and sane fireworks. Contact Now. May 11th thru June 11th 12pm-7pm June 11th-July 11th 10 am to 10 pm All Sundays during these two months we are open 12pm-7pm.