Do I love my wife and is she an overall wonderful human being? While my only experience in relationships was a year long, long distance relationship, when it ended, it was really horrible. Mr. Money Mustache retired in his early thirties and has recently emerged as one of the most inspiring personal finance authors in cyberspace. Seriously. So thank you for being aware of this and my hope is your experience will be a positive tool for everyone. Im thankful for this and all your stories, in that they will likely help people focus before its too late. December 31, 2018, 7:31 pm. Reconciling life after divorce is a tricky operation, be it financial, emotional, spiritual, interpersonal, etc. A New Edition of the Phenomenal #1 Bestseller ''One mark of a great book is that it makes you see things in a new way, and Mr. Friedman certainly succeeds in that goal,'' the Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz wrote in The New York Times reviewing The World Is Flat in 2005.In this new edition, Thomas L. Friedman includes fresh stories and insights to help us understand the flattening of the . I have been rereading your blog to see how I can keep my head above water. He and his wife had gotten a divorce. Seek professional counseling when necessary, find support in your family and friends, and have faith that the pain is only temporary and you will find wholeness again. I am going for the Fearless Maximum approach. Stan, I couldnt agree more. My costs for gas are around $5-6/hour. Two great people, why would they divorce? Peruse the bountiful relationship advice section at Amazon and definitely check out the 5 Love Languagesbook that resonates strongly with so many people. And if you hire lawyers and other specialists to fight on your behalf, you just multiply the damage and the cost and stretch out the timeline. Another inspirational and honest piece of writing. In my experience and from discussions with others (women mostly so its a fairly skewed premise) the initiator has just already worked through the realisation and subsequent grief of the relationships end. The downfalls of our own relationship are personal and not something we choose to make public, but youve heard it all before anyway. I would describe myself as satisfactorily married. It normally shuts them up when they get a note from their press complaints commission. If this is the only alternative. Im not sure that the initiator of the divorce necessarily has it easier in regards to planning it out. She was the main bread winner and came out the winner with a lot more income for herself. MAD Wealth During this stressful time, I heard of similar stories from others who were also locked in a high-cost battle. I wish for the two of you, peace, in 2019. It ruins lives. Jeremiah Im just not sure I think your numbers tell the whole story. Operation Hope 1 hour shifts at local schools teaching 1/5 modules 14 [deleted] 4 yr. ago [removed] OnMyWayToFI 4 yr. ago It sounds like you two have handled it as graciously as possible, though anyone who says divorce is easy is a dirty rotten liar!! Thanks for your words and all the best! SwordGuy Actually, Jim Krueger, An early bandmate of Daves, wrote that one. Most of us (myself included) drift through the years, assuming we are doing a perfectly good job at being married, while unintentionally making all the same mistakes that everyone else makes. While itcouldbe looked at as the natural and peaceful end of an arrangement that has just run its course, other people will see it as a failure or a betrayal or a sin. I wish you continued success and look forward to more inspirational posts. Some of these (below) are nation-wide and some in Los Angeles County area only. Hooray for grownup single life! So thank you for sharing your lifestyle philosophy and also keeping it real. Maybe she got tired of Mustachianism. We did the spreadsheets and figured it all out, spent the minimum on filing, and have been adults about it ever since (its been 10 yrs). I wish you nothing but the best in 2019 and appreciate every blog post you gift to us. Regional Occupational Program ROPss are all over the nation Wow, great post MMM. I actually read very little after my divorce (related to divorce that is) but somewhere I saw these quotes and they reflected my divorce experience: Getting divorced is hard, being divorced isnt. Thankyou for this blog, it really has come at the right time.for me to read it. This past year, my extended family saw the loss of a mother and the loss of a baby. last updated October 09, 2018. So aim to survive. She spent that 6 months selling off many of the assets and giving big gifts to their children. I appreciate your candor and transparency. Thank you! I just started reading a couple of days ago too! Spark-youth 10-week career mentorship program I also mention Facebook because some of my more active meetup groups are also there. Logistics matter a lot more than people realize, and this will ensure you see each other more often than if you lived a car ride away. . First of all, there is the effect on yourchild raising, which is a parents most important job in life. December 31, 2018, 6:03 pm. Does anyone know of good places to read advice about improving frugality while meeting your emotional needs? Hypermilling could possibly decrease the cost of my gas by $1/hour (assuming you can get about 15% better mileage) or I could just drive a little faster (below the speeding threshold) and work to minimize delays when picking up a dropping off passengers. With all of this happening, its a wonder that we can remain happy and productive and even thrive as humans. Chapeau. Not all volunteer positions involve pure charity-feeding-the-lepers type action (just saying because it sounds like you could use a battery charge in your vollie time). Your story sounds similar to mine. Looking forward to see you leading by example that divorce doesnt mean financial ruin and damaged relationships. Remember reading that some Buddhist believe that suffering is a path to Nirvana. Ill leave you with one of my favorite jokes: Pete Adeney, the man behind the blog . MMM, man I grieve with you at the ending of your marriage. I dont know if thats very fair What are the rates of happily single people? Thank you for sharing such a personal matter with us. How does the happiness level of happy married people compare to the happiness level of happy single people? I can heartily recommend taking focusing courses with Ann weiser Cornell, taking the courses obviously costs money but then you can maintain peer-to-peer partnerships for years (Ive been talking every week to one of my partners for 8 years now, he probably knows more about me than anyone else, but weve never met). This is because conflict is a form of war, and war is the most expensive thing humans have ever invented. It is quite hard to stay positive and optimistic when your ex is abusing (verbally/mentally/physically, whatever), but it really is the best thing you can do. Thank you so much for sharing this post MMM! Mr. Money Mustache shares his early retirement secrets in an interview for the new Financial Independence Podcast! Daniele. I wrote that down and changed my perspective of the situation. So if you havent already heard through the rumor mill, the former Mrs. Money Mustache and I are no longer married. It isn't all sunshine and roses like we make it seem. Im so glad to hear you were able to find a suitable house nearby. Twopupsonacouch No marriage is ever easy, its why they say in good times, and in bad Focusing on the silver linings in life is something that I need to improve at, and this example can serve me well as a model. A divorced friend told me that, when one door closes another one opensbut the halls a bitch. The effects are cumulative like erosion, not temporary like moods or weather. I read through MMM's blog 5-6 years ago. Man, I feel sad. It was ridiculous and my spouse and I laughed while I was crying, but Ive been envious of your life for a long time. Hugs from the internet :), Mustachio Although that is not surprising since youre outrageously optimistic. Write down the good advice they give. The few comments I had read, the baseless speculation and entitlement were disgusting. January 2, 2019, 10:32 pm. Nice info !!! Alana, your state may have a Master Naturalist program, which is a fabulous way to meet environmentally-minded folks. I took the love languages quiz some time backs and really think each needs to be aware of each others language. It is a testament to your characters that you are able to part on such terms. Alana (volunteering organizations), I have been married for almost twelve years now, and we have never fought I learned and taught my spouse how to solve differences with love, respect and flexibility. You may be two perfectly great people with irreconcilable differences, or there might be one great person stuck with an abusive user or loser, or any other combination in the grand spectrum of possible humans. Sending you many blessings for 2019. On a sunny September morning in downtown Longmont, Colo., 80 or so people are packed into the Mr. Money Mustache headquarters. So lean on friends, talk to a relationship counselor even if it is just by yourself (yes, its really worth it! Youve got a lot of folks wishing you well, and I hope that gives you some comfort. Here are some of the reasons I've heard why MMM probably got a divorce: 1) Guilt and conflict. Or let me impart some wisdom, that shit can get old, Owl the Kitty You or your loved ones will get sick and some of them will die. Joey manages to get the trained chimp on "The Tonight Show" with Jack Paar. It is legendary for destroying lives and fortunes, and indeed this is sometimes accurate. Im on a two year plan and have been following your posts. September 27, 1961. I divorced in my twenties and spent two and a half years on my own, thinking about what I did wrong and how I could do it better the next time. . Rather than lament the unfairness of it all and use it as an excuse to go down a road of unhealthy escapism of bar hopping, bed hopping and self-pity, use the time to work on yourself, so that you can be your BEST self. This is the reason why my wife (Mrs. RB40) . Mr. Money Mustache Sorry that you and Mrs. MMM had to go through this breakup. Besides lowering your expenses to bare minimum, maybe you can rearrange your house (sleep all in the same room) to rent out other rooms to pay for the mortgage and even have some extra money left over. Makes a lot of sense. Mr. MM, Life throws some curveballs alright and although Ive been fortunate in the marriage space, being married for 29 years, Ive definitely had a few beanballs thrown my way in other areas. 1. Dave Mason, We Just Disagree Timeless and true. Glad you found it! I was ready to move on in life. Thats what Ill be up to in 2019. I just had the best year of my life, largely because of the influence youve had on me. Our financial planner had me working until age 68 (2022) I ran the numbers again with the tools and common sense you provided. Your statement that even the harshest moments come with a little golden key taped secretly onto their side rings true. And then well have to drag ourselves back out of that rut again. I hope your new year is even better! I decided to keep improving my chances of a better paying job and decided to go to university. All the best! I want to FIRE so I can spend more time with my family and be the type of father and husband you are, so this news came as a shock and a reminder of how difficult marriage is. I dont feel that I have any immediate risks with my marriage but I have to ask myself why I have put so little effort into improving this critical part of my life. And for those who have been through this and gotten through the other side and found happiness, go ahead and share your message of hope. From personal experience I have found the media to be uncivil and just downright cruel. Wishing your beautiful family a joyful 2019 and beyond. For what its worth to you and this community, I went through this and now, 9 years later, I have nothing but gratitude for my former partner and mother of our teenaged son (he was 4 at the time). The dating pool for 40 plus people is actually a wonderful place, as long as you live in an area with your own type of people (for me this is educated, oudoorsy professional types preferably a bit quirky and artsy and nerdy as well). People in crisis situations who survive are those that take very little risks and focus on surviving at all cost (no frills, just survival). It is truly a life changing website and I cannot thank MMM enough! December 31, 2018, 6:33 pm. So I have already placed a number of holds on the 5 Languages of Love, which looks to be quite the franchise. Relationships and friendships and dealing with bossy or dysfunctional friends or family or parents, personal habits and addictions, and everything else. Thank you for posting about this, there were a number of divorces for my mom and dad growing up. I just found your blog two days ago. C.S Lewis has some interesting words on marriage in his book Mere Christianity, which he openly qualifies by admitting he has never married. * A bit of social approrpriateness that seems to be lost on certain forum participants and even other bloggers, who we wont call out here. I hope I never go through a divorce. Thank you for everything you do MMM. VITA-Tax training program for adults that would like to give free tax prep to any LMI persons I was rooting for you two. What does my romantic life have to do with your financial life? (No surprise to anyone.) I have no insights into divorce or coparenting but I just wanted to say Im sorry to hear about your divorce but glad you both are working through it so amically. This is a very personal matter between you, (the former) Mrs. Money Mustache and your family. My comment form allows you to use a pseudonym so you can be anonymous while you let out the truth. You two show so much maturity in handling this, I can only hope I grow up to be someone like that. Just some food for thought. Ive already downsized my home to something half in value and Im hatcheting expenses like a Halloween psycho! Alas sometimes parting ways is the best choice. And reflected very badly on those taking part. December 31, 2018, 5:44 pm. In March of 2017, I listened to you on the Tim Ferriss podcast and then devoured your entire backlist. Sure, you'd like to see your savings grow. My car is the cheapest reliable car I can find (2007 Pontiac G6 w/V6 engine). Since you are a numbers guy, let me share with you my numbers on marriage. [To the haters: You wanna judge? I love this stuff and could talk about how rewarding it is to give back and encourage others to pursue their dreams and practice the financial basics. For example, if you survived the financial crisis, you could have bought S&P 500 at 666. Heh, bit of a sidetrack but I dont even want a happy DH (or DD) to have to do all that in my falling-apart old age def trying to keep end-of-life care in mind with my financial planning. Its so tough to even deal with clients that go through a divorce. And read the other comments, to see what other people around you are feeling. Im so sorry to hear about this. havingtolearnthehardway This was achieved not through luck or amazing skill, but simply by living a lifestyle about 50% less expensive than most of our peers and investing the surplus in very boring conservative Vanguard index funds and a rental house or two. Building new relationships and nurturing old ones, and making sure we put outonlypositive energy to every person in our lives, including our ex-spouse. Mr. Money Mustache is the website and pseudonym of 48-year-old [2] Canadian-born blogger Peter Adeney. Take a different route to work than you usually do, and a different route home. I can totally understand what you went through. 3) Survival, Survival, and Survival! Any further commenters need to remember that we are not entitled to information about you, or your family, or anyone else ever. Every time you let this slide, you do a bit of permanent damage. Consider animal shelters, park/rec groups, etc- very people-interactive. There are better ways, which I need to work on. It sounded like you were a great couple. We can get right back to work on positive things to rebuild our lives. With his divorce though, I imagine that he's currently sitting around 3MM or so. [1] Adeney retired from his job as a software engineer in 2005 at age 30 by spending only a small percentage of his annual salary and consistently investing the remainder, primarily in stock market index funds. Be resilient. His entertaining and informative articles, which can be found at, give you the "punch in the face" you need to get you on the right track to financial independence. Very brave to share that news. No. If youve ever been in an unhappy marriage it is every bit this simple. There are so many things, like being on each others team in times of hardship, and being genuinely excited and greeting your partner warmly at the door if theyve been away, that fall to the side in marriages as they get stale. And burn yearson reliving the past, with a mixture of regret and vengeful self-righteousness and self-pity. Wishing you and your family a fresh start in 2019. My guess it was too personal to share. I am sad to hear about your divorce, but glad to hear that yall will keep mushing on as best as yall can. We must find these organizations ourselves. As all my previous relationships lasted no more than 2 years. Accept the temporary setbacks, wait out the storms and keep moving forward. The opportunity cost of fighting is way too high in these situations. And I would venture to say thatbothof us parents are going to come out of the experience much better off than we were before. I guess Joanna doesn't mind his facial hair (facial hair = beard and/or mustache). I wish my parents had divorced 15 yrs before they actually did everyone, especially them, would have been much happier. It is proof that the core tenets of Mustachianism really are universal, and truly lead to greater lifetime happiness. Anonymous This was not my experience and it is my hope for those who are currently going through the initial stages of this process, or are years past the initial event and are still healing, to continue to let time work its mystical magic. I had no idea until I met up with Carl (Mr. 1500) at the MMM HQ last month and he mentioned it. Keep on keepin on. My mom was a strong introvert but was a community volunteer in a wide, wide variety of organizations (one at a time) to fulfill her social needs. This was so sad to read, but thanks for your honesty and openness MMM. December 31, 2018, 8:02 pm, Sorry to read about your Divorce and hats off to you for staying close and dealing with it amicably. Marriage, even if it doesnt work out exactly the way you wish, is overall a winning concept. Its a good example of how divorce can get to an amicable place. And most notably from the perspective of early retirement and financial independence, havingenoughmoney in advance has made this part of the split much less painful. 2. ), read books, laugh, cry, learn mindfulness and meditation, eat salads, get outside and exercise, write more new things and build new things and new businesses and new relationships, and you will come through it better than ever. Mr. Money Mustache (hug). It is not something that any wives like to see. Oh, and if anyone is thinking of driving for Uber or Lyftt, make sure you have a good tip box. Link to Mr. Money Mustache article- may wonder why I chose to read . My sisters husband cheated on her with her neighbor and friend. I had the right approach (as in not go through an expensive divorce) but my reasons for doing the right thing was because I enjoyed the pain of doing the right thing. Inspired by the sage teachings of Mr. Money Mustache, these calculators are designed to help you better plan for financial independence. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. It sounds as though youre both stellar role models. All Rights Reserved |, How to Retire Forever on a Fixed Chunk of Money. Also the tip box. Thank you. Very impressed by your broad viewpoints and wisdom even through tough times like these. I am really sad hearing this man. December 31, 2018, 6:49 pm. Also, if possible get rid of the car (assuming you have one and the kids are big enough to use public transport by themselves) and start biking. In my experience, of folks in my extended family, the hurt and anger turns the kid into a pawn to hurt the other parent. It can be tough. I'm going through a divorce and have to buy my ex out of his portion of the equity in our marital home, about $100k. Both you and (the former) Mrs. Money Mustache have achieved much financial prosperity and going forward, will still be able to prosper. Aim to not fight ever during the process (even if you have to start from zero or negative). Because they already do that plenty to themselves. See, even the harshest moments come with a little golden key taped secretly onto their side, which you can use to unlock personal growth and greater future happiness. Building everyone up and never, ever tearing anyone down. Besides House Hacking, if you have a car, you might want to try out being an Uber or Lyft driver. Ive experienced the calmness of relief, followed by tidal waves of anger and resentment. Im most encouraged with this line though: Most of us (myself included) drift through the years, assuming we are doing a perfectly good job at being married, while unintentionally making all the same mistakes that everyone else makes.. Mr. Money Mustache was a thirtysomething retiree who now writes about how we can all lead a frugal yet Badass life of leisure at. When they purchased the house it was bland and boring with builder's grade finishes, but Mustache gave the open floor plan lots of personality with pops of bright color, clean-lined furnishings and modern amenities. Lots of quiet, introverted people get together and find friends amongst the rest of the gang. It's a comfortable space that allows for both family living and entertaining. He pulled this off by living on a small percentage of his income as a software engineer, and diligently . Woah! We still celebrate family events together (Christmas, graduations, etc.). Not a game of fairness, especially when children are involved. The process was handled as if it were a way to punish someone (me). You would go through a few months of training, and then do volunteer and advanced training to maintain your status. Mr. Money Mustache Divorce Announcement At the end of 2018, Mr. Money Mustache published an article that blew my mind. The FIRE group also has some other meetings like game nights in addition to their monthly meeting. You and the ex-Mrs have generously helped all of us with this blog and changed many lives for the better. Still, having been through it, I wouldnotrecommend divorce as a decision to be taken lightly. Sure, you want to see some earnings. Perhaps it looked like I was better off and had plans.I didnt really, the desire to separate was all I knew for certain. I can tell you from experience that even under the best of circumstances a divorce is emotionally very difficult. May as well play hard, and be kind. My husband left in February, leaving me with two children under 4, a mortgage and all the bills. I first read it on an article posted here. Thanks for sharing and giving your perspective. "Find a graph that includes [the. February 4, 2019, 1:11 pm. So you have to treat your business partner accordingly.. If I was as strict as he was, I'd definitely be divorced by now. Mr. Money Mustache talks about his divorce mrmoneymustache 15 11 11 comments Best Add a Comment glassgost 4 yr. ago I was kinda hoping he'd mention if his frugality was a factor or not. ThatGuy. Too many couples marry on passion and spur of the moment decisions. I am also going through a divorce after separating from my husband last February. But at the same time, I feel we havebothalready learnedsomuch, that it seems almost impossible that the experience wont help both of us live better lives in the future. Im continually amazed at how you can take difficult circumstances and choices, and come out stronger. If you have any additional tips for me I would be most grateful. He actually spends a lot more money each year than he tells everyone, but in order to keep up with his image and cult of followers, he continues to say they live on little. And because I continue to enjoy writing and working, my income may continue to stay high through this next stage of my life. If you survive, you will have the world one day. I wish you well! Mr. Money Mustache I have been a fan of MMM for years, I see you found his site just two days ago I really recommend reading all of his posts from the beginning of time He has a real good handle on what otta be important. This article describes an anomalous social space within the field of homelessness in San Francisco, that of "pro" recyclers, homeless men who spend much of their time collecting recyclables for redemption. My divorce and loss of five kids was the biggest tragedy of my life but has led to the best thing in life: a solid and reliable relationship with God that brings peace and eventually a new marriage. I loved reading this post. Skip-the-Hyperbole Anyway, I agree with what youve said. A friend That s right, my friend is a well connected Chengdu Tong.He also told me some other interesting things.What Wei Renwu spread his hands, pretending to be innocent and said Shouldn t you invite me in first to sit down and talk Shu Xin smiled and said, Mr.Wei is right, please come in.Shu . 1) Invest you must 2) Time is your friend 3) Impulse is your enemy | 4) Basic arithmetic works 5) Stick to simplicity 6) Stay the course. Marriage is a partnership and it takes 2 people. Fill your mind, body and spirit with positivity. Sounds like you all done good. Thank you for sharing. It was one of the toughest actions Ive ever had to take in my life. While he's certainly sympathetic to the fact that many people struggle to make ends. I bought the lowest-cost house in the neighborhood, just a 2.5 minute bike ride down the hill from the family house, and Ive already fixed it upandstarted hosting Airbnb rentals to help make it carry its own weight. There are discussion groups, people who like to cook, board games, running, hiking, etc. Honestly the first time I heard this I cried. Addendum #2: Podcast Why your house is a terrible investment with Radical Personal Finance Video Why your house is a terrible investment with Mike & Lauren YouTube. Marriage is hard, especially when you have kids. I am trying to reconcile the difference and determine what to use in my calculations. David Lowell Rich. And even then, our human nature will keep pulling us back and well make mistakes. Mr Shirts Thank you for sharing, its been a bit over a year since my own too little too late moment. I really enjoyed reading your post your perspective on finance happiness life fulfillment purpose and avoiding excess in order to enjoy what really matters is very inspiring. Addendum #3: removed. December 31, 2018, 5:58 pm. Perhaps this created internal turmoil. Ive always thought marriage was a risky endeavor and to be taken with extreme patience. And we can collect bathtubs full of sympathetic tears from our friends. 1) Find multiple healthy distractions. There are alotof things in life that are hard. They stay in the same guest house and follow the same carefully honed schedulenow accompanied by their three children, twenty-year-old Mary, seventeen-year-old Dick, and little brother Ernie. They both agreed that our children would still inherit a big chunk of change even if we both lived to be 100. Chapter 9. January 2, 2019, 8:36 am, Your story made me think about my situation and motivated me to let my spouse how much I appreciate what she does every day. I hope others read your blog and are encouraged towards finding their own amicable ending to relationships if needed. Appreciate your putting divorce in a positive light. Hopefully this makes a lot of us reflect on what is really important. I think what you are overlooking however is that the life choice of marriage or not marriage does not follow steady state mechanics, where you can just consider things as a simple function of the binary happy-unhappy. Even Mr. Money Mustache and JD Roth (Get Rich Slowly) got divorced. Live happy, free, and empowered until the day I die. My income ranges from $15(very slow monday)-$80(very busy Saturday night) with the average hovering around $25-30.
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