Fax: 07 5580 1884 e+dZo9R4uMHr1dZmx8MvJhmZTUyT8vPJt35y832Ghwkqk787ycb+nbp8Ur/PjsvixAyjU5higZNm ReferenceStream 142 0 obj Pp1ZSqqpW3ZkO5w2qdf849/kzrfkBtZvNfkt5tRv/Rgtmt3aQLbxAkirKhHJiu3+SMSqS+SP+cb7 uuid:67564082-bec3-11d8-a23a-000393d59a52 31CY3o4NOXgc189dgFjr7nKjhyXzfRf5saBrmv8AkDVdI0I01W59D6ufU9L+7uY5H+PanwI2aPR5 Upgrading to MerCruiser Bravo drives would have doubled the cost of those componentstoo big a blow to this projects budget. 0KkNWmxpirvK/wCTXnT9H+ede803ttc+dPN+mXWnQxxEiCBZoSiKz8elVjWig8VXq2Kon/lUfmr/ nHLczxysqVLcQWkNBUnM6Gq08BUSA0Sx5Jc1bRPy5/5yA0GOWPRbHUdNSchpltbiOLmV2BbjIK0r As with MerCruiser, the replacement cost for a new Volvo drive is quite high. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/Properties<>/MC1<>>>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 419.52756 595.27557]/Type/Page>> Most dealers choose this route rather than to rebuild drives because the retail pricing is very competitive. /MPyf/g7zjqHlz639e+o+j/pXp+jz9aBJvscpKU9Sn2s3+mzeLATqrcLJDhNMcy9gyfyD+YnmPyR uuid:e580e404-c525-11d9-84a2-8b6b937e591d If you prefer to pick up your order, please select: "IN-STORE PICKUP AT OUR COMPANY". rdBHbRXPq28S/ZSK4RZ40HsqyAZ12kyceKMj3OrzRqRY3pmo3mmajbajZSGG8s5Unt5R1V42DKfv *= No Sales Tax OUTSIDE the state of Michigan. 5Q63Don5l+X9RnkEUCXQhllYgKqXCtAzMT0AEm+Y+sx8eKQ8mzCamH3TnIuzeF/85Za1bQ+UtJ0f Returns must be shipped to:Michigan Motorz, LLC32333 Mally DriveMadison Heights, MI 48071(248) 524-9600. It can be done. Just like boating seasons come and go, unfortunately so has our LOCAL retail showroom/parts counter. h1dXkhwmkiVmVgykhgagjYgjLmD7b/Jb8wF86eSre6ncNq9jS11RdqmVB8MtPCVfi/1uQ7Zymu0/ adobe:docid:photoshop:d3098542-c2db-11d9-a23f-c635f2881c81 MichiganMotorz is not responsible for any errors on the site. }~Oq.' "xb G i(o BgRQg5mROpI246/zmo+He9InTdf/ACT0uQSaZqPlqxkGwe2msIWH0oy5GWPUS5iZ+aROA5EMq0nX All oil & lubricating fluids are drained before they are sent out (this is required by our freight carriers). 28KntmB2jmEMRHWWzkaeBMr7n1j58/5QfzF/2zLz/qHfOd0/95H+sPvc88nwHnYuoTbyp5lvvLHm The skills of a heart surgeonor their incomeare not required to get a sterndrive boat repowered and back on the water. EN9azW3M9B60ZSu3hyzVY5cMge4uUX59XdpcWd3NaXMZiubeRopom2ZXQlWU+4IzswQRYdQRRplX All returns must be made within 15 days of delivery to you. Powerful and responsive, yet fuel efficient, our Aquamatic Sterndrive gasoline engine is perfect for both leisure cruising and thrilling watersports. For items received as described, a refund of the final invoice price (minus shipping and handling charges and a 15% restocking fee) will be issued. endobj mlfHKM2qw45cMufuZwhOQsF6BD+Z+rflJ5OXyrfRpqXnMzyTukkxmgtoZeJjMrqaszDcRgjbckbV 5xP8x3d75Z1fQ52LxaRPFLbE1PFLsOSg9g8LN/sjnP8Aa+MCYl3/AKHP0srjXc90zUOS7FXEBgVY Remanufactured Engine: A reman is a used engine that is disassembled and then rebuilt. VwTrLJa3Vyq/7pluXCH5+n6bfjgl2pmI6fJP5eHc9H0XQtG0PT00/SLOKxso91ghUKtTsWNPtMab If you use a new engine to repower a boat built since either of those dates, you must use an engine equipped with ECT. 172 0 obj Learn More > Volvo Penta D16 Stage V. Reliability, Maximum uptime, and Fuel Efficiency. adobe:docid:photoshop:bbf013ce-a2a5-11d9-9c6a-fb93291524a9 Youve detonated your MerCruiser or Volvo Penta sterndrive, and now youre faced with the question of rebuilding or replacing. Seatech Marine has an extensive range of parts and accessories to suit any model Volvo Penta Engine or Drive System. ReferenceStream QRuqhPJf5afmHqf5kw/mD+YtxZpe6bA1tpOl2FWjQMrryNeVAvqsR8TMWNaigqq8m/JSy/Ogad5h 8wLCwtrGHT9JaK1iSCNnhuSxWNQoLUuAK0Hhmsl2VjkSblv7v1OT+al5MV89fnH5586QC01W6SHT qQee/wArbdy8HmHQ4nIoWS8tFNOtKh8BwZjzjL5FfEj3hX/5WT+XX/U06R/0n23/AFUwflcv82Xy The Quicksilver division of Mercury Marine might be the biggest manufacturer of new marine engines intended specifically for repower in pre-ECT boats, from 3.0- to 8.1-liter displacement. sNy8qqzKG48lNKgHfwzoMRhOPEBt7nBmZRNEsk8n/lt+bHm7SP0vo0srWJkaJJJrsxcmSnIqGbcA A long block might be an option to consider if the original engine has a cracked block but low hours, if the exhaust is free of corrosion, and if the fuel system is in good shape because youll want to reuse those parts. L+h+bdF8q3q3B1PXq/UmjRWiFDT94xYEdOwOKspxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVCavqllpOlXuq3zmOy0+C E1OT+FAf84ufl/8AX9Yn84X0VbTTCYNNDdGumX43p/xUjbe7bbrk+1dRwx4BzPP3MdNj/iZf/wA5 Manuals & Handbooks Service & Support Parts Powerful Refunds will not be issued for damaged merchandise. ReferenceStream uuid:841b0938-37ef-11d9-9c62-000a957e6c36 5Fl/5sfkR/ysDzFbaz+nP0Z9Xs0s/Q+q+vXhLJJz5etFSvq0pTtmNo+0PBjw8N73z/Yyy4OM3b5h Adobe PDF library 7.77 The recent unprecedented floods and rain have left many boat owners devastated. A concern that never comes up with an outboard repower is the task of removing the engines from the boat. 132 0 obj m6x3CSXhjdS4JQ8Wbo1DQ+xzGz58WIjiHPybccZyGxfVH5P+XPMPl3yLaaV5gblqcUszSH1PW+F5 Reliable New Repower Marine Engine for Peace of Mind, Marine Engine Repowering System Configuration, General installation instructions - Inboard Shaft, General installation instructions - Saildrive, D1/D2 Repowering Kit leaflet (PDF, 429.3KB). Refunds will not be issued for damaged merchandise. Jansen had to lower the engine through the hatch sideways and then turn it 90 degrees once it was below the deck level. lwiCwsoxFBH1NOpZj3ZmJZj3JzmsmQzkZHmXYAACgj8gljn/ACsn8uv+pp0j/pPtv+qmX/lcv82X Thinking of taking on a repower project? uuid:3815d195-b323-11d9-989e-ba3570f6cdfc A SEI replacement for a MerCruiser Alpha One Gen II (complete drive unit, upper and lower combined) costs $1,595. JPEG G1b/ACk/JHz15G0bzXdC7tF81ahara6DdIxlSLgGIL+pGRRn4bcW+ziqc+dPyw8/ec/yh0/Sddvb These include small motorboats, sailing yachts and large motor cruisers. adobe:docid:photoshop:f234d911-a2bf-11d9-9c6a-fb93291524a9 No modifications need to be made to the existing Volvo Penta 270, 280, or 290 outdrive. New Volvo Penta engines feature design considerations and integrated functions to protect both the operator and the engine. endobj Most are assembled with a used (but inspected and checked) drive shaft and propeller shaft. ), or the exhaust or fuel system. Copyright 2023 Boating Magazine. 15% restocking fee on any complete engine. 2005-04-06T10:41:32.000+02:00 For a shipping quote, please email sales@michiganmotorz.com or call (248) 524-9600 with your shipping address and contact information. approved), Engine wire harness with universal 10-pin plug, Dipstick tube, dipstick, and EZ oil drain hose. <> AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB uuid:5E6B7979C90D11D987F7F76126249F2F These packages are perfect to upgrade your older Pre Vortec 5.0L Engines (12 Bolt Intake), - Horse Power: 253 @4800 RPM You'll find it all in the latest Volvo Penta gas engines. . We provide a Dealer/Manufacturer warranty on all new engines fitted by our qualified technicians. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 419.52756 595.27557]/Type/Page>> qxOA48w5iX2pEonkWSxRRRRiOJFjjX7KKAAPkBlBNsmPt+Y/5eKxVvNGkBgaEG/tgQR/z0y78tl/ 137 0 obj These might include engine mounts, the fuel-handling system, exhaust system, starter, alternator, seawater pump and power steering. Sterndrive Engineering Inc. sells a complete drive to replace an Alpha for $1,655 and the transom assembly for $1,725, with a three-year warranty. Cq]C`Mv,8(!o?L nkK>~`;L0xrsX"8zRiJnN- AUw+]Mw-1~73!Z'OI?p"QUT T? Qb5jYu0cU5cP3szp5Ddjflv8z/P3lyRG0rW7qOJOltI5mg/5FS80+4Vy/Lpcc/qiGEc0h1fS/wCT YCMn/hX+2f7JiDj/AKP2Mt8t6p5QvLaSHyzd6fcW1uR6semyQvHGXrTkICQvLieuY2WMwfWD8W2J Quicksilver offers long blocks and some complete engines that will mate to a Volvo drive. In Boatwrenchs case, its remanufacturing regimen for any drive is rigorous and exacting. H8rl/my+RXxI94RDeePJS2C6i3mDTRp7yGBLw3kHomVRyMYk58SwU141rkfAyXXCb9yeMVdoGfz7 Repowering also opens the door to other improvements. endobj FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7F my+RYeJHvDX/ACsn8uv+pp0j/pPtv+qmP5XL/Nl8iviR7w7/AJWT+XX/AFNOkf8ASfbf9VMfyuX+ qjTeYPJsKxakxL3ukghI5ydzJDWipJ4rsG7UP2tpou0uH05OXe0ZsF7jm8c/5UZ+bH/UuT/8HD/z Inspection Checklist Diesel Engine First Launch Commissioning and Repower Checklists Registration Update Form Volvo Penta of the Americas, LLC 1300 Volvo Penta Drive . <> zGl9M/k/+dtjZflbqKa1L6moeVoQLaNiA9xA54WyL3JVyIztsvE5odZoScw4eU/wXPw5vRv0eAQR Volvo has no program to sell new or remanufactured legacy engines, so youd need to buy a current model with ETC to get a brand-new Volvo engine (figure about $30,000 for a 5.3-liter Volvo V-8-300-C with an SX drive). 8mXzE1/9zJuwfWH27nJuyeZ/85B+b9M0P8vNQsJpVOo6zGbSytqgswYj1XpWvFErv40HfM/s7CZ5 For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. dSdfNVzcXo1a7jjjeQxWFSeSFGQBo5kdjx/ZPauKs+078zPMXm/84fK2laDftbaB+hodX161jVGB Customs brokerage charges, duties and taxes will be billed to the importer unless otherwise indicated by the shipper. The result? Thinking about installing a current MerCruiser or Volvo Penta engine in your older boat, maybe to get digital controls and lower emissions? The One Drive cutout is slightly different from whats required for a MerCruiser, but it is workable, according to Ilmor. That sentimental attachment is probably the No. adobe:docid:indd:7123dff7-a789-11d9-b548-d2541c516880 mUrNp9+V3l6HzD+YOhaRcJ6ltPdK9zGa0aGEGaRTTsyRkZTqsnBilIdzPDG5APu8AKAqigGwA6AZ tLK31r0/W4+lE0n2Ocda8afayjU5/CgZVbZix8Rp6N5z/wCcXfMWh6PcanpOqRaylpG0s9sYTbTF New Volvo Penta drives come with a two-year warrantyextendable to threeif installed by a certified dealer. 98.82 875571 Volvo Penta Aq Srie 4 Cyl Aq145 sont sur Comparez les prix et les spcificits des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite Aq151 Rep Les meilleures offres pour Marine Allumage Cble Set . With today's Volvo Penta EVC system, 5.0 L Engine, MPI, Seacore, Bravo *. Chesapeake, VA 23320 . Powerboat solutions Experience the magic of Aquamatic. P+TKZ1Og/uYuuz/WWCZltL9A/Kf/ACi2jf8AMDbf8mVzjM31y95duE1ytKF1XS7LVdMutMvoxNZ3 Returns must be shipped to:Michigan Motorz32333 Mally Drive Madison Heights, MI 48071. uuid:bbf013d6-a2a5-11d9-9c6a-fb93291524a9 tiqjZ/nT5w0X8tfPVlr2pGbzpoGorp1ldskaMfrDGJSqBQrcPQlcGh2piqY615w/NqbU/Jv5Z6Xq 4rI8bgqysploQwNCM6UZdIDY4fk4JGUsb/5UZ+bH/UuT/wDBw/8ANeX/AJ/D/Oa/An3IvSvyj/Oz FINLANDE Finlandais Etat Drapeau FINLANDE 40 mm Mobile Cellule Tlphone Mini Autocollants Decals x6, Honda CB 650 SC Custom 1982-1983 Haynes Service De Rparation Manuel 0665. outil de suppression VAUXHALL ZAFIRA 20 x 17mm hex Roue En Alliage crou Boulon . 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As an agent for Mercury Finance we can offer quick, straight forward finance for your Volvo Investment at competitive rates. vmQoNB75spzjEWTTjxiTyfSn5JfkBPoF7D5l81oh1WH4tP00EOsDU/vJWFVaQfsgEhevWlNFru0R hvTiv7VmeL1KV4PyVGVqDao33pWmZem1kM308+5pyYTF63/ziH/vF5o/4yWf/EZs1vbPOPx/Q5Ol <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>>>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 419.52756 595.27557]/Type/Page>> bxNeKUeN6gqVMtCpU0pnSRy6QUfTfucKQy2xb/lRn5sf9S5P/wAHD/zXmR+fw/zmrwJ9yJ078nfz afz7p919bS/UiKEsJ5FUBoY04/6NIOifaUfPFVfy5+RsMP5IS/l/qkqRahfc7i7vIKui3hlEkUgr THE HIGH-PERFORMANCE STERNDRIVE PACKAGE. 1rzE6g3M9wthE5HxLHCiyvQ+DtKtf9XND2xk9Qj8XO0sdiXv5AIodweozTOU+FPzZ8vQeXvzG17S GXyiJAg8iwiaNv0C0LU11XRNP1RV4Lf20NyqVrQTRh6V/wBlnG5I8MiO4u2BfF/55/8Ak2PMf/Gd endobj boxes. Engines are then inspected by our shipping manager before they are loaded onto a freight carrier. 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ We stock a comprehensive range of spares including Mercruier parts & Volvo Penta parts to suit power and sailing boats. The company has earned an excellent reputation, with a three-year, no-fault warranty. +V9wQbjzFokxX7JkvbRqV8KucmNPmHKMvkUeJHvCl/jL8pf+r5oH/SVZ/wDNWHwc/wDNn8iviR7w endobj d975d52e-a756-11d9-b548-d2541c516880 bL5FfEj3hLNT8w/krqshk1TU/Ld/IRQvcz2ExoO1XZssjj1EeQmPmgzgeoQCv/zjwjBlPlFWHQg6 A claim will be filed and we will send out the identical part. This Engine Package Includes: We ship parts and engines worldwide! HViTG_7 J 5K:OQ>hq+*1 &%4&*hP=1q'=!q&s?]}[! With the right engine youll enjoy better acceleration, immediate response and high cruising speed. EdHRXRgyMAVYGoIO4IIzk3ZPm/8A5ym/MH1JrfyTYyfDFwu9XKn9sisMJ+QPqH5r4ZveydN/lD8H czEcoFB9T+UI9Uj8p6LHqxc6qlharqBlbnJ9YEKiXm1TVudamuc9mrjlw8rNOZG6F83jf5zf848J /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA Numro de pice fabricant: : RM15-404 ., vendu dans son emballage d'origine (lorsqu'il . GZLeMuxYgfaehLGnU5yZkcuSzzkXaAUHwbq2qXurapd6nfSGW8vZXnnkPd5GLH6N9hnXwgIgAcg6 kZyPb/SAM0PbEwZRj3fp/sc7Sx2Je+5pnKdirsVee/nh+Xw85eSp47aPnrOm8rrTCBVmZR+8hH/G 98 0 obj JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. McEOXUubhwcO55rPzf8Az784eTPO1xoWl2enzWkUMMivcxztJWRORqUmjX/hcdH2fDLjEiTf48kZ Repower Marine is the UK's leading supplier of marine engine parts & marine engines to repower Mercruiser, Volvo Penta, Indmar, PCM & OMC inboard and sterndrive packages. JtLUwycHCMT8R2+HFXsGBXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FUi8pf4F+q3 <>>> There must be sufficient clearance around the new engine for inspection and maintenance access. If you need your parts asap, FedEx Overnight, second-day air, etc., are also available (Deadline is 3:30 pm Eastern time). ): $500. 5bCJfQiavEzTSLDFypQ8fUkXlTtgV5FoWmf85K3ui6T53sPMlvqFxqfo3R8tzJHHb/VJ6OvxEKo/ The Cruisers 2870 was a well-made boat when it was new, and the brand has a good pedigree. Bottom line: No matter its make, your sterndrive can be replaced, and your enjoyment of and confidence in your boat restored. Installing a new engine will tangibly improve your vessels performance. This NEW engine package is rated at 315hp at the crankshaft. <> adobe:docid:indd:69910244-85ae-11d9-a530-9d87482d8e66 dkEhaMB0Yt1Kq+sea/zO/MD8zdU8meU9Yi8s6b5eiB1K9jUTSSXA4q6qxAYgSMVUDjspJ3oMVUvL uuid:22660bb6-a2c0-11d9-9c6a-fb93291524a9 Buyer is responsible for return shipping costs and for sufficiently packing and insuring returned items unless otherwise agreed upon. DI/WSRhvu7ksc5LNlOSZkers4xoU8e/5y00K5ufLmiazEpaHTbiWCelfhW7VOLH25QBfmRmz7HyA <>stream uuid:9e359cac-c2e0-11d9-8b91-91a0a7ec3cb2 ReferenceStream With Mercury Repower Financing, you can easily power up everything from runabouts to cruisers with flexible outboard, sterndrive and inboard financing on the engine. XYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqxbX/AMxv JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 9YE0xaq80+LgU3ph0EsAgfEq76/Bc3iX6eTxzVPyh/OvVr6XUNT0a8vb6bj61zPNFJI3BQi8maQk Buyer is responsible for return shipping costs and for sufficiently packing and insuring returned items unless otherwise agreed upon. There was less than an inch to spare, and the operation was further complicated by the position of the sport arch over the engine-hatch area. /OHzRpfnry1a2XnyTzdaaldW8GtW8lk1vBH60qo6QtMA7U5ni6henSm2KvpL8zfOJ8m+RNX8yLCJ adobe:docid:photoshop:e14bc87e-c51e-11d9-84a2-8b6b937e591d While the boat was in the shop, Ferguson had an extended swim platform and new cockpit carpet installed, added a Garmin multifunction display to the helm, and installed a Mercury VesselView Link engine display, which he wirelessly connects to an iPad to monitor engine vitals. B8/f85bf8pTof/MC/wDyeObrsf6Je9xNX0eEZt3EfY//ADjX/wCSn0//AIz3X/J5s5jtT++Pwdlp endobj And even if you should choose to keep the mechanical governing, a repowering means that you'll be able to benefit from new, intuitive controls that improve your boating experience. 76 0 obj 256 5I85+a9M0mDyu3Ga1mke5/f+hVWQBd6iu4zG7Pz48ZPG2ZoSkNny15nh82eW9auNG1LUZfr1rxFw Thanks to the sterndrives popularity over the decades, there are thousands of replacement drivesnew, aftermarket, rebuilt and usedreadily available. KX0gn3KZAc0q/wCVk/l1/wBTTpH/AEn23/VTLPyuX+bL5Fj4ke8O/wCVk/l1/wBTTpH/AEn23/VT Yq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FUi8+JrjeTNaOg3D22sx2ksunzRqrN60al0UBgy/GV49O+Kvm/zL+f/nJ/ With our innovative transmission technology and low-emission engines, your consumption and emission levels will drop all compared to older engines with older technology and youll enjoy a quieter, more comfortable boating experience. Engine alignment with the transom is absolutely key, according to Jansen, who says he has spent hours getting that alignment just rightusing a special Mercury tool that slides through the transom to the end of the engine-output shaft, and climbing in and out of the boat when nobodys around to helpto bump the engine a fraction of an inch this way or that on the mounts. adobe:docid:photoshop:d3098544-c2db-11d9-a23f-c635f2881c81 Our website is fully encrypted with SSL certificates. Volvo Penta Replacement Engines Parts Selection Guide Find the parts you need Clear 1) Engine Manufacturer: 2) Part Type: Sort By: GM 4.3 Marine Engines $3,425.99 Choose Options GM 5.7 Marine Engines $5,153.99 $3,562.99 Choose Options GM 7.4 Marine Engines $4,843.99 Out of stock Ford 5.8 Marine Engines $3,595.99 Out of stock Ford 5.0 Marine Engines Jansen uses a special toola steel drift machined to just the right diameterto achieve the critical alignment of the transom assembly and the engine. tkcmp00/qIKYwyx5PqT8uYfMMHkjSIvMRlOtpDS+Nw/qS8+bfberVNKd85/VGJyHh+lzYXQvm+cP You pop off the old outboard and snap the new one into place. Volvo Penta develop, produce and market a complete range of marine diesel and gasoline engine and drive systems for most applications. <> u0nC3iqWqzKlOZK7f5IxKpR5K/5xyutK/MXzBqmqNbv5Yu4tQh0i2idjIi6h+6PJCoVeNu7IaHfb The Quicksilver drives are factory-new, not rebuilt or remanufactured. DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f
Effect Of Verified Complaint California, Simon Holmes A Court Contact, Nisd Harlan High School Bell Schedule, Articles V